Thursday, December 25, 2008

Learning Love .. and how to. Love

What is the madness sweeping the the globe ?
A man dressed as Santa Claus opened fire at a Christmas
Eve party in a suburban Los Angeles home that subsequently
caught fire, leaving three people dead, police said Thursday.

Police said they were seeking a person of interest, 45-year-old
Bruce Jeffrey Pardo. Pardo, described by police as armed
and dangerous, is the estranged husband of a person who
may have been at the party.

"He was going through some type of marital problems,
and we believe that this residence is a relative's
residence, " Lt. Pat Buchanan said.

The gunman arrived at the party in Covina late Wednesday
and immediately opened fire with a handgun, Buchanan said.
Witnesses told police that the man took off the Santa suit
and left the scene in street clothes.


message to all men.... and women --

( you don't have to accept it)

Stop the Violence

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If you have a problem in your relationship, or your relationship
breaks up...
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Be a Man and deal with life, and move along,
these weak minded men, who think they own or they have to
make someone stay with them, are becoming like mad men and
fools, and this goes as well for the women, who go on their
vengeance mission, because a relationship breaks up,
and set out to do everything malicious they can to the man.

These kind of mindsets within people are "CRAZED" and to each
person, you may need to learn the signs of these fools, long
before it become a situation of tragedy..

because Ignorance,
has a natural process to excalate into post photo and the result is
not just tragic for the husband or wife,
A devastation to the children and community.
These kind of people don't know that love is about two
people sharing their lives..
SOME PEOPLE .. think it means they "own"
each other,
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and they are not respectful of each other as being individuals,
they rely on
the mate to be their source of esteem, but they have no idea,
that if you are going to have esteem, you need to have your
own, therefore, you have something to share.
come to others as if you are so "needy"..
Needy people are a danger to themselves, and to others,
People need to realize that relationship come and they
go, but what is constant is the presence of God, and if people
respect, and have faith in God, they will have more help
than they know, to get thru the rough time of broken relationships.
The most dangerous person in the world is one who is desperate, they will not only harm
others, they will harm themselves and never know the extent of their malice.
When you start to feel desperate for someone else, that is a true signal in yourself, that you need to find more within yourself to appreciate, more to love and more to respect within "yourself" and it let's you know, that you have tried to place self and another above God.
such people are prone to spill the blood of another, in their glorifying of their own desperation.

Women, be weary of weak minded men, who have a twisted illusion of need to act as if he owns you
And men, be weary of weak
minded women, who think they need you more than they need to love themselves.
... don't be one who is flattered by another's excessive jealousy,
because that same excessive jealousy
may well become your detriment,

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If your mate can't stand for others to look at you and speak,
or for you to speak to others and simple natural be a person
with natural social interaction with other human beings,
then you should consider that you may
have a potential problem... and they will make your life
shrink, where you can't even be friendly with people
as natural human beings..
and you loose the ability to be a socially interactive human being.
what results is, such actions will diminish the spirt of life you have within yourself,
where you won't even be of ability to
show and share human compassion with others

If your mate wants to stay with you they will, and they want
to leave they will..
You forcing and threatning them to remain with you,
does not mean they will love you,
they may simply be
trying to save their own life until they can get away from
the foolishness and life ignorance of your obsessive ways of your attempts to enslave
them as if you own them

Men, you don't need to jump up like a brute trying to
protect a woman from every man that speaks to her,
she knew how to fend them off long before she met you, and she still
knows how to fend them off if that is what she wants to do, ...
if she need your help she will ask for it, but she don't
need you making an ass of yourself, and embarrassing her,
as if you "own her".. and the same goes for women.
It's not flattering - It's insulting to the dignity of her or him as an individual
only a foolish person would be flattered.

Most time, all it takes - if you see your mate in a troubling situation,
is walking up, and holding your mates
hand, and kiss them on the cheek, and the other person gets
the message, that you are a couple. Introduce yourself to the other person
if necessary, and ask if you and your mate may be of any assistance,
The person will more than likely excuse themselves from further interference

The man depicted in the story above, is simply a fool who was consumed with himself,
that he choose madness, over self review and his denial to see his own wrongs, left him
to become and embrace becoming a mad man, who is far less than even a man.. he is a killer,
He was a capturer, more than he was a mate,
he acted like he had a personal slave,
more than a relationship mate.

People be careful what kind of obsessive behavior you accept
as flattery, it may become your greatest detriment.

appreciation is in and of itself, a kindness shown and shared,
a kindness expressed, and acceptance of it, shared..

Stop running around thinking brutish obsession means
love, it means what it means, "brutish obsession"..

Love in and of itself , is about
"understanding, care, and compassion, and the will to accept each other, without
trying to own each other.

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The person you love, was as much a full human being before
you met them, and if you can't respect that, then you
need to leave them alone..
and hope they have become more of a loving person after having been with you.
If your time of love with someone does not make them a better person,
then why are you with them if it is not to help each other become more of what individuals can become.

Just because maybe you contributed something that added
more trinkets in their life, or helped them with a particular
situation or maybe helped them with a particular goal,
does not mean you own them, and if you think they owe you something,
you should have told them what it cost, before you offered
to give or do it, and they probably would have declined the
offer, for the betterment of themselves and to remain free as a individual human being.

Before people make relationships.. maybe they should
sit down and write each other within the first weeks of their
relationship, a letter, Which has one theme, ...
"What it means to Share"

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( Anyone who can't express what that means, may not be able to share, you need to know that ASAP)
... maybe they may find out
more about each other, or if they don't want to write,
at least have the conversation..
before you commit to something you don't understand.

This drive about he's cute, and she's pretty..
is the imagery of each other.. but you better take time and
find out the facts of the persons demeanor... and what is within their character as a person
what are their motivations as individual.

You don't need to play a game of 50 test, you need to simply communicate.
do so with the truth being your guide -
if you love each other, then the truth of it, will give you the words and ways to express it.

Maybe you may do yourself a favor to figure out how to date..
don't think it's some script of sitting across
a dinner table in some image nature status eatery..
realize it can be as simple as going to the " Local Park" and walk and talk..
it will give you time to think, time to talk and time to interact in a natural setting,
you might find out more about the person..
than you would ever know, playing "posture pretense games" in a restaurant imagery setting,
Where both are generally more pretentious than they are natural...
you might want to figure out .. this is your life.. not some
make believe flattery me with the choice of restaurant - and sitting across the table
agreeing to things you don't belive.
trying to play nice, at the expense of honesty's loss -
No two people will like everything the same,
it's our differecnes that bring out the beauty of and within interacting
learning more through our sharing of experiences with each other.
Then you build Love which Has a Foundatioin of person, as Individuals who share

Learn From Young People
Watch how they actually like each other as people and Individuals

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they care about each other as individuals, and it is not based on what they buy each other, or who has a job title, or who can spend the most money
they just like being with each other. they talk about life, it's joys, it's pains, their fears, their challenges and they share their thiumphs
That's why young people in their early teens, know
and love each other more natural.. they sit and talk, they
go to the park, they sit in the back yard, or on the front porch
and they talk and laugh with each other.. and they have some
of the most natural developed relationship than the average
adult can even consider to develop. there relationship
are not built on who can buy the other one stuff, they don't
care about what they ate for lunch, or if the place they decide
to have a bite to eat is on some marquee list of places.

most adults their whole things turns into nothing but a
let's lie and play seduce each other with a mystery
game. and 4 weeks later, they are wondering who the hell
the other person is.

Love has it's natural drive for each person to groom themselves
it has it's natural drive to want to
share smiles with each other..
then go some place natural and do something in the openness of nature..
save that "let's go to dinner crap" until you have an idea of whom you
are having dinner with,
because most people go to dinner,
and can't stand whom they are eating with. but they
never know each other outside of the "let's impress
each other game".. and over a pretentions atompshere, they pass flash judgments upon each other, and more love is lost in those setting that is gained.
and peoples lives become damaged by the quick judgment insult it produces
There will be plenty of time for the let's dress up and
go to dinner, when you come to know each other.. and then
it won't be such a madness of judging it and putting crazed expectations such as.. "you should pay",
or "I expect him to pay"..
you'll know enough
about each other, that both of you can pay, or for sure you
understand .. the nature of fact, that if you are going to
stay together, that the money you manage and save will benefit
both of you...
Maybe we can work ourselves from juding our lives and relationship based on Material and Imagery things.
( More people are in Jail and doing criminal things, trying to get material things to impress a mate, or measure themselvs by it to acquire a mate)

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People stop trying to follow the media image scripts, and
the made up depictions in novels..
half the stuff you see,
is designed for commercial & entertainment promotion.. staged and propped
by a whole crew of set designers...
people make fools of themselves and each other trying to recreate it... and
claim it romantic.. and insult the natural process of love, which in and of itself is natural. It has never requied a certain dress, or a certain eatery, or a certain car, or a certain anything, beyond the certainty to want to share itself ... in the natural appreciation of self.

Romance is simple.. it's anything, anytime,
two people appreciate each other, what they are doing and
where they are..

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AND HALF THE PEOPLE don't even recognize romance,
except in "after-thought"... and the other
half try and pre-conjure it, and end up disappointed,
reality did not confine itself to the "conjured illusion"...
they persecute and judge each other harshly about a
scripted illusion, that neither of them told anything
about it.

Figure out, that as an adult.. will you either live through the usage
of understanding.. or will you waste more time, trying
to re-create illusions and then being pissed because you
did not get the delusion of the illusion...
you miss out on choosing to simply share....
you might find out whom
you are sharing with.
If you Take the time to share time doing so.
People need to understand the stuff they see on television and in movies, is not how to craft your life, that is made for media fantasy,
The average soap opera has a single theme, people scheming to steal someones mate, playing image games, where no one works, and walking around the house in $500 outfits, or who can swindle the other, and what kind of fight women can make with each other to play seduce me games - and then the pill commercial comes on and tell you how depressed you are, or what has broken down in your life, based on the marketing motive of saying what you need to go out and buy.
life emulates the madness of the drama addicts who write this stuff, and they write it to get paid, to depict drama, more than honest living.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"did you" ???

did you ??
did you wake up this morning with a promise of tomorrow ??

it's highly unlikely that you did.... but yet, are you one who claims to know how to love ?? now how much do you believe in your claim of ability of how to love? Are you sharing it, or expecting some criteria to be met before you express it ? how long will it be conditional, and how many more condition will you put before you will and want to share what you claim is love? if it's love, then does it need to get before it gives, does it need to be compensated before it's shared. if you think love is free, and should be feel and unencumbered... then....

the real question may be more about.. "why aren't you loving" ?

Oh''.. could it have anything to do with the dream sequence that you have hidden in your mind...?? is everyone not good enough ? is it that your are better than everyone you have met, or better than anyone you meet ?
I'm sure that list can go on and on and on...

and tomorrow, you will probably wake up again... talking about "when", followed by " if" , and sum it up with "because"....
and not even one minute did you try to love .... for looking for a fantasy, or the hots to over take you, or the urge to titillate you, or maybe your ego just did not get stroked like you want it.
these are just some of the ways we delude ourself, as if we have forever, and what results is .,.. life slips right on by... and the next day we just add to our list of self denial, and the denials of love and the denial.. which prevent us from loving..
and then we claim "love is hard to find".. when the only thing that is hard, is the maze of madness we crated... and we just find and seek out more reasons to reject others, and deny ourselves... as if we have forever to save ourselves, and the truth is.. love is nothing when not shared but a concept in our minds, and it becomes ,, more about self, than it becomes about sharing,m and we waste time... building selfish dreams and scripting how we expect other to be of service in our dreams, never realizing we have ruled out other even being individuals.. we are only looking for someone that fits our service request, and if they do, then we call it love, when it really has nothing to do with allowing the other person to be fully themselves, but to contain themselves to be only what we think they should be... and we label and slam them and create a bicker fest trying to convert them to be our servant.

It's a trip of untold madness...

Reasons, yep,... they are as many as there are people and probably 3 reason for every second that passes in your life..

and then there are many who .. are more regulated by that thing between their legs... either they think it is the greatest prize ever, or it's the master bargain tool, or they want someone to be a fool, for it or about it... and yep days go by.

How many condition surround your love, is the same has how many fence post you build to keep love out, and imprison your love within... and then claim how hard love is... but yet, you created the conditions, that imprison you... and as an appeasement, you tell yourself that you love is the greatest of all time..

but if that were so, then it would be more free and natural than any that has ever been seen..

so you look at teens, and try and tell them they don't know what love is... yet.. you have yours surrounded by so many fears and condition that even in it's least form, it's certainly not love, but self elation and self illusion about what you won't even express nor share... being pissed off about money, or what you could not force the other to do, and the attitudes of the sex being bargained based on how favors are met or not met... and it's a pure madness... of a whole different type... and then people claim they don't understand the other, when what they don't want to understand is that the other, does not need to submit to their program, solely... but yet, people are not willing to see that in such situations... it then requires.. MUTUAL REGARD' of each other.

so it's truly no room within you to tell a teen, what is not love, becasue they are making efforts to share theirs, and engage it and most of them, don't measure it nor the choice to share based on money... and other trip stuff.. they just plain and simply know, they like someone and they act on that .... and they deal with it day to day...
It might even be or have been helpful to them, if they had a so called "{adult}" who could talk with them .. but the problem is, all the so called "{adult}".. will do is give them lecture after lecture, telling them every fear the adult feels, and try and make it the teens fear, and then the teen looks at them like they are the chicken hearted idiot they are... who is no more than a living contridiction.. on one hand trying to tell them how beautiful love is, then preaching and teaching fear and delusion tactic's.... and acting ignorant as if they undermine the teen to the degree to assume they don't know they have a complete body...
but they can't teach them anything, because they are too inhibited about their own body and it's functions, to hold a straight faced conversation with the teen... who probably knows more than the claimed "{adult}" about their own body... and they have to listen to a {adult} tell them a bunch of half truths, and evading the point, and hoping to surround it with fear and guilt games... and thus they result the make the teen a bigger fool than they themselves are... when the teen was doing fine with their mate, because they chose someone they could talk to... when half the time, the parent can't even talk to their mate, other than in half truth, dictations, ultimatum, and barking instructions to each other and then playing.."i'' make you feel guilty till you submit"

and the kids stand back and look at the "idiot parade" the claimed "{adults} make of themselves.. when two adults live in the same house, sleep in the same room, and can't talk, or hold a conversation about anything, without fussing, and many times walk around like they are strangers to each other.. and act like they are two aliens, when or if the matter became to discuss anything about sex, to any degree.

here we are in a site with claimed "{adults}" they can't discuss anything generically sexual.. without voting disagree or coming with a barrage of labels, and then tagging everything taboo...
then in another post.. they finally tell the truth.. about what they don't know about their own body, and how insecure they are to discuss their own desires, their own wants and could not describe their passion beyond.. reciting some "fairy tale fable".. and all the fable is.. is the framework that leads up, to bedroom activity, so they seek the pre-requisit of the fable, to justify themselves having desire and acknowledging it, as if the script of the fable is their justification to accepting they have a sexual desire..

Kids ask a parent a question about sex, an the parents face turn to look like the inside of a watermelon, and they sweat with more droppings, than the juice that can be squeezed from a watermelon.. and they give the child some vague response that borders more on ignorance than intellect.. and sound more like stupidity that maturity of expression... and then they go panic in the corner, because they fear the kids wants to do something, they themselves have not figured our and don't understand.. yet it's as old as life.. and that's the simplicity of sex.

they want to tell the kid how beautiful it is, but they themselves can't appreciate it's beauty, unless its wrapped in some fairy tale delusion... rather than being a simply natural function that people share mutual appreciation and the involvement of the exchanges of such..

many, so claimed "{adults}", before they listen, before they understanding and before they think... the first thing out of their mouth is a lie "{ I'm offended}" . "{ I don't think about sex}", }{sex is not this or that}... and then by midnight they can't wait for the lights to go out and have 20 extra batteries in the night stand.. and all they hear is a "buzzing sound" till they fall asleep... and they call that moral living.. instead of the self delusion.. and the hypocritical process that it truly is. women going to bang her girl friend, because they both know they live the same lie, in the face of men.. so they claim they have a connection, when they don't accept they have connected to support the same lie.. while they bang each other like two wild animals, who have found a dead carcus to feast upon... and they come out again.. with the same lie on their lips.. the minute a man says hello.. "they go into a mission of " he wants sex, let me see how many ways I can make it stupid, and turn it into something that will get me worshiped"... they lay around from one girlfriend to the next.. and then when a man approaches them.. they want to come across as if they are suddenly "virgin mary"... or some android that does not have a gender organ... and claim in one breath, Oh.. want me for my mind, then the next.. do you like my ass, and next, what are you looking at my ass for, can't you see my new dress, or why does he not think my face will make him melt into being my fool.. and this games is so entwined into the social process, that no wonder it's so stupid.. that women walk down the street afraid to even look at a man, and rather count the cracks in the sidewalk, than to be a interactively human being.... afraid she might see something she likes, that prompts her to go into her bag of trick.. pretending to ignore him, and then wondering , why no one speaks or compliments her... and that process just gets more stupid... then it goes to.. sitting around staying, Oh he's cute, and he's hot.. while at the same time lying, talking about "looks don't matter".. when it is the sole matter.. but instead of being a "EQUAL" person and speak up, stand up and greet, invite, or share from a self motivation.. they are sitting back with a delusion of .. "it makes me look more like the delusion of a lady" if I don't make the first move.. }{but yet-claiming}" to be an adult.. but if they were adult, as to what they claim an adult is.. they'd be .. "Pro-ACTIVE and and self expressive, to initiate conversation, initiate invitation and not sitting around waiting like she is a prize to be won..

this is why teens.. learn to love, the make it as simple as it is.. becasue they simply like whom they like ... until they get to the age their "{adults}" fill their head with games, tactics and trying to make them get paid, claiming if they don't get this or that, they should feel used"...

But in this site here... I discussed many intricate reality within sexuality, but instead of discuss it, all half the people could think.. was to "attach a label"... and then follow it up with some crap of .. "sex is not important".. when half the relationship break up about sex and/or money.. and then both of the two are like universal parts.. one is connected to the other, of money then sex, or sex, then money... and the circle has a zillion costumes... and the prostituting mentality is the dominant force that regulate even social interactions...

It's only a coveted and so called protected thing, when it does not get the prize payment it seeks.. but put the same one in a situation where money is king, and panties fly off like the threads in them fell apart...

they talk this crap about men need it more than women, but there is not a mass of men, burning up every kind of sex toy the market can produce, and the % of men, chasing other men, is nothing remotely near the women who will seduce each other if left in a room together for any extended period of time.. one is sitting there wondering if the other will.. it's about the most stupidest things imaginable..

women will bang each other and go to dinner and both of them reach in their purse to pay their share.. the minute she bangs a man, she sits there like her hands won't go in her purse, becase her mind has that.. "you owe me mentality"... and the ego trip of .. if you like me .. you will pay.... and they never see it's nothing but a manner of prostitution with a different twist to how it's administered.. and then if the dinner did not cost what price she put on sharing.. she then goes into a measurment thing, of well, I'm worth more than a hamburger.. never realizing .. the hamburger was something shared.. not done with the intent to pay for sharing the bedroom.... but the stupidity is absurd,.. in a world where all the information is available to gain a better understanding of life, and relationship.. by simply logging on to a computer and sharing and exploring information.

some are sitting around thinking the world should bow to them, if they have engaged to relate and sleep with someone.. then the calculator comes out.. and everything becomes measured.. on the revolving payment plan.. and " EQUAL ... sharing is the last thing that any would even dare to think, and become belligerent when it's mentioned to them, of their use and abuse and prostituting mindset, driven by the expectations of what they think they should get when sex is engaged"... to the point they can't appreciate anything, for rating the antics, and how much time they can lay back and suck up all the pleasure they can get without having to raise a finger to give anything or self expression... so they think, the mere fact they showed up.. is worth them getting paid.

now here's the real dumb part..

when a woman visits, if things are not moving to the pace she wants, while she does not thing but sit there, then comes the bS, of "I guess I will go", " It's getting late I better go", and a cycle of such silliness.. rather than to simply tell the man, that she likes him and want to share this or that.. and actually just do it.. but that realism was not built into her fantasy, because the fantasy was built on how much he caters to her, how much he strokes her ego, and how much he does to appease her, and how much silly stuff that he has to not address, to be agreeable to her one sided views of what she expects..

and it seems there is no end in sight for this process of silliness.

so it's for certain, that the average teen, is far less likely to have or get a conversation with a claimed "{adults}.. about anything relative to relations and the sensual and sexual realism of it.. they will for sure get a list of fear invoking madness, and denial that by the nature of what it sex that is is a pleasurable function.. and what of and what about the nature of responsiblity that is involved.. and they can't talk about that, because they more than likely themselves are still using it as a gambit too...

Now in no means think this is all about women.. because much of it applies to men as well...
there are men, who can't even face or deal with women who are open and expressive about her thoughts, her desires and her wants and stuff that she would like or enjoy doing.. there are men, who can't accept a woman taking a lead in self expression, and there are men.. who can't even go on a date and engage a woman lest he creates a situation like he is winning something.. and then there are the ones who want to pretend that he has to judge the woman, if she don't play the three date mutual delusions cycle... there are people married, the man can't even discuss what the woman likes, or be open for her to share with him how she likes certain things that she likes.. and women have to hold their tongue just to spare his ego... rather than to share the creations of her fantasy desires .... and some men, women have to hide toys from, becasue instead of sharing the enjoyment and playing with the toys, he is trying to rate himself against the toy.. if she likes this or that.. if he did not initiate it, he then wants to pass judgment on the woman... and if she shows him that she too likes sex.. then he wants to trust her less as a human being..

and what results is people..."living bulls^it games".. and delusions until it gets to a point, they hate the thought of even considering doing anything with each other.. and the stupidity of it all... is men and woman both... know the other likes it, because it's a natural function in life that has pleasure designed within what it is.. and how it presents pleasure within it's engaging experiences... and people lie to each other, as if they don't like pleasure.. which is the most absurd bullshit imaginable..

" now while you are stewing in your pissed off attitude about the subject and comments".. maybe just maybe it may even be a provocation of thought.... and if you are in the lest bit honest with yourself.. you may even learn something thru your thoughts and your own self reflection.. to actually... grow.. but it's more than like, many will read and walk away with a self created appeasing summary, of attaching a label to the writer, rather than, to take the points and explore their own reality, and face a few things, they probably have denied... some will come up with this delusion of, "well it's not our tradition to talk about it"... well truth is.. if you can't talk about it, then don't expect your mate to read your mind, and when you get dis-satisfied, blame yourself and blame your tradition.. for being the barrier in your inability to communicate and talk about it...

" think"... it's such a wonderful way to "understand more of what is living"... and people find they can and do.. Grow, when they "think"

Life is simple... it always and will always..
Present the
"Challenges to be Yourself"..

we will never stop growing, unless we choose to..

"Maybe" .... we can be better

"Maybe" We can be better
Maybe if the world goes broke.. it will force the men and women.. to come off of the "fairytale pursuits"... "the money mate pursuits", and " stop them from acting and thinking like, they are due some prize for simple relating" .
and force men and women, from trying to pretend to be .. "king and queens of money", and the " Material Master", and the "wizard of finances".. and realize that .. money is just a tool, that helps make thing function, and both need to contribute to having and sharing it..

maybe they may "WE All can actually learn to "want a mate" enough to actually see to appreciate, more than their " see to rate and equate"..

As men and women... we might then find out.. that we are all "simply people".. and all we can truly do ... is share and care.. and the more of sharing the more of caring we do and get... and the cycle just increase for each of us..

Maybe nothing can reverse the madness ???

maybe they "WE, Men and Woman may even get off the " What about Me" kick...
which seems to be the song they sing about anything and everything...

actually "Learn" what the word . "SHARE" actually means..

Maybe there is no hope for these type of changes to ever exist.. ??

maybe this post, may provoke some thoughts


maybe, we may realize that we only get one life, and this one is not a testing ground but "a doing ground", and we get to do nothing over... but we can learn and be better in doing what comes next..

Maybe we might even realize we are as prepared as we are going to be for dealing with the "Now" in our lives, and waiting till another time.. only creates another "now" time.. and there is no such thing as being... 100% prepared for everything, because life does not follow our dreamed up scrip.. life is as it is, an interactive experience.. made up of many intersecting scripts..of other individuals.. simply "INTERACTING"

Maybe we may even grasp, the beauty of the ability to communicate, and actually utilize it"..

Maybe... we might just build a better reality thru being our expressive selves, and sharing it with others or another.

Maybe.. if you don't you may just expire.. while you are doing nothing , and hoping to become some imaginary perfect being.

Maybe.... Today is all you get... and Maybe, it's best for you to share something today... more than an expectation... and maybe .. you can create more things to smile about..

Maybe if you don't, you maybe may not get another chance...

Maybe your sex is what it is, and it's not any better than you share to make it shared... it certainly won't rule nor control the world.. but it certainly can make you.. make a fool of yourself trying...

Maybe, you need to appreciate the grace of it, and not take it as your ruler, and maybe enjoy that it attracts situations for you to share and be shared... Maybe.. you may even realize.. it's just life..

Maybe when your hand is extended ... it's for sharing, not seeking to take or get.... and maybe, you may find out .. how great living is....


The colluded mindset of what is claimed as a civil community,

We as people don't support our stand for good government, people trust blindly those they support who lead. and we as people accept the policies of the figureheads, who vote away the choices of the people, or take a stand contrary to the good of the people.

Each country, should by mandate make education a core basic in every society.
the situation of Government is a far greater challenge, because of the various form of governance that spans the globe.
but as an organization such as the United Nation, need to stand on some core principal, "Education as a Global Mandate" - Above two kids, people should be made to show proof of ability to maintain, or set to some state mandated program of state provided labor pools. to insure the family earns the money the state gives to the additional children. there are many Jobs which can be state managed, from a state organization, such as the same organization that issues the checks. they have all the information already, and the State can set up job task programs. Grass needs to be cut, trees trimmed, any program that is paid by state funding, for maintenance work, can be supplement from this pool. This pool can be made to perform as a massive volunteer pool, and assigned so many varied task.

why is the beast mentality, chosen over the civility of mankind,

Mankind's first ignorance is of the sexuality of the physiology of the make up of the human being, of the sociologies of a interactive presence, as socio-sexual beings. and interject that into the sphere, which is dominated by the mechanism of socio economics, and confounded by a variety of theological premises, Mankind, then becomes the beast of his own making, and moves further from the essence of potential made within mankind, a mankind was created with the capability of being a harmonious being.
Mankind has lost the ability of the common animal to co-exist in commonality of space, , thus instead, adopted the survival instinctive mentality as that of the starved beast...

and such is self ingrained greed, the prompting of the ills of a global community, and the labors remain without the efforts of will, and thus.. what of mankind that must come forth to pay for the needs of the children.. becomes only what is basic survival, or vain contributions, that seek self glory by the acts of provisions... and the heart of the child goes unfed with the compassion it needs, that it may grow not to be beast-like.

When people know they have to work to pay for the children, and there is a manner and process that manages the checks and balances to do this, then people become more responsible.

When people know they have to work to pay for the children, and there is a manner and process that manages the checks and balances to do this, then people become more responsible.

there is the IRS which knows that they make, there is the Welfare and Social Security that knows who is getting money. and with these two groups they can coordinate with any unemployment office, and other organization, to know who needs the assistance from this pool of people.

then no one is bleeding the system and making babies just to get paid by the system.

the addition production that comes about, can fund orphanages and other program, Instead of homelessness, build farm communities, and people can earn and work their way to other locations, if they want not to live on the Farm, but it affords them a home and work.. so it relieves people of excuses. We have enough social service organization to insure people are not abused or mis-used..

it simply takes a system that is designed for life, and not for the corporations.
We became a mass of nations controlled by the corporations when mass production and assembly line production became to be the same manner that society was treated.. as machine part, and the products became more important than the people.

Greed is the core of mankind's Ills.. we as a human race will trample other mankind for the grasp of wealth, as our measure of being...

under such a premise it is designed to make weak, many, and deprive even more.

The Naked Truths...

how do we attire it... and why do we attire it in different costumes, and then choose a wide variety of patterns of the construction and image of the costume of choice, we so painstakingly attire the truths, with hopes, that it appears not naked.

Are we ashame of the truths, or is it a manner of some other mechanism, that we attire the truth in many costumes. ?

how much is our grooming, designed that we fabricate much, including the truths, and attire untruths and claim them truths by the costumes that are adorned; then conjure and confound logic to claim, it the naked truth, when it's costumes are layered, and the truth is hidden from view, and silhouettes, of what it is, continues to cast shadows, denoting the shape of what is at the basis of being naked truths... we create aversions, and choose diversions, we indulge in elaborate perversions, and claim them to be the naked truth, and yet, the adornments of costumes, engage to create mindsets, it claim to be truths protected, and yet, the naked truth remains a matter within the denial of it's composure, and claim to be only truths if it fits the adornment of costume... for the crowds that has a chosen costume.. and what matters of the "fig leaf"... remains symbolic, of the premise of mankind to seek to hide the "Naked Truths".

Ask questions and see what comes up..

Truths exist beyond the collusion of mans devise.. (touch)

From Socrates, to Kant to present day - From Taoism - to Confucianisms - From Democracy to Communism

From the power struggles of Theocracy - to the Devise of State


Venture not with an unprepared mind - suited to surmise what may be revealed - for within the core of substance is the sub structure that compose the structure you see

Political correctness is mankind ways to avoid the commitment unto what thoughts reveals, and how values intermingle- and results to seeks to neutralize realism

Read without thought of writing style, and substance may unfold the invoking of thought's exploration - into discovery

Ask question and see what comes up.. Now if.. Making kind, has the basics of food water shelter and a MATE.. To facilitate his ability to PROCREATE... THEN IS; any other union, in "such regard", more than consumption in the flesh..??

You choose what you like or think what you will... but what is real, is two people of the same gender will never have the natural ability to procreate.

Are we unaware of the power of sex- it has the power to lead the confused, give refuge to the fearful and to consume the weak..

Now how is sex not unlike a drug.. in such ways..

Now does drugs contort and make perverse the human being.. then why not would sex, being like a drug have not the same potential...

Now the question is.. Do you think "procreation" is right, whether it results from the natural union of man and woman or not during their interlink, they are designed that it has the mechanics of coordinating parts to make such a function exist and facilitate the interlink,...

So let's probe the word "Perverse"

/pərˈvɜrs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [per-vurs] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary.
2. characterized by or proceeding from such a determination or disposition: a perverse mood.
3. wayward or cantankerous.
4. persistent or obstinate in what is wrong.
5. turned away from or rejecting what is right, good, or proper; wicked or corrupt.

Now let's ask another question.. during the engagement of woman and woman, there is no transfer of the "eggs" of life.. but between man and man, the seed of life is spilled into another man... now what matter is that or is that a matter to be of concern.. but first what do you think about the "seed" of life.

now here another dimension of probity about the matters, ... a man can be with 10 women, and impregnate them all, without a course of time, but a woman, can be impregnated by one man in a course of time, the is it not more natural that the ancient times before the collusion of much, that the natural order was multiple wives, all the oldest cultures had it, and all the ancient art of sexuality showed and depicted it, and the old testament spoke of it.. and show it's depictions of the people who stood out as the figures that mattered in the stand of the ways of life..

now if people go further, if they will... the old testament seem to have been chanted during the dark ages, when King James Version arose from the age of man finding ways to make money.. And the machine that produces money that won't ever stop.. Is to put the mechanism between man and woman of standards and criteria, which makes them earn money to be acceptable to each other, now... what..

Now the king and pope don't have to fight anyone about who gets their 10% because now each of them has a bigger 10%.. So the separations of Church and State came to be... the Church controlled your mind, and the state controlled your body.. Now you are divided, therefore you as being mankind have been conquered... and the economic machine are set into fast motion...
they knew people would never figure it out, because people don't like to think...

so they put symbols in place, the Priest could not get married because they'[d be caught up in the game of the money making machines system, so they put symbols to give mankind imagery... and yet what did we find.. we found in the ranks of the priest hood, homosexuality spread like wildfire.. because sex and it's drive is a natural function in mankind.. but as time moved on the priest got exposed, but people are afraid to take notice to the same principal taking it's root in the house of the female version of the model... but you can be certain it exist and is as equally as wide spread.. it's just a matter women, don't tell.. they just go with the flow...

Marriage in premise is to create the stability of union of family that procreation may have a platform to bring forth the young in a bond of agreement to care for the young they bright forth through their bodies and their natural birthing process..

If homosexuality is given the right of legality for lawful and other benefits, then they may need to take that and carry on with what they are doing and not trying to invade the sanctity of the institution that was set forth for the nature of the model of man and woman who are capable by design of natural procreation.

no body cares if they want to be together, people care they don't want to call it by a term that is reserved for the male and female model of procreation design capability by design...

there should be a removal if anything of the restriction on multiple wives, and then there'd be less homeless kids, and less men leaving one family to make another, they would be one family... there would be no probably of mass molestation, because one wife can watch the kids of the other wife, when they need to , and each woman then has her own independence of person, but the stability of a mate..And maybe jealously would diminish and understanding fill the void, that peoples needs and stability of family unity is met..

We may need to rethink a great many things, before we neglect so much and claim a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman.. But they won't let a man marry multiple women, or multiple women marry a man... so it is guaranteed, that if... its made legal for a man to marry a man, and woman to marry woman.. Then it is fact that it should be legal for man to marry multiple women, and multiple women to marry a man... because the confined circle of the concept of the Judaea-Christian model is changed... and once it is changed, then it is open to change..

We claim to have a country built on the premise of freedom of religion, then ask yourself why does one religion usurp the other, where the Judean-Christian model, tells the Mormon model, it can't have multiple wives... that's not religious freedom, that mob mentality of one religion telling the other what it can do.. all it simply needs to as a government system that deals with the sanctity of marriage is say, it is a union of male and female... and not try and regulate how many females it involves, as long as it's all record in he systems, records as being an agreement between a man and a woman...

The problem with multiple marriage may be more related to insurance and corporate entities than it is to anything else.. Because they don't want the expense..

So if Gay people want to fight for something, just fight for civil union, then the civil union, can be many things, it can be a civil union of man with multiple wives, and civil union of multiple women with a single husband.. Besides people already craft their vows, in every creative manner they can imagine.. I'm all for the multiple wives concept, maybe that is how it should have been in the first place.. Even the laws of nature point to that fact.. by the mere fact that more women are naturally born than men.. The world has no less than the equal of 4 women to each man, and that is a global realism, no matter what the culture, what the ethnicity or the regional expanse.. The laws of nature made it the same way, that women are in greater number than men, and for everyone to have the potential of mating, then it is logical that multiple wives would be the norm...

the whole paradigm in life would change, and the jealously would fade out of the overt presence, and brother and sisters would know each other, rather than one set hid away from the other set of family..

Maybe mankind was given the higher ability to communicate and reason and think, so that he could mange the unity that meets with the way nature populates the earth..

Posted by: touch | December 19, 2008 at 08:26 PM

Now.. What do gay people have in common... "they don't lie about the fact they like sex" The whole premise of their interlink is based on whom they like to sex up... but in Heterosexual .. the seeming mission is everyone is trying to deny they like sex, and hiding and slipping in the dark trying to get it..

So when the gay people have overcome the fact they like sex, suddenly their energy is spent being creative and other artistic and such things, because they have removed from their lives the lie about their desire for sex..

Now imagine if heterosexual was to remove their lie about sex from the spectrum, then it would not be such a delusion pretense of denial going on, and trying to make everything rule out sex.. but what is ruled out is the freedom to be create and accepted as a person who likes the nature of the naturalists of their sexuality ....

people in general spend far too much time trying to pretend they are not interested in sex, but 90%of people can't wait to get each other in bed, man and woman... the whole point of sexual desire and the attraction of the sexual realism is what attracts people ... and then they spend weeks lying and pretending that everything else is more important, and they always break up, because the sex.. got out of sync, and they try to blame it on everything else..

Women complaining because she got creative stuff she wants to try, and men trying to measure up to some macho image, rather than both of them cut the crap and realize they are there simply to share.. And that involves the creativity they can engage to share.. And no body alive will ever get enough, so stop trying to pretend that you have had enough, because you day of having enough will come soon enough when you die.. life has it's design, it has puberty and menopausal phase.. And in the middle of the two.. sex has something to do with everything you think and do, to one degree or the other... and by the time the change of life comes, you should have learned by then how to relax with it and flow with the feelings, instead of trying to make it into a drama performance fest... and people may learn that the patience in passion is more dynamical to the spirit than a lot of friction...

It may be why gays are as they become, because they engage it for the flow, not to get to a point, but make it a point in getting to do it as long as they can relax and do so...

So maybe if heterosexual, learned more to relax.. Then we as people, may find that sex is not only of all the other things it is, it's revitalizing to the spirit and healing to the body.. if it has the power to create life, then it has the power to heal the living in life.. Spiritually so...

Even the taboo mentality is probably what turns people to seek any kind of alternative that facilitate their ability to have sex in a situation where they know the other mate enjoys it too without such inhibitions.. so heterosexual reality may need to simply relax, and get busy.. Sharing what needs to be shared... we may even then see a natural decline in many other things of perverse realism..

People may need to think, why was life like it was before the industrial revolution.. but the Henry Ford model of life, dominated and made people think that the pursuit of being a corporate inter-changeable part, was more important than the life process.

People go married early, because nature knows more than man.. It's probably a reason nature made people capable of reproduction when it did, and it does not fit mans design.. because many girls by the time they are 16, they don't want to hear the trip of society telling her one thing, while her body naturally tells her something different, so she is forced to grow up with a split personality, on one hand trying to play the virgin Mary role, and on the other hand, trying to get out the house and let her natural influences become expressive.. And there is more girls than anyone can count, that run away from home and anything else they can do, to do what is natural.. Then they have to lie, to cover it up, just to be respected as a human being, because people judge people by whom they sex up, but then turn around and say, sex is not that important.. it's a self defeating contradiction...

women walking around trying to emulate some 1940-50's TV images of pretending to be non sexually aroused, but everything about what they do and how they dress and how they are so called expected to be is directed to emphasis sexual proclivity, but then she is compressed and repressed to try to suppress it, into some delusion, that is more un natural, than it is natural.. and now we have more women, on substance abuse, and trying to find another woman, just to get the sexual tension expressed and satisfied, or seeking out plastic toys, or hiding... because they are pressured to pretend they are not normal sexual motivated being.. but even her cycle mandates the hormonal rise in it's cyclic process..

A society that frowns on sexual education, but then tries to say how important education is.. but it ignores the most important type of education, and that's sexual education... that's the level of ignorance we as a world function in, and we are too passive, and with too much of a taboo mentality, to challenge what needs to be challenged and just play delusion games in the sham..

I have a whole couple of few books I wrote on this back in the early 1980's but never had the connection to get it published.. But it needs to be, simply to provoke the thought that needs to be engaged in this repressive nature of mindset that breeds, all the ills of society.

half the therapist, don't even touch the surface, and most never had an idea of the depth of Sigmund Freud, it's unfortunate that what he try to expound upon was at a time, when the world was too ignorant to understand it, and Masters and Johnson, simply deal with the mechanic's of it, and Sheri Hite, dealt with the compartmental aspect of what is erotica...

And to this date it's not been connected of the dots.. Dr. Ruth tried to commercialize it, but at the same time, she was asking people to step beyond barriers they had not the mental equipment to do so, she forgot, that first they have to get past the Judaea Christian taboo mentality, to find real self acceptance of what is the human being, and what is the nature and infusion of the sexuality of the human being.. And how does it interact and correlate

Most Psycharchist don't know how to approach it, they go after the matter in one dimension physiology - or one dimensional psychological, and they omit what they shut submit to.. and some result to do more damage in some situation than they do good,... especially the poorly qualified ones. And far too many churches, talk fire and brimstone and abstinence, when nature did not abstain from invoking puberty into every human being...

Wake up people... there's more you don't know, because you don't try to know, because you look for brevity.. When it's a matter that ... people say "keep it simple"

Well do you know what simple is: it's the order and the choice of many elemental matters combined in complexity that produces what you call simplicity..

Example.. a match is simple... so you think... well.. go make one.. and you will find out how complex it actually is.

Posted by: touch | December 19, 2008 at 09:03 PM

Women are far more equipped to deal with a man with multiple wives.. they already instinctively know it's normal, and most women will tell you, "a man will be a man"... but what women fear more is being "alone with the responsibility of child, and simply along"... many women know the men may have another woman, but what she wants is the assurance that she is not judged by the other woman, and she is not made to look like a fool as if she is unaware..

So the simplest thing, is the multiple wives.. People need to drop their taboo mentality, and listen to the documentary the Mormon women spoke on.. they talked about the freedom it gave the, the fact they did not have to take on some singular responsibility that had fixed daily chores of dinner and such, when they shared the mate, they did not have the duty of these things, they had someone to baby sit, they had a female friend they did not have to feel threatened by, and they had comradeships with the other women, they had the sisterhood of women sharing support of each other, without one thinking they got to waste their time competing for a man.. They accepted the sharing,

This single woman and man stuff, has women at each other throat and can't trust each other, and they are segregated from the natural nature of woman, and that is women, function best when they have a circle of women friends along with knowing they have a man, in their lives.. Most women in the single woman relations is confined to live often times like she is functionally handicapped, but in a collective relationship.. as with the Mormon women, they felt functionally capable.. They were creative, they were content and not spending their time competing with each other.. And they collective cared about the kids as if all of the kids were their own..

Most people could not get past their taboo thought, to pay attention to the realism behind the fact

As to gay marriage... people need to think beyond their "pleasure minded emotions" which has re-constituted their concept of their reality.

"The contemptuous demeanor that has arisen shows more than many want to see. and most are too busy trying to be politically correct to pay attention, the nature of demeanor in this fight, to invade the sanctuary of what marriage is, and the premise behind the concept of marriage, which in premise is about a male and female union, that has the natural elemental probability of procreation potential..

Now when gay people can naturally procreate, then they may have a platform to stand on to seek marriage.

Their matter, can never be more than a civil union, because "they can never procreate" in "the natural nature of being" as to human bodies of the same gender. God did not design it that way, and even if mankind goes and get surgery to change their genitals, they still can't procreate.

People have no idea what the power of sexual gratification of the physical realm has on the psyche of people.. it makes people choose and believe all sorts of things, and it is no less like a drug, that makes people forsake anything and everything for it.. And create and try and change any premise that nature designed, that no collusion of mankind's making will every modify a procreation function between same gender beings. All their rhetorical and conjured logic falls apart at that point, and no amount of mental anguished chatter will change that fact.

Mankind has contempt's they don't even understand as contempt's, and they make if their life logic.. Gender envy is a reality, and it starts in formative years, and many other things fuse into the matter. Some are turned out later in life by the activity of pleasure pursuit and the enactments of simulative interactivity.. And being as mankind is, creatures of habit, mankind modifies their lives around the habits that they can derive pleasure with the least of challenge to utilize their full capabilities of the ability to communicate across gender lines. and as with many of mankind, they will seek the easy way out, and seek any kind of justification that provides an avenue to the quickness of pleasure.. and they will bound themselves to it, without all their might, and never acknowledge the power of please to pull and mold and share their minds to justify it's acquisition. "

Mankind is hedonistic..


The basic idea behind hedonistic thought is that pleasure is the only thing that is good for a person. This is often used as a justification for evaluating actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain (i.e. suffering) they produce. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize this net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).

And such is "within" the nature(s) of premise within the consumption in the flesh..

Posted by: touch | December 21, 2008 at 01:22 AM

Mankind has such contempt.. Until mankind, tries to find any and every means to usurp the design that the creator made, when male and female were designed and brought forth.

History is replete, with every means and manner of the nature of relationships, but one that is predominating in all the old Testaments of mans recordings of life.. is match up of multiple wives, it's from the earliest to the current day, and in every historical land that has a link the the ancient times.. It is the standard premise.. And only has been disturbed by the measure of money usurping the ways of life.

Most of the concept of one man one woman, is connected to a time when people subjugated women, and women had to rely on a man for her support, and the premise then became contemptuous, in the efforts to secure that support mechanism, by the nature of mankind's obsessions to own, rather than to share..
In a collective of women, who are part of a family of man, they are not only simply resourceful they become collectively resourceful.. And with less contempt in being so..

The current model, has women at the throat of each other, and competing rather than working as a collective.. And the world is a mad house where people are more insane by means of their mental conjure.. For the need to hoard.. With a near desperation.. That brings contempt to a fervor.. That people spill the blood of another without a thought, behind the madness of such ignorance of what is the nature of the nature of life and people.

When secular religions became a part of the model, it got more insane.. People cannot unwrap their mind from around vanity.. To see the grander scale of nature.. So mankind by and thru all it's devise.. Lives by the seven deadly sins, and claim them virtues... and spend most of it's time, trying to get one another consumed in the flesh of each other.. Until both are made vile..

And we live in such times as a collective.. Spilling blood.. For the preservation of our own vanity... we live in contempt.. of the nature of nature.. And claim ourselves wise..

But as so.. Mankind is wicked... and contort ever manner that otherwise, mankind could glorify God, by knowing how to love as the human being - male unto female and female unto male...

The result is.. kids gone mad, left to die, left abandoned, defiled, maimed and abused and tossed into neglect, by man leaving one family to create another, rather than to learn the wisdom of uniting families by respecting the laws of nature.. Which nature already made provisions by the nature of ratio of females to male?

Animals are smarter than mankind...

You don't see a field of cows fighting each other about who the bull likes more, they all function as they function, and nature provides it's own motivation for them to mate.. and one does not disregard the other when their mating call functions, and they all will watch the young, and together they all protect the young, and live as a unity..

We are self centered hedonist's... creating flawed logic, to justify our self centered motility..

We have become a people controlled and modified by the media and folklore.. of illusionary romanticisms. that has not only distorted but contorted the natural function of the human model of the homo sapien .. and colluded our own reality by the misfortunes of fragmentary edicts of philosophical shallowness.


what I would like to see is the New commentators to start a public discussion to force the mortgage companies to roll back their rates.. they are using taxpayer money and still they are the only group who is not trying to help the same group who's money is bailing them out.. and they are the same group that lead this crash with their rip off game..

they need to roll ALL MORTGAGE rates back to 3.5 -4%... effective in 60 days...

why don't some of you commentator start that discussion and get it in the media and don't back down... that's how you change things.. but commentator deal with everything else but using their power of influence to influence the thing they need to...

It's evident the Senate can't think.. but if the new media put the harp on lower and Freeze the home interest rates.. this economy can recover and we can rebuilt equity...

now who can think in simple terms and then stand up and get the push to stand on the point, until you embarrassing these senators into thinking in real life simplicity, instead of making everything a pay my buddy collusion..

That is the only way this economy is going to change and not fall further, and put more money in peoples hands that is there for a long term... for them to infuse the economy...

now if .. Roland can lead the charge on that matter.. I think it would do him well in the long run... but don't just say it once, stand on the point, and get with the people you know, and get the data.. but it's simple.. if people are only paying 400 dollars for house payment, that means maybe they got another 400 dollars to fuel the economy, without the state sending out checks.. but why give the money to the banks and the banks are still hijacking the system and bleeding the people.... before any penny should have been given to them, it should have stated DROP AND FREEZE, RATE.. IT WOULD STOP THIS FORECLOSE MESS IN IT'S TRACKS.

THAT'S THE ONE GOOD THING McCain said.. he'd do... and that is the smartest thing he said.. in all his campaign. Now how does Obama miss that point..
Freeze it... hell you can't fix a flat tire while the car is rolling..

All this drama and yo yo .. makes so little sense.. when you freeze the sytem that started this mess.. but too many people are getting payola, that's why they won't do it.. Every head of every bail out unit should be fired.. flat out there is nothing to discuss.. kick their ass out and tell them no they are not getting any buyout package.. let them go to court, they will loose because all they can do is stand before the judge and lie.. we saw that when the idiots could not speak a complete sentence during the senate hearing and these dunces were left in their position.. NO.. we are the fools to all it ... and then give them another bag of money and they still won't loan money to the business to .. it's another form of theft by the assistance of the senate..

You don't need 1000 pages to tell credit card companies they will not get over 10% on any card under any circumstance.. "period" !!!! mankinds wickedness is all those 999 other pages contain... fools language designed for a public they feel is a fool.. and administrator they know are fools who can be bought, for a campaign contribution.. that's why our country is a mess.. the govern is bought and sold.. and this Governor was playing the same game the congress is playing.. so he is telling them to go screw yourself, until you correct your own shams .... he knows all he has to do is start naming names and congress will fall apart like a cheap suit.. that's why they don't do a damn thing. and the same with the bankers.. why they won't lower and freeze rates, they got so many senators in their pockets they can continue to bleed the public.. and destroy the country... Its the most non patriotic thing for people including commentators who can't get up and say in simple terms.. drop the rate and freeze it and stand on it and demand it.. and don't back down.. but there is not that level of gut in the media.. it's easier to play drama games than to do what is function.

Posted by: touch | December 14, 2008 at 03:28 PM

Obama worked in the trenches, how is he not thinking... and why is he doing all these other things, that the simple thing.. of FREEZE IT.. !!!!! FLAT OUT.. IT TAKES A STAND TO SAY.. "no more" : the smartest thing he could do is attack the home mortgage and the credit card companies .. put the cap on it.. and put a credit controller in place.. that there will be no rate to be over the fore mentioned amounts.. and cut the crap ... then he can get on with building what he needs to build, and instead of money going to these rip off artist, the money is recycled in the communities and the tax it generates gives him something to work with.. and not only does he stimulate the economy, but it also funds the government and give people the means to build and rebuild... and it takes the country back from the bankers and wall street.. throw in a high tax rate on day traders, because they steal money that belongs to the long holders of stock which gives companies the ability to plan..

this mess is not as complicated as they make it.. it takes a leader to cut the crap.. and call a halt to madness.. or all he will do is get slammed for spinning his wheels and not making progress... because these criminals are not going to stop until he puts a muzzle on their greed... Now he is a smart man, but he can't think like the bankers nor can he think like the current fed chief, they don't know a darn thing, which is why it all crashed in the first place.. while they played lower the rate games on everything but would not force the main criminal to do the same..

but the commentators.. I don't get them.. they spin drama, when they have a platform to actually push forth with commentary that puts a cap on this mess.. but not one .. thinks into such things.. they get caught up in people drama stuff. and the but-hole for Illinois.. what his trip is , does not fix the country it's nothing but drama.. lock his butt up and get to the business of fixing a nation and changing the criminal system..

Phone companies and cell companies stealing with all their penny here and penny there charges.. no.. give a rate and that is the rate people pay.. not all this jacked up .. rip off and hide the rip off under 50 different charges rolled into a list on the bill..

We need to get real.. and embarrass the senators into getting out of office or getting off their ass and stop playing the pay me games.. then this system can work.

Posted by: touch | December 14, 2008 at 03:41 PM

we have become a people, who allow media commentators, to plant their seeds of ignorance in our minds. They forgot they are paid employees, who have the mission to REPORT the news, not try and create it..


and since the advent of 24/7 news, because they have nothing to report, they make a spin of anything and everything, and whip people from one drama sequence to another, and the cycle last for 3 days and they come with something else.. and the public swallows it hook, line and sinker, like a "caught fish"..

Newspapers are fading out, but at least in the paper, you can read the facts and omit the personal commentary, but the current news,.. is nothing more than personal commentary adlib'ing.. and trying to see who can get the marquee spot, and the acclaim as the greatest rebel rouser, for the sake of rating.
Campbell is groomed in this process, if she simply reports the news, she may do fine, but now since the campaign shes among others, "who have taken on a role as if they consider themselves the spokes person for the American people", and then telling them what to think, how to think, and driving people thru drama fits, with their innuendos... and implication impressions. and it's all self servicing, they have no idea of the damage they do.

people may be weary of what false prophet they follow.. be it, CNN, FOX, or CNBC ... and know these places are in the business of making money, from commercial advertisement, and that is their core goal. their competitive position of seeing who gets the highest rating, is who earns the most from advertisers.. and if that comes at the expense of making fools of the public, then that is their vehicle they will utilize to reach their goal.

You don't see any of them, standing up for anything, other than what gets the drama cycle going.. why don't they do expose' on .. why the bail out money went to the hands of the same criminals that crashed the industry, and why is tax payer money bailing out industry that still won't help the people they are relying on to bail them out, which is the same people they ripped off and carted off the money from in the first place.
Why can't commentators, get off the drama machine and change the paradigm, and actually use the platform to do something function.. if they want to be challengers .. then get on the media and challenge these CEO's, challege wall street, challenge insurance companies..

It's like when fuel was spiking, the media made it acceptable by glorifying it and then making it acceptable by getting on acting like a penny drop was a benefit to people, when they were being gouged nearly 3$ above what the a cost should have been.. but they got on and glorified it, because it created drama.. and they made what was unacceptable, acceptable.. with their patronizing and ignorance of their actions performances..

It's not what you think it is.. it's TV drama.. that's why all networks jumped on the band wagon.. because they know that the 12 minute cycle of drama could sell more commercials than the I love Lucy, type of shows.. and all you see all day and night, is a cycled spin of the same madness..

Posted by: touch | December 15, 2008 at 10:29 AM

What may matter is.. How to fix a nation..

One of the best thing Obama could do at this time, is lower mortgage rates to 4% and freeze it for 5 years, put a cap on bank loans at of max. 7% for personal use for 3 years, and put a standing cap on credit cards at 9% (flat) and no floating compounding,.. Impose a additional 15% increase on gains made by day traders.. ( they bleed off the gains which are due to long holder of stock) because without long holders companies can't plan. put a cap on the additional fees that are parasitic on things like phones and cell phones .. where there is a flat 2.00 fee. and it must be divided up to cover the junk charges they add on.. and allow them no more than 1 % rate hikes over any 18 month period... they will make their money on new subscriber volume.. not on ripping people off

then you put more money into the economy of everyday people, which means people can invest in new technology.. and invest for the long term.. and value will build on a global scale.. Re- adjust property values to match with the tax assessor calculations.. the money that these inflated number is suppose to support has been looted, so there is no reason to keep the listed market value at such a high rate when it does not reflect what the market can handle.. if he does not do these things. then he only makes it as hard as trying to fix a flat tire on a moving car

( Thoughts to ponder)

Hip Hop- Drugs and External Imagery - and what is Social Erosion

The media pushes them because they push an image that create a different form of "segregation"... their image gets them rejected from a distance.. and money don't make them any smarter to see what they do to destroy the younger people, they take the money and recruit more people into ignorance..

I see females now, you can't even tell they are female, with their efforts to look like a thug, and grown men walking around holding a baby by the hand, the grown mans pants are sagging, and the baby is covered by logo's so big, the baby looks stupid before it even has a chance to learn and choose.

I see people who can't utter a decent sentence, and kids in their 20's sound like they just stepped out of 1930's from the back woods, and yet the public school is open every day..

kids now go to school, and paint the inside and outside of it, to look just like the ghetto they like, graffitti all over the place..

the "drone" sound of one beat rap music, makes people think in a small loop.. and they can't even see how programmed they are... and to them .. "IGNORANCE IS BLISS"

people don't comb their hair, they go to work looking like the same thug they look like after work.. I've never seen so many women who simply look unclean.. unkept.. and now.. kids are big as blimps... you can't find kids out playing football in a park or an open field, they are sitting on their fat arse with a bag of chips and a 20oz soda... waiting for someone to drive them to the store and buy them more.

It's sad, but the neatest people I've seen in the past few years, as to a city of people looking neat and acting orderly .. was in Thailand, they look neat when they go to work, they look neat when they are walking in public or riding the public train.. they don't walk around and litter up the place, even their kids are neat when they walk to school with their parents.. the college kids were a distinct uniform, and they look well groomed and they wear their clothes neatly...

we have a nation, that looks like a bunch of thugs, bums and pimps and hookers.. hell.. even some of the pimps and hookers have toned down their attire, because they see how stupid it looks on everyone else.

Rap culture and hip hop imagery has been nothing more than a chosen segregation, and gangs are nothing more than "self enslavment".. they beat and kill each other, and put boundaries around each other.. they are stariving to be treated like a slave, to the point they enslave themselves.. and remain as ignorant as a field slave that was beat to be kept from reading.. these thugs, will put down a kid who tried to learn, more than the slave master did to the slaves who tried to learn.. some areas are a pure embarrassment to go into, and to think, great men like MLK, and Malcom X and others died for these fools to be foolish to the point they can't even respect what these men and women gave their lives for.. and then most of these thugs are more racist than a KKK member.. they even take racism to a new level, they are racist against anyone in their family who is lighter or darker...

We have breed the most ignorance that has ever swept a nation... some of the poor nations, the people present more a sense of dignity, and they treasure the right to get to go to school, these thugs, go to school and want to fight the teacher.. like a wild beast .... they don't respect elderly people they will beat them and rob them for 50 cent.. and would not help an old person do anything, and they ride down the street in these gas sucking cars with wheels big enough to be on a deisel truck, and they will not yield for a blind person with a kane..

America has created two forms of ghettos.. they have manicured lawn ghettos, and garbage stewn ghettos... people can't even go to a neighborhood park, or take a walk around the block, unless they live in a gated community, with a posted guard at the front gate...

and then we got the idiots with massive money that do nothing but feed more into it.. now they come on TV, looking like they just strolled in from their back yard, and some on the comedy shows, should be ashame to even be on stage the way they look, and they think it's cool.. but they do nothing but project an image of ignorance to the kids who watch them..

so how can anyone be shocked about what comes out of the mouth of a fool, he can repeat some scripted lyrics, that say the same things about 20 times, to a beat as if someone is pounding on a bass drum ever other count... it's like a war cadence.. or the drone that someone uses when they want to do psychological warfare, and drive a person crazy with a one dimension beat, repeating over and over and over and over... so how can we not thing they would be even more ignorant if they are put on a seat and a commentator ask them any questions.

Posted by: touch | December 17, 2008 at 08:32 PM

Black people in the old south, back in the days when opportunity was very thin, took care of their families, and they made efforts to be neat, girls looked like females, boys were made to comb their hair and tuck in their shirt..

this ignorant society we have now, is the result of many levels of ignorance, from women trying to be the mother and father and men not being men enough to be responsible for anything, but trying to look like a peacock.. and a buffoon.

never in the history of life, has these united states had such a massive amount of thugs.. both black and white... drugged out, tattooed, and pierced up, and their whole world is about how bazaar they can look.. and they will kill their own grand mother to get some crap with a logo on it .. or some fake gold in their mouth, and trying like hell to recreate slavery to put chains on their necks.. as big as they can get..

We got sports players, who can't be seen in public without more tattoos, than a zebra has stipes and on black people, it simply turns to blue black ink, that from a distance looks like marks all over their body, as if they want the image of a slave who has just been beaten with a whip...

women with a tattoo right above her butt, as if that is the only thing about her she can use to draw attention to a butt, that she won't even wash..

Every grown man, out all over the place in a darn sports jersey.. faking .. !!! and they could not catch a football if it had a handle on it.. and most of them can only run a half a block and that's if the police is chasing them. but they got the nerves to go into establishment with sports jerseys on, trying to look like a fake buffoon, modeling after these ignorance of the sport stars who push the image of ignorance and gulttony... you ask one of them anything about financial management, they don't know, they got a white person handling their money, until they find out that it's all gone.

they are too stupid to work together and start a factory, or work together and build a community, you can count the ones who have any major real estate development, or actually own a company that actually hires people.

many billions of dollars in their "collective hands" and all they can think about is.. who's house is the biggest and how many cars can they park in front of it.. and how many women can they lie to and turn them into covert pros*titutes... with their buying and bartering making fools of the women they meet..

Ignorance has no bounds, and it spread like smallpox..

We are our own worst enemy.... white people don't hold back black people, the image black people project hold back black people...

too many get on the job, and after they get two weeks under their belt, they are talking crap about what they are not going to do, and acting like the customers just interrupted their siesta.. that's why business will hire mexican, filipino and any other people, because not only do they smile and say thank you, they come to work looking neat, and ready to work, we are too eager to try to come to work thinking we look cool, and look like the office or business fool..

Grown men go out and buy suits for work, and instead of buying a business suit, they buy a buffoon, saturday night special gleaming like someone poured fresh oil on it... and then the most gaudy watch, that is so big it distracts attention during a conversation... it's as if everything has to be some symbol saying "I'm am somebody" because they think being somebody means wear and present the most gaudy.. and outrageous image possible.. and they make themselves the person to avoid, and not want to be seen with..

now days, you can't find a young black women who does not have a cell phone stuck on her hear, or up to her ear.. and 10 minutes later in a circle K, trying to buy another $25. of minutes to put on it, but the baby is starving, and looking like and orphan, and the tires on the car look like buttons...

women so big now, they don't try to loose weight or watch what they eat, they paint their nails, and fix their hair. as if that is suppose to cover up the fact they can't even fit inside of the average bath tub.. but that's not a problem, if they simply spend more than 36 seconds in a shower... and actually wipe themselves clean rather than thinking that water spraying on them and assuming it means they are clean..

We got the biggest fattest people in the world right here in America... if they had not added extra cement in building sidewalks they'd crack under the weight, but they are the first at the Burger king counter, orders the supersize, with extra this and that..

the average young women now can't cook rice, and has not the decency to do anything but expect to be taken some place to eat, dressed in 500$ worth of clothes to eat a 15 dollar meal... or the ones who try to order everything on the menu, hoping to take half of it in a doggie back so they can lay their fat arse on the bed and eat while watching television..

That's America..... and that is the America we created as American people White and Black....

Posted by: touch | December 17, 2008 at 09:00 PM

the job ahead fro Obama is first to clean up the mess made over the last 8 years of shams and rips and every other kind of madness that was 'GLOBAL"...

I wrote about this in the magazine nearly a year ago, that everything was all smoke and mirror, with a delusion of a moving economy, to feed a wrong way war.. and give the delusion that the economy had substance,

they tried every trick in the book, and then resorted to take the value from homes, to fund a failing world economy.. and when that money was spent up, the housing market crashed, then they let the short sellers play their paper shuffle game, and the global community played along,

we as a world, never stopped to look at the mass saturation of goods that filled the landscape, then they tried to make the goods even cheaper so they would be disposed of quicker and people buy more, but time ran out on the game, and the money ran out.. and now we have a global standard of cheap disposable stuff.. all the while the world is talking about the enviornment, well you can't protect the enviornment when you make things that escalate in the needs of being disposed of, and in the process, we waste up natural resources to make worthless stuff, and then turn and fill out landfills with it, and pollute our atomsphere to make it, at breakneck pace.

We are gluttons.. we are satisfied with nothing, we want the next shiny car, we got more clothes in the closet than we will ever wear, people have stuff stored in storage facilities all across the world, and we live like pack rats, measuring ourself by how much more stuff we can accumulate, and how much we can pack into the storage shed, and then we gloat about how many people we can tell how much stuff we have.. There's enough stuff right now.. stashed in storage facilities to give nearly every person on the globe, the amenities to run a household. and we let it sit there, collecting dust and become so old that it just rots or the rats find it their home...

right now, banks are so greedy, every other organization has lowered their rates, and the banks would rather create foreclosure trying to get money that does not exist for property that is not worth the paper that backs it, instead of them lowering the rate and cut the madness out. and we have not just the US, but every other nations on the globe, with people too stupid on a global level, to mandate that banks across the world cut the rates on home loans, and freeze it.. that would stop this mess in its tracks..
but when the whole world can't think in simple terms, then it simply tells us that the people who claim their education who sit in the seats making decision, are dumber than the most poorest person in the remotest jungle.. IGNORANCE is what drives the world into this frenzy.. and not one nation has the dignity to take a stand and freeze the rate .. in the same industry that created this problem.. Mortgages.. they just chase greed, and then have a glut of homes sitting un-used..

I'd like to see families, simply take up "squatters rights" and move into these homes.. and set up living..

truth is, it won't be long before people simply burn them down... because the madness is at a point that people will soon take matters into their own hands..

that madness that is so often predicted for 2012, we are creating the framework for it, even when we have the knowledge that things can collapse and become world chaos.. so this should tell us what value mans education is.. it's basically used as an ego prop... people can spew out repetitions of dead poets and ancient professors rhetoric, and they call that educated, but what they don't have is common sense.

Posted by: touch | December 17, 2008 at 11:39 PM

Now... for The Rough Edge View.....

We have become so ignorant, that male and female can't even communicate with each other without measuring how much money they can get or how much time they can buy from the other with money... we have no social dignity.. it's all a greed fest, hookers and johns, is what we have become.. playing the delusion of love.. which only last as long as one can "pay for the illusion of it".. other than that, there is nothing but a bunch of arrogant self inflated people trying to barter and bargain sex.. and then pretend they are not.

people professing love, and they don't even know the persons first name nor can they pronounce it.. not even in broken language form.. and they mail out "scripted letter" to each other via the internet, about stuff they could not uphold, if a steel pole propped them up.

you can't even share time with the opposite sex, without them trying to figure out how much money you will spend on them and how much butt kissing you will do to stroke their ego, and then they claim they are more than a human being. it's really sad.. sx being sold like the world is wild, and it don't even work one week of every month, and the other week, there is such internal contention that if it did work, no one wants to put up with the erratic moods to even deal with it..

people trying to live like media fools, who have more money than three lifetimes can use, and they can't stay together 15 minutes, without some media drama, and people are fools enough to think money is going to make a relationship work..

In this site, many of the women are so arrogant and misled, they think they have the right to act an ass because they have a spot between their legs, they become so ingrained with ignorance, they can't even hold a conversation, lest someone is agreeing to 90% of that self serving ignorance that comes out of their mouth, trying to barter and bargain the fact she has a butt and two protrusion on her chest.. Men flaunting that he has a bank account, because she has not dignity of self character to present himself as a individual person, he is looking for someone to kiss his butt because he can buy a trinket...

We are the fools that make the world foolish, and it's led by bigger fools who will destroy their own environment to claim themselves king of fools...

until we get wise enough to know the difference in what matters, we contribute to the mess..

Life will always be simple.. it's food , water and shelter and MATING".. that is the basis of what keeps life procreating..

if you don't know whom you are as a person, dressing in name tag rags won't make you any more than a fool with a name tag on.

we got women now, so hung up on flaunting the fact they can pay rent and buy clothes, they get so arrogant they can't figure out anything to do, than to try and make everyone pay them, just to get a hello.. and then when they turn past 40 and wake up, they get on here talking about they want to have a baby... there are some who, have sit on their butts for many years, and when the butt sags, then they want to say.. how honest of a person they are.. well, at that point, you had better be honest, because the butt is not selling on the open market.. so they try and secure a sucker agreement and make someone pay on a private arrangment... they call it marriage, but you find out what that means, the minute you stop paying, they make your life and theirs a hell unimagined.

now many of you with romantic fantasy delusion, are still single and Old as hell, still chasing a delusion that if you have not and did not find it by now, what does it take to wake you out of your stupor, to realize that .. live is work, love is simply a process of working, with someone , thru COMMUNICATING, and BOTH, earing what they think they want... no one owes your free ride in life because you are a female.. you got to be a damn fool.. to live with that delusion as your premise of living.. and then in the end result you have nothing but share but an expectation.. and it's followed with contention.. and then they rush off, and buy a plastic toy.. and try and starve the world of passion, to make it pay for something by then she has buzzed all the natual feeling out of her system, it takes artificial jells, simply to have a physical function that simulate a sxual act.

so many pressures and demands and measurment about performance placed on men, trying to make him perform like an electric toy, because she has got to the point it damn near takes the likes of a jack hammer before she can feel anything, till the men have to pop the blue pill, just to do anything, because she forgot how to natural arouse him, because she has been selling herself and her simulation of kindness so long that she has contempt at even the thought of doing anything that has natural warmth and considerate feeling, and then she wonder why he can't get an erection...

and is most men told the truth, they tell it like it is, most women don't do a damn thing but lay on their back and expect him to give her a circus like treatment, and then she rolls her non functioning self over, and conjure up what bargain she will propose next..

the circle is ignorance is very deep and quite dense within it's circumference .... and nobody got time to think about anything for looking for brevity... till they lost the capacity to think beyond a single catch phrase sound bite. and then they call that being "politically correct"... which is no more than lying while looking another person in the eye.. by being vague enough so you have a escape clause built in the effort to say as much of nothing as possible, and create a delusion of communicating just for the fact your lips are moving...

Yep... we make it more crazy by the days..... the money crisis is only symbolic.. it represents the condition we created because we created it, based on our continual measurment of everything by money... and our global reality shows us.. that we created a crap pile of delusions.. now .. will we acknowledge the truth, or trying and find out if we can now simply sell what's left of the soul.

Posted by: touch | December 17, 2008 at 11:49 PM

all that means.. is that people need to figure out another basis for loving each other.. and it might just be as simply as "appreciating each other as human beings, first and foremost..then build relations through such level of understanding...

and money and it's cycle may not make a madhouse out of not only their love, but the world..

Posted by: touch | December 18, 2008 at 12:57 AM

now I've talked about everything imaginable in the above post, .. what does it take to get people to interactively talk about suff, beyond just a quick phrase..

in the full of any matter, it's the element of communication where mankind collective finds resolve... there is no "guru".. and there is no magic "Oz", that will fix anything.. it's about what we do as people... and if people are as passive in their living as they are about sharing commentary... then we can certainly see why the result not just of our lives but the environment we live in, has found the condition it exist today.

Even stock holders, who invested their money, sat silent and let these CEO pay themselves, with money that should have been profit for the investors, they let the CEO walk away from a company with more money than the average stock holder will ever ear.. They forgot .. this CEO.., is simply hired help... not the owner of their money, nor the master of their lives, yet they pay them, as if they think them to be Gods.. but now.. I bet they see reality... these are of many who are simply crooks, trained in thievery... and most of them would not even speak to a stock holder, unless they have put in more money than the firm can rip off..

Go look at your average company.. they have a VP for everything, now why is that??

when we have a nation.. that has only one..

it's like putting 100 cooks in the kitchen to boil an egg... not only will the egg not get boiled, they can't even figure out that it should have been placed in a pot of water and put over the flame... because they are all too busy telling each other they are a VP.....

people need to learn not just to speak up, but they need to learn where to speak up, and how to speak up..

I've mentioned in this blog, over and over about commentators, getting together and make a discussion about why the Mortgage companies hold the nation hostage trying to get money that don't exist.. and not just the commentator of this blog, ignores it, but the people who read the blog ignores it, and all the while the mortgage companies who are using public money, continue to evict the same people, who's money is keeping them afloat through the bail out..

but none has the depth of interest to address it... Now that's the condition of the world we live.

Posted by: touch | December 18, 2008 at 10:46 AM

Pursuing metaphysics involves asking questions about the ultimate nature of reality. Kant suggested that metaphysics can be reformed through epistemology[1]. He suggested that by understanding the sources and limits of human knowledge we can ask fruitful metaphysical questions. He asked if an object can be known to have certain properties prior to the experience of that object. He concluded that all objects that the mind can think about must conform to its manner of thought. Therefore if the mind can think only in terms of causality – which he concluded that it does – then we can know prior to experiencing them that all objects we experience must either be a cause or an effect.


yes.,.. that includes the "people element as being an 'object" unto other people as objects unto each other.. because we exist in a metaphysical realm.