# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
Discovering the beauty that is within Living, and the future of what is "Your Life".. one look, one step, many visions, many views and a lifetimes moves on by... What will be your Legacy??
Within this Blog.. it is exploring the multi dimensional variables of living.. Locally and expanding into and about the world.. it's about different categories of our lifestyles.. and what we engage in many ways.. within our living.. if you are timid in mind and fragile in facing reality.. then I'd say put on a long sleeve jacket and enjoy the blog. We are all intermingled... shall we make living positive
I don't want to give the impression that "white people as a whole are not with many good people" because there are many white people who are great people and do a world of good for all people. and in the everyday lives of people, there are many who know we all face the same reality of challenges, and they are of many who will reach high and low to be helpful.
we saw some great fairness in some of the CNN commentators during the campaign discussions, and CNN has a wide diversity within it's make up of commentators.
Here in the South, there are many white people who will make great effort to be helpful without the reluctance about color. I've met many who have been of great help and assistance in many ways..
the difference in the South and say for instance the West Coast,( SOME ) in the "west coast" smile, but will be otherwise in different IN SOME SITUATION ..
BUT WHAT WE HAVE TO DO AS PEOPLE.. is to know, what we face and when we face it, and not with contempt do we deal with it, but through the wisdom of knowing what we face and accord ourselves to be with vigilance in our actions and be of an added step in consideration about what we do.
and this is equally true when dealing with any people.. because we have equally so in the black community people who are not with the right motives and intentions. and we know that is the reality which exist..
Regarding any and all people..
so be upright, and be willing to step back from things that are not right, and avoid the people who have an angle, that tries to by-pass the system, and run quickly when ever you hear anyone with a "get rich quick scheme". they are nothing more than the evil that seeks to invade your life.. and will put you in a hell you never imagined.
when it comes to men and women.. stop trying to buy charm to stand beside you, and don't loose your mind behind the shape of a butt.. because all butts do the same thing, when they sit on the porcelain throne.. and the shape of it does not imply that everything that comes out of it, has a sweet smell..
it does not matter what color the butt is that you like, it matters that you find out who the person is that has the butt you become consumed by.. or you may find yourself more a fool, than even the most foolish you have known.. you may become it.
Nobody cares what color or ethnicity your mate choice is... and any people who have a problem with it.. then get away from around such people..
In OJ's case, he could have moved from around the people who had issue with his choice..
people are strange, take the KKK for instance, they claim they are fighting to protect their women.. but they are the biggest deterrent to their women, they fill their womens kids with hate, and they subject the women to some archaic cycle of compression, and we see how they recently killed the women, because she wanted to leave their compound camp.. they bury their families in the back woods and deprive them of universal interaction, and then feed them ignorance through the delusion of their skin tone, trying to make them think themselves more than a human being. Brutality is the silent element that goes with unspoken words of it, because their organization find it's substance of existence in hate, violence and the ignorance of regard for people. they are more a deterrent to the nature of a nation and the respect of constitution of a nation, but they are the first to fly a flag and speak about god, but they are the first to erect a cross and burn it, and then burn it on the lawns of others.. and their symbolism, tells of evil masquarading, into the delusion of self.. so they hide themselves under sheets.. and bar their doors from engaging diversity... it's as if they got stuck in a time loop of an age long gone past.
they stake false claims of their reason of creation, but they ignore the truth, they denied the opportunity to the freely freed blacks, and by doing so forced them to have to take the food they needed. they fed a nation of people cocaine and other things to try to get them to work more for less, and then they don't know why the addictive nature of the substance had impacts during the early ages of the abolition of slavery.
they taught their daughter the pursuit of "Tall Dark and Handsome" and it did not depict his image but the image of the black man, and then they fought that.. they boasted about the strength and vigor of the black man, as long as they could barter and sell it, but they did not realize it also conveyed to their women, the strength and vigor of the black man.. they boasted about the determined effort and relentless drive and fortitude of the black man, as long as they could use it to barter and bargain and sell people, but they did not realize they also conveyed to their women, the determination and fortitude of the black man... and they can't figure out why their women are open to embrace a black man as simply "a man"... so they go about to try and attach any negative label to any black man, that does not try to emulate the white man, as if the imagery of the white man.. is suppose to be a model for people.
when their same game of emphasizing the strength, determination and fortitude of the black man.. shows the contradiction in their own thoughts, and yet at the same time.. support the face there is , strength, determination and fortitude in the black man... so then .. they deprived the black man of opportunity and set up criteria that white men themselves could not meet, as a form of denial.. and as a result.. they simply diminished the function of people and hindered a nation. then they want to blame the black man.. when they, the white men, have been in the seats of decision.. and the result is the nation has crashed in a cycle every 10 years.. the structure of corporate rip off has looted companies since the late 1960's... over and over and over every 10 years..
So.. what this all means is.. for the Young blacks, to respect yourself, pull up your pants, get out of the "clown suits" and you don't need to walk around looking like fluoresent colors under a black light... you can stop create color based bigotry, by fighting about what color of clothes each other wear, or claiming gangs and then attacking each other like wild men, re-enacting the rules of segregationist mentalities upon each other. and running around like it's a wild west shoot out, killing each other because you are made weak, to wear your pride on your shirt sleeve, trying to make others submit to ignorance, as your claim to respect.. when all you claim is yourself a seat in a cement box with bars on the front... and that is exactly what the process is set up to give you the motivation to do... they show you without hesitation any cycle of buffoons on stage with baggy clothes and 10 cent jewelry on, and you go out and act like gluttons disrespecting each other, to measure yourself by such things.. and it's all as much external, as being measured by your skin, you simply add to it.. by putting on stuff that gets your rejected at a distance.
We got women, that use to make themselves neat, now running around trying to look like some street hood tom boy, with a I'm ready to fight mentality... there are women, that have lost the drive to fix their hair, or dress themselves to respect the nature of being a woman. thinking walking around with a baseball hat with a pony tail sticking out, gives them some white girl sporty look... and all it does is diminish the nature of her own femininity..
people going to work, with their 'Saturday night special costume on", and looking out of place in the work place.. and then wearing flip flop shoes to work, as if they don't respect the job is a place of employment, not a hang out joint.
Instead of talking with a considerate tone and demeanor, they are now talking with a contemptions I'm a bad girl attitude manner of speaking. and then hung up is some delusion to trying to be "a mother and father to kids", and deprive the kids of the rights of a father, with their vain expectations, bringing them to deny the same men, whom they know have been denied opportunity to be more and do better..
the problem is many of these same women have worked in office with white men in suits, and they go home and can't respect their black man husband or boyfriend, because they come to try to judge a man, but the look of the same white men they work around.. and they become more bigots and biased than even some of the white men, who deny opportunity to black men.
they don't think enough to see, that the process of Segregation has a system, it was , white man first, white woman second, over weight black women next, then the thin black woman, the light over weight black man, then the light skin think white man, then the over weight heavy dark skinned black man, then the thin dark skinned black man..
instead of people trying to be brief, they need to re-learn to invest in thinking beyond the surface.. bu8t just as with many things, people don't invest a minute into anything.. it's a 10 second thing, and they skim it and go to the next things, and claim .. it's too over taking of the brain, to actually put it to use...
go look around your neighborhood.. many of the young black kids have over 400$ of tennis shoes, and another 400$ of games and game consoles.. but they don't have a $300 computer.. nor does the parent, even look for the $200 used computer.. but they will drive across town to pay $100 for some Jordan tennis shoes, and Jordan nor Nike.. is not going to give them anything.
Jordan could go to any town in this country teamed with Nike, and form organization with local ministers, to set up "computer classes in the millions of churches".. and between Jordan and Nike, they can get access to all the used corporate computer anyone could imagine.. but they will spend 100 million dollars to insure you spend $100 for tennis shoes and make you feel bad because you could not by the $150 new model... so you thirst for the next pair.. which all of them are made by Chinese cheap labor, for what.. $7 a pair...
think people.. take a look at what's reality and learn to filter BS... and you can find out how to engage life functionally..
Black people crow out churches every Sunday... now you tell me, how can so many people go to church, jump up and down, hoop and holler, and then their lights get cut off next week... that means they don't apply what they learn in church...