"Maybe" We can be better | |
Maybe if the world goes broke.. it will force the men and women.. to come off of the "fairytale pursuits"... "the money mate pursuits", and " stop them from acting and thinking like, they are due some prize for simple relating" . and force men and women, from trying to pretend to be .. "king and queens of money", and the " Material Master", and the "wizard of finances".. and realize that .. money is just a tool, that helps make thing function, and both need to contribute to having and sharing it.. maybe they may "WE All can actually learn to "want a mate" enough to actually see to appreciate, more than their " see to rate and equate".. As men and women... we might then find out.. that we are all "simply people".. and all we can truly do ... is share and care.. and the more of sharing the more of caring we do and get... and the cycle just increase for each of us.. Maybe nothing can reverse the madness ??? maybe they "WE, Men and Woman may even get off the " What about Me" kick... which seems to be the song they sing about anything and everything... and actually "Learn" what the word . "SHARE" actually means.. Maybe there is no hope for these type of changes to ever exist.. ?? maybe this post, may provoke some thoughts MAYBE THE MORE THINGS WE INVESTIGATE AND UNDERSTAND THEM MORE, THE BETTER INDIVIDUALS WE CAN BECOME, AND THE BETTER WE CAN MAKE OUR LIVES A SOCIALLY SHARED EXPERIENCE" maybe, we may realize that we only get one life, and this one is not a testing ground but "a doing ground", and we get to do nothing over... but we can learn and be better in doing what comes next.. Maybe we might even realize we are as prepared as we are going to be for dealing with the "Now" in our lives, and waiting till another time.. only creates another "now" time.. and there is no such thing as being... 100% prepared for everything, because life does not follow our dreamed up scrip.. life is as it is, an interactive experience.. made up of many intersecting scripts..of other individuals.. simply "INTERACTING" Maybe we may even grasp, the beauty of the ability to communicate, and actually utilize it".. Maybe... we might just build a better reality thru being our expressive selves, and sharing it with others or another. Maybe.. if you don't you may just expire.. while you are doing nothing , and hoping to become some imaginary perfect being. Maybe.... Today is all you get... and Maybe, it's best for you to share something today... more than an expectation... and maybe .. you can create more things to smile about.. Maybe if you don't, you maybe may not get another chance... Maybe your sex is what it is, and it's not any better than you share to make it shared... it certainly won't rule nor control the world.. but it certainly can make you.. make a fool of yourself trying... Maybe, you need to appreciate the grace of it, and not take it as your ruler, and maybe enjoy that it attracts situations for you to share and be shared... Maybe.. you may even realize.. it's just life.. Maybe when your hand is extended ... it's for sharing, not seeking to take or get.... and maybe, you may find out .. how great living is.... MAYBE MAN AND WOMAN... CAN STOP MAKING FAKE DRAMA ABOUT RELATING AND ACTUALLY .. "JUST DO IT" MAYBE YOUR LIFE WILL BE BETTER IF AND WHEN YOU REALIZE.. NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING... BUT... MAYBE...we as individuals, SIMPLY OWE OURSELF, THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE OUR LIFE... AND SOMEONE CAN ENJOY DOING THE SAME WITH YOU... |
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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