how often do you steal acceptance by hiding the truth...
how many times, do you tell that so called little lie, to be viewed or claimed as nice.
did you hide something to keep from being seen as your are, to steal the light of image to suit an expectation? or did you let it be known the things of life without hiding it ?/
how many times have you lied about sx, for the sake of image? or claimed something other that the truth that is within about it, for fear of being seen as a whole person which you are ??
People may care to find out that "theif" within themselves, which continually steals their truth of self...
and some wonder why they can't just be themselves.. yet, they won't arrest the theif, and cast it into the abyss... they hold on and even protect and embrace the theif, awaiting for a chance to all it to steal, yet again at another time..
and the theif, continues to steal their natural esteem and it's realism of life experiences.
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