if society is to prosper... there has to be changes.. "in People"..
women can't barter themselves into the relationship spectrum, they have to actually make a conscience choice based on principals, other than seeking wealth and who can give them stuff. As long as society functions on this pro*titu#te and John principal.. we will have nothing but more gluttonies of societies, and the kids will be neglected and simply dressed in name tag clothes and sent to schools only for the parent to boast about it, but they miss out not only on academia but on home training. The past 60 years has been nothing but.. "bargain a mater society" basically selling "butt", and then reneging on the agreement, and demanding additional payment on a escalating cycle.. or they walk away and trash and bankrupt the whole family.. or make it a hell house no one can live in, and then walk away and call themselves victors. and run out seeking some glory as if she can be the mother and the father, and the result is they deprive kids of the real life balance of what makes a family.
now they are so career chasing, they can't see beyond themselves, and measure everyone and everything by a dollar bill. and what price for butt, she can manipulate.. or who is willing to act like a smitten fool over her.. and if not, she throws a tantrum, and starts issuing ultimatums..
there are many claiming high education, but suffer a great loss of basic common sense. their lives are tied to where they shop, and what designer they can cover themselves in, and gloat about, being able to pay for stuff.. and again, it's the society and the children that suffer this self glory pursuits... and sell butt mentality...and hold the world hostage for appeasements, of claiming her victor... and she deprives the world of the basic warmth of the human model of people interactions.
Nobody asked her to get a rub board and wash clothes, they have electric washer for that, no one said go gather wood to cook in a wood stove, they have "turn the switch, and heat up the over".. but as time moves on she wants to do less of anything, and then try and tell men, that his responsibilities are what she dictates them to be.. and if he don't submit, she will play the sex bargain game... until he does..
It's like the grand mastery of ignorance has swept the world..and in it's wake it's left nothing but a pursuit of enhancing vanity as the basis which shows itself.. in the continual erosion of every faction of society..
Men don't stand up and speak up, and have become demoralized and dispirited to take a stand and say "no" to the bullcrap.. and far too many men, want to play the "I'll chase money for you game".. just to have female companionship.. and the more entrenched this game becomes, the more the economies of the world crash, the thieves rise up, and the rip off artist dominate the landscape..
and "the Hooker" and "the John" process - is the basis of todays relationships. the children are either ornaments, or they are a ticket to grasp a subsidy from the males.. as if they are mere security blankets - as a means to insure income via child support or alimony. to support their gloat on the vanity of wanting to take claim as the mother and the father... as if she is capable of being such... when many fail at being the one role that nature designated by it's biological function.
today we have more hoodlum and hookers, than at any time ever in the history of life...thugs and thieves.. and in some arenas you can't distinguish a female from a male.. and non one is satisfied with anything.. and that is a general characteristic of the general demeanor of the female species of the human model.. which has manifested to dominate the mindset demeanor of people. kids now, know nothing but .. ornamentation.. as their claim to self worth.. not unlike a woman, dawning excessive jewelry, makeup and covering herself with what ever she thinks will externally give her value.. "this has become the standard of the youth"... and they will kill each other for it.. and never stop to think, their real value is derived from what's within them..
but is that not unlike the many women of many localities, who place their value on their external ornamentation, and the devise their attitude to go along with it.. and become segregationist in mindset, if people don't either aspire to it, are contribute to it..
is this the result of the generations upon generations of women being uneducated.. and now they have a twisted concept of what is education and what is the purpose of it's acquisition. they go into business with an assumption of what is a man, and try and emulate something they have no idea of... and then go home and claim they just don't understand men... but claim to understand everything of a man, when she takes the position he once held.. such a contridiction is a negation of its own.. inquiry.
and the result is.. we have a great many women who have no idea of what is a woman...and what is the great gift god bestowed upon woman.. which is simply.. to bring forth the young, and teach them to be of kindness in a world of chaos.. but they run from that job like it's a plague.. and we see.. today..
hoodlums and hookers .. run the streets of the nation. every kind of crime imaginable exist.. all for what.. "chasing vain things'
kids grow up and don't even know whom they are.. they have punched holes in their bodies and drawn art all over it, before they even reach 16.. as their "external symbols" of self idenity.. not unlike the obsessive consumption of women with make up, and designer labels all over themselves.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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