# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
Discovering the beauty that is within Living, and the future of what is "Your Life".. one look, one step, many visions, many views and a lifetimes moves on by... What will be your Legacy??
Within this Blog.. it is exploring the multi dimensional variables of living.. Locally and expanding into and about the world.. it's about different categories of our lifestyles.. and what we engage in many ways.. within our living.. if you are timid in mind and fragile in facing reality.. then I'd say put on a long sleeve jacket and enjoy the blog. We are all intermingled... shall we make living positive
that should be "every 10 years" - 'THEY' crash the country... they have been doing it over and over and over.
here in the South the same as the past still exist, some whites set up shack building, and get lucrative contracts, and bleed the system dry.. they don't care if it destroys school, families or whatever... but again if people look back at history.. and ask yourself.. "what people , have been the most brutal to a race of people for hundreds of years...? and it become something that spans the globe, from the British and their brutality through out Asian, to the American Whites who beat this country in the ground, denying opportunity and denying participation and proclaiming themselves the "cream of the crop"... and each time, there is chaos and there is a crash to the systems of the world and it's economies.
I'm not on a hate the white person role.. but it's a matter that until they ( the mass) not all, because some are very good people who blend well with the world and the people of the world.. but that segment.. that can't get past the idea they are rulers of something, and treat the world as if everyone has to be like them.. or they go into their "put down commentary"
some were like wild beast.. on the news, pure blood suckers, all they care about was seeing a black man broken down on national TV... it had absolutely nothing to do about Justice, nor balance in how Justice is dispensed..
white people can hack up the neighbor, their kids can shoot up the schools, they abduct women and mutilate them like it's a damn sport, they have every kind of system rip off, scam and bribery, forgery embezzlement and conniving habit in their society, and child molesting seems to be from the back woods to the pulpits of their churches.. not just in vague numbers but astronomical numbers.. and they have the audacity to try and put others down..
much of the turmoil in black and others' area is because they have economic deprivation.. and deprivation of opportunity for economic improvement.. but in white society, all they got to do is work, and they can make it.
An average white man can walk in any building and do anything within that building, and no one says a word.. blacks walk in the building, the guard falls over-himself.. trying to get you to sign his entry log book.
the age of the white man ruling is changing 'GLOBALLY"... and this beat mindset that usurped justice, to impose the extremity of the law in a situation that required far less justice process... just shows.. that there are many who cannot get past their 'blood thirsty" madness.
turn on your " TV - NEWS " .. it's nothing now but a bunch of white people on the camera arguing.. and getting paid to argue on TV... and we wonder why society is stupid and has gone into a cycle of stupidity.. they can't even select honest reporters for trying to find out who can put the pretties women on the screen.. Teen shows are nothing but little girls being shown with a "I'll tease the world image" acting like a mini bitchy mindset on a mission attitude.. the theme of the show is not about education, but about how can the girls and boys play 'chase me games, and vindictive cycles.. they call it entertainment, because that is what their history has been in this nation..
even during the campaign they could not respect the dignity of Obama to not get into mud slinging contest.. they only know how to judge strength based on who has the biggest hand full of mud to sling, rather than who can think beyond ignorance and stay on point. and do it with dignity..and respect the integrity of the mission at hand..
The Republican base showed it's composure.. it was a mud slingers fest.. they could not even convey a message for slinging mud, and then all they had to ride on was.. an " I can shoot a gun and I'm a ancient war veteran who was a hot head and did not know how to plan and follow orders" because my daddy was a General... and then they brough a woman on, with a "I'm a mud slinger female with a sassy flip lip comment to anything anyone say, but don't ask me a specific question, because I don't know the answer".. which rolled over into nothing but a " dress her up pretty".. and try and aroused the animal instinct in a culture that has are obsessed with the image of delusion they may get to sex her up, and a base of women, thinking that.. they are seeing the image of the " mud slinger miss contention" many of them are taught to live...
if any black persons daughter had got pregnant at such a critical image position, they would have rushed him off the stage and filed suit against anyone who even put him before a camera.. But here's a person on TV talking about conservative value as if it means Christian and following it.. but her own family is riddled with malice and violation of that credo.. they daughter is pregnant and the mom playing games with the power of her position against her sisters boyfriend.. and she has paper work shams where the office money is used for her agenda not the states..
but again all that spill about conservatism means, is they want white to control everything, and push a delusion that the people are wrong if they don't try to emulate the image of whites..
so you can most certainly bet your ass.. the OJ railroading, was part of the same mission minded cycle they have continued all the way up into the 21st century..