did you ?? | 1567 Views |
did you wake up this morning with a promise of tomorrow ?? it's highly unlikely that you did.... but yet, are you one who claims to know how to love ?? now how much do you believe in your claim of ability of how to love? Are you sharing it, or expecting some criteria to be met before you express it ? how long will it be conditional, and how many more condition will you put before you will and want to share what you claim is love? if it's love, then does it need to get before it gives, does it need to be compensated before it's shared. if you think love is free, and should be feel and unencumbered... then.... the real question may be more about.. "why aren't you loving" ? Oh''.. could it have anything to do with the dream sequence that you have hidden in your mind...?? is everyone not good enough ? is it that your are better than everyone you have met, or better than anyone you meet ? I'm sure that list can go on and on and on... and tomorrow, you will probably wake up again... talking about "when", followed by " if" , and sum it up with "because".... and not even one minute did you try to love .... for looking for a fantasy, or the hots to over take you, or the urge to titillate you, or maybe your ego just did not get stroked like you want it. these are just some of the ways we delude ourself, as if we have forever, and what results is .,.. life slips right on by... and the next day we just add to our list of self denial, and the denials of love and the denial.. which prevent us from loving.. and then we claim "love is hard to find".. when the only thing that is hard, is the maze of madness we crated... and we just find and seek out more reasons to reject others, and deny ourselves... as if we have forever to save ourselves, and the truth is.. love is nothing when not shared but a concept in our minds, and it becomes ,, more about self, than it becomes about sharing,m and we waste time... building selfish dreams and scripting how we expect other to be of service in our dreams, never realizing we have ruled out other even being individuals.. we are only looking for someone that fits our service request, and if they do, then we call it love, when it really has nothing to do with allowing the other person to be fully themselves, but to contain themselves to be only what we think they should be... and we label and slam them and create a bicker fest trying to convert them to be our servant. It's a trip of untold madness... Reasons, yep,... they are as many as there are people and probably 3 reason for every second that passes in your life.. and then there are many who .. are more regulated by that thing between their legs... either they think it is the greatest prize ever, or it's the master bargain tool, or they want someone to be a fool, for it or about it... and yep days go by. How many condition surround your love, is the same has how many fence post you build to keep love out, and imprison your love within... and then claim how hard love is... but yet, you created the conditions, that imprison you... and as an appeasement, you tell yourself that you love is the greatest of all time.. but if that were so, then it would be more free and natural than any that has ever been seen.. so you look at teens, and try and tell them they don't know what love is... yet.. you have yours surrounded by so many fears and condition that even in it's least form, it's certainly not love, but self elation and self illusion about what you won't even express nor share... being pissed off about money, or what you could not force the other to do, and the attitudes of the sex being bargained based on how favors are met or not met... and it's a pure madness... of a whole different type... and then people claim they don't understand the other, when what they don't want to understand is that the other, does not need to submit to their program, solely... but yet, people are not willing to see that in such situations... it then requires.. MUTUAL REGARD' of each other. so it's truly no room within you to tell a teen, what is not love, becasue they are making efforts to share theirs, and engage it and most of them, don't measure it nor the choice to share based on money... and other trip stuff.. they just plain and simply know, they like someone and they act on that .... and they deal with it day to day... It might even be or have been helpful to them, if they had a so called "{adult}" who could talk with them .. but the problem is, all the so called "{adult}".. will do is give them lecture after lecture, telling them every fear the adult feels, and try and make it the teens fear, and then the teen looks at them like they are the chicken hearted idiot they are... who is no more than a living contridiction.. on one hand trying to tell them how beautiful love is, then preaching and teaching fear and delusion tactic's.... and acting ignorant as if they undermine the teen to the degree to assume they don't know they have a complete body... but they can't teach them anything, because they are too inhibited about their own body and it's functions, to hold a straight faced conversation with the teen... who probably knows more than the claimed "{adult}" about their own body... and they have to listen to a {adult} tell them a bunch of half truths, and evading the point, and hoping to surround it with fear and guilt games... and thus they result the make the teen a bigger fool than they themselves are... when the teen was doing fine with their mate, because they chose someone they could talk to... when half the time, the parent can't even talk to their mate, other than in half truth, dictations, ultimatum, and barking instructions to each other and then playing.."i'' make you feel guilty till you submit" and the kids stand back and look at the "idiot parade" the claimed "{adults} make of themselves.. when two adults live in the same house, sleep in the same room, and can't talk, or hold a conversation about anything, without fussing, and many times walk around like they are strangers to each other.. and act like they are two aliens, when or if the matter became to discuss anything about sex, to any degree. here we are in a site with claimed "{adults}" they can't discuss anything generically sexual.. without voting disagree or coming with a barrage of labels, and then tagging everything taboo... then in another post.. they finally tell the truth.. about what they don't know about their own body, and how insecure they are to discuss their own desires, their own wants and could not describe their passion beyond.. reciting some "fairy tale fable".. and all the fable is.. is the framework that leads up, to bedroom activity, so they seek the pre-requisit of the fable, to justify themselves having desire and acknowledging it, as if the script of the fable is their justification to accepting they have a sexual desire.. Kids ask a parent a question about sex, an the parents face turn to look like the inside of a watermelon, and they sweat with more droppings, than the juice that can be squeezed from a watermelon.. and they give the child some vague response that borders more on ignorance than intellect.. and sound more like stupidity that maturity of expression... and then they go panic in the corner, because they fear the kids wants to do something, they themselves have not figured our and don't understand.. yet it's as old as life.. and that's the simplicity of sex. they want to tell the kid how beautiful it is, but they themselves can't appreciate it's beauty, unless its wrapped in some fairy tale delusion... rather than being a simply natural function that people share mutual appreciation and the involvement of the exchanges of such.. many, so claimed "{adults}", before they listen, before they understanding and before they think... the first thing out of their mouth is a lie "{ I'm offended}" . "{ I don't think about sex}", }{sex is not this or that}... and then by midnight they can't wait for the lights to go out and have 20 extra batteries in the night stand.. and all they hear is a "buzzing sound" till they fall asleep... and they call that moral living.. instead of the self delusion.. and the hypocritical process that it truly is. women going to bang her girl friend, because they both know they live the same lie, in the face of men.. so they claim they have a connection, when they don't accept they have connected to support the same lie.. while they bang each other like two wild animals, who have found a dead carcus to feast upon... and they come out again.. with the same lie on their lips.. the minute a man says hello.. "they go into a mission of " he wants sex, let me see how many ways I can make it stupid, and turn it into something that will get me worshiped"... they lay around from one girlfriend to the next.. and then when a man approaches them.. they want to come across as if they are suddenly "virgin mary"... or some android that does not have a gender organ... and claim in one breath, Oh.. want me for my mind, then the next.. do you like my ass, and next, what are you looking at my ass for, can't you see my new dress, or why does he not think my face will make him melt into being my fool.. and this games is so entwined into the social process, that no wonder it's so stupid.. that women walk down the street afraid to even look at a man, and rather count the cracks in the sidewalk, than to be a interactively human being.... afraid she might see something she likes, that prompts her to go into her bag of trick.. pretending to ignore him, and then wondering , why no one speaks or compliments her... and that process just gets more stupid... then it goes to.. sitting around staying, Oh he's cute, and he's hot.. while at the same time lying, talking about "looks don't matter".. when it is the sole matter.. but instead of being a "EQUAL" person and speak up, stand up and greet, invite, or share from a self motivation.. they are sitting back with a delusion of .. "it makes me look more like the delusion of a lady" if I don't make the first move.. }{but yet-claiming}" to be an adult.. but if they were adult, as to what they claim an adult is.. they'd be .. "Pro-ACTIVE and and self expressive, to initiate conversation, initiate invitation and not sitting around waiting like she is a prize to be won.. this is why teens.. learn to love, the make it as simple as it is.. becasue they simply like whom they like ... until they get to the age their "{adults}" fill their head with games, tactics and trying to make them get paid, claiming if they don't get this or that, they should feel used"... But in this site here... I discussed many intricate reality within sexuality, but instead of discuss it, all half the people could think.. was to "attach a label"... and then follow it up with some crap of .. "sex is not important".. when half the relationship break up about sex and/or money.. and then both of the two are like universal parts.. one is connected to the other, of money then sex, or sex, then money... and the circle has a zillion costumes... and the prostituting mentality is the dominant force that regulate even social interactions... It's only a coveted and so called protected thing, when it does not get the prize payment it seeks.. but put the same one in a situation where money is king, and panties fly off like the threads in them fell apart... they talk this crap about men need it more than women, but there is not a mass of men, burning up every kind of sex toy the market can produce, and the % of men, chasing other men, is nothing remotely near the women who will seduce each other if left in a room together for any extended period of time.. one is sitting there wondering if the other will.. it's about the most stupidest things imaginable.. women will bang each other and go to dinner and both of them reach in their purse to pay their share.. the minute she bangs a man, she sits there like her hands won't go in her purse, becase her mind has that.. "you owe me mentality"... and the ego trip of .. if you like me .. you will pay.... and they never see it's nothing but a manner of prostitution with a different twist to how it's administered.. and then if the dinner did not cost what price she put on sharing.. she then goes into a measurment thing, of well, I'm worth more than a hamburger.. never realizing .. the hamburger was something shared.. not done with the intent to pay for sharing the bedroom.... but the stupidity is absurd,.. in a world where all the information is available to gain a better understanding of life, and relationship.. by simply logging on to a computer and sharing and exploring information. some are sitting around thinking the world should bow to them, if they have engaged to relate and sleep with someone.. then the calculator comes out.. and everything becomes measured.. on the revolving payment plan.. and " EQUAL ... sharing is the last thing that any would even dare to think, and become belligerent when it's mentioned to them, of their use and abuse and prostituting mindset, driven by the expectations of what they think they should get when sex is engaged"... to the point they can't appreciate anything, for rating the antics, and how much time they can lay back and suck up all the pleasure they can get without having to raise a finger to give anything or self expression... so they think, the mere fact they showed up.. is worth them getting paid. now here's the real dumb part.. when a woman visits, if things are not moving to the pace she wants, while she does not thing but sit there, then comes the bS, of "I guess I will go", " It's getting late I better go", and a cycle of such silliness.. rather than to simply tell the man, that she likes him and want to share this or that.. and actually just do it.. but that realism was not built into her fantasy, because the fantasy was built on how much he caters to her, how much he strokes her ego, and how much he does to appease her, and how much silly stuff that he has to not address, to be agreeable to her one sided views of what she expects.. and it seems there is no end in sight for this process of silliness. so it's for certain, that the average teen, is far less likely to have or get a conversation with a claimed "{adults}.. about anything relative to relations and the sensual and sexual realism of it.. they will for sure get a list of fear invoking madness, and denial that by the nature of what it sex that is is a pleasurable function.. and what of and what about the nature of responsiblity that is involved.. and they can't talk about that, because they more than likely themselves are still using it as a gambit too... Now in no means think this is all about women.. because much of it applies to men as well... there are men, who can't even face or deal with women who are open and expressive about her thoughts, her desires and her wants and stuff that she would like or enjoy doing.. there are men, who can't accept a woman taking a lead in self expression, and there are men.. who can't even go on a date and engage a woman lest he creates a situation like he is winning something.. and then there are the ones who want to pretend that he has to judge the woman, if she don't play the three date mutual delusions cycle... there are people married, the man can't even discuss what the woman likes, or be open for her to share with him how she likes certain things that she likes.. and women have to hold their tongue just to spare his ego... rather than to share the creations of her fantasy desires .... and some men, women have to hide toys from, becasue instead of sharing the enjoyment and playing with the toys, he is trying to rate himself against the toy.. if she likes this or that.. if he did not initiate it, he then wants to pass judgment on the woman... and if she shows him that she too likes sex.. then he wants to trust her less as a human being.. and what results is people..."living bulls^it games".. and delusions until it gets to a point, they hate the thought of even considering doing anything with each other.. and the stupidity of it all... is men and woman both... know the other likes it, because it's a natural function in life that has pleasure designed within what it is.. and how it presents pleasure within it's engaging experiences... and people lie to each other, as if they don't like pleasure.. which is the most absurd bullshit imaginable.. " now while you are stewing in your pissed off attitude about the subject and comments".. maybe just maybe it may even be a provocation of thought.... and if you are in the lest bit honest with yourself.. you may even learn something thru your thoughts and your own self reflection.. to actually... grow.. but it's more than like, many will read and walk away with a self created appeasing summary, of attaching a label to the writer, rather than, to take the points and explore their own reality, and face a few things, they probably have denied... some will come up with this delusion of, "well it's not our tradition to talk about it"... well truth is.. if you can't talk about it, then don't expect your mate to read your mind, and when you get dis-satisfied, blame yourself and blame your tradition.. for being the barrier in your inability to communicate and talk about it... " think"... it's such a wonderful way to "understand more of what is living"... and people find they can and do.. Grow, when they "think" Life is simple... it always and will always.. Present the "Challenges to be Yourself".. we will never stop growing, unless we choose to.. |
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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