Posted 7/17/2009 11:30 AM CDT on
Well ...... for..... years upon years, the downward spiral has evolved to the true meaning - to be -
"Indenture of the Poor and Working Poor Bonded in Servititude."
Highlighted in the past 8 years - to achive devastations of many sorts...
This nation made "Rock Star" imagery of the Bankers, and
The Investment houses filled their ranks with, million dollar babies, whom all felt entitled to live like a Prince, with multiple palaces and private jets, each taking investors money, paying them "pennies" while they paid themselves Prince'ly sums..
Investors lined up,
with a pen and paper, a computer screen, and some slick willie charts..
Now their treasures are tucked away, and again they gamble, this time with the money of the taxpayer, fully sanctioned.
so the theft of a nation, and the robbery of America continues - An Un wise public,
Reality behind reported Bank Profits
"What is Profit - Is it Profit" Your Money - Who's Money
They yo yo the nations, with up and down games of interest rate tactics, unregulated, in needs of fixed in place % caps... and the delusion of people to support their run away capitalistic march. a public unaware it only benefits the bankers, it weakens a nation, and deprives the lives of the family and hinders the education of the youth. and the citizens are simply pawns in the money-changers game.
playing supporter to the rule of the banks, at the expense of their own lives and standards of living.
Unregulated capitalism is no different than "constructive robbery" of the masses-
- Banks Jack up the interest rate, and take the money from the pockets of people, and removed the currency from circulating to support industry.
- Banker Jack up the interest rates, and people loose jobs and factories close,
- Banks Jack up the interest rate, and production is shipped offshore, and business sold for a song and a dance. and the public remains unaware and without even remote interest to have a voice.
- Banks Jack up interest rates and make the nation homeless, and people sleeping in tents, yet unaware.
- Banks Jack up interest rates, and small business close, and big business shutter... with no option but to wait for their own demise.
- Banks jack up rates, and stock markets crash, over inflated stock tumble like hail falling from a storm could.
- Banks jack up rates, and kids abandon college, and parents can barely get their toddler to pre schools.
- Banks jack up rates and people relegated to eat cheap unhealthy food, because the farmer have too much interest debt, which kills their crops and leaves the soil unturned for planting... and cost too much to get cattle to market, while the chickens fed with chemical, unable to walk yet, full sized for market within a week.
Yet.. we hear a rally cry from the wealthy,
Unemployment Reality :
America’s Effective Unemployment Rate at 18.7%?
Shut down the hospital, and cut back on the school and let go the teacher, expel the students
Sadly.. American is facing results from the greed it groomed itself , in the choice it took in the early years, deviating from its own constitution, which simply ask - fairness to all man, and equality unto all persons. Yet the devise of its own creation, thirsting to be the - Masters of Indenture. It deviated from its own constitutional regards, to work as one people, for the good of all people, and every being counted as one. Yet It preferred, the choice, the aim, the collusion, and the acts to indenture, relegating many and starving most. A tactical pursuit, to void out such a thought, and proclaim the nature of a king unto some, while other were denied, even the right to be call a person, as man or woman.
Today... it is not an indenture based on skin tone- it is simply an Indenture of the Poor and Working Poor.
Indenture Masters, would have none of that, instead they who lead a nation which is enslaved,
Property of Home should never have been a gambit for the bankers to play parlay and box the bet, and hedge the tally, unaware the greatest assets a nation holds is the home of its citizens. yet...used in the gamble played by the indenture masters, simply known as Bankers, who by choice and act..
Walking around unemployed, and no place in sight which might employ - foreign names taking over the once known landmarks, foreign owners taking over the beer people drink, and the candy kids eat. America made itself into an Island nation, importing even what it eats, what it wears and what it utilizes.
Made of plastic fiber, simulated to look like what once was an original creation, now blast molded, and painted with a fools gold layer, and polished plastic appearing as silver.
The people, bought the delusion, and now can't get past the smoke and mirror, which creates another illusion. Lands sits idle, not a tractor in sight, followed by the image painted to disregard and dis respect any tiller of the soil. for the thought of man growing without the indenture master controlling.. is unthinkable, and not allowed.
Many still cling to the wishes for the bankers to be free, and the stock market to continue the game,
the picture of the future seen in the images of the hungry child...
prepare themselves yet another Feast.
Yet,... we reaming silent - as if we are unconcerned.. with an illusion, that a dream will manifest within the flash of a moment...
and jobs will magically appear. Again... we sit with an illusion.. while the Bankers drain our lives and starve our children's, not only of food, but a place to learn, and a facility to get the simple care of medical service... sadly.... we sit... dumbfounded, penniless, yet still Unaware. We remain the Indentured Servant. While the Wealthy... delight at the ball.
What might awaken, the eyes of the masses
What might arouse the voices of many
Is there a thought of care, within any ???
or What might arouse the voices of many
Is there a thought of care, within any ???
Shall silence continue its deafening roar ??
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