With the economy in shambles, and the Multi-National Investment Houses, which have made many people loose many fortunes. Do you think it's time, for the Local Investment Firms to build "Local Programs" - where local Investors can see their money benefit the local community, and earn a return for doing so ?
Instead of sending money to firms in New York, and other places,where Giant Investment Banks rob the investors, and the executive pay themselves with the profits derived from those investments,
Would it be more practical and even more logical for Local Investment Firms to build program, which support- Investing in local business growth, Ideas that build better business and replenish our communities with growth and development - Here in our own city, and its region..
Not only can investor's earn, they can watch what their investment are doing, they can see how it benefit growth. They will have a front row seat, to know what their money is invested in, and they will have first hand contact with the Investment Managers. They can earn a stead growth, and see the assurance of what types of development they want to target their investment to address. As they watch our city blossom in a self interest of the community in which we live.
Examples: some can invest in small business development, some can investment in business growth, some can invest in property repairs and improvement in community re-development . There are a multitude of things, right here in the Shreveport City and 'Region, Investors can support, if - a Firm with the skills, sits down and look at the city, and see the potential for development, and focus their skills to build investment programs that directly benefit the city where the investors lives, which in turn benefits the investor, with investments they can understand and gains they can measure.
The Small Businessman, can get terms they can lives with,
capital support that helps them grow - as a small business.
capital support that helps them grow - as a small business.
Local Investors can put caps on Local Investor Management Compensation, so more work results for the investment dollar, they can press for no bonus for failure to properly manage the investors capital. the investment firm still earns a suitable profit, but they don't make profit at the expense of loss to the actual investor.
There are many programs which can be created right here in this city.
Imagine this: Even on "Health Care" - Creative Programs can be created.
Take all the barbers and beauticians, and other small shop owners, and work with the Hospitals in the area - and build local program for local business owners, to collectively have a Medical program, that has a reasonable monthly premium which gives them services at WK and Schumpert. Not only does it benefit the business owners but it also benefits the local hospitals, to help provide more quality managed care to business owners and their families at a reasonable fee.
The vendor base I aimed to build, I had an objective to build a large vendor base, and create a pool of multiple vendors, and pursue the creation of a vendor based group medical program, where people could get urgent care, and other medical services - and its managed right here in this city. Mostly it just needs Insurance brokers, to sit back and put the program together, and make it reasonable in cost structure. and its a specialty group policy. It's all possible, if the effort of those with the skills to structure this would get together, and make it work. The participants would not be difficult to get.
We have many categories of people and professions, such program can encompass. But if we as people take note, the multi-national program are simply not working, The multinational Investment houses are simply not working, especially for the average citizen.
Localized program - is something people can manage, and they can themselves take note of its progress.
Even WK and Schumpert- could initiate city wide Insurance programs, where simply Citizens of Shreveport can be covered under the program, and it could be beneficial to both the hospital as well as the general population of citizens. IF there are 10K-20k or more people paying $30 -$40 -$50 a month, that is a lot of income for the Hospitals, every month, and its all manageable right here in this city.
It could help the Localized Hospital to improve the educational outreach, to have seminars where dieticians and other specialist, who put on periodical programs at the Old or the New convention center, to keep the public educated on improvement in medical matters and their health. We can have health fairs that benefit people in a multitude of ways. Not only will Adults learn about health matters, children grow up in a environment learning about health matters.
The vendor base I aimed to build, I had an objective to build a large vendor base, and create a pool of multiple vendors, and pursue the creation of a vendor based group medical program, where people could get urgent care, and other medical services - and its managed right here in this city. Mostly it just needs Insurance brokers, to sit back and put the program together, and make it reasonable in cost structure. and its a specialty group policy. It's all possible, if the effort of those with the skills to structure this would get together, and make it work. The participants would not be difficult to get.
We have many categories of people and professions, such program can encompass. But if we as people take note, the multi-national program are simply not working, The multinational Investment houses are simply not working, especially for the average citizen.
Localized program - is something people can manage, and they can themselves take note of its progress.
Even WK and Schumpert- could initiate city wide Insurance programs, where simply Citizens of Shreveport can be covered under the program, and it could be beneficial to both the hospital as well as the general population of citizens. IF there are 10K-20k or more people paying $30 -$40 -$50 a month, that is a lot of income for the Hospitals, every month, and its all manageable right here in this city.
It could help the Localized Hospital to improve the educational outreach, to have seminars where dieticians and other specialist, who put on periodical programs at the Old or the New convention center, to keep the public educated on improvement in medical matters and their health. We can have health fairs that benefit people in a multitude of ways. Not only will Adults learn about health matters, children grow up in a environment learning about health matters.
When I ventured to create my business, it was to deal with this and other range of things. Not many people want to open their minds to see the outreach of its aim, and sadly people simply think.. well, scale it back and scale it down.. when the point was simple, I was not trying to throw a neighborhood party, I was aiming to operate a business, that benefits the people of the city and the region. and I put a massive amount of work, within outline and structure planning into it. Unfortunately, I simply did not have the funds to make the push it required.
Imagine if we had localized investment that could help support creative growth - I tried the various agencies, but no one was willing to help. its nothing but a circle that spins a person around and dump them right back at the doors of SBA, and they dump you at the doors of the banks, with not even a letter of recommendation.
Many of the organization that stake their claim on teaching people to build business plans, don't even believe in their work enough to provide the people who take their programs, with a letter of recommendation which helps them secure a loan. They dump them at the doors of SBA or a Bank.. and tell them to go on their own. Even when they know, if the person had a relations with the bank, they would not have needed to come to the organization for assistance in the first place.
It's the biggest cycle of 'simply spinning " that leave more people stranded, probably more so, than it actually helps people. Many of these places continue to get Federal Funding to operate, simply for processing a list of people in and out their doors. but their actual benefit does not show a resolve statistic's or success ratio, which remain very low to the point near to being non productive. Other than.. a increase in number of people passing through the doors.
If they were productive, we'd have a growth ratio in new business creation. But what we have is a steady decline in new business, and a failure of existing business, because they can't get the help they need. Which is endorsements and funding.
Our system self defeats itself, and the only aspect which benefit is the organization itself, which continue to secure for itself, a means to get federal funding to keep themselves working.
I personally called a variety of these places, and they tell you how they can help people develop a business plan, and some other things.. but they stop short..at going beyond that. and will tell you in very clear terms. " we do not provide a letter of endorsement or recommendation" - I wonder, if they feel so assured they have helped people create a good plan, then why would you not give them an endorsement and recommendation, if they believe in what they have taught or reviewed.
I've talked to a few people who engaged the program, and they are sorely disappointed, and much times has gone past, and they are no further along than before they went to the these programs. still unable to get funding.
I designed in my idea as a means to also, help with the Youth business program, which would have afforded an ongoing means for these youth, not only to make action with their business plans, but to have a means to do the most important part.. and that is put the plan in action. But again, the stop point is.. "we don't have the funding".. so a mass of youth, who have business plan, which become non functional, because they can't put it into action.
We have countless people in this city who have business interest, but they simply can't get funding and no program to endorse them to get funding.
My plan again, I modified it, to have the potential to improve the condition of many factors to assist in business creation. But I simply cannot get funding to make it happen. It has the elements to have and provide full time employment to people, to help run it, but it also has the benefit to create multiple business owners. which means more people working, more people creating business and more people earning a functional income.
But with out the benefit of support funding... it goes about the same extent as all these program that stake their existence on 'creating business plans".. and that is the extent they stop.
Many organization, I'm sure sit with countless items on their back log, that may never see the light of day. WHY ?
Imagine if we had localized investment that could help support creative growth - I tried the various agencies, but no one was willing to help. its nothing but a circle that spins a person around and dump them right back at the doors of SBA, and they dump you at the doors of the banks, with not even a letter of recommendation.
Many of the organization that stake their claim on teaching people to build business plans, don't even believe in their work enough to provide the people who take their programs, with a letter of recommendation which helps them secure a loan. They dump them at the doors of SBA or a Bank.. and tell them to go on their own. Even when they know, if the person had a relations with the bank, they would not have needed to come to the organization for assistance in the first place.
It's the biggest cycle of 'simply spinning " that leave more people stranded, probably more so, than it actually helps people. Many of these places continue to get Federal Funding to operate, simply for processing a list of people in and out their doors. but their actual benefit does not show a resolve statistic's or success ratio, which remain very low to the point near to being non productive. Other than.. a increase in number of people passing through the doors.
If they were productive, we'd have a growth ratio in new business creation. But what we have is a steady decline in new business, and a failure of existing business, because they can't get the help they need. Which is endorsements and funding.
Our system self defeats itself, and the only aspect which benefit is the organization itself, which continue to secure for itself, a means to get federal funding to keep themselves working.
I personally called a variety of these places, and they tell you how they can help people develop a business plan, and some other things.. but they stop short..at going beyond that. and will tell you in very clear terms. " we do not provide a letter of endorsement or recommendation" - I wonder, if they feel so assured they have helped people create a good plan, then why would you not give them an endorsement and recommendation, if they believe in what they have taught or reviewed.
I've talked to a few people who engaged the program, and they are sorely disappointed, and much times has gone past, and they are no further along than before they went to the these programs. still unable to get funding.
I designed in my idea as a means to also, help with the Youth business program, which would have afforded an ongoing means for these youth, not only to make action with their business plans, but to have a means to do the most important part.. and that is put the plan in action. But again, the stop point is.. "we don't have the funding".. so a mass of youth, who have business plan, which become non functional, because they can't put it into action.
We have countless people in this city who have business interest, but they simply can't get funding and no program to endorse them to get funding.
My plan again, I modified it, to have the potential to improve the condition of many factors to assist in business creation. But I simply cannot get funding to make it happen. It has the elements to have and provide full time employment to people, to help run it, but it also has the benefit to create multiple business owners. which means more people working, more people creating business and more people earning a functional income.
But with out the benefit of support funding... it goes about the same extent as all these program that stake their existence on 'creating business plans".. and that is the extent they stop.
Many organization, I'm sure sit with countless items on their back log, that may never see the light of day. WHY ?
One sad thing we have in our region and within this nation.. people who resent seeing other's "think" One blogger just wrote about "diversity".. and it was a very good blog, what we have as a society is the need to respect diversity... "which is to respect persons",... not based on color and that cycle of folklore negativity which it so often entails of yesterdays world.
But within business and its funding, to respect the diversity of persons, to see people as business people, not black business people or white business people but simply as people.
give equal credence to the ideas of one as you give to the ideas of others.
No more do we need the attitude, to tell the black person, to scale their down as if they will function like a Yard sale, while in turn the white person, is funded , to support curb appeal, facility image, advertising, fixtures, inventory and operating capital. Yet, we wonder why the small business in the black community look like "shade tree mechanic shops" or some ghetto shop, appearing as if it was built by a group of grade school kids, while in the white community, the business has a image model, and uniformity, curb appeal, and quality promotion, marketing and advertising.
But within business and its funding, to respect the diversity of persons, to see people as business people, not black business people or white business people but simply as people.
give equal credence to the ideas of one as you give to the ideas of others.
No more do we need the attitude, to tell the black person, to scale their down as if they will function like a Yard sale, while in turn the white person, is funded , to support curb appeal, facility image, advertising, fixtures, inventory and operating capital. Yet, we wonder why the small business in the black community look like "shade tree mechanic shops" or some ghetto shop, appearing as if it was built by a group of grade school kids, while in the white community, the business has a image model, and uniformity, curb appeal, and quality promotion, marketing and advertising.
The concept of business being able to Attract is funded in the white community,
In the black community, its still almost like the quality difference of the "separate but Unequal" schools system that was built back in the days of segregation divide.
In the black community, its still almost like the quality difference of the "separate but Unequal" schools system that was built back in the days of segregation divide.
Minority business with handwritten signs, which look more like a deterrent than an attraction, where white business has a well lit sign that is professionally done. Black business only form of advertising is plastering the windows with a bunch of fluorescent colored poster boards with a some confusing looking writing on it, while the white business, has print advertising, and mail out and flyers and other professional means of customer attraction.
Its simply a Matter of proper funding, that makes the distinguishing difference. the lack of availability of such funds in one area, and an abundance of such funds available in another area. And people wonder why is there a difference in their ability to improve sales.
Its simply a Matter of proper funding, that makes the distinguishing difference. the lack of availability of such funds in one area, and an abundance of such funds available in another area. And people wonder why is there a difference in their ability to improve sales.
We need to build ''ONE CITY"... not build and manage our city as if it is like the "separate but unequal" system of the 1950's..
Our commerce in this city could improve dramatically, if we make the efforts to build with uniformity in backing our business owners with equilibrium in funding.
Black contractors, get the small jobs, black land owners, who can't get the funding to build multi unit apartment and condo unit's with the funding backing to make a quality up scale production. So their land sits - unimproved. and the substandard funding, generates only substandard quality development. and we wonder why the disparity across the landscape looks as it does.
We even see it in things it should never be seen.. even on a state level, Look at the run down condition of Fair Park, and then go look at the pristine condition of Byrd, but they are both, public schools, within the public school system. it makes absolutely no sense.
even the inequality in how public schools are funded and maintained. Is truly pathetic to say the least.
No one wants to address this, and sit back and simply assume, well that's how it is.. NO.. that's how our silence allows it to be. and its simply a blemish to the city as a whole.
Drive in front of Fair Park and ask yourself, is "edging the grass a lost and forgotten art".. but if you drive in Front of Byrd, you'd think that edging the grass was the highest priority imaginable. simple things, tell many things, but people simply ignore it.
go downtown near the Casino, and see if the shrubbery is trimmed properly, but go by the Fair Grounds and the Museum there, and ask yourself, why has the shrubs been forgotten as to being trimmed and maintained regularly.
Would you see any abandoned store fronts on Youree, that look like junk pits, but drive down many of the street in the inner city areas, as ask.. goodness, how can this be allowed to look like this.
The bias that negates fair diversity in upkeep and management of cityscapes.. shows the same historical imbalance that existed in a time long gone past, but these element remain unbalanced which denotes a vivid reminded of the attitude that prevails underneath the illusion of a level playing field.
We have countless things, which can improve the over-all equity of our city and its landscape and business and social function. but first we have internal mental work to do, to feel as "one city" that supports with equal regard ... both in funding, maintenance and development.
Unless we get that mentality. we will see a sprawling and crawling ghetto. and economic erosion continue to creep across our city.
that pushes the exodus and the suburban spread.. and weaken the cites' ability to maintain and grow itself.
We have far more than enough things to create enough work, to have employment for all our people ... city wide.. if first we simply come to respect people as people, and build with regard to promote the whole city and its people. To build investors that invest in the whole city and its business people.. then we can grow.. Currently, we are applying band-aid.. while we watch.. the exodus from ... and demise of the inner city...
What will our tomorrow's be
If we don't honestly face as many of our issue as we can,
fix as much as we can acknowledge in our efforts of today
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