Posted 7/12/2009 3:29 PM CDT on
??? in Learning to Be "A Man"First thing to learn is probably the simpliest but the most difficult :-
Not all males become to be Men !
Lest they turn to live from within - to embrace the God spirt which lives deep within the human being
Lest they turn to live from within - to embrace the God spirt which lives deep within the human being
Age makes not a man, but it makes the body grow with age, Being a Man, is far more than the Size of your shoe, or the Height you stand, It is far more than what you treasure and measure between your legs, and it is far more than the brutality used to destroy.. dollars will never make a man, nor will wealth proclaim any male to be a man. God made what is a Man, to be far greater than any of these things can ever measure, even in the slightest measure, they cannot make what is a Man. are you getting a hint!.. A man, and being so, is a responsibility many understand so little, and miss becoming something so Great.. as being simply "A Man.
Making babies makes not a man, only it makes babies, it takes a man, to raise a baby, to teach it as being a male and nuture it , to live from within, to become "A Man".
The Majesty of what is a Man, is so Awe inspiring and so great in the glory of what God has created, to defile it, by vanity is truely to deny all the things which God put within the making of a man. "Think in simple terms, to see the greatness of what is a Man
A lion in the wild will attack and kill a male, but a lion in the wild, will yeild way unto a Man and make effort to avoid conflict
"The Man, knows how to gain the Respect of the Lion, is equally a man who give Respect unto the Lion"
What makes a man is deep within, and only through the gaining of understanding, through the explorations of knowledge, and the utility of Wisdom - will a male - learn ways of being a Man.
"A Man" is of God's Greatest Creations.
How does a Man Gain Love
A Woman- Loves a man, only girls who have not become a woman, find infactuation within male, But a Man, by his nature of being a Man, gains the Love of a Woman, who is not won by infactuations- nor delighted by folley nor does she champion brutality, she is not led into follishness by malice and shall not be swayed by avarices of any sort. She will "love "A Man", and A Man will with his full heart and self, Love a Woman, and Protect the World they Share.

"The Man, knows how to gain the Respect of the Lion, is equally a man who give Respect unto the Lion"
What makes a man is deep within, and only through the gaining of understanding, through the explorations of knowledge, and the utility of Wisdom - will a male - learn ways of being a Man.
"A Man" is of God's Greatest Creations.
How does a Man Gain Love
A Woman- Loves a man, only girls who have not become a woman, find infactuation within male, But a Man, by his nature of being a Man, gains the Love of a Woman, who is not won by infactuations- nor delighted by folley nor does she champion brutality, she is not led into follishness by malice and shall not be swayed by avarices of any sort. She will "love "A Man", and A Man will with his full heart and self, Love a Woman, and Protect the World they Share.
" Far too many of Today's Male is not making effort to be A Man "
Actions of not being a Man, disrespect the beauty of what is wo-man, as he makes of himself, simply a fool, who is simply a male, unable to know the simplicity of Loving even woman or himself.
Actions of not being a Man, disrespect the beauty of what is wo-man, as he makes of himself, simply a fool, who is simply a male, unable to know the simplicity of Loving even woman or himself.
The following contains many things, but the first and foremost things is:
"It's not just a statement- It's a Truth you should embrace"
"It's not just a statement- It's a Truth you should embrace"
And you will find Ways simply to be "A Man"
- TIME WILL FIND YOU, BEHIND THE PRISON WALL if a bullet does not put you underground first.
"Selling Drugs"
It's a dead end street for you, and the people you sell it to, both get the same!!! "Self Destruction". It is not worth it , for the sake to flaunt some fake over priced cheap jewelry, and some vain material stuff, for the ultimate result of being imprisoned or 6 feet under.
Is it any way to give any respect to parents who gave you the nature of life with the giving of birth. What can you do to respect that?
"Truth is simple"
Your life is what you make it, "if you feel lost or confused, and or challenged, Make your way to a church or a school, and gather the lamp of understanding, so you can have the light of knowledge to guide you.. "and follow the pathways of learning, to be a giver in life, not a taker, and Your life can be what you make it.
The choice is not at the barrel of a gun, nor is at the choice of a finger on the trigger ! You simply result to take life, while throwing your own away. and you gain nothing, but a delusion or death.
What good does it do you to be in a gang, it only make you a "3 block square" hoodlum, you only confine yourself to a small circle of the community, and draw lines, as if to imprison yourself, and you are being too stupid to know it. "rallying about some false bravado, riding on the ego of being foolish". What a Terrible Waste of A Life ! and a silly choice to avoid the work of honor in simply being "A Man"
What will it gain you, walking around with a tattooed up body, and making yourself look as a slouch with saggin clothes, and ruled and controlled by a color of cloth, and the premise of a color, enslaves you, once again. So very unfortunately - This Time & This Way, "YOU" - do it to yourself. and you even issue yourself a intense butt whipping or death, if you leave your chosen "3 block square self imprisonment". unable to be simply a man, free to move about the world, but a self chosen fool, who confines himself to a closed circle, or making a pathway which becomes a trail .. to jail.. and finding, there, you are treated like the male, and not a man, who may be turned into the symbol of flesh pleasure, for the delight of other males, who themselves, are less than A Man.
You can't walk down the street without a hood on your head, for fear you may get shot by a rival hoodlum, you can't sit up and drive a car, afraid you need the door frame to hide your head, to avoid getting shot by another hoodlum, who lives in another "3 block radius". You claim a gang, you claimed a color, and the claim has cost you to be confined, no one can get in and no one can get out. By choices made to be confined within a gang.. working hard to be everything but, A Man.
You rob and kill each other, only to spew vain self egotism, among your "set" of "3 block hoodlums"... and then you label yourself as a "gang member".. as if you pledge to give your life, for the right to create mayhem and incite urban terrorism, even jeopardizing your own family and many times your kids, wife or girlfriends. All for what ?? " Ego and Vanity". hiding in the real fear, because you fear facing the challenges of what it takes not to be in a gang, and what it takes to be a part of the world which contributes to the promotion of good and the help for others. as simply "A Man". You have chosen to be a taker, and not a giver. and always the cost is greater than you can bear. for the choice you make. You deny unto yourself - the opportunity God gave you, to be "A Man".
Far too Many of you walk around, with no respect for the elders, and no regard for the children, and showing disrespect to mothers, whose sons you kill, without remorse, without forethought of compassion, you drive your life with anger, anguish, lack of belief in self, and a false bravado, which haunts you in the night, you try to smother with drugs and drink, hoping no one knows. your fears of being a Man, are greater than your delusion of bravado- leaving you less than being "a Man".
That is not being a Man.. that is being a boy, being led and misled, and self imprisoned in your own personal "3 blocks of hell".. Afraid simply to learn to be A Man.
"Learn to Reach out - don't fight what you don't understand, don't deny the truth you fear to face, and don't pretend to be brave by making choices best left unto a fool, The real strength of a man, is within how he seeks help, his will to humble himself and ask for help, and to engage himself to join with help, and within the process, before long - you will find yourself - hungry to help others. Reaching out, is not always to take, but it also prepares you, to be able to give.
"The Delusion of Gang Life"
Creating a lingo, that does not function outside of your self imposed prison of a 3 blocksquare self confined community, drinking beer, smoking weed, selling and consuming crack, and in the midst of it all, you are unaware of what you are loosing, and have not considered what you have chosen to toss away..
You wonder what could you loose... Well.. first you stand to lose your most important asset - "your humanity and your character:
Which is your what creates a sense of dignity and respect for yourself and your own community, and you deny and destroy what equip's you to learn and be a positive efforts and a driving force, to uplift a community. Yet.. you keep choosing the ways of fear, the ways of weakness and denying the great capacity of beauty which God instilled deep within you, the moment you were given life and the breath to live in this world. You waste what is so precious, and you waste it as if you choose to be a fool, Squandering a gift so great, there is nothing which can ever compare to what such a gift can give unto the world. Yet.. you create nothing but a nature of ghetto with violence, that eventually consumes you, while it entraps your neighborhood member's into a situation, that insults the integrity of human beings. with the violence, and disregard you show for the sanctity of life. you make a hell for the women, and an area of chaos for the children, and rob a generation of the chance for dignity within itself.
You can deny such truth- and choose to take the ways of a fool.. and continue to the making ways of fools to make fools of self, and destroy what you should stand to protect. and champion yourself- to be the fool of fools- far less than being A Man.
You will get caught, and you will either go to jail, or you will die. and in the midst of those events, you will have contributed nothing to the betterment of society, you'll have done by then, nothing more than to take the neighborhood and community down, that to lift it up. and prove how little you care, and what you have no respect for in being a man. as one who protects and uplift the community of women and children- and you will have failed the great opportunity to 'simply be A man.
Hope vanishes, as you embrace rage, honor diminishes as you pledge your life to violence, mayhem, robbery, drugs and murder, and when you build evil works and inspire evil deeds, by making drug addicts out of your fellow community members, and you pursue a dead end, with a laugh on your face and sarcasm on your lips.. boasting of gangs, pledging your allegiance.. as if to deny God in your boldest manner, with your highest disregard. You choose hell, long before you are eventually delivered , as you have chosen. Yet- you remain, unaware to change, Unaweare to ask God into your Heat, and to heal your soul, to give you strength to be a man, and the compassion to be kind not only unto others, but to be kind unto yourself. "hold your head up young men, and women, and see the light of life, and you may find an brilliant glow, which can sprang from within you. as you learn to walk out of the darkness of self tormenting ways. Yes, you have that choice. to be "A Man".
Why does it take the bars of a cage, to awaken you, why does it take the countless men who have been made wheelchair bound, or bed ridden, or many who have simply lost their mind, or buried in a marker less grave, soon to be overgrown by weeds, and you have by them left only mayhem, as a vile semblence of a time lived.... because you can't see.. You are your own worst enemy.. and You choose continual acts, that take more from your life, than you can ever gain through the membership of a gangs, even as you stayed within it a lifetime. Your life will have been lived in vain.. as a male, who never grew beyond self vanity. Sadly... such ones live a life, simply being afraid to be of the greatness God instilled within, to be simply " A Man".. all for the simple fears of embracing the labor's of love, It takes a man, to appreciate, and it takes a man, to have consideration, it takes a man to have care for other man, and to live being a builder, not a destroyer.. Any fool can destroy, and delight in it, But it hurts the heart of a man, into the depth of his soul, to destroy the great things which God has created. As a man, learns how to respect, how to care, how to appreciate, to help, to nuture, and be there, for other man, as a helping hand. If you can meet that measure, and join to create good will and good things in life, Then you can claim unto yourself, the honor of being simply "a man"... and within that, you honor too, the love of woman, and the protections of child.
Gangs' Murderers' Drug Sellers who Steal the Soul of other man, Killer's who shoot bullets which take the lives of other man, for the sake of vanity, and the elation of ego, and the passification of fear ---
God would not approve, and Jesus would take not part in your actions nor your folly.. and under such truth, you make of yourself, a hoodlum slinging symbols with your fingers, denoting that you can't be trusted to be in a civilized self respecting situation, you show inability to embrace the dignity, to give respect to others. Sadly, you remain unaware, What you ultimate create is a self imposed hell, for yourself, and the community you occupy. simply in your acts of avoiding to be "a man".
Its time to think different, review the pattern which is taking you the wrong way, and make a change to make choice, to be one who uplifts the communty, not one who insults it and ultimately destroy the humanity within it... and you will find yourself, to be " A man, who earns the honor as "Gods' Helper".. being- a Man among other Men.
The long history of fighting by brute means to defend one's self to be seen as a man, was a battle won, by the peaceful marches of Men who learned as men who toiled throught many horrors, to use the kindness of heart and the truth of understanding and the wisdom of perserverence - is what won for the black males, The respect to become seen as "Men". What young males must understand, and not toss away, by anguish and despair, with a choice of violence and vile vain actions. is a simple truth, to know, as your roots in history is from a land, Where Men stood as Men. The Cradle of the known civilization of Man, is rooted in the Lands your great ancient Ancestor were born- and it was a nation filled with Men.
Through many years, and centuries of brutality, by many means and actions of cruelty- was effort engaged to strip black men of their stature as Men. And throught the tribulations of many things, it was the nature of strength in being Men, that brought change to a nation which tried to take from Males, their Stature as Men. We need not fight that battle further by the means and acts of brutality, for we have seen it is not acts a Man would engage, but only males who want to dominate as male, and be less than men themselves, to do unto other man, what one would not want done to self.
Therfore- the ancients of and within whom is your ancestors, knew in spirit, the truth of man, is by the ways of patience, the ways of understanding, and not by brute means, nor by malice or avarice of devise - but by men, who held true in the depth of brutality enacted against and upon him, to hold fast, unto the value of being Men.. and remaining to be "a man" .
You have a legacy of Men to believe in, Men who believed so deeply in the truth God instilled deep within Man, and they held strong to that truth, through every torment thrown upon and against them. And by the march of peace, and the speaking of truth, A nation, has not choice, but to accept the truth of black males as "a Man". Or such a society, which respect not the black male as A man, it must see it's own self as far less than men, or accept themselves as barbarian simply guarding a gate of malice and avarice, unaware of the god given stature and rights of man. and by averice and vice of every sort- living far less than being a man, to use other man- to feed himself at other mens labors and expense. So.. you simply need to know... being A man.. has far more strength, than any brute force can diminish, no malice can deny, and no avarice can over come nor claim a measure above- what is the simple and truthful nature of "Being A Man"
We have a history of men, who have led and shown the truth of Man- and what it takes in being a Man - and loose not the compassion, loose not the pursuit for justice, and to embrace the humanity of care, and stand with wisdom to embrace truth, in being a Man.
God is great and without defeat nor fear- and remains true in spirit - deep within the core of "A Man".. to know so, Man Walks by Faith, and fear not, the Glory God has bestowed within being "A Man". Sucn A Man, cannot be overcome- nor made less than the Man, he chooses to be.
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