Where is the stand
Do we understand "The Real Meaning behind the 4th of July" - Why have we abandoned a mindset of a Nation for All people
Working together for the betterment of All People
Are we so greed filled, that we would wreak glutton's havoc, to avoid our fellow American the equilibrium within opportunity
We must Learn to undo this Plutocracy- controlled by an illusion of Monarchy
Become a Democracy, which Regards and Engages all people as being with equaity in opportunity.
Re-learn the needs of industry, and commerce - is to be of first interest, to produce and serve the people of a nation.
Not to be a system which subject many into despair, simply to enrich a few.
Where are the voices - Where is the stand
We see our world crumbling right in the midst or our existence. Yet, we care more about sports, and other fanfare, at the expense of a nation, which can't even support "sports programs in some of its schools", yet we make it such a main element of focus in our daily engagements of media communications.
We see continually, much communication about who shot whom in the neighborhoods, but the political matters, which impact our lives, we selectively ignore. We take far too much care of consumption for entertainment, and far too little with concerned interest about the over-all condition and the declining nature of the systems of communities and state. and watch as our nation simply declines, as if its built on a sand dune.
Many who work today, do not know if they will work next week, we have the dire situations of jobs being lost, then we have a push for a society to claim and hold a degree, simply to get a common sense job, as if we are unaware of the true model we live within. This is a “common sense word”. Even machine operators, where one simply push a button to make a machine start and stop- and we claim it requires a certificate of elitism to do so. In our efforts to be elite, we create more complexity of delusion, and claim ourselves smart for doing so.
Other nations, train people to make circuit boards, and many things for today's commodity of products, yet, we have no plants and no operations, which has this level of tec-pertise blending into the common workforce, we have become a nation, that has no belief in its own people. And status delusion beat down the workforce into complacency, through the acts of disregard, and exaggerated displays of authoritarian arrogance. We look down upon the labor performer, who gets their hands dirty, or provide a service- and turn and worship the image of a necktie, and will not acknowledge, the cycles of ineffective decision they make, which destroys the avenues of labor, which many hands can be made busy to engage.
America has a 60-70 %+ population whom are not degree holder, but have gained work experience, and work related knowledge, gained over many years. We have 30% of those who have some college but no degree, but they have... many years of learned knowledge.
Yet, we have become so elite minded in the imagery of self delusions, until we un-employ our own people, for the sake of a degree, to do a common sense jobs, or a hands on jobs. As corporate greed, and delusional status, has become the frame work of a nations own demise. yet, the insidious nature of it is simple: No matter what the choice of job in the 'generalized employment sector", it has to train people, because no two jobs function with the same procedure, and much of the educations taught to those with degrees, is either out dated, or rooted in a era before. Sadly, we have seen all those models engage failure, and other sorts of demise. We ignore even the doctors and lawyers, have to be trained, as they are placed in periods of "internship" to develop their skill level, when they get their claim of degree. Yet, we try and ignore the premise of training within the common sense job sectors, when the basic function of engaging labor, is always, to hire and to train.
Should this not tell us something, should it not awaken us, to stop pursuing the drive to be a society, as if we label degree, as if it’s some level of royalty, and realize what matter are people- what makes a difference is the works that people do. By all means appreciate a certificate which denotes one has taken a series of classes, but let us not lull ourselves further into delusion, that a degree is some sign of genius. Because it is not. It only denotes a structure of classes has been completed, and a teaching of systematic thinking and systematic process has been indulged.
Let us be with reality in understanding. Our society did not implode by the acts beyond the ranks of those who claimed degree, They made decisions based on "professor models", and ignored common sense, and what we have is a series of collapse, which has not failed to touch every area of industry.
A basic premise which will not fail is the simplicity of common sense.. "Which states' Produce a quality product, and give superior service" and profit can be derived. We don't need the collusion, of people conjuring up collusive models, trying to befuddle others, and claim a feather of prominence, followed by a script of 'politically correct jargon', as if it is to make them a stand out, at the expense of a downfall of a nation.
We as a nation bought our own delusion, of being superior to the world, and trying to cast ourselves a system of faux royalty, which we structure it under the banners of "degree". We have even in that system, collusion. Where a degree does not support the premise it claims. A bachelors degree from Yale, trumps a Master's degree from a non big money school, we have situation where the mention of an "big money school" carries an assumption of excellence, when a person may have attained a PhD from say for instance Wiley, Southern University, or Texas A&M, but , it does not stand a chance against a Bachelors degree from Harvard. Yet, we hinge our delusion on the label of a degree, and then we make them unequal in their premise. And the result is the same.. We try to function as a Monarchy, by such collusive illusion of status, as if a degree denotes an illusion of Royalty. What results is , we simply diminished our own peoples, creativity, we discredit the work done by the many hands of the many people of a nation, and we sit back and hail these unbalanced degree, as the true royalty that we invest in the delusion to assume them to be.
We became a nations of foolish people- paying CEO's 10's of millions, and pay the people who work a below poverty wage- and yet the people work, but the CEO's have presided over cyclic failure, time and time and time again. Until we have become a nation, of unemployed people, whom have had the value of their home sold away, and banks making indentured servants, and treating them like a share cropper, with a process designed to seize their home.
We have become a nation that claims wisdom, but we thrive only within creating wickedness. and watch a parade of gluttons, rip and rob a nation into demise.
Bankers who stole and sold away the nations accumulation of wealth over a span of 500 years, and we have not the dignity of actions, to dismiss these bankers, and follow the enforcement of stern regulator controls.
We allow them to rob us blind, as they know, the ultimate responsibility will revert back to the American tax payer, We should have learned that lesson with Lincoln Saving and the collapse of Saving and Loan's, but we sit in worship mode of these gluttons, who are hired help, which turns into robber barons. and we as a people sit back and say nothing.
Some gloat on the fact they have a job, and look down on the jobless, until they are forced into the ranks, we have a society of people, who can see nor understand anything, as long as they have 10% disposable income, until they find themselves thrust into a situation where they have a 30% deficit in their earning ability.
WE followed the delusion pushed after World War II - thinking ourselves invincible, and every man a king, and ignored the fact, a nation has not power, nor strength when it idles its own people, and diminish its ability to produce even the things it consumes.
We have become a simple dispensing point system for foreign made products, and we remain unaware- We have a mass of a nation of good working people, who care to engage their hands and minds with work, yet, unable to find employment, as the same claim of Degreed people, sold a nations labors, and carted off its industry, and left to corrode in despair, city after city after city. And we blind ourselves, by moving to a suburb, and assuming that all is fine, but what is reality showing? a mass of suburbia unemployed, and communities, unable to maintain its basic city services, because we sold away the industry and commerce, which was the life blood, that flowed to keep it alive. America became a victim of its own illusion of success. And lost on imagery, until it tossed out the substance, and settled for the mirage. Chasing as if to grasp a rainbow, only to find it fade away with the shift of sunlight. Now, what have we produced, other than a nation of prescription junkies, made into dope heads by the pharmaceuticals, who tell us, we need a pill for everything. When we simply need a nation, which functions with available employment, and less status chases.
We've now allow banks to become the controlling factor in our nation, and it now, is making the world of American people, the land of homeless people, yet, it has a nation of homes sitting empty, because the banks can't extort from the people, rates which has broken the back of a nation.
I've written more post on other blogs regarding the simplicity of simply dropping interest rates, roll back rates on loans acquired since 2002, and cap new rates at 6% for 36 months. Housing is the mainstay of the country, why do we allow banks to wreak havoc on the foundations of our living. Lowering the rates and modifying the loans, would put countless Billions of dollars in the hands of the people of this nation, whom in turn fuel the economy, engage to create enterprise. Instead we continue to rely on bankers, as they have a structured process, to rob a nation’s people.
The unfortunate elements is: These are people who are the children of American citizens, who make these decision, they are the same people who relied on their parents to send them to school, and they turn into the same people who make bad laws, and self gloating provisions and rip and rob the same community and parents whom raised them, and result to cause unto their own parents, the circle of bankruptcy and other socio-economic collapse. It is the same children of American parents, who have made a mockery and a thief’s haven of the medical community. With a mentality, of "get rich at the expense of anyone and anything".. And claim ones self king and better than the nation of common citizens.
We have the same children of American parents, who cast and thrust their own parents into poverty, with diminished social security and collusive means to rob them further thru co payments and other grab a penny models, taught to them by professors who themselves are fools, to tech such treachery and covert means of improvising the parents of the very same students they claim to teach.

It’s quite a sad situation, we have allowed things with both fuel, banking and home interest rates to become a "honeycomb for the wealthy", and we are made into simple worker bee's. And its done.. By American citizens, who orchestrate to create the demise of a nation, for the glory of self-centered vanity.
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