Posted 7/1/2009 11:16 AM CDT on
"Choosing State "Governors" & "Senators"
( Thoughts which extend beyond a whim, it may not be what the short thinkers will indulge, but it is certainly food for thought fo those who consider our conditions)

( Thoughts which extend beyond a whim, it may not be what the short thinkers will indulge, but it is certainly food for thought fo those who consider our conditions)
Thought to Ponder
(written to inspire and hopefully evoke thoughts about the many elements of our nations conditions)
(written to inspire and hopefully evoke thoughts about the many elements of our nations conditions)
The people within any state within the U.S. may serve themselves better if they (we) learn what is the mindset of the Governors & Senators they (we) choose.
People cannot function any more on auto-pilot voting based on name recognition, or simply following the money choice. It is important that Americans learn to be more astute in political matters, and learn to be more aware of political choices.
This apathy and passive non informed mentality that seem to be pervasive among the masses, has continually led State after State to result with Governors, who have not a clue what the reality of life is for the citizens with the State.
We saw hopefully last years, how uninformed the general population is, when it comes to political awareness. The illusion of America as being with citizens that are so smart, is showing the fallacy of such assumption. We rank what 25th in education, and imagine, there are many in areas where that number would probably reflect a 40th position. and this has little to do with ethnicity, because we have many many rural areas, that are mired in 1960 mentality, we have massive segments that have no awareness of a computer, and computers have been around since 1984 in every expanding usage.
We don't produce anything in the mass capacity of which we consume, all televisions, and other electrical components are produced in foreign lands, as well as many other things. We have gone from an industrial leader, to being a consumer of industrial production from foreign lands.
We have gone from a society of political interested people, to mob followers who are unaware of legislations. and we are simply driven by media image and status concept, and worship of wealthy people. The Madoff and Stanford schemes could not have happened if we had a mass of astute people. CDO would not have taken over if we had an astute congress, and we'd not be waging a senseless war, if we had people who wee politically aware and world understanding in the politics of the world on the global segments. We would have had politicians in place who would have know, the war was not in the best interest of this nation, nor the world. We spent billions upon billions chasing a 15 cent criminal, and to date, have not found it nor destroyed his network.
Now how does that relate to Governors.. it does so in the sense, we make blind choices. we make un-informed choices, and we go for image and name saturation. We make the same blind choices when we elect our Senators, both in State and U.S. Senators.
We allow them to conjure up issues, and push agenda for lobbyist who pay the most, we sit back and accept our choices to be bought away by any lobbyist position that raise enough money to put these people in their pocket and play them with a bag of jelly beans. We have politician who began campaigning for a second term, 10 minutes after they take oath. And their position is spent trying to get re-elected, than to take care of the issues they were elected to engage. We have politicians making decision without consulting the public who put them there. and we accept them being dictators of their agenda, which ursurps the concerns of the people, and negates the agenda of the people. They vote on matters, with a buddy system of "do me a favor and I'll vote to do you a favor on what your lobbyist ask for next time. the end result is the people, become a non factor.
American lost its own sense of self, we even removed "Civic's classes from 4th grade students, we have no high school level political science, and we spend the first two years of college teaching and taking crap classes, just to build up credits, and our upper level of college education is outdated, teaching old models that have proven failure track records, which is evident in the spike and crash this nations economy has engaged for the past 50 or more years. We teach mobster mentality to MBA, of grab the money, at any expense, and count on the masses to be dumb and accept lower quality and lower service in both products and services provided. We taught ignorance to the degree, for, 45 years the stupidity of selling off industry, ignoring the fact any nation that is strong must have its people performing and being employed.
Education is lagging,
Since the mid 1980's the computer had been dominant, and here we are yet, to have computer assisted classrooms, We still write on a chalk board, what could be done interactively on a digital display, where all students can engage, from their desktop. the multitude of modification to how education is performed, is still functions as if we are in the 1800's - We waste money on Text books, when this data can be managed digitally, and even study can be tracked by the digital recording of how pages are accessed and when its accessed by students.
[ 1 year of War Expense, probably could have paid to impliment this across the nations, to elevate our system of education performance and technique]
Yet, we have wasted 6 or more years fighting a war, that should have been fought by the people of the region to stabilize their region.
Yet we fight against a whole region who continues to fund, the fighting factions, while claiming to be our friend, but they don't put one of their people on the ground to fight terrorism, but they fund many factions to insure terrorism continues}... Result... the decline of America, The failure of America to Invest in its own youth and its own progress.. and the mission the terrorist pursued.. is exactly what they achieved..."that was and is to see American brought to its Economic Knees. and they spend 8 years, accomplishing it, with the blind participation of the Leader of this Nation, playing into the scheme, with closed eyes and over limited awareness, he was buy the demise of this nation and its economy, its infrastructure and its standards of life - Result: We fell like a giant rock, and the exposure of criminals at the helm of corporations, and the lack of awareness of our politicians in the high levels of governanc. We fell so low, we can't even maintain to provide on city levels the parks and recreation for our youth in full maintenance.. yet we remain blind and silent.
{ so is the process of how Rome Fell, and to date, it has not risen to be even a fraction of what it once was}.. We are not exempt from that fate, nor do we have a certification that tells us we are exempt.
America was so intent on the poor and minorities not rising above the poverty level, it refused to pay a living wage, but wanted to push an image of the highest standards of life. The result is we have a nation with an expanding ghetto, and it encompasses all ethnicities. This country developed a elitist mentality, assuming everyone would be a college grad and sit behind a desk, but it ignored the fact, that no tribe can function with a nations of chief, it needs function people, and people who actually do the work which requires hands on performance. Soon as Civil Right gave the ability of women, minorities and the poor to earn a decent wage, they busted union and started shipping jobs out of this country. with a false claim of we can't compete if we pay people a functional wage. Yet, every nation was eager for america products even with the historical fact it was more costly, they bought it because it represented quality. so paying a living wage to people still worked, until the greed masters, insured that the masses would not have a structure in place that paid women and minorities, to the level it paid when women and minorities were denied those functional pay jobs. And the mission became, ship the jobs away, and do it quick, before we will ever consider to pay women and minorities the functional wage.
The delusion of the wealthy, became so elitist, it thought it could survive by managing other countries production and managing other countries financial matter and investments, and the result is, it simply lost out. because other nation quickly learned after they were burned time and time again, to manage their own industry and to create their own financial management models.. and the result is, we became a nation of borrowers, living off the debt we could acquire in borrowing from other nations.
The slave and slaver mentality killed the economy of this nation, in its ever expanding search for slave wage labor from around the globe. It exported the labor to those places, since it could not import slaves to these shores.. and now those nation, have gathered their pennies, and now control the flow of dollars.
and we have politicians dumber than ever, which we say, when they all declared- "they don't know what happen", and "they did not see it coming". How blind can they be when the cycle has shown itself in clear view for well over 30 years
We rewarded bankers for the greatest theft a nation has known, We can't think in solid terms. to drop fix and freeze the mortgage rates, instead we gave the thieves even more money to pay themselves for more failure.
When "drop, fix and freeze", would have put money in the pockets of people, who in-turn stimulate the economy with purchasing power. It would have taken a falling real estate and stabilized it, and put a stop to foreclosure's massive default rate.
This is the result of people being trained in institution where they want to be smarter than common sense dictates, and collude things seeking name recognition and payola, at every turn, and afraid to upset the flow on paymasters who buy them with a song and dance.
We simply are witnessing the fall of an empire, by the ignorance of many level of apathy and unconstrained ignorance, and the failure to learn. Hoping a delusion of grandeur will suffice. But negligent of the world awareness of what a nation has squandered with it pursuit of opulence in the homes of the wealthy, and turning the population into a peasant nation, of peons working like mad, for slave wages, and still producing nothing, yet consuming foreign products, with the earning from a system of sale clerk positions, as if we are nothing more than a giant department store selling foreign products.
Our beacon which denotes this, is.. "Wal Mart"... it leads the nation, but, It tells us symbolically, what we have become. It's claimed as the Nations NUMBER ONE EMPLOYER... and that means we have become a nation who's main occupation is to sell foreign made products and employ our nations people, as simple low wage, no benefit sales clerk forces. and yet we remain unaware, of what is overtly visible.
We deny what we see, and we deny what has caused the conditions we are thrust within. And still we are not yet, aware, if we don't act now, create business, and demand our system support us in doing so, then we simply fall further in demise. Watching our tax money, be pumped into a failed war and every cause it can imagine, except funding and establishing a support and assist foundation, to get business in this nations created and functioning.
Our cities are on a cycle of shut down process, unaware that unless we create business and that business feeds a tax base, which in turn funds the city and the services which make us a city. then we simply erode into more and more of what we once called a third world condition.
Which is high unemployment, low wages, non productivity, and a ever declining standard of living. while we watch these Senators and Governors engage a cycle of being cut masters, rather than optimistic innovators, who lead a way back to prosperity, they simply show us, the cycle of defeatist mentally, and how they can diminish and dumb down, the system into no growth, no promotion for growth, and they push and preach despair.. with no mentality to understand how to promote and repair.
Continually We See Poorly Chosen Governors handicap our Mayors, and set process in place to negate the ability of Mayors to run cities, and leave them with no state support to engage ideas, and build from within.
As a result - we watch daily the fall of a nation, the decline of its industry, and closure of its business, as the mass of unemployed continues to rise. YET... we still consume, but we fail to produce what we consume. and that is the cycle of defeat of this nations.
Every city, should have a Governor who could lead, and Senators who know how to push the agenda for and of leadership. If they were aware of what's important, beyond themselves and their self image, They would have massive funds allocated for internal state commerce building, We should have programs in place that build back no less than 1-2-3 thousand business within a metro our size, within the next year. But we have Economic Development failure, with scripted processes which does not address the immediate needs, and has too much process colusion to be functionall efficient in inspiring and supporting new business creations. We have a stagnated SBA, which has no power to impact banks to make funding flow, and we have many other systems in our cities, that does not engage to know the value of building business owners.
Until we develop A Robust Process, which has a self chosen Mandate for Business Growth - then we will simply erode, see other city services fall, see our neighborhoods continue to decline and only have a base of workers who earn below poverty levels, and the decay of the city falls.. showing again and again, the demise of a nation, which once claimed itself the leader and high living standards of the world.
The result is we have a nation and a city, with Wal Marts as the only daily full parking lots, dispensing cheap Chinese and other Foreign made producst.. and people claiming they got a deal, because they saved a nickle, but it cost this nation the production capacity and production function of producing its own products and dispensing them via its own creation of American Small Business Owners.
Yet.. we remain blind to what is in plain view, and unware of even the impact it has, while familes see there is limited means to provide even food on their tables, or stay in their homes. and we remain silent.. supporting our own demise with our silence.
America is a nation hooked on automobiles, yet, we can't keep our own factories performing, We can't figure out how to freeze and fix home mortgage rates, to stabilize our own property value in a nation.
Property should not be allowed to increase beyond 10-15% of its tax assesor's base- when it exceeds 10% of tax assesment, then tax assesment should be increased. This is a means to force home stability, but preserve it as a valuable asset, with a direct link to the healthy of the city which it exist. Homestead exemptions, will reflect accordingly to insure affordability of taxes, but it would impose penalty of such change on the house flippers, because they will not get the exemption % decrease on tax assesment, as is provided to homestead exemption guidelines.
This means if the value increase, so will the tax it yields to maintain continuity with the claimed up scale pricing of the home, which matches the ability to service the commuity with increased revenue to do so.
[ This will have little impact on those who plan to stay in their homes for a period of time, this change can write into its clauses, but it will certainly not benefit the transient home owner.. and the result is we gain neighborhood stability. If one has to move for the sake of job, then there can be exclusions which protect the homestead clauses, but they must buy in the area they are moving to and carry forth the homestead standards, which re-enforces they must be there for a prescribed amount of time. And this can only be used once in a set period of years, as an exclusion. ]
We have to be a smarter nation, with more means to protect the stability of community, city and the function of our systems. And unless we become aware to learn to govern, and to know the value of governance, and protect it with enforcements of governance, then we will be yo yo'd by those who cycle into office, playing king of the hill games, with the lives of American people.
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