Posted 7/10/2009 8:55 AM CDT on
What comes next- within The American Standard of life ?
"The Sad Conditions We are Facing"
"Why did the past 8 years - bring us to this - destroying 500 years of American Growth - to Fall into Demise "
Our Chalenges
State budget = nothing working - cut everything- except executive salary.
Employment options = Unemployed - Massive -Nation Wide
Car industry = looted and self imploded and sold
Textile Industry = looted self imploded and sold
Education system - eroded, and dis-illusioned
Roads and Highway = crumbling, collapsing and filled with pot holes
Schools - staff being cut, programs wrongfully eliminated -failure to modernize
Cities- and Small Business - Devastated - controlled by Wal Mart
Hospital and Medical Services - Inflated and un-affordable
Senior Citizens - Made improvised, living below poverty level- Pension looted- Poor Medical Options
Charities - Looted and Swindled- by Ponzi Schemes
Stock Market - Selling false Rated Paper and tarnished with unfair trading regulations- caused Insut untoAmerica, Globally.
8 years or Corporate Looting and Selling of Industry - ungoverned and unregulated, morphed into a theives paradise-
Banking - Thieves who extort Americans and convert them into "Indentured Servants" even to have a roof over their heads
Gangs and Drugs - On-going 8 years of Oil Mafia Running a Nation, insuring drugs delude the people into false illusions
Youth Gangs - whole sections of cities from coast to coast turned over - without a challenge -making a thug nation of city streets
Drugged Nation- pumped by prescription and dumped by the thug and drug lords, who sit hidden, behind suits and ties and titles
Children - the forgotten future- ripped and stripped of the dignity of respectful education and quality institution system
Young Adults - fed images of opulance, led into disillusions, by fake imagery, left to selling souls, for material matter.
" The 2008 Collapse "
2008 displayed an- Imploding Nation -of Banking, Financial Markets, Industry, Cities, and States - left in demise and default. - massive unemployment. - Broken Debt clock, and First Installment of, Theif's Bounty Payments - made to banking.
Cycle I
Republican Party - It's Exposure and Demise
Self Imploded when exposed to the truth it breed for decades- of sell and strip the worker options- and export its industry
Cycle II
Banking System - in need of Massive Reforms and Regulations
Banks- holding a nation hostage for pursuit of extortion level rates
Banks - Raping American's with their own underwriting efforts - making a nation homeless
Banks - engaging extortion tactics- starving small business into demise
Banks - Discovered as the Criminal Enterprise of the Century- engaging in "Economic Terrorism" against its own investing public"
How do we get to the "Tomorrows of our Future" without embracing the efforts to invest in ourselves as a nation, Believe in the Dreams and engage the Ideas, within the people, as our means and pathway, to Build New, Build Better, and learn to think - in terms of unity for all people within our nation, We must know it is our Duty and Responsibility,, to engage the children of today, in our efforts to build a better tomorrow, we "must" engage with all our efforts, to help them learn and grow, and give them the wisdom within understanding, to insure, they never make the mistakes of the past which led us into what we have of challenges today.
What comes next
May or May not
Shock American's Awake
Imbalanced economy
We have the poor conditions of an imbalanced economy - where Minimum wage jobs, impact the lives of people, from state to state to city to town We may assume if we so callously choose, and claim it does not have an impact on education and its institutions.
Exposure in life is educational, when parents cannot afford to attend their children, because they work two low paying jobs, and many parents now with no option for employment, but low paying jobs - then we can certainly look to the further decline in education and its institution. Income earning is so low, it damages the commercial sector, and that damages the tax base of revenue generations, and result, is states funding is set then, to cut educational funding, and facility upkeep, poor and no improvements, and its turned into a baby sitting mill, void of funding true educational programs in a progressive and developing manner.
Family Unit Distorted
Yes, they are connected, but not in the ways you'd readily assume, but in ways that diminish not only the quality of lives of individuals, but it proves to build a segregation within our mental class based society. This segment of realism is grossly over-looked.
From Latch key kids, to kids, whom only get to see their parents, after the parent have put in a 16hr work day, and still find not only a challenge to having time with their kids, but the stresses of the parents, who are unable to find ways to of interaction with their childs education. silliness of systems that only help some families, if the low wage earning father leaves the home. compounded by a system that will not allow them to earn additional income to work themselves off of assistance programs. the catch 22 defeat cycle imposed upon the American struggling families. a nation, forcing and indentured nature to cycle for generations. without regard, to support it as growing and working itself to a better status. FAmilies don't have generations to wait, parents need the assistance, but they also want the option to earn along with that assistance to help their recovery to become independent and self sustaining. We need a system that learns how to help those who have needs, to work their way to a level of self sustaining means.
Over-Worked and Under Paid
Yes, it is a reality - what is furthermore, with Americans earning less, and working more, the decline in tax generated revenue declines, impacting cuts in educational institution, programs dropped, and other student services being diminished. We see it all across this nation, but we are seeing it in one dimension, but feeling the impact in the total spectrum of our living and child grooming realities. Our nation is out of balance with even its own concepts. We aspire to claim what the wealthy set as a standard, is the imagery of American, when reality is, we have a ever expanding nation of third world conditions. We have the insidious nature of executives earning millions upon millions of dollars, while cutting benefits, and diminishing the quality of products made and sold, and loosing market share, while still paying themselves a bonus, and the American worker, is paid for the labors of a day, what the executives pay themselves, for less than 15 minutes -1/2 hour of work. The imbalance has distorted the reality of America. No CEO, who is hired help, should reap millions, while cutting benefits to employess, diminishing product quality, cancelling out service to its customers, and outsourcing labor to foreign countries, while the executive offices, given themselves bonus after bonus, followed by pay raise and perks, enhanced with a kings ransom of stock options. It has simply killed the American Industry, and devastated the American workers, converting them to ' near slave status, but forcing it to the level of indenture till, it can work no more, then selling away their pension, making destitude the workers of America.
Wealthy and Poor - "The Widening Valley"
From the simple elements to the more complex matters, our system is is free fall, from the illusion that American standard of living can be sustained on minimum wage. Which is not only a non reality, it is a insult to the children of tomorrow, when the disparity between the wealthy and the working poor, is a valley which widens each day, and many are cast to the bottom of the valley, yet, they work and worry how to help their children, whom they are unable to see with quality time, for relationship build, and even less for their educational needs.
Work and School - "Time Frames out of Sync"
Hours or Work and Hours of School are out of sync. when jobs, require people to work, at 6-7-8 O'clock, which means they can't see their kids off to school, and school let's out at 2:45, but the jobs shifts, do not end until 3-4-5 O'clock. It simply is no continuity for the claim we want a better nations and better supervised kids.
It's a paradox of many things, which may and may not have a simple fix. Truth factor !!! everyone is not going to be an executive, who works from 9-5, nor will everyone have a plush office job. The world works because the hands of people get dirty, and the labors that make industry perform requires hands of people. and this is the most dis-respected group, yet the group that is pushed, to get their kids an education. We have the simplest jobs, now asking for a degree- to do what common sense affords one the ability to perform.
The Delusion Within A Nation - "Where everyone is assumed to pursue to be an Executive" - Unaware that production requires hands on work.
maintaing a work force which engage the average american citizens with labors, and a sense of self worth, and contribution to the society in which they live. and being respected without undue biased measure.
Result - our nation has become about climbing the corporate ladder, more than being a person and individual who can take on the task of working and engaging the labors which keep the nation moving. Our institution push for a degree, and we ignore the many technical jobs, which not only needs to increase if we are to become again a nation which, prides itself on having industry in its own lands. but without it, we are doomed on the economic front, and the paper shuffle position are finding more and more limits of opportunity.
An "Old" Agenda in need of questions
What we failed to realize with the elitist pursuit of an illusion that people will be all college graduates, and sit behind a desk or push papers we ignored the fact. and removed the structure from our education system. To teach crafts, To teach trades, and to start young to develop the skill sets within the youth. America prospered, when we taught in our schools the crafts and the trades, which inspired a nation to be creative and industry of every sort sprang up, and this nation flourished. We no longer make anything, we no longer consider production of our own consumables, nor do we engage the trades, to lead children to learn the skill, be inspired about the systems building techniques, which propelled America as a nation of great innovations. We need to again learn to respect the crafts people, embrace the artisans, and support with respect the tradesmen, and give the day laborer, respect for the great effort they give, which is the same efforts which made America great, before America, became too elite pursuing to even respect itself. and lost itself in pomp and pagentry, with a upturned nose at the people who actually engage to work. Madoff, worship for the illusion of granduer, until people found out their delusion, only covered a wolf, in sheeps clothing, who was simply a thief, without a veil or mask, but a smile of smirk at the madness of a mass of people worshiping an image he crafted, to lead the blind off the cliffs as simple as it was made to be. Because American became to worship image, more than respect the truth and discover the fact, and verify the presentation. and fools of men, gave fortunes, unto an image, without a second thought, and were made barren.
Our illusion and the obsession with delusion,
has become to think the executive suites make business prosper, when they are simply the organizing body, it is the works that people do in the actual production which makes a business prosper. Unfortunately, we as a nation have allowed the executive suites to strap business with un=needed debt, and wild expansion and un-related conjoined operations, where one bleeds the others, until the corporation is in decline. Yet... we sit and watch the executives pay themselvs, over and over, and the attorneys, walk with them as they loot company after company, and all the remaining gains are used as collateral to take on more debt. and another cycle of pay the executives a bonus. The production floor, simply becomes a sham, churning out substandard components and products, relying on the working public, to buy short life cycle products, with a dependence by the executives, for them to have need to repurchase it again in 6 months, as we become a nation of creating disposable consumables. sold at a inflated price, to people who are strapped in min wage jobs. Again... what should we blame. beyond the delusions pushed of an elite society, which has created a nation of people trapped in servititude of sorts.
Higher Learning- and The Programmed Selling of A Nations Strength
Could the truth be, it is the Educational Systems, which are designed only to train executives, to pursue the penny, at the expense of quality products, quality workmanship, and sustaining an industry without the assumption of massive debt, and disrespecting the people who actually do the work. paying min wage, while the executives live in luxury as the nation declines as a whole.
How does it connect - with such a cycle and such stresses upon the working poor, they are destined to produce another generation of people void of the basic education, and not taught the basic skills of crafts and trades, and cycled back through the mills of min, wage positions. What results is a nation- which produces another cycle of "indentured servants".. who can only buy their way out of this status, with a claim of degree. skill or no skill, craft or no craft, trade or no trade, but simply a degree. It's as if we have a massive system, designed to produce over-seer's of indentured servants, who are leftover from a system, designed to insure that the lowest common denominator remains to be, the production of a mass pool of people, relegated to be part of the min wage structure.
The Shame of a Nation
No longer are there factories humming with the sounds of production, No longer are the parking lots of industry filled with cars, and people moving through the gates headed to give a days work in the production of products that Americans use and utilize.
We don't make anything, yet, our inner cities are filled with High Rise Building, which now more and more are becoming simply empty concrete and glass structures, left abandoned, because they no longer have "production units within factories to produce anything". and the cut throat game of the paper shufflers, touting their degree, ready to back stab each other, for a position, to shuffle paper and bark self serving orders, wanting to be worshiped, rather than to simply do the job they are paid to do, but now, they only shuffle paper, trying to figure out how to keep selling "Foreign Made" products to American people, and skim a major profit at the expense of the downfall of American business and american people, whom have been idled, because the factory floors are covered with dust, after the unit has been closed, all the while spewing a message, saying "We Can't Compete". We can't compete, because we don't produce anything, We can't compete, because the loss of the craftsman , the tradesman, and the hands on workers, are now idled, and paid a min wage, who simply can't afford to buy the ' "products they once were able to produce and purchase. Now people are relegated to buy "foreign products".. with a poor salary earned, from being a 'sales clerk, trying to push "foreign made products".. to a people, who equally so can't earn enough to purchase it from their own sale clerk jobs.
Our system trained people to a mentality that destroyed the American Industry, all for the claim of degree, who did not work, but only sought ways, to enrich themselves, by selling away the industry, and claiming to save the company money, only to fatten their pocket with a bonus, and high salary, all at the expense of diminishing the stature of a nation - How_ by trying to find any means, to push paper and claim a profit, without the responsibility to maintain and manage a Production Unit as the foundation component of Industry, and we simply ahve become an Nation, unable to produce even the toothpaste, we use, . American Executive, with the misguided thought, they could exchange productions units on American Soil, for the options to sell and market foreign made products> and support Foreign Production Units on Foreign Soil.
Result: Foreign Nation have risen, and we have become simply a debtor nation. Unable to Produce anything, and selling any and every unit that produces anything to foreign investors, and no more, is the remaining industry any more than , the illusion of a one brand name, which claimed itself to be American.
The Rise of the MBA- and The Fall Of A Nation
It was not only ignorant to the fact, that if people don't earn a salary to produce production unit, they also cannot earn a salary to buy what is produced, EXCEPT, LOWER QUALITY ITEMS, made by foreign hand, designed to a lower standard, to be affordable by a nation of sales clerk, and this process simply turned America into a Giant Department store to dispense foreign made products, made to a lesser standard to be consumed by a sales clerk force of American citizens.
And we wonder why all else declines.
Now.. what do we see, We see cities, collapsing on themselves, no tax base, because there is no industry which employ people, there are no small business which supply localized industry, and there are no small business shop keepers who market products produced by American Industry, so the chain is broken, and the results, is.. Close down the medical facility, close down sections of the school, and the cycle includes, watch our streets crumble, and our parks go unkept, our bridges collapsing on people, and from neighborhood to neighborhood, watch the houses deteriorate, and the community simply falls into decay.
Educated to the degree of being unaware of how a nation economic systems keep a nation strong. In the executives suites, people riding titles, looking for a bonus, and a higher pay day, by any means, and any actions, while American has been in a cycle of downfall for 40 years. Who sold away the core of a nation, unaware no nation can remain strong without industry on its soil and its people working and producing the consumable which keeps the cycle of progress moving.
We experienced, 8 years of Delusions

Fake Tax rebates, issued against borrowed money from Chinese industrial complex, Value of the homes falsely inflated, and the proceeds drained to give the delusion that our economy was moving, Selling of Fake paper, built on over inflated home value, and a false claim of windfall profits, push by the illusion American could pay an inflated interest rate, for the use of the money derived from the selling of this nation property- "UN-AWARE_ no one can pay an inflated interest rate, when incomes are falling, jobs are carted away, and we are relegated to be simply a nation of "sale clerks, of foreign products". Producing nothing, thus the result, we have a nation of unemployed people, we have a nation that produces nothing, we are a nation that sold away its own industry, we have a nation that has lived from the delusion of borrowed funds from foreign entities, and now the debt is due, and the "Fire Sale of America" is in full swing. and around the nation from city to city, town to town, and ocean to ocean.. we are a devastated nation. Un employment, in true terms, running at 20-25%,
and no production capacity of industry to work our way out, and we function under the delusion, we think , marketing even more cheap foreign products to a diminished wage society, who earn min wage from sales clerk salary is suppose to bring us through this.
When reality is, China is the Humming Industrial Capital of the World, moving further and further ahead, and not only can we not catch up, our nation is now so indebeted to China, it cannot stay afloat without a continual borrowing line of credit from China. As we shuffle trying to market and sell any industry that has an once upon a time symbol as an American Industrial Leader.
We Can't Even Farm anymore - and Our Fish, is imported from Foreign Waters From Foreign Lands
We have imports from South American of vegetable products, We have import of "Sea Foods from everyplace in the Asian continent, We feed American people, Beef, injected with every chemical man can get injected, without causing immediate and sudden death to the cattle before it can be slaughter, butchered and sold.
Old Model did not work !!!!!!!!!!!
We've tried the old models for 8 years , of start a war, and hope it feeds the economy, what we resulted to find, was a war simply quickened the demise of a once great nation, into a debtor nation, which resulted to insult itself on a world stage, as a bully, and a invader, and was quickly left, in the mess of its own manufactured war, to find itself embroiled with a continual debt that drains its coffers, and now we fight a foreign war on credit borrowing.
The Deal of a New Generation
Building Tomorrow - Today
Building Tomorrow - Today
If we are to rise again as a strong nation, we first must dedicate ourselves to building small business from the ground up, re establishing small busuiness in our communities, filling our cities with small business, making creative choices, building new creative things, and engaging business in creative ways, We must build, from within, We must open our minds, to trust each other, and support each other, and make our systems support the effort we engae by working with us, We don't need a hand out, unless it is to assist us in lifting up a nation and ourselves, we ask for nothing for free, but we ask not to be tied in the delusions of bankings madness of red tape and denials, but a blue ribbon of support, and team work, to build our nation again, to be the gold star medallion of growth. and it will take no less, that our nation, to abandon the devise of collusive process, which only feeds the ego of the processor, we need true function, and direct actions, we need voices, to be unafraid to speak, and voices that are not with envy, and resentment toward our own bretheren of nation, but be willing, be able and be mindful, we must be in support of our neighbors, as well as we are of self- and we build, we rebuild, and we grow, unity makes us become strong in that growth..
What comes next- within The American Standard of life ?

Surely--- you have a view of thoughts
Written to Provoke Thoughts - - " What Comes Next" ??
Don't blind your mind- we need it, to acknowledge the challenges, and help engage to work our way to a better future
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