Monday, June 25, 2007

mental progress .. consider it.

"a comment about people fighting the movie Industry"..

Promoting is such a great element that must be engaged ..

we can't be stoic in mindset to think that the industry will not attract creative minded people who have some differences in lifestyle.. the element to be concerned about is to look back to the age of inhibitions.. of the post 1960's.. and look now.. See ..the world has advanced beyond such constrictive thinking and trying to regulate and dictate and control the imagery of people within their choice of lifestyles..

are we not beyond that yet.

I can give you and example unrelated to the topic.. that shows how the people of Shreveport must move forward with tech, life and innovations..

" go to the grocery store, and watch the number of people who stand in line writing checks" when every bank in the world now gives ATM cards..

Identity theft is on the rise.. so why would people cling to the antiquated method of writing checks in an electronic commerce world..
On the check they give all their vital info to cashier they know nothing about, people in the stores administration they know nothing in the world about"..

but: their name address, phone number and drivers lic# are on the printed check.. don't or can't you think that is a lot of information to give out for just buying lettuce tomatoes and cucumbers.. that's exactly what people do.. never thinking about what they are doing..
they have no idea how many months and hassle it takes to get your identity back or correct the abuse of it once it's stolen.. they just go on giving this and standing back with some proud look on their face..

this is the type of outdated thinking that people in the region seem unable to break free from.. this is the same relative to the judging of the image of people and worrying about the lifestyle of the next person.

people must understand other's will not be enslaved to the concepts of some.. who want to live in the past of trying to control other people. what does it take to root that mindset out of people.. they try it in every way imaginable form color, to the appearance, to the way other live .. slave control is OVER... WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET THAT THRU TO PEOPLE.. INSTEAD they burn out their brains SIMPLY trying to FIND AND SEEKING WAY 'DIVERT" it to other avenues and categories.. so they can exercise their desire to control something and people. never realizing it's the same manipulative concepts that was the tools of slavery and the en-slaver's mentality. and they cling to it like it's a life saver..

I find it sad that people think so little.. nor do they stop to rethink what they spew.. to see the viability of it the non biased or the apparent bias in it..

for the sake of growth.. do you ever consider that the element of Slavery existed for over 300 years (plus).. and that was a lot of mental grooming that infected all areas of life and thinking. and it now needs to be eradicated in all it's remnants each time it flares up in covert attire of attachment to something different but with the same mentality of slave master concept.. of beat it down, suppress it, fight it, deny it, and surely don't expose it to opportunity... nor expose itself to awareness that slave control tactics are socially wrong. and enslave the wanna be enslaver as well.

people take a pause and think .. how many years will it take to remove that groomed principal from the heads of some.. people don't know it was a world of thought that went into how to make a slave, how to keep a slave and how to control a slave.. when your anti progress thoughts come out.. you may care to investigate how much that grooming still resides within you.. when a person realize to try enslavement of others enslaves yourself .. you are shackled to the same things you try and bound the slave unto and into.. you can't move beyond that point of having to devote your time to keeping a slave a slave.. so you become a slave to that process.

so maybe people may open their eyes to the progress of the world..

are people not aware that Sony Pictures in foreign owned.. why fight the building of some American owned facilities and production networks..

the fight the fascist mentality is what nearly destroyed Hollywood years ago.. you want to bring some backward mentality in the Industry before it can even get itself fully established .. Wake up .. it's the 21st century..

not only is life learning how to accommodate people.. it is learning to deal with it's own morality and expand it to encompass realty beyond it's suppressive and compressing nature of state in being.. it took the killer virus Aids BEFORE people could even speak the word sex in their own home and probably some could not even speak in in their own bedroom.. becase of such an inhibited mindset.. attaching taboo to everything..
still today in the 21st century if the word sex comes out of the mouth of women .. people panic.. like some backward dark age idiot.. as if she is un-ware and can't be aware of even speak the word sex or anything about it.. without a line of fools trying to attach a negative label on her.. goodness people are pathetic in such ways. and all it does is keep society ignorant., unaware and uninformed.. for example in that case .. if a woman can't tell you what she wants and what she like.. then you are a fool becase you are not a mind reader and you can't just dictate to her what you think she should should like.. walk up and learn to listen but first learn to not be afraid of what is a part of reality.. and you just might come to learn and understand more about it.. and your fragile ego won't be at risk every time you are confronted with the natural reality of sexuality.

are you mature and adult to face that and digest that reality.. it's a great question many may care to ask themselves.. and those who don't ask themselves.. don't expect your relationship to progress until you do. and whn you do.. you may come to find that you are learning how to have a relationship.. rather than a tyrannical relations between male trying to dominate and control female. it may even lean you to start to begin to learn how to share love.. not just expect it and try and dictate it and trying to beat it out of someone.. you may just find it flows freely.. when it's respected... in all it's elements of person. yes for those with blinders on.. the sex part too... is inclusive.
SOME MIGHT EVEN FIND OUT YOU DON'T NEED TO GO PAY A HOOKER.. TO DO what you are afraid to discuss with your wife and what you have made her afraid to discuss with you of what her creativity can accommodate... and integrate within your relationship..
QUESTION: don't you find it strange that people can stand on the alter and say they are going to love someone for life.. and then go home and act afraid to talk about all things of life and to explore with each other what they may desire in life.. if they can;t and don't do that.. then how are you sharing all of life with you mate.. does that not produce a person who is living a double life.. hiding and lying and pretending .. and putting tages and labels on their mate.. and putting them up on a pedestal that does not allow them to share all with you nor you all with them.. and you wonder why affairs and divorce is rampant. now who are you.. and can you actually be yourself expressively and openly in the full of yourself with your mate.. if not... you may find the parts of yourself that present you as a liar and pretender even unto yourself.

it comes to a matter of live and die ignorant or live and die continually within the frame of living.. thru growth and actually growing.

if it had not been for Aids even the church would not have opened it's minds to acknowledge the truth of fact that.. Oh by the way" people do have sex in real life'.. it's not always done in a missionary position.

children are growing up stupid to such reality of their sexuality becase people are too afraid of the nature of truth of sexuality to make it a common subject that can be discussed between family and growing young people.. so they make them ignorant by avoidance.. of discuss and attaching taboo as if that is suppose to be a deterrent.. some are so pathetic.. they can't even allow the education system to education kids on the biological , sociological and psychological reality of sexuality.. they run .. screaming.. "foul' ... and then when they realixe their kids know about sex their body is talking to them.. then the parents claim " game over " and tag the kid as an undiserable.. damaging their esteem for life.

about something that is as natural as rain. but the same person probably curse the sky when it rains.. too.

that's reality.. regardless if people are too inhibited to allow themselves to acknowledge and speak such truth..

morality increases it's expanse with wisdom of understanding and the understanding that expands wisdom.. as a child mind.. the morality citcle is very small becase they don't have the understanding to support it expanding but as adults we should have the understanding to support the expansion of mind.

my goodness.. wake up .. look up and see the whole of the world.. is vast.. always has been even if "SOME" choose to look at the sky THROUGH a straw..

Saturday, June 23, 2007

How do we proceed.." Imagine..."

Shreveport.. Bossier .. the two they are considered the twin cities..

both need the same elements of interest and progressive developments.

We would be amazed at what we can become .. both cities..

I shall pose a concept:

Take any abandoned supermarket.. :

why can't these be turned into individual craftsman centers.. by being simply partitioned within.. for small booth nature craft development facilities..

you can have..
Artist, pottery, glass work and many many types of designer craft in these facilities. and the population would be able to go and find items that are custom and hand made.. instead of the 'Wal-mart China dispensing facilities that people cater to and buy substandard goods.>>

second.. these craft shop can also provide learning experience for youth. as some shops may be able to take on one or two or more youth... teach them a trade, pay them enough to have pocket money and enhance their self pride and prospering mentality.. the average grocery store can house.. maybe 30-50 of such small craft business .. and how many people does that bring to interactive engagement.. but it equally so brings economic progress to people who otherwise could not envision how to start up..

I would love to get a group of investors together and discuss some of these nature of investment vehicles .. I have viewed many such potentials about the city..

We have the old Wray Ford Facility on Mansfield road.. that has over 17 bays.. each could be an independent auto specialty shops.. and the land of the facility can house maybe 10 different small used care lots, used boats and such..
and become a auto plaza for service and used auto sales.. this would emply many people.. imagine if each bay had minimum 3-4 workers.. that nearly 50 people.. ( employed).. each car lot has 3-4 workers.. that is another 40-50 people (employed.).. cooperative maintenance servicing.. ( maybe 10-15 people..( employed) small bank branches that do loans.. from with 1 person staffing each.. that's 3 people (employed).. there are other functions that can be integrated..which this NEGLECTED facility can employ.. nearly 200 people..

I will be looking into developing a investment group.. by finding some people who work in that arena who can structure it so that it's a no sham nature of business that provides true dividends to the investors.. I'm perfectly fine with someone " stealing or adopting this idea." I have many many more.. my objective is to see it develop.. not a manner of if I own it or control it.. but to see the idea bloom and become real and beneficial to the city..

We need the people who write grants and do small business investment and loans to embrace the concepts and to integrate that with city process to help process the permits that would be functional without a lot of egos and red tape.. such nature of projects can have their own class of city paper processing.. that has the red tape removed.. and congenial business minded people to administer such..

We have to start to actually start if we want progress.. there is no magical force that will come down and just transform Shreveport.. it's our baby to grow and raise with progressive dignity and creative expans

community image

when we can drive and or walk thru neighborhoods and community sub division and the appearance does not become a distraction.. we may just be able to see the beauty of the city..

now if only we can get the youth to stop dressing like thugs and buffoons.. in costumes that detract from their personal character of being.. and began to show some integrity in appearance.. some dignity in their attire..and conduct themselves with social regard for land, business and people..

Crime would surely fall...

how did we become a society that let our homes look like massive junk yards.. some make theirs look like a 'wrecking yard" with broken down auto's and junk that they will never utilize stacked up as if they have a pack rat mentality.. and this is most certainly not ethnic specific.. it is people who have no concept of how to fit and present themselves in a community enviornment.

"for humor.. " what we need too is a "thug appearance" law..

on a more serious note:

but I think the property standards program.. will bring people to face what it is to live in a community enviornment.. and have some pride about their home and any other property ownership they may hold.. " Let the fines begin" and let the enforcement of them be sternly upheld.. don't just fine them and let it sit on the books for moths..

if they don't clean it up.. hire someone to clean it up and attach a lien on the property.. strong enough that it comes in right behind a tax lien before a mortgage lien. and enough liens .. can support a bond issue to regain the money the city spent to clean up these properties. and the liens carry a % of interest earning potential.. that makes it to the advantage of the property owner to resolve it as soon as possible or erode the equity in their property by the interest rate attached to the lien.

We see far too many homes nearly falling down with 30K vehicle parked in the front of them. and some with every type of recreation equipment from jet ski's to boats, mobile home and etc.. but they can't paint their house or clean their lawn.. and their carports look like a storage dump place.

such things.. do nothing but destroy the equity earning potential of other home owners who take care of their property.

come out blazing and strike firm.. on the violators

take a country Like Japan.. they have some of the cleanest neighborhoods and shopping areas in the world.. along with Singapore.. in many of their areas they do not tolerate litter, clutter and plain simple negligence to their environmental appearance.

Shreveport needs to stop building community with " ditches for drainage' and actually install the drainage and mandate that any community that wants to build a sub division have to provide proper drainage system..

the old days of the south.. with big ditches along the road.. is something you'd expect to see in 1920's.. and here we still allow it today.

business structures.. that don't have interconnected parking areas .. where you got to go back to the main street to get to a business right next door..

that is an element of very pathetic city planning and codes to avoid such from existing. we are no longer a ' COUNTRY TOWN.. WE ARE A CITY..

and construction needs to look like a city.. We don't need any more narrow streets with the shallow curbs.. that are built as if they have no regard for drainage..

there are areas that the proper guard railing are not in place.. and some areas that street lighting is the silliest design that is pathetically envisioned.. with street lights only on one side of the street.. and spaced so far apart as to be non effective. We have old power consuming yellow looking streets lights. when the new bright white halogen lights are more economical and provide better lighting..

but I wonder.. why those who are in charge of such things.. "do not follow technological improvements".. it's as if they are stuck in a 1950's mentality.. when it comes to investigating and implementing modern technology..

We have to wonder in some intersection why do we have 25 stop lights.. instead of looking at a different type of lighting system for traffic flow..

there are areas that exit and enter the freeway that have no lighting.. such as on Mansfield road..and 3132..

downtown the street sign are not uniform and are not large and clearly visible..

and some areas you can't even find a street sign to tell you what street you are crossing..

this is the blindness of previous administration .. who had very little concept of how to make a city a city.. and not a country town..

navigation is sad for resident and even worst for city visitors.. you got to actually know the city to navigate it.. and that is a deterrent from visitor revenue to be spread across the city..

Hopefully the over all administration does not take a attitude of " don't tell me how a city is suppose to be" I HAVE THE POSITION OF POWER.. that is such a backward and incompetent mindset for any in position to have.. and all that type of thinking does is try and quiet and quell intellect and avoid hiring creative intelligence.. which keeps a backward and outdated trend in place.

it does not take people with degree's to function in positive creativity within organizations.. it takes simply people who can and do think... so the city may care to not assume that there is not talent within it's ranks of the city population.. and push it not away with meaning criteria.. for position filling.. but find people who are pro-actively expressive and pro-actively engaging..

and get the tyrant mentalities out of position .. when they show no vision and no foresight.. but just ride on the fact they have been in a position for XX years.. it's a matter of knowing talent when it encountered.. and not being so egotistical to dismiss it becase one does not understand it or cant envision something different..

it takes a strong individual who can not fear .. the challenge of new ideas.

Our Mayor, Mr. Glover.. is trying to take us into the future.. if the department heads of his many divisions .. open their minds..and expand their concept.. they may be able to grasp his vision and put some proactive employment in place and embrace the thinking minds.. they can put some outlines in place.. and began to fix these things..
We have the resources and the city shops that can do the work.. for example fixing signs for navigation and identity of streets.. hire the people and get this done.. it does not take a act of congress.. not a debate of 20 meeting.. it takes a outline and presentation and implementation.. such is administrative excellence put to practice..

Mayor Glover.. can't do it alone but he can support and stand with those who have position who care to get it done.. people can no longer fear the vocal individual.. nor make efforts to attack such individual by seeking to find some way to use city process to shut up such individual.. that is acts of Tierney.. and we do not live in a system of Tierney.. we live in a open democracy.. with freedom of speech as a basic right as an American..

that is such an element that needs to be addressed.. if a department head get's exposed in being non performing and because something in their scope of responsibility has been neglected.. it's not a matter of call his friends and attack the person who brings light to such.. it's a simple matter that identifies that more vigilance of administration and action of their responsibility needs to be engaged.
I think the Mayor will support such an atmosphere of positivity and progressive realism.. and not a cut throat beat down the voices type of administration..that assaults the public in such ways.

We have a Mayor that is trying very hard to bring change to an antiquated system.. and a secular concerned system.. to become a universally open embrace system.. and he is starting at the core element which is establishing and bring the foundation up to come .. that we may progress in a pattern of uniformity.. If we can stand and support such.. we can move along swiftly and make the city a city that is like a spring rose in the beauty of it's bloom.

to find .... "Beauty"

We see it as Men of Truths, upon what is evil of some of what pretends to be.. as a true woman,

Those who are of truth's as Women see it, upon what pretends to be of truth.. as a man..

We each know it is nothing more in cases of many, that upon men, it is chose by attire, to fit an image that is without the integrity of substance to be of the costume i'll chosen for the light of day..

We as men, see it upon women, being nothing more than , a tempting showing of skin, that make light of what is the breast, and draw attention unto the pelvic.. pressing much to show of a posterior, of which lies and thus behold what is their honor.. used for the art of deception, deciet and the consumption of men who know not truth.

these my friends are the reminanat of beauty that is but a delusion unto what is the eyes..that we see, we like and we desire to appreciate... but it the heart that has been twisted and diverted from being of what is a true heart, sometimes, by the ego of vanity, some by the consumption of pleasure which has take all of honor and replaced it with the ill usage of simulation of wisdom... and yet still some utilize it for the gain or the blinding flair of silver coins..and shackles of gold... and the sparkle of stones that are of precious making by the pressures of time..

therefore know.. Beauty which is Beauty born and filled by truth.. is seen in, thru and by any and all acts of the heart, when from the pureness of beauty it comes forth... into being what is Beautiful.. and can only be so thru a truth, void of any ability to be of falsness. vanity or gain for it's mere existance and presentation to be beheld..and thus to behold you in the glory of it's light.

Beyond these things which appear, and reach out with the basking of self interest, and the destructive force, like the invisibility of a comming earthquake... but leaveing devestation far greater than that of a storm..

thought let if NEVER defer you from standing face to face.... and speak only of truth, honor, integrity and love... and the flavorand grace of peace...

and always will such evil flee from before you..
as a thief under a spot light in the middle of darkness.. evil dances a many dance, and seeks to sing a many songs.. but it can never delight in the symphony of what is truth...

with hopes that all who can feel this truth, find blessing and, know of how to always protect what is the glory of themselves.. by and thru living from the truth of their heart...
for nothing evil nor vile in it's intent.. can thus ovecome you... to abandon what is truth

To each ... I spoken much by me of what is sex, and what is sexuality and what is pleasure... must first and always... know what is their heart.. and what is their soul..

for otherwise.. Pleasure is what does, will and always confuse the weak... give refuge to the fearful... and shall consume the weak..

therefore.. know always... what is pleasure as it's is borne of the heart, and comes thru the heart and is known in it's glory to be that which is returned to the heart and thus the individual is then in the knowing and living of what Gods gift of pleasure within grace... that will put asmile upon not just your face but through what is your heart.. that is the fullness and reality of whom you are..

confuse this with nothing.. and let nothing of such confuse that which is of truth tht is what is you...

and in the bliss of glory.. shall peace fulfill your life in all endeavors and every expression... for this is the path of Goodness...

only few can make such journey.. unto... what is "of Beauty"

Fear none, and hide not your feelings

Fear none, and hide not your feelings, nor diminish your expressions of your heart... speak of truth of what you can see, feel and think of love.. For that is something none can take from you, none can deny within and none can claim you to be of foolishness nor of ease to decieve..
they can only... live within an ignorance and a denial... that cannot find the ability to touch your face, or stand within the same presence of your space.. and shall flee, like the mist of fog, in the heat of the sunshine... but you may delight.. in knowing... you have found in yourself the realness, to look upon another of what love's potential may have been, but be assured it's real and true to be the feeling that it is... for love is always love...between two sometimes that possibly could never be. yet it remains always "LOVE".
WHEN SUCH IS HURT..for it is hardened within such a one, to be like a diamond tossed in the spewing of a volcano... to be found never again in or about their life in this day and time.. THEREFORE guard against such hurt to enter into what is your love... and know love is always it's own truth.

Therefore... hurt not... and feel nothing of despair... and be joyous.. in what you know is alive and loving within you...

We cannot change the deciever's, but only be aware of what is deceptions, and thus let thedeciever live within the hell they choose, but we need not enter such a valley with them.. For truth seeks the light, and love seeks love... that's not meant to sound passive or flowery, but it is a truism.. we can develope a mission to expose a deciever, but they have a hell unkown unto us, who seek to be honest, tht nothing one can do can relieve them of such, until they find need, and mostly they find want... to convert themselve into know and living what is truth.. many act out paines, that have roots deeper than we have awareness of, and insecuritites that consummer them into not being of ability to face not just truth of other's but truth of themselves.. for nothing said can pierce them any deeper then the wounds they carry.. Your instincts can expose them unto yourself of what they are, therefore let them comfort you , in choosing what you can avoid..not that you can consume your time, and the value of what is your energy in loves reality... by a mission of exposure, for they are unclothed, and stand bare to the world, and the elemnts continue to batter them in ways unseen by those who are not decievers..

some like to be always driven to contend, for their shield is raised high, and they will defent against that which is truth which ask of them to lay down their sword, for they hear not, and see not, and swing wild and bold, seeking to slay even the light... for their darkness . has blinded them to what is light.. time itself is wht their true advesary becomes, and it may befall them a great malady.. that when they can defend no more, and shield noting else, that the light will shine upon them, and it may be at a time when death draws near, and thus they will find only then, a need to seek to repent in their heart.. and yet, time may not yeild them such an opportunity. and they shall be .. nomore..

The Sadness of " Divorce"

probably very few if any divorces come to be because of harmonic reasoning.. many become all out wars..

some, one party fights the other.. some, both parties battle with everything they have to devastate the other.. and it never dawns on many that once they loved.. that once they believed in what of love was respectful..
but... Divorce becomes everything that love is not.

add in the elements of money, add in property and add in Children.. and it becomes something that is far and beyond a peacemaking event..

two people walk away broken in ways some may not even acknowledge.. two people walk away in fragments of not only heart and spirit, but lively hood and shattered dreams..

Each day people don't talk, each day they harbor resentments and envies and linger in antagonisms of any and every sort.. they step closer to what is divorce..

It's not something that happens in a flash or upon a whim.. it's a process that has failed to become a functional process between two individuals..

sometimes pride and ego drives the wedge.. and severe the bonded parts.. some take to the connection with an ax and chop at it fiercely..
some may take a blow torch.. and melt it into a pile of molten emotions and charred remains..

some plot and plan and make it a series of sneak attacks.. and each get hired guns who have the capability of rapid fire.. or heavy ammo. yet other's .. take to the skies and drop heavy bombs
that devastate not only the mate but everything around the mate.

divorce is everything.. that love is not..

the vanity in Life.. how it affects woman.. and her relation with men

while they test the powers of allure, and tease the charms of desire.. and dance about the flames of passions..and play hide and seek with temptations..
such of much...about life swiftly blows like a sandstorm about her.. and the path is wiped away.. and she moves about like in the desert sands.. seeking a trail or tracks that may symbolize a road.. and days do come and days do go..

some find themselves wanting to be many things, but some spend their time choosing no thing.. and such is the magic of a young woman spread about in thin-ness... playing tag with hearts.. dancing about as if one is just sticking pins in a map.. and confused about all the destinations it shows.

wondering what is love, and looking in all corners of life.. when much of love stand before her.. somewhat like a tree, but she see these forest.. and overlook the tree.. she desires many things, but wants nothing.. but feels she is in need of something.. they shop.. not just in stores but in the game of people.. such is called dating..
the allure of being alluring can feed a vanity that denies the much she is.. whiles she sizes and measures herself against many who move in the crowds about her..

today seeking popularity, tomorrow trying hard to find reasons to give her clarity.. and such magic of the love that approach her is brushed away.. as if it's a speck on lenses of her rose colored shades.. time creeps, the make up runs, and painted faces weeps.. some implant, parts not natural to her being, some alter noses.. as they walk but forget to stop and smell the roses..

today she sees a family and starts to smile, looking at babies but feeling she must wait a while.. she wants and want not a child.. but time moves along all the while.. such is the chase .. within what is said to be fashion.. today.. tomorrow..what's in and what's out of style.. seem to drive her and make her moody and sometimes even wild.. temperament changing like the whims of a child.

when temptations beck and call..she wants over and over to be told you love her.. cause the loudness of temptations call she's knows shes tempted to forgo all ..she wants to be re-assured, as the call is about to make her fall..

love pings and the phones don't ring..the reverse of her sting has caught her in her own thing..
many have gone the path.. of not thinking love through.. a few years past and they say.. they married for the wrong reason, could it really be the reason.. or just an act of emotional treason.

when they leave .. shattered glass on the floor.. the other lawns look greener, the grass is tall .. she watered not the one she had, that's all.. and may not water the new one too... but what you gonna do..if she stays, she's left you too. waiting for the great escape.. once she set it in her mind to do.

and so goes days and years... and time can be cruel.. for it makes all young women.. change in view and what they do.. the years do change all .. as it will you too.. so much has consumed so many... it could do the same to you..

shall you know when to grasp love when love is choosing you.


let not the envy others hold .. interrupt your life, nor let it become an element that brings you to not appreciate the truths of yourself.. nor allow it to hold you from the things you appreciate..

the world is of many things and people find many various disposition to exhibit their envious nature.. and it's all wrapped into a tight ball.. some layer it with covert covering.. some will wrap it in soiled meanings..and some make theirs like a snow-ball with a rock hidden inside.. and pretend to want to have a honest and fun snowball.. fight... then claim they did not know the rock was in it.

there are many people who never find their own potential for being envious of others.. when it's so simple to appreciate and be with appreciative regard for anyone getting and having the things that make them content..

there are people who spend their lives competing with others, and some make it a challenge to keep up with others.. as a self measurement objective..

Each person is so distinctively different and want things for a world of different reason.. so what is there to be Envious of, when one has no idea why another has, want or pursues what they pursue..

such things as Envy.. makes a world of negative things.. and diminishes the time one can be appreciating something..
so.. it is unto the wise one.. to be of awareness of how many ways envy is invoked and enacted by others.. that you may be well, be safe and be without the need to curtail your life.. with constant.. efforts to ward off such.. assualts.

choose carefully.. those whom you entrust into your friendship.. and it may then be that you have honest and friendly friendships

Beauty and Sensuality

considering the nature of fashion, make up and the mixture..are not these designed for the element of allure, enhancements of allure, the designers design for the enhancements of sex appeal, the enticing of sensual enhancements.. even the distinction in mens wear and womans wear.. such as the skirt or dress .. designed for air flow as well as ease of access..

and the male trouser, with it's zipper and it's waist snap.. (multi purpose function)

are these not equally with design for not just the biological purpose of ease of natures call for one form of relief but a triple purpose of ease of access for triple purpose relief..?

then is it not strange that we are not a society of such sensual denial.. but yet.. more driven to emphasis the sensual appeal..

is this not a further confounding of the natural environmental nature of people.. and create such conflicting manner of what is perception and what is mental confusion.

all thru history and times.. life has been about relation and procreation and social inter-relation for both purpose and recreation.. we've had and engaged such capacity for the span of life..
the varied philosophy have many connections to these elemental aspects..
then we have.. manners and methods of controls that are many built within the natures of mankinds jealousies.. but trying to manage such nature of that.. we have the nature of claim staking.. and yet.. the element of cheating has been within mankind since the beginning of time.. even when faced with the potential of being peanalized to death for such.. it has still found a way to be done..

so .. how much drive is within the human being for the diversity of passion engaging, and variety in and of such ?

If we look at the elite of society.. of ancient times.. was not their main occupation leisure and pleasure.. and the working man providing elements and items for other to have such leisure.. but after the labors are done then every man sought too leisure and passion engaging.

we have many outlets and exercise of passion engaging from the arts of entertainment , and the sports of recreation..and other socializing aspects..

then are we not each pleasure seekers in the spectrum of our living..?

and beauty and sensuality is equally within such spectrum..

then should we run about seeking promises before we find we share harmony in our pleasures..??

or should we share in the engaging of our pleasure and build harmony that supports promises. is this any different from what is commonly called "dating"..

such a element of much..

then should we look upon love as the nature of appreciation and and in doing so sharing in the honesty of our inherent motivations.. rather than making it some captioned spectrum.. that is alluded to assume some element of eternal high stimulative bliss.. and just know.. it's a part and manner in living .. more than it is to size a relationship as if it's and object to be acquired.. and represented by a host of trinkets, jewels and rituals. if such was not the case.. then would we really be denying ourselves love based on all the condition and criteria that keep us so loveless.. and anguished from self denial of passions engagments of interacting.

beauty arouses and creates and enhances sensuality, and sensuality enhances and promotes the seeing and acceptances of the beauty within us and each other..

they are inter-linked..

then the question is.. why do women.get so upset because men seen them and become inspired and motivated and passion driven to engage such.

it is the nature of the presence that it reverberates.. and the element of the personal becomes of engagements when they communicate..

but somehow.. the reversal of this basic principal has somehow dominated the spectrum.. where the women want to be seen as the person before the beauty and the sensuality.. when it's the beauty and the sensuality that attracts the male and female.. into passion infusion.. and they become to know one to the other... in a cycle of such a circle..

for each man there are looks and types that exude a rawness of desire.. and likewise so for each woman.. such exist.. archetypes

An archetype is a generic, idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied, patterned, or emulated. In psychology, an archetype is a model of a person, personality, or behavior.

Is America Trying to Defeat Itself

and we have just the president to do it !!!

this country has moved itself back to the days of stagnation.. the only people who make a profit are the one's who's already in position to make a profit.. they have destroyed the creative spirit and assaulted the integrity of a nation.. and bankrupt the great social program that were designed to make this nation strong ..
This Administration has created nothing but infighting to help destroy what ever 911 left standing.. American industry is in a shambles.. the Unions that help build this country and was the backbone of workers rights.. has been destroyed by a man named Bush.. he was ill equipped to lead a nation and sure has not the mindset to see when to re adjust and change course..

like a little bull headed kid forging ahead when the danger signs are all around.. and trying to show daddy that he's the biggest bully in the neighborhood..

it's very sad.. His policies has turned America over to the corporate greed monsters.. and they do nothing but pay themselves for not doing the job.. but stuffing their pockets from the residuals and excess they gain from selling foreign products... at the expense of American Industry and the common citizens livelihood..

they are trying to make a two class society.. of the RICH and the devastated poor..
people don't see we have a war being fought by weekend warriors.. and the poor and under-privedledged are the one's who are loosing their life daily.. and other coming back with psychological problems that are astounding.. and when they do pull out.. He will import a million of the Iraq people back with them .. and not know who the hell they are bring in the bunch.. but they will bring back the same one's they have taught how to build bombs and other stuff.. and say ... the same thing they always say... We have to protect those who helped us in the war..

and it's those people and their offspring's that will internally blow up anything and everything they want.. within the next 10 years after he imports these sleepers in the midst of his program..

Bush can't stop the War.. because if he did it would show how much he does not know what he is doing.. and the economy will collapse.. he needs the military industrial complex.. booming .. to keep the attention off of the fact of just how bad he has scr_wed up this country..and it's economy..

now they are trying to close the gate after they've let all the sleeper cells in.. and it's just a matter of time.. before the fuse meets the powder..

A New World Order-- not favoring the USA

The auto industry in the US has all but fallen apart.. so there is no need for the Oil industry to keep prices low..

this way the plan can move forward to have a Rich society and Poor society..

the rich will have private transportation and the poor will be forced to utilize public transportation.. as their basic form of transportation.. this frees up the high ways for the wealth to travel and be used for commercial purposes, it reduces the frequency of need for highway repair, and reduces the nations dependence on fuel for personal transportation and then it meets their low carbon goals..

they tried other ways.. first they tried to price the car beyond the average persons wage structure.. that did not work.. they stalled out on the minimum wage as long as they could.. but people still like to pleasure ride.. people still like the SUV with one person in the vehicle.. they built the homes further from the jobs, and they still managed to spend the money on fuel to drive the 40-60 miles one way.. so now they go after it in a different manner..
Regardless what public opinion is they will achieve their goal.. only the wealth will be driving luxury vehicles unless it's just for weekend usage by the average citizen..they will be forced to get an alternative fuel vehicle or a hybrid.. or use public transportation.. the house payment eats up the bulk of their pay, and fuel will eat up the rest if they try to continue as things are today..

it's a carefully orchestrated plan..

We may even have to wonder did the War in Iraq exist because the US was trying to pre-empt China, on trying to corner the Oil market.. but it backfired, because china can and did offer a higher fixed price not to fall below 50$ a bbl...
and the bidding started at that point.. so now it's a bidding war.. and the US does not have the capital to compete with China's vast production machine..and low cost structure and endless labor pool..

the US is afraid to pull out of the War, because China and India are standing right there ready to make a deal with the New Iraqi government whom ever it is for .. Oil reserves.. and the US knows this .. they are not worried about how many Iraqi's dies if they leave.. because they are killing more just by being there. it's about posturing .. and seeking strategic control of a natural resource..

People should get prepared for some changes.. as well as we may find that we are and have been in a economic war.. all along.. and we are fighting it on borrowed money.. with reservist..
and being beat in every " economic commodity battle" that exist.. the mighty America is no more.. look around your neighborhood, look around your city..all you see is despair, glut of homes on the markets, nothing but min. wage jobs.. frustrated youth whom are the future of this country, fat cats stealing in every way they can, corporate layoffs.. social programs that are no more, stripped away pension plans replaced by 401K's.. threat to privatize Social security and no national health care.. and the poor pushed further and further down the ladder, and then talked about because they don't have the economic means..

it's just another form of making this country a Slave nation.. but this time.. all the slaves won't just be black..

they are tapering a world for .. degree's and prominence.. you can have a degree but it must come along with an already prominent family backing.. or you must be at the top of the class.. not just a person holding a degree... if you are.. you will be no more than a spoke on the technician level of society.. but not in the leadership and managing sector of anything.

People don't see it because they are afraid to look.. but in ways they know it..

we will before long have electronic currency.. they don't need paper money anymore.. it's only a manner and method of exchange for the common man.. the wealth and elite don't use it.. they use lines of credit and drafts and electronic exchanges.. todays currency is nothing but something that gets you assaulted and or killed..

Now.. is the time.. buy land.. and buy it in the outer regions and try and get it where it creates the lowest tax liability.. then you can make the land productive.. in hard times.. and become a useful element within society.. otherwise.. there is nothing left but the ranks of the min. wage lifestyle and conditions of a project tenement society structure..

we simply need to pay attention..

most factories now operate with enough automated robotics.. that the work forces needed is 1/10 of what it use to be.. " now, do you see; the New World order...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Respecting the Achievement of Mrs. Ollie Tyler

Education is such an ongoing process of development and changes.. modernizations of many things.. from reading of the achievement by Mrs. Tyler.. she is the right choice to move Louisiana to a higher level in the standing of the State and it's ranking within the United States of America.. she made her way of success.. it was not handed to her .. it was earned... thus she has pride that can benefit all of us.. in the acts of her continuing efforts at a level that she can truly reach higher in the vision.. to bring things to realism... in the everyday.. lives of students.

She has earned the stature of state position.. and will do well there becase the dedication is evident. this was no small accomplishment, becase we can be assured that the competition was with high levels of qualification and she stood out to be the choice.

when an individual work in a regional position and excelled with the internal contentions that are elemental to such position.. to move to a state level position.. then the programs can be administered with greater scope of cooperativeness and can progress with the rapidity that is of need for and within the State..

we have to give our support.. and continued dedication that is contributiry to her efforts .. to continue in her task to make this state a leader in education and all it's components.

"Crime Stop"

Citizens of Shreveport..
think of what your Freedom means.. you can walk down the street, go shopping, and many many thing that your freedom allows you to do..

but Not thinking, and letting your emotions drive you and ignoring to utilize your ability to reason.. is what creates crime.. You as the individual must think.. and must act not with contempt and irrational impatience..

If you feel that you are strong then be strong enough to think..
Be strong enough to have patience..
and be strong enough to seek understanding that you may live and act with wisdoms grace.

ask yourself.. are you so weak and small in mind that you let minor agitation bring you to react with violence.

Are you so small in self that you wear your respect on your shirt sleeve and it's so fragile that it's shatter by an eye glance .. and lead you to violent acts.

Are you of so little heart that you disrespect yourself.. to put yourself in sa situation that can bring death to you, or someone else and incarceration of yourself..

do you know that when you go to jail.. your whole family is in jail.. imprisoned because of your irrational actions.

do you know if you have children that you label them for life as the child of a felon.. that you imprison them into the hell of your choices.

Are you thinking yet.. simply to see that you disrespect yourself and your entire family for every crime that you enact..

do you think so little of yourself and your ability that you have to steal from other people..

do you know that when you rob that you tell corporations not to come to our city and your action deprive you, and your family and possibly your kids of a job and maybe even an education too.

your actions are not just about you..

you embrass and humiliate your entire family when you engage in a crime.. and no amount of saying.. " Oh I should not ahve done that .. or I should have been thinking..

well do it before hand .. and you have not that regret to live.. but you have the freedom to engage opportunity..

you can utilize your time and effort to do something that honors your family, your children and your mother and your father, your sister and your brother..

You insult everything that life is with each crime you commit.. and until you stop to see so.. and when you stop to see so..

you will become responsible and self strong to not be a criminal.. but a functioning being in society..

Black Youth

We as a black community must come to let go of a FAD.. the hip hop clothes.. and the sports attire.. has had it's day.. and it has put a stigma on not only the children but the young adults..

Not everyone will be nor is a rapper.. and surely not everyone is a sports player and nor do they need to emulate what they think is a sports player.. We as a society must re-groom ourselves..
Pull up our pants, show not our underwear, and insure our clothes fit properly, that we don't look like a disproportionate individual. these fad mentality attire serves nothing but to being individual disrespect.. so much so they are out killing each other talking about respect.. when the attire does not command nor warrant the respect an individual feels they may deserve..

People are afraid to tell the truth.. but I will.. the buffoon drama of the rapper style is not conducive to a positive enviornment.. nor the respectful presentation of an individual.

why emulate the ghetto mentality and ghetto style that is so adverse to the social enviornment that is progressive. Why are kids bying 100$ tennis shoes that someone is China was paid maybe less than $1.50 in labor cost to produce.. and the sports players are raking in millions, off of people following the fad.. but not one of these millionaires are investing in your community, they have started no corporation that provide you jobs.. and you are not allowed to enter into their arena of life.. and they may or may not give you an autograph in you encounter them in a public place.. But you support the likes of the corporate name on the logo that use the sports player to .. manipulate you out of your money..
when half the children don't have a computer, and only relegate their time to a gaming console.. this is nothing but things that take many black people as a cultural group in a backward direction..

It is ok to rally for a sport player when you are watching the game or at the arena.. but why must you spend over priced cost to wear their jersey .. anywhere and everywhere.

the other element.. is the hooded attire in public social places.. In case you did not know it.. IT LOOKS CRIMINAL, I and many other will avoid and not engage individuals who do such and wear such in public.. they appear as a threat and it appears that they are seeking to hide in plain public view.. that is not the appropriate attire for shopping and various eateries. it convey negativity..

the pants below the waist.. that was started in Prison.. " that was one prisoner's way of advertising their want and desire to be engaged by another man as a sex partner.. it's a symbol of solicitation of homosexual motivations.. it is not fad and fashion.. that was attached to play upon the unsuspecting and the knowledgeable.. the additional element of the over-sized pants was started to conceal weapons.. by the gang element .. during the gun toting craze of the cocaine wars of the 1980's.. and here we are 20+ years later and black people are still caught into a cycle of fad.. unaware that it's time for change.

If you want life to progress and you want to be part of progress.. then you must change with progress. You need not try and find your respect through standing out like a peacock.. but standing up with dignity and integrity and enjoining in the knowledge and wisdom and realizing we live in the age of information.. which requires a learned mind.. and educated mind and one who pursue the education of process.

it's a new day.. will you live in yesterday through tomorrows.. of the days and years to come.

you need to see yourself to change yourself to be respected as yourself by first respecting yourself..

the time of change is NOW

The Challenge of Progress

Always the challenge of progress is riddled with many element.. including personal attacks on those have have and show vision. It takes a great stand as an individual to be the governing authority over any major sector.. It is by far not a task for the weak of heart nor the faint of spirit.. and surely not a position that one would engage with a fragile equilibrium of individualism..

therefore .. We have a Strong Mayor.. we have a man that endured much and persevered through much, to pursue the leadership role for the city..

WE had other candidates who have fallen out of the sphere of public notice since their run.. but they spoke of a good game but they are not standing in a "open" contributory position.

It takes a great concept of envisioning what can be to take the steps to start at the bottom and make the framework elevate to a higher standard.. We've experienced wide expanse of growth.. but at the expense of deterioration of many regions.. we have seen prior administrations let crime fester.. simply becase the demographic of a sector was not engaged. Many speak about crime in the black neighborhood, but we have much white crime and to take the color element out of it.. " all crime is a deterrent to our betterment..

but we may care with great awareness to think.. how did this come to be when we have continually had mayoral presence.. and now we have mayoral presence that is actually willing to get out and do something, to establish programs, to see the needs of the city. this speaks volumes for what of positivity we have in the current administration..

It will take time to get things up to a standard code proficiency.. and it will take time to reorder our policing and their mission. and we should seriously be looking at paying our officers more.. the min. starting salary should be $3,000 per month. We cannot go on with paying officers 22,000 a year as a starting salary and expect them to risk their lives and family destruction to protect us..
so we need to prepare to support the Mayor in such moves when the city gets to the point to see and address policeman salary. We have some of the lowest paid policeman in the country for a city with the elements we have .. of Gaming industry, business, and crime.

so the start to get property standards up.. will help us increase our tax base.. by building our neighborhoods back so they can be equity earner's for the homeowners of any and all regions of the city.. and then we can move to pay those who are the protectors of the city.. and all win..

It is a sad reality that we or any of us would complain about a program to clean up and enhance our city.. to restore the communities to become value building communities..

those who complain.. may well not know as the troubled areas increase in value then so to does your neighborhood.. and you too gain equity.. that can provide you some nature of stability for and within the future..

the benefits that many are not aware of are multi-dimensional..

if only people look deeper into the positive element of what is progress. and how progress is instituted..