Friday, July 31, 2009

why are we here ?

(to) Glorify God

... Explore, Experience, Express, Enjoy and Embrace Each Entity Equally Enriching Each; Encompassing Enchanting Engagements,Everything, Everyone,and Each,Enlightening and Educating.....
Extraordinarily Enhancing Everyday..


on understanding Racial Realities

If you note, the only person who was seeking a solution to the current spin situation. Was the President, he saw it as an opportunity to get American's Engaging Each Other, on understanding Racial Realities. With the hope they can come together and learn that we either stay divided and crash, or we come together and rise as a people, as a nation, and As... SIMPLY, American's.

White people know, blacks will not accept being enslaved, depressed, repressed, suppressed and distressed anymore, nor will they take on the stress of trying to conform to white peoples expectations as being a standard of life. White people know, they can't claim first entitlement, nor do they get the superior position of first voice, nor do they get the voice of determination about the lives of black people. Those days are gone, nor do they get the control to deny economic equality, and they do not get to close the doors of opportunity. White people should know, and many do know, that it can no longer ship jobs away and create other methods of economic disparity, by insuring that jobs are not available to blacks and poor whites, they should know, they crashed this nation with that agenda, and the people are now as a whole of the working poor,(minorities and poor whites) have become wise and aware of the white elite who push buttons to try and maintain that "people master", position, We see the people awakened with when we finally see the reality of the fall of the Republican Apparatus """of Exclusioner's and Corporate controls"""" to keep people indentured.
The American Public as a whole -see them oppose anything that helps people, but they support anything that give themselves another tax break and loopholes to avoid paying tax. But if any measure has a people benefit within of the general masses, the phrase which has become to show more truth than just a phrase by designation "the party of NO"..
Now in realism... We must see with Changed Eyes, what needs to be Changed, and push for Change.

Black people know, that the system from 20th Century Jim Crow, will not be tolerated ever again. black people know that the economic disparity is not going to be passively accepted, and black people know it has been the historical means of contain by force of law, incarcerate by acts of process and, control by economic deprivation, the black community.

Now .................

Realities of Truths - need to reflect in the eyes of each other as simply people.. and Take American from those who profit from the intent and cycles of trying to keep segregation alive by any and every means.

It benefits the Wealthy - while the public is distracted fighting each other with games devised by the wealthy, centuries ago..

Poor whites and poor blacks and other minorities "have the same challenges". no job, money, unable to save because they don't earn enough, and relegated to a certain level as a general premise.
Poor whites and poor blacks and other minorities - communities are littered with a rail way created by the wealthy to get drugs and guns in their community, they have multiple liquor stores, within their community, and they are subjected to the raw basics of survival, and that is where mankind is at his highest level of contempt, because its disparity which produces despaired acts.
And the media characterize them, as violent and any other assumed concoction, to insure they stay contained.

We as people need to realize what is the system of American, and Break it, and truly understand what the President Said - 'CHANGE'
we have to force change, force it in banking, and then rest below becomes to show rapid changes... You have to start where the money is, You control the wild gains and over leveraging banks are doing, and the monopoly games they have engaged, then you change America.. and you find people are then able to grow, prosper and the good of such will flourish. When Banks can only Earn by Supplying Loans to the Public, and not make their Primary business a upper level paper shuffle. Then America will prosper.
Racial reality will find a balance and growth in unity. when people are less despaired and in situations of disparity.

We need to become aware.. of how change must exist, and what must be done for change to exist. If we miss that reality, then we choose to engage in the actions of disparities result.

the Theme - "CHANGE'...

eople in some ways don't get it... God knows what was and is the issues with American.. That is why God put a man in Office, who has Part Black, and Part White... He not only put part black and part white..
God went so far as to go to the core, and put a Midwestern white woman, with an African Man, and produce a child. so the roots of where black people come from, and the heart of a country where white people have come to exist. and that is how "God forged a leader", from bringing two extremes into "One Being". a man made from the feet of Man and Woman, touching "two soils" of two different nations, and joining as the birth of One Man.

Nothing in the history of American would have considered nor assumed such a Reality would come to past, he started out as the least likely candidate, and he became the most record breaking winner in the history of Presidential Elections.

His goal will be attained. In less than 8 Months, he has accomplished what other's have pursued for year, and that is the reality to take the "Health Care Issue to this Level" - While at the same time, facing the challenges of a country that was looted to the point of it's own demise. He is Rebuilding the Economy, and Insuring this time, it is built back with American Taxpayer support, and not the abuse and misuse of a segment of its people, but by the useful engagement of the make up of American people, he is not trying to build it up, based on foreign money, nor the use or abuse of foreign countries.
America Will Emerge to be What the original crafter have not even conceived of the extend and scope of what the Constitution can Attain to Make Real.

and what was and is the Theme - "CHANGE'...
If people do not see the providence of this reality, then they may need to consider more, and ask themselves, do they believe in what makes One Nation Under GOD... and why we as people -say, God Bless America.. ???

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Life Challenges

Jul 22, 2009 11:34 am

Well.. A Seven Year Bad Result Cycle -- no let me correct [TERRIBLE CYCLE]

It's amazing how many things can just spiral into the worst compounded mess imaginable.

Best I can say to anyone, is don't assume anything is secure, nor that anythings is on a track that can't be changed. and the spiral down can be like the worst nightmare imaginable.

If you have a family that you speak with and communicate honestly, that is whom you trust. In life you may find one or two really honest friends. and if you are fortunate to find a mate that is flat out and basic honest as a person, and honorable as an individual. then you may consider yourself fortunate.

Even still, never stop being kind, and be sure to be considerate of even those who wish you harm, because in your consideration, you can remain aware. Step slowly and take your time to pay attention.

blindly trust no one, nor give people credit where it is not warranted, because you may make a grave mistake by making excuses for the actions of others. Their actions are what they are, and until they can prove them to be different, then you had best take them for what they are.

Sure we'd like to think people can have allowance made for them and we can engage logic and make excuses for them, but that is not reality. The reality is simple. what they do is what they do.. and until they make the corrections, do not make them in your mind and assume that you can make the excuse to excuse them. The best you can do is forgive them, and measure your distance, and manage your space when or if they are within it.

There is nothing in life worth lying for, nor is there anything in life worth living a lie to have. and for the betterment of yourself, live no illusion, and live not within a pretentious manner, simply be whom you are, and what is true in life will always reveal itself. Be aware to be aware. That does not mean live with a paranoia.. it means live with the attention within how you are living, and give attention to what you are doing within your living.

Take not action for vengeance, it only takes your away from being whom you are. Take not action of malice, it will only put you in a circle of malice that takes you away from the good you want in living.

It is wise for one to be certain of their Belief in God.. and be true to their belief, and know that in the world, we are here as a Grace of God. and the Gift of living is simply our opportunity to create good, pursue to do good, and to seek living with good intentions that are followed by good actions.

Money comes and money goes, but it ends nothing, if the heart is filled with the will to continue, as it comes, it cycles in life, and our good can be multiplied beyond our dreams imagined. But squander it not on foolish things, not let the things it attain become the measure of yourself. Money is but the tool, that allows you to express and engage the works that you desire, it is never to be the god, nor the devil of your life, but simply a tool you make use of within your living, and make true concerns to use it well, and seek to do good with its usage.

A shapely butt or a pretty face is just an anatomical configuration, it carries nothing but the composure of ones physical being. it does not denote, honest, nor does it even signal pleasure or truth. it is simply the physical form of an individual, and within the flash of a second it can be altered to be unrecognizable even unto ones' self. but what is of concern and matter, is the quality of the character of the individuals, not the delusion that cause us to conjure illusions of fantasy or folly.. for such is but a self delusion, chosen by a fool, at what they see. If you find not the beauty in the heart, then the image of the anatomical composure may make you even a fool unto yourself.

I'm of certainly that the cycle of Seven years have reached their end, and I shall take the learning, into the next years of life, for the best beyond what I may have imagined is of certainty to come into the unfolding of my living.
Life challenges always prepare us for something greater than we have yet imagined int he good things, we have held within our dreams and pursued with out desires and hopes. It may come upon us as a hurricane of good things, or rain down within out lives like the clouds have opened to pour into our world, a shower of blessing unimaginable in the outpouring . We simply move forth, making good things and engaging to build good things, and create good things, that benefit other's as our gifts into life and living.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

" Local Investor's - The Shreveport Investment Brokers"

Posted 7/19/2009 10:58 AM CDT

With the economy in shambles, and the Multi-National Investment Houses, which have made many people loose many fortunes. Do you think it's time, for the Local Investment Firms to build "Local Programs" - where local Investors can see their money benefit the local community, and earn a return for doing so ?

Instead of sending money to firms in New York, and other places,where Giant Investment Banks rob the investors, and
the executive pay themselves with the profits derived from those investments, the investors suffer all the loss.

Would it be more practical and even more logical for Local Investment Firms to build program, which support- Investing in local business growth, Ideas that build better business and replenish our communities with growth and development - Here in our own city, and its region..
Not only can investor's earn, they can watch what their investment are doing, they can see how it benefit growth. They will have a front row seat, to know what their money is invested in, and they will have first hand contact with the Investment Managers. They can earn a stead growth, and see the assurance of what types of development they want to target their investment to address. As they watch our city blossom in a self interest of the community in which we live.

Examples: some can invest in small business development, some can investment in business growth, some can invest in property repairs and improvement in community re-development . There are a multitude of things, right here in the Shreveport City and 'Region, Investors can support, if - a Firm with the skills, sits down and look at the city, and see the potential for development, and focus their skills to build investment programs that directly benefit the city where the investors lives, which in turn benefits the investor, with investments they can understand and gains they can measure.

The Small Businessman, can get terms they can lives with,

capital support that helps them grow - as a small business.

Local Investors can put caps on Local Investor Management Compensation, so more work results for the investment dollar, they can press for no bonus for failure to properly manage the investors capital. the investment firm still earns a suitable profit, but they don't make profit at the expense of loss to the actual investor.

There are many programs which can be created right here in this city.

Imagine this:
Even on "Health Care" - Creative Programs can be created.

Take all the barbers and beauticians, and other small shop owners, and work with the Hospitals in the area - and build local program for local business owners, to collectively have a Medical program, that has a reasonable monthly premium which gives them services at WK and Schumpert. Not only does it benefit the business owners but it also benefits the local hospitals, to help provide more quality managed care to business owners and their families at a reasonable fee.

The vendor base I aimed to build, I had an objective to build a large vendor base, and create a pool of multiple vendors, and pursue the creation of a vendor based group medical program, where people could get urgent care, and other medical services - and its managed right here in this city. Mostly it just needs Insurance brokers, to sit back and put the program together, and make it reasonable in cost structure. and its a specialty group policy. It's all possible, if the effort of those with the skills to structure this would get together, and make it work. The participants would not be difficult to get.

We have many categories of people and professions, such program can encompass. But if we as people take note, the multi-national program are simply not working, The multinational Investment houses are simply not working, especially for the average citizen.

Localized program - is something people can manage, and they can themselves take note of its progress.

Even WK and Schumpert- could initiate city wide Insurance programs, where simply Citizens of Shreveport can be covered under the program, and it could be beneficial to both the hospital as well as the general population of citizens. IF there are 10K-20k or more people paying $30 -$40 -$50 a month, that is a lot of income for the Hospitals, every month, and its all manageable right here in this city.

It could help the Localized Hospital to improve the educational outreach, to have seminars where dieticians and other specialist, who put on periodical programs at the Old or the New convention center, to keep the public educated on improvement in medical matters and their health. We can have health fairs that benefit people in a multitude of ways. Not only will Adults learn about health matters, children grow up in a environment learning about health matters.

When I ventured to create my business, it was to deal with this and other range of things. Not many people want to open their minds to see the outreach of its aim, and sadly people simply think.. well, scale it back and scale it down.. when the point was simple, I was not trying to throw a neighborhood party, I was aiming to operate a business, that benefits the people of the city and the region. and I put a massive amount of work, within outline and structure planning into it. Unfortunately, I simply did not have the funds to make the push it required.

Imagine if we had localized investment that could help support creative growth - I tried the various agencies, but no one was willing to help. its nothing but a circle that spins a person around and dump them right back at the doors of SBA, and they dump you at the doors of the banks, with not even a letter of recommendation.

Many of the organization that stake their claim on teaching people to build business plans, don't even believe in their work enough to provide the people who take their programs, with a letter of recommendation which helps them secure a loan. They dump them at the doors of SBA or a Bank.. and tell them to go on their own. Even when they know, if the person had a relations with the bank, they would not have needed to come to the organization for assistance in the first place.

It's the biggest cycle of 'simply spinning " that leave more people stranded, probably more so, than it actually helps people. Many of these places continue to get Federal Funding to operate, simply for processing a list of people in and out their doors. but their actual benefit does not show a resolve statistic's or success ratio, which remain very low to the point near to being non productive. Other than.. a increase in number of people passing through the doors.

If they were productive, we'd have a growth ratio in new business creation. But what we have is a steady decline in new business, and a failure of existing business, because they can't get the help they need. Which is endorsements and funding.

Our system self defeats itself, and the only aspect which benefit is the organization itself, which continue to secure for itself, a means to get federal funding to keep themselves working.

I personally called a variety of these places, and they tell you how they can help people develop a business plan, and some other things.. but they stop going beyond that. and will tell you in very clear terms. " we do not provide a letter of endorsement or recommendation" - I wonder, if they feel so assured they have helped people create a good plan, then why would you not give them an endorsement and recommendation, if they believe in what they have taught or reviewed.

I've talked to a few people who engaged the program, and they are sorely disappointed, and much times has gone past, and they are no further along than before they went to the these programs. still unable to get funding.

I designed in my idea as a means to also, help with the Youth business program, which would have afforded an ongoing means for these youth, not only to make action with their business plans, but to have a means to do the most important part.. and that is put the plan in action. But again, the stop point is.. "we don't have the funding".. so a mass of youth, who have business plan, which become non functional, because they can't put it into action.

We have countless people in this city who have business interest, but they simply can't get funding and no program to endorse them to get funding.

My plan again, I modified it, to have the potential to improve the condition of many factors to assist in business creation. But I simply cannot get funding to make it happen. It has the elements to have and provide full time employment to people, to help run it, but it also has the benefit to create multiple business owners. which means more people working, more people creating business and more people earning a functional income.

But with out the benefit of support funding... it goes about the same extent as all these program that stake their existence on 'creating business plans".. and that is the extent they stop.

Many organization, I'm sure sit with countless items on their back log, that may never see the light of day. WHY ?

One sad thing we have in our region and within this nation.. people who resent seeing other's "think" One blogger just wrote about "diversity".. and it was a very good blog, what we have as a society is the need to respect diversity... "which is to respect persons",... not based on color and that cycle of folklore negativity which it so often entails of yesterdays world.
But within business and its funding, to respect the diversity of persons, to see people as business people, not black business people or white business people but simply as people.
give equal credence to the ideas of one as you give to the ideas of others.

No more do we need the attitude, to tell the black person, to scale their down as if they will function like a Yard sale, while in turn the white person, is funded , to support curb appeal, facility image, advertising, fixtures, inventory and operating capital. Yet, we wonder why the small business in the black community look like "shade tree mechanic shops" or some ghetto shop, appearing as if it was built by a group of grade school kids, while in the white community, the business has a image model, and uniformity, curb appeal, and quality promotion, marketing and advertising.

- - -

The concept of business being able to Attract is funded in the white community,


In the black community, its still almost like the quality difference of the "separate but Unequal" schools system that was built back in the days of segregation divide.

- - -
Minority business with handwritten signs, which look more like a deterrent than an attraction, where white business has a well lit sign that is professionally done. Black business only form of advertising is plastering the windows with a bunch of fluorescent colored poster boards with a some confusing looking writing on it, while the white business, has print advertising, and mail out and flyers and other professional means of customer attraction.

Its simply a Matter of proper funding, that makes the distinguishing difference. the lack of availability of such funds in one area, and an abundance of such funds available in another area. And people wonder why is there a difference in their ability to improve sales.

We need to build ''ONE CITY"... not build and manage our city as if it is like the "separate but unequal" system of the 1950's..

Our commerce in this city could improve dramatically, if we make the efforts to build with uniformity in backing our business owners with equilibrium in funding.

Black contractors, get the small jobs, black land owners, who can't get the funding to build multi unit apartment and condo unit's with the funding backing to make a quality up scale production. So their land sits - unimproved. and the substandard funding, generates only substandard quality development. and we wonder why the disparity across the landscape looks as it does.

We even see it in things it should never be seen.. even on a state level, Look at the run down condition of Fair Park, and then go look at the pristine condition of Byrd, but they are both, public schools, within the public school system. it makes absolutely no sense.
even the inequality in how public schools are funded and maintained. Is truly pathetic to say the least.

No one wants to address this, and sit back and simply assume, well that's how it is.. NO.. that's how our silence allows it to be. and its simply a blemish to the city as a whole.

Drive in front of Fair Park and ask yourself, is "edging the grass a lost and forgotten art".. but if you drive in Front of Byrd, you'd think that edging the grass was the highest priority imaginable. simple things, tell many things, but people simply ignore it.
go downtown near the Casino, and see if the shrubbery is trimmed properly, but go by the Fair Grounds and the Museum there, and ask yourself, why has the shrubs been forgotten as to being trimmed and maintained regularly.

Would you see any abandoned store fronts on Youree, that look like junk pits, but drive down many of the street in the inner city areas, as ask.. goodness, how can this be allowed to look like this.

The bias that negates fair diversity in upkeep and management of cityscapes.. shows the same historical imbalance that existed in a time long gone past, but these element remain unbalanced which denotes a vivid reminded of the attitude that prevails underneath the illusion of a level playing field.

We have countless things, which can improve the over-all equity of our city and its landscape and business and social function. but first we have internal mental work to do, to feel as "one city" that supports with equal regard ... both in funding, maintenance and development.

Unless we get that mentality. we will see a sprawling and crawling ghetto. and economic erosion continue to creep across our city.
that pushes the exodus and the suburban spread.. and weaken the cites' ability to maintain and grow itself.

We have far more than enough things to create enough work, to have employment for all our people ... city wide.. if first we simply come to respect people as people, and build with regard to promote the whole city and its people. To build investors that invest in the whole city and its business people.. then we can grow.. Currently, we are applying band-aid.. while we watch.. the exodus from ... and demise of the inner city...

What will our tomorrow's be

If we don't honestly face as many of our issue as we can,
fix as much as we can acknowledge in our efforts of today

Friday, July 17, 2009

The ambiguity of people

We live in a odd world, with billions of people, but we have such a anti social climate within humanity. The minds of people make for a very dis-jointed world. - let we figure out, how to talk openly, face up to the wide spectrum of life's reality, unbridle the mind, with labeling natural things with taboo mentality- and grasp for more clarity even in our own understanding
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As relations and mates, we may need to gather that we are not clones, nor will we be clones of each other, and no two people are alike, Love does not mean you can remold and remake another to fit your likes, nor can they remold you to fit their's. Its a simply give and take, and share and care situation. If you don't like it first trying to understand what it is, if you find understanding, it just may open the doors of respect, and in the reality of interchanges, what we respect, can have potential to open doors to what we can appreciate.

Love does not mean, that your mate has to punch a time clock, and report the details of every minute, nor does it give a man, the right to deny a woman the right to be an individual, and nor does it give a woman the right to deny a man the right to be an individual.

Love should free people to be themselves, not bind them into a sense of bondage and encage them as if they are a pet on a leash.

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Each couple must find their understanding, of whom they are as individuals and whom they are as a pair, and develop a realistic concept that allows each to continue to grow as simply human beings.

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our media is filled with tales of lovers with a difference in their years, but they evidentially find something of commonest as persons or they would not be of choice to share together, yet we vilify them, because we detest they have grown to make choices and act on them, and our sense of ' play time years, is more important than to let them engage their reality as they understand and choose to develop - instead of giving understanding we give ridicule, no less than placing them in a pit and tossing stones until they submit... and the question is, submit to what? are we abusing them more than the actual fact they chose to share sex ? is the public ridicule more damaging than the fact they made a choice to engage sex, is it of a fairness to them as a person, to have their business splashed on the news.

Are we so unaware of the mental damage we do to them by such mean, is more damaging to them, and impacts their psychological well being, for the extent of their lives, far more damaging to them as a person, than the few moments they shared actions to engage a choice.

Can we tell them that sex is for life long mates, when we have a multi billion dollar industry that buy and sell sex in every medium of expressions imaginable, we use it to sell everything form lawn chairs to car tires.. we have a mass of society, that is on 2nd, third and more marriages, and yet we expect them to be blind and unaware fo this reality. We have media designing and insuring that the innuendo of sex sells, is a part of ever commercial, it does not matter what the medium, be it print of video media, the imagery of sex sells, is the basis of our nations marketing foundation. yet we want to assume them to be dumb stupid and un aware.. yet we tell them continually to be smart, be aware and pay attention. Surely it is the ambiguity within people. that breeds the double talk- and make hypocrites of many unknowingly. Should we take time to grasp for reasons why we choose ambiguity over truth, and seek ambiguity over reality. where does truth meet reality- and honest meet disclosure- and at what point do we respect the individuals, who have reached the age of puberty and capable of not only thinking, but reproducing. We cannot change what nature activates, yet.. we may need to learn better to communicate more and with better efforts of honesty, and less fear talking about our own taboo mentality of what we can't face, and
and deal with the reality that is actual and factual... in realism.

The delusions of Status
- hinders many - from the illusion and delusions of title, to who has money and who does not, to what people butt looks like and what image they hold on their face, maybe the label on their costume - the demeanor changes and the faces reflect moods of many sorts.

It's such an amazingly maddening mess, and the end result we all will simply live until we die.

If we are bed ridden - we accept help from where ever we can get it, but would we respect the same people if we are healthy and on our feet.

Will we gladly buy a sandwich for a person we know has money, but we frown at doing so for a homeless person whose face shows its need.

We will spend dollar upon dollar, to buy drinks for associates, but would we give a extra coin to a help organization to support a cause of charity?

We smile at people we feel are pretty who in turn ignore us, but will not return a hello to someone we don't feel is pretty.

Once we meet a challenge, we look down on those who face challenges.

We make claim and stake claim that we are better than others, based on what we claim we don't like. and think it makes us special, rather than the simple fact we may not like something. But we act as if another is less than if they have found something to like about what we deny liking.

We say looks don't matter, then we look at couples and claim them to be a mis match because of how they look in relation to each other.
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Yet.. in all these things, we ignore our own selfishness in being such ways.. and we quickly label other selfish, when they don't yield to us, what we expect.

sex functions in us each, and yet.. we as people lie about its realism in our lives - some hide with toys, some hide chasing the gender the same as self, and some lie about their likes, and then draw circles around their experiences, and wonder why they feel unfulfilled.

Some deny sex,and even deny their want or like of it. as if it makes them more, when all things in life show how sex enhance those who share it with appreciations. yet, we have a society devoted to vilifying the human being behind the natural nature of sexual reality.

People grow old, as if saving it, will make them more than they are, yet, again.. sharing and interacting is what gives life it perpetual progressions and enhance the spiritual connection within two. denoting even too, that two have communicated to share a unity of experience.

Old age comes to all who live, and with its comes the taking away of the physical allure, that once could attract. and we find a world filled with old people, who somehow throughout their lives, they did not build unity, to have social relations within their later years. and chose to let allure fade into the wrinkled self, being of vain consumption over their own image. sadden are many, as the years come, un aware, the experiences they build today, become their pleasant memories of their tomorrows.

Some feel too pretty for anyone and too fine for a single one, and some feel they should have everyone, and can choose no one.

Life of days come and life of days go, and the greatest of opportunity if will ever bring, is the simple opportunity to share.

are we yet to learn our despair may be more connected unto what we selectively choose to be unaware.

none will ever get enough sex, and no amount is too much more than the individual can handle, and each tomorrow, give them the capacity to more, and holds within the passion to engage it, if simply they will.

conditions set as a price, and pre-requisites set as a point to barter, reluctance set as a measuring stick of what one will give and share, and become the same point one denies self the openness to simply appreciate what is shared.

The ambiguity of people
appears to be a chosen demeanor which assures people of being dis-satisfied, and unfulfilled..

whom... next will the blame be placed upon.

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such an ambiguous question... many hold continually.



1 doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness ambiguous color>

2: capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways


(Is Political Correctness - but a manner of deliberately ambiguous exchange)

American's Pay for the delusions - yet remain the Indentured Servant

Well ...... for..... years upon years, the downward spiral has evolved to the true meaning

- to be -

"Indenture of the Poor and Working Poor Bonded in Servititude."

Highlighted in the past 8 years - to achive devastations of many sorts...

This nation made "Rock Star" imagery of the Bankers, and Hailed them to live as Kings.

The Investment houses filled their ranks with, million dollar babies, whom all felt entitled to live like a Prince, with multiple palaces and private jets, each taking investors money, paying them "pennies" while they paid themselves Prince'ly sums..
Investors lined up, to pump in their hard earned money, for a few hundred dollars per quarter, and by the end of the years, faced principle losses, and they kept coming back, playing more, next year another reduction in the principal- and finally, the cycle played out until it met collapse. The Investments heads, gained on their loss, and paid themselves enough bonus, for being slicker than the average investors, and they rewarded themselves handsomely, for their skillfulness at treachery.

They crown themselves the greatest bank robbers ever to touch their feet on the planets soil. They Achieved it
with a pen and paper, a computer screen, and some slick willie charts.. and not a bullet fired, they robbed not only the nations banks, but looted corporations, and stole the retirements of many, while they crashed charities. they smiled brighter at their folly, and gave themselves another bonus, and set out on a pathway to get the taxpayers to carry the loss, and yet, they pay themselves another bonus, for being out witting of the population as a whole.

Now their treasures are tucked away, and again they gamble, this time with the money of the taxpayer, fully sanctioned.
so the theft of a nation, and the robbery of America continues - An Un wise public, who puts its trust and the running of the country in the hands of Banker..

Reality behind reported Bank Profits

"What is Profit - Is it Profit" Your Money - Who's Money

They yo yo the nations, with up and down games of interest rate tactics,
unregulated, in needs of fixed in place % caps... and the delusion of people to support their run away capitalistic march. a public unaware it only benefits the bankers, it weakens a nation, and deprives the lives of the family and hinders the education of the youth. and the citizens are simply pawns in the money-changers game.
playing supporter to the rule of the banks, at the expense of their own lives and standards of living.

Unregulated capitalism is no different than "constructive robbery" of the masses- See full size image the system has been in place for generations upon generations, and yet people remain unaware.
  • Banks Jack up the interest rate, and take the money from the pockets of people, and removed the currency from circulating to support industry.
  • Banker Jack up the interest rates, and people loose jobs and factories close,
  • Banks Jack up the interest rate, and production is shipped offshore, and business sold for a song and a dance. and the public remains unaware and without even remote interest to have a voice.
  • Banks Jack up interest rates and make the nation homeless, and people sleeping in tents, yet unaware.
  • Banks Jack up interest rates, and small business close, and big business shutter... with no option but to wait for their own demise.
  • Banks jack up rates, and stock markets crash, over inflated stock tumble like hail falling from a storm could.
  • Banks jack up rates, and kids abandon college, and parents can barely get their toddler to pre schools.
  • Banks jack up rates and people relegated to eat cheap unhealthy food, because the farmer have too much interest debt, which kills their crops and leaves the soil unturned for planting... and cost too much to get cattle to market, while the chickens fed with chemical, unable to walk yet, full sized for market within a week.

Yet.. we hear a rally cry from the wealthy, screaming, No No... don't regulate, and no salary caps, no governance but more bonus payments, and the people sit silent - believing the spill from the mouth of thieves who's source of gain is based on the ignorance of the public, and the silence of the people. Politician bought, like bubble gum, and swayed by the mirage of status, and dumfounded by their worship mentality of the polished shoes and the shiny suits of Bankers, issuing a prepared script, all the while playing the masterful art of the "confidence game" not less a scoundrel than the grafter, who bilks the old ladies and bed ridden old men... of yet another round of rip off and drain of their life saving.

Unemployment Reality :

America’s Effective Unemployment Rate at 18.7%?

Shut down the hospital, and cut back on the school and let go the teacher, expel the students and hail the Bankers, who's claimed the nation, and out to seize the world. Close the city park, and turn out the street lights, cover over the pools, and let the grass upon the lawns dry up and blow away in the wind. Give out credit cards, and indenture the masses, iincrease the rate and enslave the indentured, without the compensation, and starve the mothers, so not even the breast milk of life, can be freely given the new born.

Sadly.. American is facing results from the greed it groomed itself , in the choice it took in the early years, deviating from its own constitution, which simply ask - fairness to all man, and equality unto all persons. Yet the devise of its own creation, thirsting to be the - Masters of Indenture. It deviated from its own constitutional regards, to work as one people, for the good of all people, and every being counted as one. Yet It preferred, the choice, the aim, the collusion, and the acts to indenture, relegating many and starving most. A tactical pursuit, to void out such a thought, and proclaim the nature of a king unto some, while other were denied, even the right to be call a person, as man or woman.

Today... it is not an indenture based on skin tone- it is simply an Indenture of the Poor and Working Poor.

Indenture Masters, would have none of that, instead they who lead a nation which is enslaved, the people see nothing, with bright eyed hopes.. and the bankers make the price of hope un-affordable- and the people sit silent, in shock, unaware of how the same process which gave it wealth, is that which has taken it away. And the masters of indenture- control the life flow of the people, and make homeless any who fail to pay unto the indenture masters, an inflated sum; taking even the bread from a table, and again, left in the wilderness - hoping a soup line forms soon.

Property of Home should never have been a gambit for the bankers to play parlay and box the bet, and hedge the tally, unaware the greatest assets a nation holds is the home of its citizens. yet...used in the gamble played by the indenture masters, simply known as Bankers, who by choice and act.. sold away the value of the citizens homes, and encumbered the land, with the sale of fake paper, and no equity , all for the illusion, while it ripped and robbed a nations blind. Disillusioned people, dumbfounded, as to how it could come to be.
Walking around unemployed, and no place in sight which might employ - foreign names taking over the once known landmarks, foreign owners taking over the beer people drink, and the candy kids eat. America made itself into an Island nation, importing even what it eats, what it wears and what it utilizes.

Made of plastic fiber, simulated to look like what once was an original creation, now blast molded, and painted with a fools gold layer, and polished plastic appearing as silver.

The people, bought the delusion, and now can't get past the smoke and mirror, which creates another illusion. Lands sits idle, not a tractor in sight, followed by the image painted to disregard and dis respect any tiller of the soil. for the thought of man growing without the indenture master controlling.. is unthinkable, and not allowed.

Many still cling to the wishes for the bankers to be free, and the stock market to continue the game, while America is holding a Fire Sale of its very self.

the picture of the future seen in the images of the hungry child... and the gluttons of Financial Industry.....

prepare themselves yet another Feast.....

Yet,... we reaming silent - as if we are unconcerned.. with an illusion, that a dream will manifest within the flash of a moment...
and jobs will magically appear. Again... we sit with an illusion.. while the Bankers drain our lives and starve our children's, not only of food, but a place to learn, and a facility to get the simple care of medical service... sadly.... we sit... dumbfounded, penniless, yet still Unaware. We remain the Indentured Servant. While the Wealthy... delight at the ball.

What might awaken, the eyes of the masses
What might arouse the voices of many

Is there a thought of care, within any ???
Shall silence continue its deafening roar ??

Thursday, July 16, 2009

eye opener's..

unfortunately, the economy was broken on many levels far
beyond the banking system. Health care is a disaster and
has been for decades, we simply can't want for it to
fix itself, as for cap and trade, the world nations are pushing
for a clean enviornment, we have been an active proponent
of it for decades, we push others to do so, now that the cost
which they have long since seen, we see, now we will have
to absorb those same cost, now we don't want it, since
we have to pay for it, but we still expect other nations to
have it. simplicity is , we can't demand of other's
what we are not willing to do ourselves.

We as American people, allowed our industry to be sold away,
piece by piece, because we disrespected the vocation's
and the tech trades of training people and we discredited
the labor workers, in favor of the suit people, and tried
to run this country as a giant management firm of marketing
other people products, we became to despise labor, and
assumed we could be a nation of sales clerks, and business
that made nothing but put our name brand on components produced
and made by foreign entities, and then we are dismayed they
don't want to import it back into their country with
our name on it. We despised labor so much, that we could not
even answer phone and exported call centers to any place
we could. America suffer's from its own illusion of
elitism, it bought it's own press, and swallowed it
whole, and for 30 years we have been a nation declining,
and increasing its foreign borrowing, for the past 10 years,
we have lived off of Chinese backed credit, and Opec back
credit for fuel and we moved to sell all the value out of our
own land, for the sake of paper shufflers over-leveraging
and creating delusions of a moving economy, and it was exposed
to be unable to meet its ability to produce to the capacity
it needed to, because it sold its industry for a song and
a dance.

Our problems are not single dimensional, nor did they start
at the first of 2009, and what debt was assumed, was not disclosed
in the truth depth the damage it truly was comprised of.
and we expect in 6 months, to have what it took 8-10 years
to fully destroy. Again, we are unreal in what we expect,
and we are without reasonable awareness of the damage we
suffered as a result. We have corporate criminal organizations running our
medical community, and we choose to opt by the voice of some
to allow it to continue, we have a stock market that sold
fake paper, and insulted the currency of a nation, and we
think others would not call for a change. We have banks,
that looted the public with unreal rates, and conspired
to make false claims of their standing, when their executive
looted and paid themelves 10's upon 100's of million,
for the sake of failure in the grand scheme to rip and rob
the public and insult the nation, by the acts of financial

In no small ways was this mess handed over to the current
administration, compounded by a senseless war, and wasted
billion upon 100's of billions tossed away to fight
a war that had no purpose and no goal, other than to try and
take the resources of a soverign country, and what it found,
was nothing but a fast drain and erosion of it's own
economy. We sat idle and watched for 25 years, when the American auto
industry simply gave up on producing quality and tried
to ride on a name brand, until people simply chose no longer
to get ripped off buy over inflated poorly made vehicles.
We are a nation of beer drinking glutton, but we can no longer
even manage the resources of a beer company to keep it functioning,
We even sold out our own ability to make the world known Hershey
bars, and M&M, and now Canada is producing it, and shipping
it to our lands. America and its delusion of "every
man a King", has simply shown that the kingdom fell,
from too many kings, and no statesmen. Children ran thru
univestities feeling entitled based on a piece of paper,
with no ethic, and no ability, beyond requesting a bonus
for failure and pay for simply showing up in a designer suit.
and when it crashed in on them after the massive lie by the
last Administration saying the economy was sound, while
it crumbled until the dust from it nearly blinded him, and
so a nation followed its delusion into the dust storm from
collapse, and when the dust cleared, the chief was on his
way out the door, claiming no fault. and left a desolated
country in his wake.

Arrogance beyond even its' extremes is what broke
down American, and now it has every component which comprise
the structure of a nation has to be modified, changed, re-ordered
in its premise and function, to be rebuilt.. and Americans,
again with their lack of patience, push the agenda of expecting
it to go away, as if it never happened.

and it just ain't so. .... It's real, and it will
take work, sacrifices and GREAT change to build it back
again, and it will not happen overnight.

It's not likely in the current climate that anyone
can fall below the level President Bush left us. America's issue is more that we had become so comfortable
borrowing for other nations and living off the money of
other nations underwriting our debt, we resented the thought
of having to borrow from ourselves, and in debt ourself
unto ourselves. and that reality makes people panic. But
if they could borrow from every other nation, no one would
say a world, and it would go on as business as usual. Now we
have had to borrow from ourselves, it now makes the reality
of the hole we dug, show it's true depth. Long as President Bush thought he had the money stream flowing
in from China, he pushed the delusion that the economy was
healthy, but he never addressed the mountain of credit
card debt that was backed by loans from China, nor did he
address the fact of the amount of Iou's that were issued
when the monthly deficit was running a consistent 20 Billion
negative per month.

The Budget was projected over 400 billion before Bush left
office, and that did not take in the over all debt to the nation,
People don't want to remember, but this nation was
bankrupt 3-4 times during the Bush Administration, and
he simply increased the debt load this nation was claiming
to be able to carry, it got so big, it broke the debt clock.
We end up with countless 100's of billions owed to China,
we Owe OPEC and there was simply no one to borrow from anymore,
other than the American Tax Payer. and that is when people
were faced with the reality of the "good time Charlie
living" - and people have been squawking every since.
This nation has probably 20 trillion of debt and repair
needs, and if we add in the cost to rebuild Iraq, and to build
and rebuild Afghanistan, and the unknown cost of medical
care to the wounded, both here and in Iraq, President Bush
left a mess, that has not even been discussed in the full
scope it truly entails. We resulted to have collapsed industries
of every type, and looted banks, and the equity sold out
of homes in the incessant trading of mortgage securities,
and then trying to use to to leverage the outrageous borrowing
this nations has been engaged in for the past 8 years.

to top it off, we don't have the industry to earn at the
pace we need, we don't make anything, so no one wants
to import stuff they made back into their country with our
name on it. Our massive outlay to the Middle East for oil,
because we are a nation who can't get off of stupid,
and kept building mega sized vehicles, that no one would
import, because they did not want it, nor could they afford
anything that sucked up gas by the gallon when they purchase
their's by the litre.. We simply let the opulence become
our own greatest delusion far past the time we could remotely
afford it.

America is facing what many other nation have once faced,
Britain had to Face it, Spain faced it, and many other once
great powerful nations, when time showed that they lived
beyond their means far too long. the new world order of Industry
is already established, China now supplies the world with
its goods. We can deny it all we want, but go in any store and
see what product are stamped with, Made In China, its not
fallacy .. its fact. Wal Mart is the biggest employer in
the country, and what is their commodity" Product
with Made in China" - and they dominate the sales all
across rural America. Our problem as a nation is we don't believe the truths
we see, and want to think we are the Post War II hero nation,
and that delusion died 50 years ago. We went to Japan and built it up, and gave away our electronic
equipment production and the dominated us in the 80's,
we rushed to China and built them up with every industry
imaginable, and now they dominated sine the mid to late
90's.. and are still on a delusion of grandeur.. economically
it is not a reality. We may have the best system of social
civil liberties, and a good justice system over the poor
people of the nation, but we have no justice system over
the wealthy, and the wealthy have a set of civil liberties
we can't even imagine to get. America's middle class was build to be comprised of
the working Americans, who held factor jobs, and mid level
management and equipment operations and vocational workers.
That.. left American when Outsourcing became the buzz
word of the late 1970's. We allowed educated ignorance
to over take the hands on hard work within a nation.

Reform.. is the process this nation is currently engaged,
and reform is followed by rebuilding, and that is now supported
by the future tax dollars of American people, and if people
don't get busy and make industry work, and pay back
those tax dollars, then it is American's own fault
if it can't repay its own debt to itself. This time it can't crash a market and wipe the debt away..
it has to finally get back to the business of working and
performing, rather than to think it can gain from the labors
of other nations and profit from the borrowing, which supports
the sales of imported product. It can no longer create sham financial power houses and
think they can shuffle paper and create the delusions of
wealth. No one is any longer buying stock that trade at 200 times
their ability to earn. the bubble burst, and now we have
to face the reality. CHANGE, AND THAT CHANGE IS COSTLY,
and only if the nation believes in itself and has the will
to work, will it meet that change.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wake up America - Build Small Business !!!! "Urgent Request"

Bankrupt Large Companies fill the landscape - "The Fire Sale of America"

Partial List of Closed and Bankrupt Companies - list - 2008/2009

( If you want to shock your own mind awake, find the list from 2002-2008 - and you will see the fall of an empire unfolding in view)
consider to include the city by city- state by state closure of business and industry - and you will see- the decline of america with non disputable clarity
" Blinding your mind- to this reality, won't make it change "

Of its troubles, all elements continue pointing to the American Executives. They crashed banks, production units, and major brands, and now they sit on the sideline waiting for foreign companies to buy them out, or they want to lean on the public. Yet, they turn and rob the coffers and claim a loss and pay themselves another bonus.

Sure that's right... you have no time to hear it... !!! "Typical of a nation falling and blinding itself to the demise".. Its' like the sinking to the Titanic, and all we are concerned about is: "will the band play another song"..
The cry of voice's claiming that it’s too boring to talk about, and too stressful to think about, and it gives them a headache, to hear it. Yet they watch their neighbors, relatives and friends, being made jobless, and homeless, and the cities we lives within closing down services, and schools unable to modernize, and many unable to maintain the teaching staff. Families watch their kids unable to find work and the delusion of a job via the use of a certificate from a university, has found those groups, jobless, and dis illusion.

We have a unemployed nations, who can't afford to pay unemployment benefit, and we move faster toward the crackers and cheese lines for a nation. Yet, we don't want to hear anything, and we can't open our eyes to see anything. While we have politicians, playing “vote me in again games”.. While the nation falls into further decay. The words from the chambers, say loud, we don't know what to do. Its tougher than I thought, and here we are, the ones who sat silent for 8 years, with a war rally on our lips, while our nation crumbled at our feet.

How long will we continue to accept that America's system of managing big companies is being shown to be non performing, as more and more companies are looking to foreign National companies to bail them out. It’s as if every other country can run business better than American Executives. We sit around waiting on German companies, Chinese companies, Dutch companies and anyone else who has managed their business well, to buy up and bail our the mess our executives have made of American Owned companies. It’s a true testament that American Executives have failed the people of this nation, and no one wants to speak up and say the truth. The Global economy is challenged, and the catalysis. Sadly, it's the same public they gouged, and treated poorly, sold low grade products to, and made them unemployed, yet, they want our tax money, to support the same criminal groups and organizations that destroyed the American Industrial complex.

Wild Expansion, all in a drive to put their company in public trading status, so they could rip it off and become spend crazy and anoint themselves kings, and pay themselves king ransoms, and we have the failure of the chains across the nation. Poor management, uncontrolled growth, buying and filling their spaces with foreign products, and expecting a non employed American to buy it.

The greed of fools, the delusion chaser's who crashed a nation, for the gluttony of a few. Our result is a crashed nation with economic disaster from coast to coast.

If we expect to become again a nation that prospers, then we need to look at our cities, and ask ourselves, why have the mom and pop shops closed, and the specialty shops, who sold products made and crated by American, why has the small shops that sell a mixture of imports and American products been forced to close.
We are left with a nation that is filled with wal marts, selling as it they are mini versions of China implanted in our communities, and forcing closed all the business within its radius.

We quickly follow that up, with Foreign Cars, and we watched the demise of the Big Three- for years upon years, we watched as monthly trading deficit topped $20 billion - and we were not only unaware to consider what it means, and blind to the truths, it displayed from city to city to small town to major metro.

And still as a nation, we sit un-aware of the dire need to make a MASSIVE investment in American people, who create American small business. We see daily, more communities fall, from the demise of small business, empty building, closed store fronts, little league teams can't find funding, cities can't keep city services operations, and we move to down-sizing our medical facilities, cut back our schools. Yet.. we remain still unaware, and acting as if we are blind, crazy and plain oblivious to the obvious.

The delusion is over; we can no longer ride on the illusion of being the world power center, while we can't make it a month without infusion of loans from China, and anyone else who will give it to us.

We know we have an oil crisis, yet we let big oil, come in and put pressure to slow down the development of the natural gas deposits we have. We have a system that is not moving to develop natural gas dispensing station, and we have fallen off the wagon of developing auto that uses natural gas. Again, we are being hoodwinked by Big Oil, as it gouges the public, of money it no longer has, we have penny paying jobs, but we can't think quick enough to lower the interest rates on housing and re-adjust the principle, and tie it with the tax assessors’ rate, to balance and stabilize our property. All the while, banks want to package the loans, and dump them on the government once they have bleed the last penny they can from the public, and any loans that are performing, our bankers, are packaging it and selling it to any foreign buyer, who will give them a big pay day.. Result - the bankers care little about anything, other than creating a pathway to give them another bonus.

We dumped 100's of billions into the system, and made the sad mistake to give it to the same pool of thieves who, orchestrated to rob this nations, and sell of its substance. And the only entity who gains a profit is banks. While the bottom line result is the unemployment rate increases, and more Americans are made homeless.
Yet. We have executive again, both in congress and in and within industry, continuing to destroy the core of the nation’s economic machine. While we as the American citizens, not only sit silent, we are sitting as the dunce, relegated to the corner with a zipper on our lips, as if our brain has simply ceased to work. We speak about nothing, and quickly claim what we don't know, and how unfamiliar we are with financial reality and the thief’s community of which it is comprised.

The delusion is no longer just a vague concept; it has become the leading force of the mentality of a nation. The illusion, is not longer just a fading screen of smoke, it has cluttered the minds of the nation, and blinded the masses to the truth..
Daily unemployment figures rise, homes lost, and business closed, cities folding over one piece at a time, and still the American people remain lost in a delusion that has not existed since the 1960. We have been a failing nation, with fast boats shipping away industry, shipping away the economic pieces, which built a nation. We've lived on the credit extend us from foreign lands, and our debt is beyond our ability to replay. We dote on the credit cards, which are backed by the industry of China, and all we are able to purchase, has labels, says - Made in China, and we build debt, consuming things, we are too lost and delusional to learn how to make for ourselves.

Executives, who head companies and lead universities, have told the people of this nation, that the lowest denominator is the worker, and it proceeded to not only insult every form of work, as degrading, as it praised and exalted the executives, to a level, it will pay itself, 100-200 times the wages, earned by the people who's hands once did the work. Our system has demeaned the vocational trades, and the technical performance, from the mechanic to the plumber to the air conditioner repairman. Our system now simply cares to be a disposable nation, that discards one cheap foreign product to replace it with another- and our claim is, we no longer need vocation, we not longer need tech trades, we simply open up the ports and bring in another boat load of foreign goods.

Reality now is facing a nation, with jobs gone; now people can't even afford to buy the cheap foreign products, because no one can find a job, beyond a sales clerk position which dispense foreign products. We have a population working at fast food places, as we become a nation made unhealthy, and obese. Still we remain unaware. The sadder reality is, we have not care to be made aware. It become in the minds of American, who are driven only to seek entertainment, and the illusion of status, we want to hear no truth, nor see no reality.

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Small business will be the only pathway to win back the nation, and grow back our cities,

We have no choice and little of options.

When the entities at the top levels of our systems- and the organizations which manage the support system for small business, become wise to take the step and make the choice. It will be clear - the option is simple, and the choice is an easy one to make.
See full size image
Support Small Business- if we expect to have American owned business within American cities.


What have we become- when one home cost $30k and another cost $30 million, and both are sitting on the auction block.

What have we become, when our sense of self is wrapped in a designer label, produced in a foreign country, owned by another foreign entity - and we claim this makes us a successful American, to sport the support of every nations Industry, but this one.

We go to buy fish, and see Foreign countries it is brought from, our vegetation comes from South of the Border, and our Car are produced by Foreign owned companies. and the few business that remain, are no more than parts assemblers, who cram foreign made components into a product and we stick a American label on it. No other nation wants it, because they are themselves, aware of all internal parts of nothing more than what they have produced. so they say "No Way", we can buy our own with our own name on it, and get a better product, because we made it.

Congressional people, who have occupied seats for 20-25 years, telling us, they now see how to fix what they were there to allow to be destroyed, they pass bills, and push measures, and we result to see, more imports and more American companies simply collapse, and the unemployment number's rise. The rally cry from the ancient in our halls of congress, still trying to tell us, they are the voice of reason. They simply have presided over a process of "Economic Treason". Allowing the dismantling of the industry, shipped and carted away, year upon year, piece by piece, and nothing is left of what built a once powerful and productive American nation. But a debt and the reality of foreign ownership - of not just our homes, but the industry that once fed and clothed a nation.

We have name brand Universities turning out more corporate criminals by the days, they see no people, only a mass of objects to be used, and made blind, unaware and uninformed, ripe for the plucking, and they can use to enrich themselves.
Yet we hail them as our leaders of Industry, and claim them as our brightest and our best... yet, they have taken American into the depth of its darkest days.

We remain ... un aware, and acting un-concerned.

America - a nation which has sought slave labor across the globe, and exported everything it has, when it found it could no longer import slaves, it began to speed up the exportation of its own labor and industry.. Seeking the labor for slave wages, thinking all it has to do is consume and profit while proclaiming it as master.

Time has proven it has become itself, enslaved, by the actions it pursued to enslave other nations, because it resented doing the work of production on its own shores, with its own hand, and paying labors to its own people.

It will only be by - the creation of small business, the support of small business, and embracing all its people with the equality within and equality of opportunity- to build small business.. or it will remain enslaved, in its own search to enslave others, to gain by the pursuit of slave wages labor from foreign lands,
At the expense of a nations own downfall.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

" A Man"... The task for Young Black Males

??? in Learning to Be "A Man"

First thing to learn is probably the simpliest but the most difficult :-

Not all males become to be Men !
Lest they turn to live from within - to embrace the God spirt which lives deep within the human being

Age makes not a man, but it makes the body grow with age, Being a Man, is far more than the Size of your shoe, or the Height you stand, It is far more than what you treasure and measure between your legs, and it is far more than the brutality used to destroy.. dollars will never make a man, nor will wealth proclaim any male to be a man. God made what is a Man, to be far greater than any of these things can ever measure, even in the slightest measure, they cannot make what is a Man. are you getting a hint!.. A man, and being so, is a responsibility many understand so little, and miss becoming something so Great.. as being simply "A Man.
Making babies makes not a man, only it makes babies, it takes a man, to raise a baby, to teach it as being a male and nuture it , to live from within, to become "A Man".

The Majesty of what is a Man, is so Awe inspiring and so great in the glory of what God has created, to defile it, by vanity is truely to deny all the things which God put within the making of a man. "Think in simple terms, to see the greatness of what is a Man

A lion in the wild will attack and kill a male, but a lion in the wild, will yeild way unto a Man and make effort to avoid conflict

"The Man, knows how to gain the Respect of the Lion, is equally a man who give Respect unto the Lion"

What makes a man is deep within, and only through the gaining of understanding, through the explorations of knowledge, and the utility of Wisdom - will a male - learn ways of being a Man.
"A Man" is of God's Greatest Creations.

How does a Man Gain Love

A Woman- Loves a man, only girls who have not become a woman, find infactuation within male, But a Man, by his nature of being a Man, gains the Love of a Woman, who is not won by infactuations- nor delighted by folley nor does she champion brutality, she is not led into follishness by malice and shall not be swayed by avarices of any sort. She will "love "A Man", and A Man will with his full heart and self, Love a Woman, and Protect the World they Share.

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" Far too many of Today's Male is not making effort to be A Man "

Actions of not being a Man, disrespect the beauty of what is wo-man, as he makes of himself, simply a fool, who is simply a male, unable to know the simplicity of Loving even woman or himself.


The following contains many things, but the first and foremost things is:


"It's not just a statement- It's a Truth you should embrace"

And you will find Ways simply to be "A Man"

  • TIME WILL FIND YOU, BEHIND THE PRISON WALL if a bullet does not put you underground first.

"Selling Drugs"
It's a dead end street for you, and the people you sell it to, both get the same!!! "Self Destruction". It is not worth it , for the sake to flaunt some fake over priced cheap jewelry, and some vain material stuff, for the ultimate result of being imprisoned or 6 feet under.
Is it any way to give any respect to parents who gave you the nature of life with the giving of birth. What can you do to respect that?

"Truth is simple"
Your life is what you make it, "if you feel lost or confused, and or challenged, Make your way to a church or a school, and gather the lamp of understanding, so you can have the light of knowledge to guide you.. "and follow the pathways of learning, to be a giver in life, not a taker, and Your life can be what you make it.

The choice is not at the barrel of a gun, nor is at the choice of a finger on the trigger ! You simply result to take life, while throwing your own away. and you gain nothing, but a delusion or death.

What good does it do you to be in a gang, it only make you a "3 block square" hoodlum, you only confine yourself to a small circle of the community, and draw lines, as if to imprison yourself, and you are being too stupid to know it. "rallying about some false bravado, riding on the ego of being foolish". What a Terrible Waste of A Life ! and a silly choice to avoid the work of honor in simply being "A Man"

What will it gain you, walking around with a tattooed up body, and making yourself look as a slouch with saggin clothes, and ruled and controlled by a color of cloth, and the premise of a color, enslaves you, once again. So very unfortunately - This Time & This Way, "YOU" - do it to yourself. and you even issue yourself a intense butt whipping or death, if you leave your chosen "3 block square self imprisonment". unable to be simply a man, free to move about the world, but a self chosen fool, who confines himself to a closed circle, or making a pathway which becomes a trail .. to jail.. and finding, there, you are treated like the male, and not a man, who may be turned into the symbol of flesh pleasure, for the delight of other males, who themselves, are less than A Man.

You can't walk down the street without a hood on your head, for fear you may get shot by a rival hoodlum, you can't sit up and drive a car, afraid you need the door frame to hide your head, to avoid getting shot by another hoodlum, who lives in another "3 block radius". You claim a gang, you claimed a color, and the claim has cost you to be confined, no one can get in and no one can get out. By choices made to be confined within a gang.. working hard to be everything but, A Man.

You rob and kill each other, only to spew vain self egotism, among your "set" of "3 block hoodlums"... and then you label yourself as a "gang member".. as if you pledge to give your life, for the right to create mayhem and incite urban terrorism, even jeopardizing your own family and many times your kids, wife or girlfriends. All for what ?? " Ego and Vanity". hiding in the real fear, because you fear facing the challenges of what it takes not to be in a gang, and what it takes to be a part of the world which contributes to the promotion of good and the help for others. as simply "A Man". You have chosen to be a taker, and not a giver. and always the cost is greater than you can bear. for the choice you make. You deny unto yourself - the opportunity God gave you, to be "A Man".

Far too Many of you walk around, with no respect for the elders, and no regard for the children, and showing disrespect to mothers, whose sons you kill, without remorse, without forethought of compassion, you drive your life with anger, anguish, lack of belief in self, and a false bravado, which haunts you in the night, you try to smother with drugs and drink, hoping no one knows. your fears of being a Man, are greater than your delusion of bravado- leaving you less than being "a Man".

That is not being a Man.. that is being a boy, being led and misled, and self imprisoned in your own personal "3 blocks of hell".. Afraid simply to learn to be A Man.

"Learn to Reach out - don't fight what you don't understand, don't deny the truth you fear to face, and don't pretend to be brave by making choices best left unto a fool, The real strength of a man, is within how he seeks help, his will to humble himself and ask for help, and to engage himself to join with help, and within the process, before long - you will find yourself - hungry to help others. Reaching out, is not always to take, but it also prepares you, to be able to give.

"The Delusion of Gang Life"
Creating a lingo, that does not function outside of your self imposed prison of a 3 blocksquare self confined community, drinking beer, smoking weed, selling and consuming crack, and in the midst of it all, you are unaware of what you are loosing, and have not considered what you have chosen to toss away..
You wonder what could you loose... Well.. first you stand to lose your most important asset - "your humanity and your character:
Which is your what creates a sense of dignity and respect for yourself and your own community, and you deny and destroy what equip's you to learn and be a positive efforts and a driving force, to uplift a community. Yet.. you keep choosing the ways of fear, the ways of weakness and denying the great capacity of beauty which God instilled deep within you, the moment you were given life and the breath to live in this world. You waste what is so precious, and you waste it as if you choose to be a fool, Squandering a gift so great, there is nothing which can ever compare to what such a gift can give unto the world. Yet.. you create nothing but a nature of ghetto with violence, that eventually consumes you, while it entraps your neighborhood member's into a situation, that insults the integrity of human beings. with the violence, and disregard you show for the sanctity of life. you make a hell for the women, and an area of chaos for the children, and rob a generation of the chance for dignity within itself.

You can deny such truth- and choose to take the ways of a fool.. and continue to the making ways of fools to make fools of self, and destroy what you should stand to protect. and champion yourself- to be the fool of fools- far less than being A Man.
You will get caught, and you will either go to jail, or you will die. and in the midst of those events, you will have contributed nothing to the betterment of society, you'll have done by then, nothing more than to take the neighborhood and community down, that to lift it up. and prove how little you care, and what you have no respect for in being a man. as one who protects and uplift the community of women and children- and you will have failed the great opportunity to 'simply be A man.

Hope vanishes, as you embrace rage, honor diminishes as you pledge your life to violence, mayhem, robbery, drugs and murder, and when you build evil works and inspire evil deeds, by making drug addicts out of your fellow community members, and you pursue a dead end, with a laugh on your face and sarcasm on your lips.. boasting of gangs, pledging your allegiance.. as if to deny God in your boldest manner, with your highest disregard. You choose hell, long before you are eventually delivered , as you have chosen. Yet- you remain, unaware to change, Unaweare to ask God into your Heat, and to heal your soul, to give you strength to be a man, and the compassion to be kind not only unto others, but to be kind unto yourself. "hold your head up young men, and women, and see the light of life, and you may find an brilliant glow, which can sprang from within you. as you learn to walk out of the darkness of self tormenting ways. Yes, you have that choice. to be "A Man".

Why does it take the bars of a cage, to awaken you, why does it take the countless men who have been made wheelchair bound, or bed ridden, or many who have simply lost their mind, or buried in a marker less grave, soon to be overgrown by weeds, and you have by them left only mayhem, as a vile semblence of a time lived.... because you can't see.. You are your own worst enemy.. and You choose continual acts, that take more from your life, than you can ever gain through the membership of a gangs, even as you stayed within it a lifetime. Your life will have been lived in vain.. as a male, who never grew beyond self vanity. Sadly... such ones live a life, simply being afraid to be of the greatness God instilled within, to be simply " A Man".. all for the simple fears of embracing the labor's of love, It takes a man, to appreciate, and it takes a man, to have consideration, it takes a man to have care for other man, and to live being a builder, not a destroyer.. Any fool can destroy, and delight in it, But it hurts the heart of a man, into the depth of his soul, to destroy the great things which God has created. As a man, learns how to respect, how to care, how to appreciate, to help, to nuture, and be there, for other man, as a helping hand. If you can meet that measure, and join to create good will and good things in life, Then you can claim unto yourself, the honor of being simply "a man"... and within that, you honor too, the love of woman, and the protections of child.

Gangs' Murderers' Drug Sellers who Steal the Soul of other man, Killer's who shoot bullets which take the lives of other man, for the sake of vanity, and the elation of ego, and the passification of fear ---
God would not approve, and Jesus would take not part in your actions nor your folly.
. and under such truth, you make of yourself, a hoodlum slinging symbols with your fingers, denoting that you can't be trusted to be in a civilized self respecting situation, you show inability to embrace the dignity, to give respect to others. Sadly, you remain unaware, What you ultimate create is a self imposed hell, for yourself, and the community you occupy. simply in your acts of avoiding to be "a man".

Its time to think different, review the pattern which is taking you the wrong way, and make a change to make choice, to be one who uplifts the communty, not one who insults it and ultimately destroy the humanity within it... and you will find yourself, to be " A man, who earns the honor as "Gods' Helper".. being- a Man among other Men.

The long history of fighting by brute means to defend one's self to be seen as a man, was a battle won, by the peaceful marches of Men who learned as men who toiled throught many horrors, to use the kindness of heart and the truth of understanding and the wisdom of perserverence - is what won for the black males, The respect to become seen as "Men". What young males must understand, and not toss away, by anguish and despair, with a choice of violence and vile vain actions. is a simple truth, to know, as your roots in history is from a land, Where Men stood as Men. The Cradle of the known civilization of Man, is rooted in the Lands your great ancient Ancestor were born- and it was a nation filled with Men.
Through many years, and centuries of brutality, by many means and actions of cruelty- was effort engaged to strip black men of their stature as Men. And throught the tribulations of many things, it was the nature of strength in being Men, that brought change to a nation which tried to take from Males, their Stature as Men. We need not fight that battle further by the means and acts of brutality, for we have seen it is not acts a Man would engage, but only males who want to dominate as male, and be less than men themselves, to do unto other man, what one would not want done to self.
Therfore- the ancients of and within whom is your ancestors, knew in spirit, the truth of man, is by the ways of patience, the ways of understanding, and not by brute means, nor by malice or avarice of devise - but by men, who held true in the depth of brutality enacted against and upon him, to hold fast, unto the value of being Men.. and remaining to be "a man" .

You have a legacy of Men to believe in, Men who believed so deeply in the truth God instilled deep within Man, and they held strong to that truth, through every torment thrown upon and against them. And by the march of peace, and the speaking of truth, A nation, has not choice, but to accept the truth of black males as "a Man". Or such a society, which respect not the black male as A man, it must see it's own self as far less than men, or accept themselves as barbarian simply guarding a gate of malice and avarice, unaware of the god given stature and rights of man. and by averice and vice of every sort- living far less than being a man, to use other man- to feed himself at other mens labors and expense. So.. you simply need to know... being A man.. has far more strength, than any brute force can diminish, no malice can deny, and no avarice can over come nor claim a measure above- what is the simple and truthful nature of "Being A Man"

We have a history of men, who have led and shown the truth of Man- and what it takes in being a Man - and loose not the compassion, loose not the pursuit for justice, and to embrace the humanity of care, and stand with wisdom to embrace truth, in being a Man.

God is great and without defeat nor fear- and remains true in spirit - deep within the core of "A Man".. to know so, Man Walks by Faith, and fear not, the Glory God has bestowed within being "A Man". Sucn A Man, cannot be overcome- nor made less than the Man, he chooses to be.