Monday, June 25, 2007

mental progress .. consider it.

"a comment about people fighting the movie Industry"..

Promoting is such a great element that must be engaged ..

we can't be stoic in mindset to think that the industry will not attract creative minded people who have some differences in lifestyle.. the element to be concerned about is to look back to the age of inhibitions.. of the post 1960's.. and look now.. See ..the world has advanced beyond such constrictive thinking and trying to regulate and dictate and control the imagery of people within their choice of lifestyles..

are we not beyond that yet.

I can give you and example unrelated to the topic.. that shows how the people of Shreveport must move forward with tech, life and innovations..

" go to the grocery store, and watch the number of people who stand in line writing checks" when every bank in the world now gives ATM cards..

Identity theft is on the rise.. so why would people cling to the antiquated method of writing checks in an electronic commerce world..
On the check they give all their vital info to cashier they know nothing about, people in the stores administration they know nothing in the world about"..

but: their name address, phone number and drivers lic# are on the printed check.. don't or can't you think that is a lot of information to give out for just buying lettuce tomatoes and cucumbers.. that's exactly what people do.. never thinking about what they are doing..
they have no idea how many months and hassle it takes to get your identity back or correct the abuse of it once it's stolen.. they just go on giving this and standing back with some proud look on their face..

this is the type of outdated thinking that people in the region seem unable to break free from.. this is the same relative to the judging of the image of people and worrying about the lifestyle of the next person.

people must understand other's will not be enslaved to the concepts of some.. who want to live in the past of trying to control other people. what does it take to root that mindset out of people.. they try it in every way imaginable form color, to the appearance, to the way other live .. slave control is OVER... WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET THAT THRU TO PEOPLE.. INSTEAD they burn out their brains SIMPLY trying to FIND AND SEEKING WAY 'DIVERT" it to other avenues and categories.. so they can exercise their desire to control something and people. never realizing it's the same manipulative concepts that was the tools of slavery and the en-slaver's mentality. and they cling to it like it's a life saver..

I find it sad that people think so little.. nor do they stop to rethink what they spew.. to see the viability of it the non biased or the apparent bias in it..

for the sake of growth.. do you ever consider that the element of Slavery existed for over 300 years (plus).. and that was a lot of mental grooming that infected all areas of life and thinking. and it now needs to be eradicated in all it's remnants each time it flares up in covert attire of attachment to something different but with the same mentality of slave master concept.. of beat it down, suppress it, fight it, deny it, and surely don't expose it to opportunity... nor expose itself to awareness that slave control tactics are socially wrong. and enslave the wanna be enslaver as well.

people take a pause and think .. how many years will it take to remove that groomed principal from the heads of some.. people don't know it was a world of thought that went into how to make a slave, how to keep a slave and how to control a slave.. when your anti progress thoughts come out.. you may care to investigate how much that grooming still resides within you.. when a person realize to try enslavement of others enslaves yourself .. you are shackled to the same things you try and bound the slave unto and into.. you can't move beyond that point of having to devote your time to keeping a slave a slave.. so you become a slave to that process.

so maybe people may open their eyes to the progress of the world..

are people not aware that Sony Pictures in foreign owned.. why fight the building of some American owned facilities and production networks..

the fight the fascist mentality is what nearly destroyed Hollywood years ago.. you want to bring some backward mentality in the Industry before it can even get itself fully established .. Wake up .. it's the 21st century..

not only is life learning how to accommodate people.. it is learning to deal with it's own morality and expand it to encompass realty beyond it's suppressive and compressing nature of state in being.. it took the killer virus Aids BEFORE people could even speak the word sex in their own home and probably some could not even speak in in their own bedroom.. becase of such an inhibited mindset.. attaching taboo to everything..
still today in the 21st century if the word sex comes out of the mouth of women .. people panic.. like some backward dark age idiot.. as if she is un-ware and can't be aware of even speak the word sex or anything about it.. without a line of fools trying to attach a negative label on her.. goodness people are pathetic in such ways. and all it does is keep society ignorant., unaware and uninformed.. for example in that case .. if a woman can't tell you what she wants and what she like.. then you are a fool becase you are not a mind reader and you can't just dictate to her what you think she should should like.. walk up and learn to listen but first learn to not be afraid of what is a part of reality.. and you just might come to learn and understand more about it.. and your fragile ego won't be at risk every time you are confronted with the natural reality of sexuality.

are you mature and adult to face that and digest that reality.. it's a great question many may care to ask themselves.. and those who don't ask themselves.. don't expect your relationship to progress until you do. and whn you do.. you may come to find that you are learning how to have a relationship.. rather than a tyrannical relations between male trying to dominate and control female. it may even lean you to start to begin to learn how to share love.. not just expect it and try and dictate it and trying to beat it out of someone.. you may just find it flows freely.. when it's respected... in all it's elements of person. yes for those with blinders on.. the sex part too... is inclusive.
SOME MIGHT EVEN FIND OUT YOU DON'T NEED TO GO PAY A HOOKER.. TO DO what you are afraid to discuss with your wife and what you have made her afraid to discuss with you of what her creativity can accommodate... and integrate within your relationship..
QUESTION: don't you find it strange that people can stand on the alter and say they are going to love someone for life.. and then go home and act afraid to talk about all things of life and to explore with each other what they may desire in life.. if they can;t and don't do that.. then how are you sharing all of life with you mate.. does that not produce a person who is living a double life.. hiding and lying and pretending .. and putting tages and labels on their mate.. and putting them up on a pedestal that does not allow them to share all with you nor you all with them.. and you wonder why affairs and divorce is rampant. now who are you.. and can you actually be yourself expressively and openly in the full of yourself with your mate.. if not... you may find the parts of yourself that present you as a liar and pretender even unto yourself.

it comes to a matter of live and die ignorant or live and die continually within the frame of living.. thru growth and actually growing.

if it had not been for Aids even the church would not have opened it's minds to acknowledge the truth of fact that.. Oh by the way" people do have sex in real life'.. it's not always done in a missionary position.

children are growing up stupid to such reality of their sexuality becase people are too afraid of the nature of truth of sexuality to make it a common subject that can be discussed between family and growing young people.. so they make them ignorant by avoidance.. of discuss and attaching taboo as if that is suppose to be a deterrent.. some are so pathetic.. they can't even allow the education system to education kids on the biological , sociological and psychological reality of sexuality.. they run .. screaming.. "foul' ... and then when they realixe their kids know about sex their body is talking to them.. then the parents claim " game over " and tag the kid as an undiserable.. damaging their esteem for life.

about something that is as natural as rain. but the same person probably curse the sky when it rains.. too.

that's reality.. regardless if people are too inhibited to allow themselves to acknowledge and speak such truth..

morality increases it's expanse with wisdom of understanding and the understanding that expands wisdom.. as a child mind.. the morality citcle is very small becase they don't have the understanding to support it expanding but as adults we should have the understanding to support the expansion of mind.

my goodness.. wake up .. look up and see the whole of the world.. is vast.. always has been even if "SOME" choose to look at the sky THROUGH a straw..

1 comment:

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