Sunday, November 30, 2008

walk up call to the lost souls

ignorance is far to profound in the stand and minds of far too many, on both sides of the equation, but on the side of hate groups and the KKK, they have always been backwards, so much people don't understand and are too obstinate to simply think and learn.

the USA belongs to the people of the USA, not to one group, nor to one color of people, now what is so difficult to understand about that. simplicity is.. you can't claim to be for God and be for hate at the same time, the only thing that shows is: that you embody evil and will curse "God, and defame the glory of god, for the ignorance of your ways, to support hate, and be filled with hate. Any who claim any role of a supremacists, simply claims and denote themselves as a supporter of even and will blaspheme the name of God, for their own sense of self glory, at the expense of Gods truths. such ones, stand only as an insult to the nation which by it's constitution, stakes claim to respect all mankind as equal.
"God is Truth

a broken image, must heal from it's delusions.

Work to build unity... or work for destruction.. is the only choice mankind has.
to the wise in mind and the just in heart.. Unity is the choice.

"when ignorance rise, nations fall"

We have much work to do as a people of this State, this region and this nation, and we don't have time to spend it . spewing hate. we only insult the children whom the future belongs to.

have we not already lived in ignorance far too long, and the result is not benefitting anyone.
It's each person, who must stand in the mirror and face their truth, and once faced, they may individually grow, to become more a citizen of the world, and as they do, they will find not place for hate, lest it be at and of self. it's time to awaken out of the greed of self consumption, and learn that the world is made of many people, and God created it as so.. that man could use the gift of intellect , to learn how to respect the creation of Gods design. Unless you are God.. you are not the judge of man.

Our Future - Now

For Many years, we have been groomed to rely of corporations for our support and our lively hood, We have been driven and groomed to think we can't make it, except -only through the good graces of corporations.

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As a result, we have been lifted up and let down. We have lost far too much of that pioneering spirit, our creative motivations and become to find challenges confront us, without the habit of being and doing creatively for ourselves. Our reliance on the system of corporations, to give us means and motivation. As a result, we have lost much of the spirit which built this nation. It was individuals, with a dream, and the effort within desire to make it happen, "the small business owners", the people who turned home hobbies into business and built industry. and again it will take the same. To rebuild it into a better future for all

Unitil we regain that spirit, we will find many challenge to confront us, and we will find our lives moving more and more out of our control range; and we become simply parts of a corporate machine, designated by a number, without option or choice. The cycle has repeated itself over varied generations, and each time, what suffers is the people, the individuals and the communities. corporate buying and selling not just of the Industry, but the lives of people, careers crashed, and the hope of a younger generations, seeing less to be hopeful about.

As a result, we have not just a despaired economy, but a despaired people. Challenges which overcome and overtake the individual; Who has been groomed for generations, to rely solely on the corporation, but not to rely on themselves and their ingenuity and self driven independence of creative pursuits, as a result, their creativity, to invest in their own ingenuity, and to build on their spirit of creations of arts, crafts, business, education and many things, which can use the spirit of change, which lives only within the individuals. has been diminished. And we must regain that spirit of innovation, and believe again in the heart and soul of the small business owners, home business creators. This affords every person the opportunity and provide every person the ability to build their esteem from the inside out, and not attach it to status icons, but to the quality of their efforts to create and contribute to society. The hands which support Industry will always be available, and the same hands many some day, become the hands that support the business you build. If only you make the effort to be a builder- you contribute to the creation of a better tomorrow.

"The Equality of Us"

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We have to regain what made us great. We have to regain the pride in self, as self. Not based on the corporate name tag we wear on our uniform, but on the quality of character we hold within us as a person. We must again find and learn to over come, even the slighest bias, and know, beyond all things, and above all things, We are people. Equal in the Eyes of God, and no man can make that unequal, regardless of the ignorance mankind engages to try and justify such ignornace of self and life to assume any concept of inequality. Our Skin Tones, is lifes way to provide us variety in appeal, and variety in every manner , mode and variable of the human beings that can be desired and appreciated, as the nature of mankind. Love has not barrier other than the devise man conjures - and the more emotion man invest in his devise, the further man pushes himself from the Ideals of Gods masterful creation of a world of many variables, which affords mankind, the ability to have limitless choices within his desires engagment.

Each person, race, ethnicity and culture, brings something unique into the balance of the whole. When mankind finds fullness in self appreciation, it also inspire the openess to appreciate others, and the determination to respect others- and Unity is strengthened.

" The power within you"

Dream a desire, and put your effort into it's creations. and so shall it become yours.

We have been challenged by the likes of many major corporations, to think we have no chance, and opportunity has passed us by. But never in the reality of life, has there been a better time, and as with all times. It is the spirit of the willing, who meet the challenges, and meeting challenges bring change.

It matters not that a company is large and sells to many, there will always be a place for the creativity of the individual, to out pace even the major merchants, because the creativity of mankind, works with the pulse of the people, and the reality of daily living. Each person has a shopkeeper within them, each person has the artist within them, and many talents that are all inspired within the natural lives of individuals. embrace it.. and we together change the course of living, and take back unto ourselves the power to manage our lives.

One dream... and we rebuild the nation.

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Where opportunity exist for all persons

with equality of options to engage it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

do you ????

do you think a relationship is more important than your excuses, or your reasons to avoid it ?

do you think having a mate is more important than the things you have as reasons against making the efforts to have a mate ?

if you are such a complex person, with what you claim as so much to be understood about you, how do you think you can judge someone on the couple hour or so of a date ?

how many have you rejected, because their costume style does not match with your fantasy ?

do you only take time with people who praise you? do you take time with people who pose the challenge to face yourself ??

do you think you are your biggest problem in finding a mate ?

if so .. why ?
If not , why ?

do you have your own money and are willing to work for you own money ?

are you willing to share it with a mate, as EQUAL as you expect a mate to share theirs with you ?

do you think you will stay young forever ?

do you think you will live for ever ?

do you have time not to build a relationship ?

if you dream of a relationship, then why are you not working to make it happen ??

so you think you control sx in a relationship ?
if you think so, why?
if you think not, why not?

do you think your's is better than the other gender ?

if so, why?
if not , why?

are you a dominator or a team player ?

are you an ego driven person, or a harmony seeker ?

are you sure,?
if you are not sure, why?

do you think you are going to get a fairy tale ?

do you chase a fairy tale ?

do you think fairy tale chasing is the cause you can't find love ?

do you truly care to grow, with honest self awareness ?

do you choose, to avoid challenging self ?

if you don't like the questions, it's a choice

it does not matter if you answer here, by some means you will have to face the questions in yourself.... no matter how long or how much you fight the questions, you will have to face them within

You may not believe it... but it's the realism

Men.. if you are too tame, she will walk right past you... if you get with her and began to act like a tamed puppy 100% obedient, she will probaly get tired of you and go look for the next "bad boy" she can find.

that does not mean be a butt head and brute with no conscience..
but you better remain your individual self to the degree that you still take and engage some dare in your life to be yourself.

beneath the surface, a woman knows, if you have a few rough edges, it also affords her the option to have a few too. If you are a bit of a bad boy in good ways, then she can be a bit of a bad girl in good ways... and she will probably share more stuff with you, and be happy to do so.

Women walk away from the overly Mr. Nice Guys everyday.. and if you are one, and it conveys the Mr. timid, she will walk away from you too.. or she will challenge you at every turn, to try to get you to toughen up, and be yourself and not a puppet.

She might tell you she don't want Mr. creative in the bedroom, but don't believe that for one minute.. but what she don't want is Mr. Creative with a judgment mentality about what she creatively wants to do.

Most women, already know they can get many guys who play Mr. suck up, to them, but they want one who is Mr. Stand Up..

Women are very competetive people, they want to win you as much as you go overboard trying to win her..and when you go over-board like a tucked tail puppy, there is nothing left for her to win.. and she will probably get bored with you.. or find fault in everything you say or do.. simply to arouse a challenge in you, of some sort..

regardless what you think, every woman wants to think her man is tops... that does not mean be a ego maniac but "a can do person" , and one who will be willing to do things a bit different if that is what suits the situation.

if you don't.. when the "bad boy" comes into the arena, you will simply become a jealous monster, because she will smile with him.

why do you think women cater to the winner, they don't care how many other woman the winner has, they only care about their opportunity to connect with the winner.
history has shown this over and over, in how Rock stars are swooned over, how any field of life, that has what is "winners"... women will cater to him.. and don't think they don't like some of the rougher stuff, that does not mean she wants you to beat her up, but they like watching stuff like a good boxing match, and you see some of many variations of women, by ethnicity pr weal;th or poor, as close to the ring as possible, you can't think of many take a dare sports that at some point women are involved in. she has competition in her blood.. even if it's as simple as competing with other women of how to wear a particular dress..

many rich men, go get the pretty ones, and think he can pamper her and treat her like a soft squish toy, and she will kick his a*8 over and over, trying to get him to take off the 24/7 kids glove game..and get real.. and if he don't she may just choose the broke st joe, walking, who is tough as nails, just to prove the point, that she is not as powder puff as she looks... she wants to look good, cause she's a woman.. "you ever heard about " a little bit rough but mild, a little bit tender, and a little bit wild, caress her like a baby, embrace her like a child, but treat her like a woman... but know she'll meet your mind, with equality like a man.. if you do so, she'll always wants to hold your hand... and she will tell anybody, you're her man Say what you gotta say, think about her heart, and know her care and her love can be kind, then,you can say what you want to say, if you consider that in mind.

she'll go where you go - when you want to go there - as long as she knows you got her back, but you cut her some slack.. but she wants you to count on her, to watch your back ... she knows then, you want her with you, too. it's how love grows stronger, and you two will remain together, much longer. "you each become much stronger"

As to the Bad Boy.. there are women who want it so much, they will go for and some marry "some of the worst criminals in prison, even if they never get to spend time with him, they want to know they are connected to him.

there would never be such a thing as so called "cheating" if women, did not have the "i want to win attitude".. and when they get that mindset, they will do what they have to, to take a man from another woman, and they have no remorse about it..

if you are Mr. Passive, she will kick you in the butt every chance that she gets if you don't stand up for something, "sometime".. and to her, within her instinctive mind.. that makes room for her to feel comfortable to 'stand up for stuff"...
she don't care if you go do what you do, when you know that its done, and where home is, she'll be there ... don't bring back no game, and don't do things that bring her shame.. she be there to treat you good, if you do the same.

so when you are out chasing that so called pretty face or that nice butt.. you had better know what you are chasing.. because she's probably already seen a lot of lines, and many games.. and she knows a few herself..

so don't let pretty make a wimp of you.. and she might just find out that she wants to stay with you.

you may not believe it ???? but it's all real... and that's just how it is..


the challenge to communicate is a very broad thing, we see even in the blogs, people are reluctant at times to communicate, and become apprehensive to speak about many things and various things; some make all things of claim to be more private, and thus many times and sometimes, doing so put a valuation on it, that prohibits even themselves from developing and growing in understanding about it. and sometimes those very same things become their stumbling blocks. some claim private when they fear to face certain things, and there is the natural manner of private which has it's places too.
the pursuit of measure, is much of the madness, of 'being good enough' and some take it to the point of thinking themselves to good for this or that.. again, the disparity and the reluctance and apprehension, stifle communicating, and again it's at the basis many things about fears and evaluations.. and both are generally diluted.. when truths of faced and communication continues beyond the zones of timidity.

life is filled with many challenges to be self, and the dare to do so.

this is not about fools dare, nor the death defying challenges. but the communication realism, that must be faced in the living of self and relating with others are there is and will be a break down;

there are some who take come to the challenge and never face it, and as a result they go from person to person, living the same circle, and claiming everyone else is the problem, and they don't grasp the common denominator may be themselves. and suddenly, when they meet someone, and finally face the challenge.. they jump and claim love, but what they really are claiming is self appreciation, of having faced the challenge.. because the one they claim love for, soon fades, when they find themselves unable to summon the will to face the next challenge, then they claim the love is and was wrong..

love itself, is a "continuation of growth with the determination to embrace the changes that build growth and unify communication, thru the challenges and within the trials of the dare to be self and share it, with both the ups and down and the many things that compose growth'..

but many never know of such, because they try and wrap the it in the illusion of fantasy, and claim and call it romance..
when truths of romance is simple.. it's nothing but.. "moments appreciated and shared within and of appreciation being shared"...
it has no script nor some particularity of setting.. it's the simplest things in life.. we confound by efforts of staged creation of fictions of every imaginable sort.. with an expectation of a constrained expectation.. until it become a forced delusion, that fades into unsatisfying short lived rush and crash... and then they fade as far from each other as they can.

Friday, November 28, 2008


"IF" Nov 28, 2008 8:42 am
If women understand what is a woman in the spectrum of the world, and the life of men.. they'd find their place of mindset, not to be consumed in the shape of her butt and her mind lost in the delusion her face projects. Maybe they'd be out less trying to control and manipulate the world with that spot between her lets, of the bargain and barter mentality that so many have both conscientiously and subliminally tied to it. Many times, so much so, they can't even be social being, but want to whine and talk about equality, when they can't even summom the courage to be equal in saying a simple "hello".. without trying to figure out if it affords her any bargaining room.. or she has prejudged the dollar value and associating it to whom she will or won't speak.

Maybe relations won't go immediately into the stupid cycle of her testing and demanding and slinging ultimatums.. at every point after the first 2.5 weeks of relating. and most of them may even grow beyond figuring that soon as she shared sx, that they suddenly thinks someone owes her something.. on and open end ticket.. that all she has to do is sling out a whim and an attitude and expect other's to submit.. "people" it's called "pro$tit*ting" via a bargain and barter mentality. and if that's your foundation of what you assume is "relationship".. then you are probably your own worst enemy, functioning within the delusion of elation about yourself .... as a "gambit".

If men, stop thinking you own women, just because you entered her body, because if anything, you may have blindly entered a darkness that you are unaware of the perils you entreat upon.. Stop thinking that your voice is the only one that speaks, because she has vocal cords, and they function based on what the mind thinks, and if you think her mind does not think.. then you better pay attention to reality, more than you own ego..

Stop thinking you are getting over, because no man gets anything or talks a woman into anything she has not already thought about doing on her own basis of thinking. you can forget the so called "notches" on your chalk board, because those notches may only prove how many times you lend yourself to being foolish.. especially those of you who function with a lie on you lips rolling off your tongue as a form of "lying"...


people simply thought beyond their vanity, they may find their own reality... to be something that brings the truth to be of value even in and of themselves.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

figure out what's real.. and grow

"over-all" we... as a world, are progressing.. and it's a wonderful thing...

it can only mean that our collective futures will be better, and we as a human being upon this earth.. move closer to finding harmony in respect of persons..

let's pray for that all nations which are having challenges, and let's have hope they find too, the peace to regard all people ... beyond the mental divides mankind creates...

one day maybe people will force their leaders, to not conjure and create bias among the people by religion nor by policy, and let people be free to worship as they choose, as long as their choice respects others equally as they respect for themselves..

when mankind as a people of a humane collective, come to realize that no group, culture, ethnicity or regional people are any better than any other people.. and all mankind as a individual will in their time live and they will in their time die.. so man can control nothing, when he can't control the will to live forever.. then he should know what ever his delusion of control is based upon.. is in the core .. vanity!!! and vanity .. diminished the quality of the vain.. as vanity blemishes the integrity of the human being, and frailties it creates cause man.. to attack himself by the ways of engaging attacking others. shall such thoughts of wisdom.. grow within you.. and you may make efforts to find peace ..

if death comes to your door, it is certain that you will not refuse the blood of life, from another based on color, or any other things if it saves your life... you will be thankful... to get the blood of life.

We've never seen an organ recipient.. question which race the organ came from, nor do they care about the ethnic make up, or the regional locality...

so think... before you become thoughtless.. and loose respect for even yourself.

the new view of changes into progress of tomorrow

Months ago, I point out the price Oil would go, and I pointed out that after the election process it would fall.. and my target is right on time..

On matters of the economy.. things will stabilize, and the confidence will change... within the first quarter of next Year... this was the last year of an 8 year reign of instability, corporate erosion, and executives greed, and mis-management, and wild rides on hot shots playing rips and gain, and ride the ego, into squalor.. and the rest, gathered up their ill gotten gains, and started to exit the scene, and leave the collapsed balloon.. they rip and robbed in every means possible, while a nation was focused only on it's created war...

the next cycle will break down Executive pay and the wild packages that were one the glory grab of many.. it's over... the days of old, when during the 1940 and 1950, the people who created the companies actually ran them... and they knew the sweat it took to build it.. but so many of the past decade of CEO's were not owners, they were hired help, who were given keys to the vault... they did not sweat to build it, nor did they sweat through the challenges of what it took to build it.. and they become more in some sectors merely tools of Wall Street, mandated to the stock holder .. at the expense of the company... and by any means they would sell off, outsource and raid parts of a company to meet wall streets numbers... but that is now .. a era that is no more to have such .... companies will have to be ran by CEO' who have the same mindset as the orginator of a company.. they will have to value the company as if they themselves invested their own money to build it.. and they will not be so eager to sell off it's hard earned assets, or components. nor will they be so eager to outsource and put out of work the same people, it takes to work, to have the means to support buying what companies sell..

somehow, the mindset got lost in delusions.. as if a nation could be strong without it's people working.. and no nation can be strong without it's people working. we weaken America,.. by putting it's people out of work, and giving work to the people of China and it became strong, and then no one in American can afford to buy anything, because they don't have work... so it all collapses.. that the gross result of the mis-use of education... it became a badge of honor to have a degree, more than to have common sense. and common sense was tossed to the side for the egotism of the badge of a degree... and what do we see... the claimed degreed one's in the seats of a congressional nations body.. who can't make a decision, nor did they see the unfolding of what was evident to everyone else, and still they tried to deny it, until it came tumbling down all around them.. and now... they have little to say, and not ability to think beyond the sense of despair and desperation... "that is not the mark of education".. nor is it the resulting functional usage of it...

Many now hold jobs, simply by the holding of a degree, and many of such don't even work in the field their degree focused.. so they use a degree only to get employment, not for the processing of betterment of a society and it's components.. in some crazy sectors, they even let English literature degree, have positions to run corporate sectors.. not because they knew what they were doing, but their English gave them the usage of words, to play .. "political correct games" of how to not say what needs to be say, and how not to say it , in a way where they would not be held responsible...

Financial people following a scrip, and could not see the reality of the changes in world markets and natural resource commodity and tie the dots together enough to predict the rise and fall of the fuel.. I predicted it with pin point accuracy.. and to think.. the misguided mindset of the HR person who tried to insult me with his bigotry of objectivity, and claim me not good at written formulas, but then said.. I could verbalize the formulation summations.. and he knew not even what he was say.. was more the point of positivity, which he put forth as negativity.. because it .. any who can craft formula, but can't verbalize it and know what are the factors, not by the denotation of script, but the meanings that support and what impacts what is denoted.. then the construction of formula.. is nothing more than a show off of technical construction, of a formula.. they pay not attention to the variables with impact and effect and affect the formulation.. and such one's calculations will always be off the mark.. and they will "after the fact" craft out the impacting variables.. but at such point.. the losses have taken their toll.. life will never outwit common sense.. nor will the acts of man... because the world is as simple as it is complex to understand how complexity makes up what appears as simplicity..

Look for better days... 2009 will not be as the forecaster have said... they speak doom, because they live in a cloud of their own views of what years of glutton has shown,

the prudence of simplicity will invoke common sense, no matter how much many try and collude it with the intent to confound... the proclivity of nature, will alway resolve to balance itself... and those who are of honor and with honorable interest in motive, intent and actions.. will fare well. those who choose devise, and seek to support and promote devise.. will find their own forms of demise... no matter how much they grand stand, they will fall... if the present does not prove that point.. then the only matter to those who see not so now.. will be the ones who only see after the fact... and such.. is not .. the view of progressive minds..

the world has met with it's matters, and now the economies will find a different stand.. globally... so to any company that has been otherwise.. may care to review and rectify... and they will be poised to move into the generational change which is upon us..

what nations have not payed attention unto.

Korea.. Vietnam and World War II ,how many countless 1000's of blacks, died fighting to help these localities around the world.. when Tierney stood to diminish the people of these lands.. and to think .. any of these lands would have the negligent arrogance to have a prejudicial mindset about blacks.. is ludicrous.. When Hitler was kicking ass and taking names.. many black lives were given, for people who could not even stand to stay in the same room with a black person.. but they sure were glad that those lives were given for the sake of the freedoms they enjoy today.. throught the contribution that helped defeat Hitlers regime.

people need to simply wake up.. and see reality, not based on the put down propoganda that was spread from a racist country, but see the real reality of what is fact.

a new world emerges

if people look at things.. even Rock music, which is claimed by many whites as their music.. but there did it come from.. it came from the roots of blues, bee bop, and the wide reach of jazz and moves with the cadence of blues..
when you get many guitarist who stake their claim of fame on such, where did they find their modeling.. many spent hours and days, trying to emulate Hendrix.. as their badge of ability to play.. where did pop music come from... and how did it get it's cadence.. if people look into the history of things, much comes to view, but many will deny it still. Rap music dominates much of the young people, but where did it originate, the baggy pants which I can't stand, but the many other cultures that adopted it, where did it originate..

the world was sexually inhibited, until Marvin Gays song "Let's get it On'... open their minds and they were able to address their nature of reality of their own sexuality, expressively... before people tried to hide their natural nature of desire. a lot of British band, got their pulse from Aretha Franklin and the musician of the Motown era... the much revered Elvis, took the black music pulse, and turned on a whole generation to pulsating beats...

when people think about slavery and the plantations, ask the question of why did the plantations fall.. black people did not outnumber white people, but they outnumbered white people who would actually do the hard work.. because when black would not do it for free, the vaccum was not filled by whites to keep the plantation functioning.. but the black were called lazy because they would not work for free, but truth is were not the white lazy, when it came to the work, they would not do, even for pay... truths are a many things when its viewed for what truths reveal.

but the world is no longer manipulated by the put down commentary, when people can't be made to submit.. so that game has played out, and when it played out, then contempt set in... and what were blacks called when they would not submit to put down as a way to manipulate them to do something for nothing.. then blacks were called "uppity"... as if that was suppose to make them submit to being subservient..

But view history and it tells much... World War II... ask yourself why were the Tuskgee airmen much better at escorting and saving the bombers, which helped in the european theater but none of the white squadrons could match their record.. but before, it was said blacks were incapable of flying an airplane.. even during the 1970's they had idiots coming up with crack pot studies, trying to claim anything of a "put down" because they could not beat black at sports.. so the choice was to try and demean the achievements of blacks,.. and try and justify it with condescending bullshit..

when people talk about civil rights, would we have it , would Asias have it in the US, if it was left up to Asias to have put up the fight for it and take the beating that blacks took.. but there are Asian who have the audacity to have a negative attitude about blacks and call blacks violent, beacuse they stood up to fight those who oppressed all of other people. but the Asian never stopped to think, the same stuff they swallowed in belief and spitting out, came from the mouths of the same people who were pissed off at loosing their grip of being, thinking and wanting to feel "first entitled".. and in the efforts of many asian to seek acceptance, they chose being prejudice themselves, rather than to fight against being prejudice, and the more some get money, by the leinency they were afforded, they become in some regions more prejudice than those they try and emulate..and they become oppressive against the same people who got brutalized, so they themselves would have opportunity.

It was even during Vietnam.. a black man who stood up and gave up his title, to say, he was not going to go and kill poor Asian people for some wrong way agenda, when the country did not respect him, any more than they respected the Asian they were dropping napalm bombs on and spraying their land with agent orange...

In this site here, there are many who are Chinese who were looked down at as the lowest of the Asian people by many in this country and other parts of the world, UNTIL, they go the money in their hands, and it was then by the act and fact of money, they began to be regarded, the question is.. if they lost all their money tomorrow, how would they be seen...?? so beyond money, it's time for the people to stand up based on the integrity of individual, not ride the coat tail of being regarded simply because they have the money. But you don't see many of the regions where there is oppression, taking on the stand and taking the beat downs to claim their rights to equality, so how can some of the same people who won't stand against their own biased system, have the audacity to try and put down black people, who found the strength to stand and fight for equality, and fought continously for a few hundred years without giving up the fight..

the world is changing, and now it's a world of all people and all colors of people and never again in the history of the world, will it be a anglo lead world, but a world led by all people of all regions finding diplomacy as their means to find harmony and respect...

the last stand of such dominance, met it's downfall in Iraq.. and that symbolically has shown that.. no more.. will it be a take over as the history of the past had upon one nation over the other.. all people are changing.. the information spread about the internet can't be taken back, it's there, and it's accessible to the world.. and once enlightened and learned and informed and aware.. people change and people change the world... and this world has no room for racist bigotry and biased.. not between nations, not between man and woman and not between people even of the same land upon their people who have a darker complexion....

Look to really be able to see, and you might see how to change.

Obama does not have time for your BS !!!! the man is about dignity of the human being, and integrity of the person.. if your gloat is about.. the image of black.. then you are more prejudice than the people you complain about of them being prejudice..
if you can't face down the ignorance of prejudice with intellect, and the will to stay balanced in self.. then your weakness is your own thing you need to work on, not whine and cry about who's showing racist demeanor...

If you can't invest in yourself, and developing a dream and build on ideas, but you can buy the high dollar, brightest clown costume, or the zuit suits, instead of a business suit.. then you reject yourself, and bring rejection to yourself by the image your project.. there is office wear and night club wear.. and they are not the same !!!!!!!!!!!

people let their kids walk around in these pajama looking pants in the middle of the day, and wonder why they have a house full of fat ass kids, that look like overweight slobs.. trying to pretend they got it made, to the point they can be casual about even life and it's reality...

young people now can't even go to an interview, without trying to tell the job, what they will and won't do.. some of the worst service in fast food places is done by black people.. but you go to fast food place with other people , and you get a greeting and a thank you... but you don't have the nerves to tell the manager, to check their people and lodge a complaint.. so you endorse it.. so don't complain if you are not going to stand up to say or do something to change it..

people let their kids become thugs, and destroy the neighborhood, and erode the value of their property... and many sit on their tired ass at home, and talk any kind of way, and wonder why their kids come out in public and can't phrase a sentence, without throwing in some street slang.. if you do this suff, and let this stuff be done in your home.. you don't support Obama nor what he has stood for nor what he stand for.. you are yourself racist, looking for a reason to assume black is better than white.. and you become the same fool that for years you complained about of others...

Parents.. don't talk to kids.. they have a fixed frame vocabulary.. which is..
"no"... " go play",.... " nobody is talking to You"... "I told you to shut up", " go sit down" and that is the cycle of conversation parents have with kids, and then they have not time to actually talk to the child.. and they breed the same ignorance... generation after generation.. and wonder why their kids grow up without internal self esteem....

Wake up people...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you awake ... "Yet" !!!

Instead of people gloating over who's black and who's not on his appointments, why not go home, and turn the silly shows off your TV, of the stereotypical image pushing of black people in clothes 3 sizes too big, and buffoon costumes on.

when the rating drop on these crap show, then maybe people will make better shows, someone tell our lead entertainers, to stop getting on shows of national television, looking like they just stepped out of their back yard, and decided to show up on the set. this delusion, of pushing an image that they got it made is the negative stuff that crashes a society.

so what some of our entertainers make 20 million dollars, truth is they can't stand in the arena with the people who have 100-200 million and more.. but ask yourself.. why have none of these same people created companies that engage more people. how many have factories that hire people, but then ask yourself how many have product endorsement deal, that cost your family a lot of money, but the products are made over-seas.. and still the only glory people get is the delusion of wearing the name tag..

southern States offer tax incentives to film industry, to build here, but how many black entertainers have collectively gotten together and see the vision, to come and buy land and build a Studio.?
how many have considered to build a stuido, and create black and white and other mixed people shows, which show something other than stereo typed image, or comedy skits..
have we not done enough of the "buck and shuffle"... do we have to come on as comedic characters to get a spot.. and then when we get the spot, if we don't keep of the comedic imagery and look type casted in a fixed image, then the show is canceled and the next one in line that will play the part gets 12 1/2 minutes..

you tell me, what's the point of an some buying a 4-15 million dollar home in the dried up and burned out California hills, when they could build a studio for that money in the South, and buy enough land to build a home too.

As yourself, how many of your kids wear faddish baggy stuff, and you call it hip, when the whole image gets them rejected from a distance. How many of you, for Christmas has it in your mind to keep buying your kids the next latest cell phone, when its now nothing more than a gadget that makes the phone company rich for people to walk around with it glued to their ear and can't think or pay attention, or waling around with a bluetooth device on their ear, in the middle of a grocery store.. it's pure insidious conduct..

If you want to support Obama, then addresses some of these things, if you want to support Obama and his agenda, let go of the buffoon costumes and the delusion chasing status imagery, and find out what is substance, and promote something that promotes helping schools learn they have to change the way they teach, and move into the 21st century... How many of your kids go to schools where the only computer is in the admin office or the library..but never in the classroom.. how many of your kids, who can't format a document of MS word, but they have a cell phone capable of handling word documents.. but they are so busy learning to send slang text meassage.. they can't think in full sentances,. what's the point of a text message, when the same device can conduct a voice call? "Fad simplicity", people think it's chic and all it is, is the twist of tech being used to make clowns of people.. who can't see the benefit of technology for trying to make it their badge of glory to have a gadget.. Half the people with blackberries, can't even send a decent message or response.. and send stuff that could be sent on a $15 phone.. or one of the free give away phone when you sign up..

Black people and other people, rushing to the convenice store to buy $25 of minutes for a phone, so they can talk crap and argue with each other for 30 minutes.. and then look sad when the minutes run out. People walking around with a $300 phone unit, but can't pay $450 rent ...and they can't go online and buy a refurbished computer for $186.00 that includes a monitor.. it's pure sad... and that's the extent of the level of "buffoon classics",... that has people unaware of how to build self worth in the integrity of self, but trying to build it by being known for having the latest gadget, or a car they made unstable by putting wheels that should be on a high body work truck, and they never know, they've destroyed the stability of the car.. for the sake of image.,

Young kids, can't save for a vacation to see something different, because all their money goes to see who's stereo can blast the loudest.. and to have a bank account is not even thought of..and these are the kids popping out babies they teach this silliness to, and then they want to dress the baby in name tag stuff that makes the baby look like a advertisement billboard.. and not one pennies from those companies goes to help that baby grow up and get an education.

people come on these blogs, with their "one line, let's be clever comments, beyond that, their next thought is.. "oh, that's too deep for me" , or "oh that's getting too involved, or the classic Bs... of saying " Oh, you get too serious"..

well if you don't see the seriousness of what matters, you probably won't do a damn thing, to support anything that Obama stand for... so don't ride his back with your self elating delusion.. ride with him, by making some changes in your choices... and you may see the choices, support "Change"

The World Embraces "Changes" that's how we grow as a people

The world embraces the change.. it's high hope and great aspirations in the mindset of people.. which is not a bad thing, because people being inspired about the leadership, is what helps people develop and pursue a positive mentality about what they each do themselves. We've had not just the air of mistrust for the past 8years, but the air was compressing in it's containment of peoples spirit.

It's about people now, seeing there is another way, and there are ways to get things done without a lot of drama making, but plan following and holding on to the ideal and pursuing it as a mission that must be engaged with determined focus, without the fanfare of hoopla.

Life is an interesting thing, but when it comes to ethnicity, people have many mis construed views about black people, many people not only black want acknowledgment as individual, and after centuries of dejection, many young blacks wear the flashiest and boldest of logos, colors and other things, trying to stand out to be noticed, as well as many white now with tattoos and piercings, which there was a time, this was looked at as being tribal.. but the manner and mode of such, brings them negative notice, rather than positive recognition.. and the cycle of madness carries forth. but of substance is what matter, people forget so much, but as black people not in just America but globally, and even people of darker skin of the homogeneous nations, are fighting a challenge of subliminal imposition of summation, but if we look at history it tells its own truth, it took a lot of depth to hold back the tempers over the ages, and determined work, to work through the principal for honest equality - to pursue equality; which has been good not just for blacks but for whites as well, except those who want to hold on to the superior mentality concept of self delusion.. so in that context, maybe Obama did not live within the civil rights marches of the era of the 60's, but his mother and father fought their own equality battles, just to be a couple, and they faced their achievement challenges because of their choices of mate selection.. there is much untold about many things, but it forges character, and the wise efforts not only of his mother but his mothers family, to stand firm on equality to give him the feeling of acceptance and teach him young the dire need in this life to accept others.. it's a truly humbling realization for each human being to aspire to attain.

but just like the marches of the 60's which opened the door not just for blacks but people from all places to have voice, and even be acknowledged in and of their person as being of presence.. again now, with the win of Obama, people are again inspired to feel they too have the opportunity to be engaging of their desires.

There are many many things which are first by many blacks that are never talked about and never mentioned, and they were triumphs in a world that was designed and promoted oppressive demeanor upon and toward people of a darker color of skin.. it was a black man in the 1980's who did the first multi billion dollar buy out, of corporate consolidating, with the "Beatrice Brand", and before he died he balanced the book.. but before him, never had a 25 billion dollar deal been done, nor attempted in such a manner, nor with such a solidity of purpose and function.
It was a black man who perfected the key element which makes it possible for us to be on this computer.. by his work with the Hard drive, but I'd think a great thing which can show many people many things, is watch the movie, and or read the story about..

Vivien Theodore Thomas (August 29, 1910 – November 26, 1985) was an African-American surgical technician and operative surgeon who helped develop the procedures used to treat blue baby syndrome in the 1940s. He was an assistant to Alfred Blalock at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and later at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Without any education past high school, Thomas rose above poverty and racism to become a cardiac surgery pioneer and a teacher to many of the country's most prominent surgeons.

also, Daniel Hale Williams (1858-1931) was a pioneer in open heart surgery.
but the story and list of many things omitted from the front line teaching, which was from a system, determined not to show positive role models nor to depict them in broad spectrum media and other means..

In this age with Obama, not only can his achievement to date ,not be hidden in the back of books as, one line mentions in history book, nor can it be purely omitted all together, it's a step in the world, which unfold and shows that much of what is hidden, is now in a frame that cannot be hidden, and the world acknowledge it and the world embraces it, for it too frees much of the many people globally, to not feel their works, their labors and their contribution will be buried for the sake of a system of omission.. If Obama does nothing else in his term, he has made a mark on history, that has opened a different page in an old book. and he broke every record in the program, in his efforts of doing so..
it was more white's who voted and supported him than blacks, because blacks make up less than 15% of this country.. so his win, signals that the minds of a great many have opened and do not aspire to cling to the past nor of what some of their elders hold die hard oppositions.. But as a Man told me a week ago, he was 66 years old, a white male at the office building, he sad, people may not pay attention to what whites did during his era, but it was his era, that said.. "no more".. they help set the tone and they stood up, and made choices and steps which lead to moee choices, which also, was progressive in the help to stamp out bigotry, and racism, and bias.. it was done to a great degree, but still there are many who can't see beyond themselves.. but the people of the era, they transitioned it to it's peak during the hippie movenment of the 60's which talked about and explored the realism of love, and they found.. love to be color blind.. it was and is mostly the rural areas and the elite areas which cling more strongly to the unspoken racism and bias, but they are coming to know and see, they can no longer find right in their reasons of doing so. There are some sad things still existing in our society, which was very prominently seen by the world, during this campaign, with the bigotry that showed up in the various regions of this country, and many areas, the people did not think for themselves, they repeated what they thought was the buzz of their community, and kept quite about their real thoughts .. and even now there are places and neighborhoods, that will never tell each other they voted for Obama.. it's a time of change, that is sorely needed..
even in battle, it took the fox holes of Vietnam, to awaken some to the fact that life is life, when they had to cover each other back side for survival.. and they came home, better friends, than they'd ever have imagined. In the South, it was 1971 before they fully integrated the schools here, I was in the 11th grade, the first years was its own trip, but by the time, I graduated.. it was beginning to find some unity of function.. I've never submitted to anyone being better than I am, nor do I think I'm better than anyone. and I've always found ways to have good harmony with the people I meet.

Watch what comes forth, the next year will bring many Asian to stand up, and be seen and be heard, it will bring many of the Latin people also, and as well, there are major things transforming in Africa that people are not paying attention to, black people have lead the charge in many things which has gone diminished in the awareness of being globally exposed, but now.. in nations where the dark skin people of places like China, and other Asian nation, will find their voice, and there will be change in those places as well.

I noted in Thailand, most of the office and bank jobs were held by the very light skinned Thai's, and the darker skinned Thaia were relegated to lower level jobs, but they are determined workers and they learn from the core of matters, and they will find their equality as well.

It's not so much about Obama, as it is about what the symbolism of change is, and Change is just what it means.. "change" and there is no bounds to what it will engage nor what it will transform.. and in doing so.. the world will be a globally better place because of it.

People deny reality, but there are many many whites in this country even though they don't outnumber the whites who support change, but of the numbers that resent the fact of seeing a black man in any position, are very anguished.. it will take time before they change and find their points of accord, and some may never do so. At the office, there are some people who have a very tight natured mindset since the election, some don't even speak and do things, to avoid even the chance to speak.. but it's only a matter of time before they come to see, they mostly only inhibit their own lives and hold on to a negativity that is more a detriment to them, than to the masses of this nation.

but what is real and true is there are many, who have not biased mindset about interacting, I have a young white woman who works for me, a few days a week, and she is very congenial and very much supports my goals as much as I support hers..
today she was refunded her money from a show, because the mangers of it did not like her working and promoting my events, I placed a called to the person who did this, and I also posted on my web site, a comment, which denotes, that we as people must work together, or we diminish our own progress as a society and a community and a city.

for me it's nothing new, I for over 20 years challenged the bias, but I did it based on principal, and the integrity of point fact and principle. I've been parts of groups where I was the only black, and they were not at all at ease with me being vocal, but that changed ... instead of people just dealing with me as a man, they wanted to tell me silly stuff like.. "you are not like other blacks"... and my response is, "how are "other" blacks" ... suddenly they recognized their biased concept, without me having to further address it ..

when I first started to write on this site, people resented a black person who expressed thought.. there were more attacks than anyone can imagine.. and every label that was imaginable was tried to be hung upon me.. as if the need to put me in some box of caption was the only way to deal with me as a person... rather than to deal with me as simply an individual..

life is made up of little steps, but big progress.,...we have to have the patience to know it always unfolds in such ways... then we can move with a sense of peace, un-rushed... and that is much of Obama's situation he moves with an un-rushed mindset...

Seeing life and the changes within the world

I respect that he stayed on point and platform of his message through the whole of the campaign, and of the runners, his team seemed to manage very well for the duration, and they broke ever record in candidacy history, from drawing crowds, both in the US and abroad, it was amazing to see 200k people come out in Germany to see him, and he averaged 15-20k people for the span of the process. I think he helped establish a sense of dignity in process, and composure. and showed grace and gratitude in how he handled the media spins.

what I really like is his sense of diplomacy about other world leaders, and the will to engage them in dialog. He is not about fighting but finding ways to work together..

I think it was great that his background had him growing up in a very diverse mixture of people, he saw the poor in foreign lands, and the poor in this land, and the depth of the chicago ghetto is a great teacher of the tragedy this nations spills on it's poor, and to have foregone the wealth of corporate chase, to work there, showed a great depth of integrity about the human life, and care about the human condition.
He did not go back and get any of the past civil right leaders, to push his campaign, he said early on, what they did in the time they did it was great not just for America but for the world, it changed the concept of "equality within the law books"... now it's our time in the history of life to change the concept of "equality in the interactions with each other, as a global people"... and eradicate the concept of "first entitlment to any"... and give "equaly entitlement to all".

He still has to deal with the congress, and that in and of itself is it's own challenges, but he is choosing a cabinet of people, who can stand on their own, for the task they are given, he does not have to hold their hand, or play tip toe around the bush with them.. they can take directive and get it done, because each of them are powerful as individuals in their own right.

His election of Biden for VP, was a true stroke of paying attention and choosing carefully to get a full rounded person, who has voice and substance to back up what he has to say.

Hillary for Sec of State is a good choice, because she has stomped the grounds along with him for nearly 2 yrs, and they both know the agenda is to find a way for peace to prevail and working with nations is the way for all to prosper.

we don't need any more "cowboy gunslinger politics"... the world is a world of "information" and informations means there must be diplomacy to be the conduit for information to make it's revolutions of circular balance..

Queen Noor, of Jordan, made a very good speaking comment, when she said the world was looking to America and hoped that it would choose someone who does not think military first, and diplomacy last.. and she spoke of how many nations want for this nation to again regain its dignity and it's stature, and have a composure of good will and the will to work with others.
We don't need any more of the strangle hold like Bush put on people to back his war, by the threat of sanctions if they did not ride the horse with him, nor do we need, any more thinking that we can stomp in and out of places without regard for their leaders having the respect they deserve. Cuba began over a year ago, making reform and relaxing its policies in hope for a President that is willing to talk and work with them, they reduced the size of their committees to insure that people have more freedoms, and I'd say.. within the next two years, there will be a new agreement with Cuba.

Bush left one hell of a mess in every category that a mess could be made, and it's going to take a lot to clean it up.. and some very tough calls, and hard choices.. and hopefully some very stern and pervasive "REGULATIONS" placed upon many industries. No more of the CEO rip off and the Executive greeds and waste and squander and bleeding the public.. and I think with the cabinet that he is choosing they know how to go in and carve out the greed masters and put them in check.. ( some of them need to be put in jail).. Cheney should be prosecuted for the wild madness he let Haliburton get away with, and how "blackwater" became it's own terrorist faction while claiming to fight terror.. But as Obama said, Guantanamo will be closed.. the Far right wing, will have to open their minds and embrace the world of people, and not just their closed minded groups mentality.. where they in many ways push conservative, as if it implies holding on to yesterday.. the world is a place that functions based of liberal mindset.. otherwise it .. would be function as a secular faction of bigots.. and by god , the world has sure seen enough bigotry to last an eternity..

Obama is not going to be given a magic wand, nor does he expect to have one.. he came to work... and understands that it is and will be work to be done...and he's willing to take on the task.. no one can expect more... than the work to be done with regard for the people, and to prosper the people, not just of this nation, but to set a tone that reverberates globally... that people matter... not corporations more than people.. and there is now cowboy, with a six shooter, because the days of the wild wild west, actually ended 2 centuries ago.. but the remnants just lingered far too long..

so it's simply a matter that we all must get busy.. but not expect a microwave quick solution to anything..

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"The Ballroom"

another "mini book" series

The Ballroom

" The Dance of The Titans- in The Ballroom of American" ... is closing, the ice carving has melted, and the table is strewn with the left overs, of a gluttons feast.. and the flies are gathering over the table... and the drunkards.. who have consumed their own concoction, are led from the room.. and the mess.. is now being found in the foyer, and the parking lots are filled with pot holes, as the help can't be paid, and the room can't get cleaned.. and the stench of the rotted remains, litter the landscape.. The Titans are shown to be, actually only minions, who masqueraded as titans, who were simply minions walking on stilts.. with long silk pants, and one tripped and they all fall like dominoes..

They partied so long, they never recognized the ballroom was crumbling and the paint on the ceiling was falling, while they thought it to be confetti, in celebration of themselves, being spew about. now they see it's the same asbestos, they refused before to remove, and they are now whining about cancerous infections.. and wanting to blame everything, for the removal expense they would not pay... and rebuked even the idea, that it should be removed in the first place..

We as a nation.. spent a few trillion dollars, chasing a 15 cent criminal... and he's still running, and we have borrowed from the world, to claim.. "we can't find him".. while we occupy a land... only months ago, claiming we'd not leave, and we have to win... "while at the same times saying .. It's for the people of Iraq".. well.. how do you "win an occupations of a soverign nation".. and what is there to win... it already belongs to the people who live there. and they are not accepting colonization, nor are they accepting puppet governmental structure.. and they will not accept Christianity to become the dominator over their Islamic roots.. they may have been thankful.. to have a dictator removed.. but then was it the nature of dictator needed, to maintain civil order, among factions who are by their differences orderless in principal, because, they aspire to different concept within belief. You can't fight that with a bullet, nor can a bomb destroy that.. it's ideological realism, that has many supporting cast.. by and thru it's neighboring countries.. and they pump the fuel that keeps the world moving, so they have a cash flow that moves and grows as long as the world is in motion by the mechanical creations of man...

"Sun Tzu" .. warned based on his study of history, even hundreds of years ago.. the nature of war, and the pitfalls of the war makers.. and all was ignored, and considered nothing more than a novel of Ancient people who happen to be Chinese... but reality, shows now... " who's not got the money", and who now, can put their people to work.. and who now is uplifting their nations, and has in the things they build.. more advances uses of the technology which exist..

We stand here claiming to be the most advanced nation... but we can't get our internet system transitions to Ipv6, and we are working on Ipv4, that is two generations behind the standards which provide the ability to have a effecient system.. and then we run it thru phone lines that are 80 years old, when fiber optics has been around for nearly 2 decades.. but all the money ripped off by the Titans, could have rebuilt that network, and brought our electricity grid up to the 21 st century standards.. but we have a Pre-world war 11.. electrical grid.. that if the wind blows, the lights go out..

We are flying Airplanes with 1960 set ups, that have a video monitor placed in them.. we can't even get a 25 year old technology of providing in flight computing systems within the planes.. when it could have been done 15 years ago.. with on board servers.. and a on board data storage system, that could have programs installed.. where any softwares that business and society uses could have been isolated and utilized on board... and a managed IP system set up, to run thru a system, that manage internet access and filtering to in flight travel.. but even sadder than that.. we have corporations that can't even see people as people and still have levels and processes that have factions of elevated segregation process still in place and people in place who support and carry on such a mindset in covert means...

and Yet..people won't stop and see... How did Rome Fall... it was a process.. not an action of a moment.. it fell in and thru a process.. not un-similar to what we live within today.. as America, is far from what it was, and further from being again what it once was... the rest of the world will not dumb down, to allow it to regain it's footing.. it squandered its lead.. thru arrogance and resistance to change... and think .. itself above all others and beyond reproach..

It tried to ride on yesterdays glory, and not let go of yesterdays system that created false glory.. by the shams and the use and abuse of others, and then the rip and strip.. snatch and grab.. and glorify one's self beyond the stature of even being mortal... and now .. mortality is .. facing it square in the face..while at the same time.. the plants have withered, the flowers are now shrubs, and the rose bushes have died, and the grass has over taken the gardens... as they exist the ball room.... and find, the nation in squalor.. as they drive Downtown Main-Street.. which now, is lined with closed shops and the street now has barricades which create a dead-end at Wal-Mart.. and the people run about buying shiny plastic and cardboard pressed to appear like wood.. screaming they finally are able to afford a dining room table and a plastic lamp.. to light the room.. while they eat the TV dinner.. made from the spoils and left over.. after the main trimming have been carved away... so they cover it with salt and sodium.. mixed in oil.. to give it a taste... and tell people they are nourished.. while their body shows blotches and blisters.. from the infections that have no cure... from meats.. they haul around with fork lifts, because the animals can't even walk to the slaughter room, because the hormones they were fed to fatten them up, did not let their bodies develop nor their brains grows to process what it was fed..

The New Owners.. from Foreign Lands.. Gather at the gates.. Waiting for The Fire Sale... to capture the spoils.. and claim their stake...

" The Ballroom is Now Up For Auction"

shall we learn, how better and how best to rebuild the ballroom, and not constrict it to a few, but build it to benefit all
how now.. is it not the time.. to find equality, and meet the equilibrium of justice for all
and began now.. before the final sale.. to make anew what we respected so little when it was once new..

another great "mini book", by: "touch"

"comming soon" the mini book "Fire Sale" in the "life series"