Wednesday, June 02, 2010

"Learning "Trust" and How to engage it

May 17, 2010 11:13 am

If... in your relationships.. you have doubts about " Trust" and what may be possible within relationship...
in part you may be right, because no-one, can fully know anyone, but we also have to give people the benefit of their capabilities, therefore, to allow the option for them- to have potential in their ability to trust.

As to life- people harm and hurt each other everyday, temptation is ever present in living, and the human reality of wants desires, and pursuits, as well as sexuality, : 'NO ONE" is above or beyond being tempted. so reality is, Trust should never be blind, but reasonable. and being reasonable, is to acknowledge that things happen, and the potential of it happening is a reality - therefore we have the gift of communication, to work with reasoning and understanding. tolerance and acceptance, and knowing when to walk away..
so anyone expecting some "Replications of Impenetrable Purity in anyone, is going to be disappointed from the start.

Now on a religious note: If, an I say If.. people Put God before one another, then God become the "filter" within their love, but when they try to put each other before God... they will find problems a plenty.. because they are trying to make each other Usurp God..therefore - they try and find their salvation in each other, rather than in God, when what they should seek, is to 'share the salvation they find through God Graces with each other. which means simply, Try and do what they feel is right in Gods light, not each others.. and they may have a better chance to understand of what to trust in and of each other, and how to trust each other

Try your heart..

May 23, 2010 11:39 am

Try your heart

it may expose something wonderful in you.. we have tried devise of every sort, and we have tried manipulations with assorted tactical engagements. and each times, we find we have to unwind the strings from ourselves, which we bind ourselves within, trying to free ourselves from the binding we tried to entangle another..

If you put rules on another, you have also put them on yourself, if you put constrains on another, then you have also constrained yourself - and when two people part, they struggle trying to free themselves from that same binding they sought to bound another into.

We get angry, because the binding we sought to place, made us sacrifice our own self expression in a many varied ways. Then we think the other owes us something for the binding we placed on ourselves, in our attempts to bind and bound another. and realize that neither was free within the game of self binding and the bounding of each other.

Yet, we say, love is free, but we won't let it be- we start with a thread, and it quickly turns into a rope, and then we convert it into a chain, the minute that love is claim in mutual loving.. and wonder why suddenly the relations goes from one that people do things, to share enjoyments, and quickly become, a cycle of 'duty imposition upon each other".. until they are bound within the house looking at each other, anguished because they no longer feel free to be. then they resent sharing with each other, and hold contempt at the thought of each other having any joy, and any pleasure without a list of pre-requisits... and people wonder why their passion becomes entrapped in their emotional bubble of contempt.. and they fight like mad, each other.. yet they won't free themselves within themselves, back to learning how to simply share and appreciate the opportunity to share, and learn to go out and do things, which they can enjoy the opportunity of sharing.

When your relationship get in these doldrums, go do something together, don't sit and wait on the other to plan and suggest it, you plan and suggest things you can share, and the other will eventually do the same, and you each learn to be free in sharing with each other, the things you see and have interest to share in what is loving. Stop measuring it based on who pays, or who make the first move to plan something... that's childish and self defeating.. stop assuming, which person has to pay this or that, so you can feel comfortable to share, you have to ask yourself, are you sharing or selling, the experiences of sharing.

yes, there's much to learn in loving, and that much is within self... which is the parts one learns beyond where selfishness encircles the self... if you can't surmount that, then you encase your own love in a cage and chain it to the floor, and become anguished - but afraid to look at what you, yourself have done in caging your love and the opportunity to share it.

Growing and learning is a wonderful thing, when we accept that we've not learned everything, and that we will never grow more than enough..

Try your heart, it may just free your soul -- to share its love.

funny thing about living

May 24, 2010 9:32 pm

there are many attitudes in living - but within it all, there is some learning engaged, it is up to the individual to gain that learning.. not everything is liked nor will everything be liked, but what is relative to growth, is the ability to not shut down at the first agitation, and sadly, this is a point of discussion.

people shutting down, the minute they don't get their emotional high from something, but as with life, the sun does not reach the earth everyday in an un clouded skies, and there are many types of could that bring many thing that take place beneath those clouds, and the sun shines above them even still.

I have found in this web site, that women are quick to shut down at the slightest thing, but they claim they are open minded, but close it at the slightest thing when they don't get agreed to, patronized, or solicited with nearly suck up like patronizing from men. they run from the magazine, because the men there don't play worship the female games, and talk about the reality of situations, and the real world truth, that exist. the oddity is, some women will quickly tell men, the exact same thing about other women, when she is trying to catch him, and claim herself above the rest, but turn and detest men, acknowledging the same things.

people can read blogs, and get attitudes, and not engage to share commentary, as if they feel that will diminish the blogs which already exist when they get to it. there are people who get in the web sites and slam and fight each other for a million motivations of attitude, and many have never met nor know anything about the other individuals.

Attitudes that some think they are too pretty for others, or too elite minded for others, or too special for others, and the self consumption of it all, takes more from them then they think they deny unto others. some will deal with their disagreements, and move along to the next subject, and maybe they agree maybe they don't but, they did not shut down.. some carry grudges, like they have a collection bag, waiting to fill it up... some roll with the changes and keep being interactive.

funny things about living...

when the whole of it is simply, we all will live and we all will someday not live anymore, every person that eats, must s--t, and every person who is awake will need sleep...

no amount of money or ego, will make anyone get an extra minute when their time comes, nor will their ego, get them any more favor in Gods eyes, what will matter, is the good they do, and if they can engage life with human regard for others..

have your pleasures and have your fun, dream your goals, and pursue your dreams.. but know that nothing is a fantasy, but all things which become a part of life is the reality that becomes your living.

never think you are too high, because you may find how low you are, and never think you are too low, because you can find that you stand as equal as others, in the fact of being alive and being a human being of the world.

No matter what you think you expect, respect must meet respect, if it is to be respectful with mutual regard.

what's between your legs can make more a fool of you, than those you try to make a fool of with it.

and no matter who or how you engage your sex, it will never be anymore than you think it is, and when time comes and goes, its just what it is, sex... and every experience is what you make of it or what you don't make of it... so rating and judging another, means that you probably have ignored your own functional performance, while you are judging another.

your stuff is no better than the next person, because its a generic body parts, all females have one that is specific to females , and all males have one that is specific to males.

and the summation of it all, comes to the simplicity of - communication.
you either can and will and do, or you surround it with conditions and restrict it with expectations.

and your life shows the results...

not all men, and not all women are alike- they are.. "Individuals"

May 29, 2010 12:45 pm

I may discuss a lot of thing bout the human realities, but not all men, and not all women are alike, and not all women are users, and not all men are users.. individuals make those choices, as individuals, until they find the enlightenment to actually care of and about each other.

many women, have as many fears of men, and all people fear being used, or taken advantage of and /or made a fool of.
but when one encounters a situation that may have meet a user or what they feel is an abuser, that may be that persons defense mechanism, more than it is the person they want to be. Now there are people who care about nothing but self, but they are easily identified, and they generally will expose that in the most obvious way.

But, as to the psychology of people, there are many things individuals are battling with in their concepts of life and living, and dealing with relationships.

EZ, often says for example, if one goes to Thailand, take your time, and get to know the woman, before you fall head over heels, and the same thing goes for women, they must get to know the person before they fall heads over heels.
Likewise so, regardless of what country you live, take your time, if you are dealing with these internet romances, don't loose your head before you share face to face meeting, and don't try to make it more than it is, until it becomes to be what it is...

sex is what it is, but each person need to understand what they are doing when they engage it, if you are looking for fun, find someone who is looking for fun. if you know the other person is looking for love, and you are looking for fun only, then someone is going to get hurt in the exchange. People let their desires over-rule their integrity, and they either damage themselves and or others, or they make a bad situation from what could otherwise be a good situations.

many men and many women, can deal with honesty if people -make that their priority to be. but having covert motives, won't work..
don't pretend you just want fun, when you are really looking for a stable love building relationship, and don't claim you want love, when your eyes are plasters on benefits for selfish consumption...

be prepared to talk 'after sex", because much is often not said, before sex, but if you don't talk about it before, you certainly will deal with the realism of it after, so if it comes to that, then talk, but try to talk straight from the start, and you start it like you want it to be, and it works without people playing games.

some women are taught to equate a mans love by how much he spends, you can change that, by spending nothing, and showing that you care, if she does not accept it unless you spend money, then it may be best to let her go find someone who is willing to buy her openness to understanding to share care.

but no matter how many things we may know about what people do, and how people do things, we cannot claim, everyone is the same, nor is every gender the same in what they do, because if a person is alive, they are certainly and individual, and if they die, they will die as an individual. so they live as an individual..

Real World Challenges

Posted 6/2/2010 9:34 AM

Re-Building America

"A Joint Effort"-

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which involves all of us.

Real World Challenges

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We all face them, and they are many- they involve everything which makes up our lives.

How do we deal with it? ..... becomes many many things, we learn, we pursue to understand, and we work hard to develop navigational skills.
What works, is the continual development of our communication capabilities and our teamwork skills, and most importantly regard for the human capability..

As posted in various writing, our systems improve with time, but also with the awareness of what needs we have within adapting unto change, and how best to make those changes.
We learn continually, new ways, in how to interpret capability, and we learn better how to identify as well as develop and promote skill, and skill building support frameworks. In learning, be it a boss, or the bosses boss, the continual learning to be open to ideas, and to better develop delegation technique and competency in doing so, while building team working atmosphere's, continue to show its value points. Our world can't progress without this vital component. As workloads expand and duties multiply, along with checks and balance which compound each day, and over the course of years. We learn, no person can stand alone in a environment that involves team support connectivity to build and make function, a connected world, which performs with collateral support functions.

How we approach it, become many times, a measure within our ability to succeed, as well as our ability to adapt and transform into higher effective levels of productivity and greater efficiency. We build progress via these regards.

How many ways do we turn, in our searches for growth building opportunity, not only in over-all capability, but in developing our supporting cast. Some we see, via specialized training, and some we see via natural ability, and other ways we see, learned performance skill. Yet, we must not over-look the ability within training potential of new individuals skilled and unskilled- to develop the talents which hold potential to become organizational assets.

What fit works; Congeniality, is a vital component, but honest speaking, willingness to learn, but; also willingness to open and embrace change. The will to grow, and the willingness to support and promote team-work. Building unity, builds morality enhancements , as an inspiring atmosphere brings the best of individual efforts, to the forefront.

A transition of general public tech modification, began in the early 1960's which took a higher step in the 1970's, as technology become a integral part of our industrial make up - we began the trek from the industrial revolution, to the technology revolution. Here we are today, standing in the midst of Industrial -Technological and Information System - Operational Dominance in America.

New skills, new uses for technology, and improved ways to manage information. Our industrial functions interwoven into our technical integration, and a nation moves ahead, building what has made the 21st Century, unlike any times before. The speed, but the need for continuing improvements in productivity with an higher and higher emphasis on accuracy and target focus - moves our markets at lightening speed, with production, innovation and distribution, aided and supported by global communication, which expanded to become even hand-held devices. Information, now moves at speeds we can barely imagine the sophistication behind such transmission. yet, its been made 'common sense simple to utilize"... again, Knowledge transferred into common sense usage modeling and design gadgetry... simplifies our world and our ability to interact. "We Communicate" .. as never before in history. Our world extends beyond borders, and span the globe with instant accessibility. Our world, has changed, and we've become unified in previously unimaginable ways.

Real World Challenges

Real world challenges, Become many things, over the years many workers displaced by the change and shift in the world's industrial centers, changes and shifts in a workforce training needs, changes and shifts in the educational system, and changes and shifts in how we live our everyday lives. We learn by many means, and we adapt in many ways. and our future re-shapes itself as the days come and go.

What might tomorrow bring if we don't continue, with a passion to forge together our assets within the capabilities of people- and push to build better, improve our performance in how we manage, and respect our environment in doing so? but, what becomes of very important concerns is: how we regard our people, and how we continue to improve to manage our environmental regards. If a world does not perform to support its people, it has missed the aims in the basic creation of both industry and civil community; and if it fails to respect it's natural environmental protections, it makes toxic its very habitat of humanity and all living things.

Challenges have been and will always be present, but what equally so become an important matter, is the ability to bring the people along with the proposed changes, otherwise we get a dis-connect in how progress moves.

Each Generation brings some unique attributes into what makes a world. The old and the new, is what forge changes; without one, the other does not unfold to expand.

Tomorrow is built by the components of today- and our Future holds the capability to do amazing things.

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What must not be forgotten is the true core value of the people.