Sunday, November 30, 2008

a broken image, must heal from it's delusions.

Work to build unity... or work for destruction.. is the only choice mankind has.
to the wise in mind and the just in heart.. Unity is the choice.

"when ignorance rise, nations fall"

We have much work to do as a people of this State, this region and this nation, and we don't have time to spend it . spewing hate. we only insult the children whom the future belongs to.

have we not already lived in ignorance far too long, and the result is not benefitting anyone.
It's each person, who must stand in the mirror and face their truth, and once faced, they may individually grow, to become more a citizen of the world, and as they do, they will find not place for hate, lest it be at and of self. it's time to awaken out of the greed of self consumption, and learn that the world is made of many people, and God created it as so.. that man could use the gift of intellect , to learn how to respect the creation of Gods design. Unless you are God.. you are not the judge of man.

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