Saturday, January 24, 2009

Learning Unity - 44th President of the United States

44th President

President Barrack Obama

blog post photo

President of The United States

First Black Man to Hold Office Of President


Inauguration Speech

A Change Gonna Come


Office of President

Acceptance Speech "Chicago"

Democratic Nomination "Denver" Speech


Visit YouTube for complete versions of Speech(s)


Reaching within each individual - to grasp for the part where greatness resides within, It lies far deeper than the ego can reach, and it cannot be found byhaughtiness - bigotry and false pride - It resides within the quiet depths of each individuals,: protected from the reach of prejudices of any sort - and it's far more of strength, than any act of violence can harm - It cannot be be vanquished by despair, not does the stresses of challenge diminish its worth.

The depth within - if only man quiets his mind, and listen to the whispers of God - he shall hear the truths sprang forth from within himself, like a first trumpet - surrounded by a stringed quartet - singing the praise of unities melody - and soften the heart of even the fool.. and awaken the wise to expound on their wisdom, and bring it to come forth within their actions..

The time of call upon


A. D. U. L. T

Let's Build

"One Dream"

Which works for everyone - in Equality and Unity

Mankind time to stop the anguish because the efforts of our systems is designed to help -

Let's stop the bickering because help for each other is a foundation within our system, which makes us one of the greatest nations on this earth.

Mothers and Fathers - let go of the anguish - because your sons and daughter may need your help

Sons and Daughter let go of the anguish because your Mother and Father may need your help

Neighbors - Friends - Associates and Citizens of the Cities and Towns of America - Let go of anguish because our system is designed to help each other

We pay tax, that we may have a benevolent system, and then we whine and cry because it performs what it was designed to do

We claim liberty for all - and then we scream and cry, wanting to selectively choose whom our systems helps

We cry about helping Americans, but we say nothing of the help that goes for Foreign Nation

We are working our way from a systems forged over many years that went from bondage to segregation - with a design to be unequal

and yet we have forgot our system of benevolence, and want it only for others, but not for all - We must grow beyond the teaching that impressed upon a nation- such great disdain for helping those whom it held back for so long,


We whine and cry at their despair - of minorities- in need of help

Unaware, they cannot attain what white America attained over 350 years - when the legal doors have only been open for 45 years

and yet some mental doors remain closed.

We simply need to think - and embrace what many foreign people dream to come to this nation for, because of it's benevolence, but yet, we deny it far too often to many who have roots to the early beginning of this country- and who are the descendents of those who's labor and

toil made rich many, and provided many profits they themselves were denied for their labors.

We must ask ourselves, how just is a man, who will beat another man and deny him equality of respect as a person and human being, and yet - claim himself to be of God

Of what man can delude himself to think himself god like, when prejudice fills his core and bias fills his mind, and contempt of disregard become part of his actions.

Atonement of a Nation


Our Challenge to Face

Without thought of money and material things

Each man ask unto himself, what criteria can he state- that makes him superior to any man,


Each man ask unto himself, what criteria can he state - that makes him inferior to any man

For each man is of Gods creation- and each man in Gods light is measured by the integrity which is the foundation of his honor


No man can claim Integrity in Gods light when he despise other man

God is of Love

We are unto each - neighbors in the world, it does not matter what lines we draw in our cities, we are neighbors in the eyes of God

it matters not what distance we live from each other - we remain Neighbors in the world.

It matters not your philosophy of worship

If your philosophy proclaims one God


We are in Brotherhood - beyond our mental claim of denomination of our choice and acceptance of teaching mannerism of religiousphilosophy

Loving is of God

We may care deeply to make use of the great gift we are given as human beings, in the capacity to think, the ability to communicate and the glorious gift of understanding.

it matters not by what name a man calls a stone, each may know it is of the earth,

and they may share the learning of how each interprets it,


It remains a stone - simply of the earth.

When mankind finds such wisdom - then mankind also find the knowledge not to fight

but, simply to learn and share in the views of each other,

that each may come to be of greater awareness of the many ways life can be viewed

Such masterful simplicity - and we confound it with pride, haughtiness and the claim to be right over- accepting what is true.

The stone is simply of the earth, and so too, is mankind.

The great companion of man, from the kingdom of animals, can teach us much

For a dog cares not of the color of it's human friends skin

nor does it care if another dog has spots of many colors - it cares not what breed another dog is named,

it knows it simply is equally to a dog in it relation with it.

such great things we can learn from the simplest of things

When we find the depth in self - which exist far beyond the reach of our judgments of each other.

Reaching within each individual - to grasp for the part where greatness resides within, It lies far deeper than the ego can reach, and it cannot be found by haughtiness - bigotry and false pride - It resides within the quiet depths of each individuals,: protected from the reach of prejudices of any sort - and it's far more of strength, than any act of violence can harm - It cannot be be vanquished by despair, not does the stresses of challenge diminish its worth.

The depth within - if only man quiets his mind, and listen to the whispers of God - he shall hear the truths sprang forth from within himself, like a first trumpet - surrounded by a stringed quartet - singing the praise of unities melody - and soften the heart of even the fool.. and awaken the wise to expound on their wisdom, and bring it to come forth within their actions..

The time of call upon


A. D. U. L. T

WE have a chance with a leadership - who stand for Change

We may watch and judge the changes in the government and it's programs, but we may well aid the process

to give great attention to the needs of change within our own selves.

Let's Build

"One Dream"

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