Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Who ?

who understand their own passions outside of the governance of society's claimed standards ?

We see so often judgments of every sort about the passions of individuals, yet, relationships fall apart from passions frustrations, and people compress and repress and suppress themelves in denial of their own passions, and some measure their lives by the nature of denials they adhere unto.
but what is the truth of the individual, and what is the depth within the individuals? some hide in private spaces of self indulgence, and some find absorption in gadgetry and some seek to claim they have a life void of such passion.

Yet, at the moment of a glance the minds of many think many things, and yet words will deny what the mind has thought.
We have a global sphere of community, that spend countless billions of sensual things, we have attire designed and sold for the claim to project the height of sensual attractions, and yet we as people claim denial of its importance in not just relations but in the fulfillment of self.

It shall never make the whole of relationships, but denied it shall not allow a relationship to meet the measure of its own wholeness.
For it's bartered, and bargain, bought and sold, and yet, it lacks to find its fullness of passions truths, when it engages with the lack of patience, to travel its course. But many rush as a sprinter seeking a ribbon at the end of the dash, timed by a clock, and some engage the marathon, and find, still. an unfinished course..
but have we yet to learn it is far less than an objective means, but a process which gives means within objectives, if we aim to simply appreciate.

It serves no purpose as a hash mark on a counting scale, nor does it provide a trophy of any sort, but it has all the ability to blend two into the harmony of each other.. and never is it beyond, the functions that shares what passions can engage.

It connects with the inner depths of person, and the depth of individuals find a unity that creates a shared passion, which has all the potential, to enhance even the many feeling one lives within their imaginations, but truly can be a part of their reality.

Who ???

is the ones who will find the joys of loving, and what is the realities of making love, which love makes, in making loving something shared within the understanding of individuals, who choose to engage.. the sharing of their passions.


dares to do so, with the truth of themselves forefront

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