Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Do you see todays dawn... it's 5 am..

It's not uncommon for intellect and athletic ability to be part of the same man, it has been there over many decades, but one played down to play up the other .. not so much by the student, but the system, that was determined that we could have only "one dimensional role figures".. we had to be "either", "or".. but truth is, we've always been very dual capable people.. we simply have to believe it and know it and push ahead acting upon such.

Our depth is greatly unknown by many of us, and if we truly support each other, we can find that there are many young people who are multi level in their diversity of capabilities and actual abilities.

We have to remember we are in a society that spent hundreds of years learning how to beat us down and make us feel incapable of many things, and then smother the capability by the denial of access and opportunity. Now, that the platform is open.. there is more to come.. if we pay attention, and our media people, go out and seek this out and actually report on it.. But many are constrained in what they can report on, and what format they must function within to be even a reporter, so they don't engage the pioneering spirit to reach into areas and grasp for this..
some areas that some ignore period, and ignore invitation to come to areas, and they miss more than they know, by spinning in the popularity circles, when the real nature of American is in the areas that are neglected, if it's to be seen and shown of the expanse of potential that exist. All across this country, there are black people doing amazing things, but they don't get the press, and the press will not go seek them out.. because the script the media people follow, is one that was drawn up, based on "omission".. and some media networks do various token spots, just to claim they are unbiased.

N.E.W.S use to mean.. North, East West and South... now , it's only a blood and guts, and fake some drama and try to influence opinions.. we saw that in how the media made a frenzy of the stock market, to the point, they were dictating policy, and killed the role of CEO to even be able to think, with the media sling out their payola influence comments.. even when fuel was spiking, the media is who made it acceptable with their glib lip .. drama making ignorance.. they have time slots to filled and don't know what they say nor the damage they do in saying what they say.. they just talk because the camera is rolling.

This young man, was recognized and it's a good thing. but instead of options for him to have viable options.. again, he's thrust into an "either or situation".. what more should he need to prove, to be able to have a workable way to accomplish both.. football is a seasonal sport, there are other semesters that he could have completed, it was not mandated that he had to be a full term semester student, and it could have afforded him the option to manage his seasonal schooling to suit his plan.. not a dictate.. which results into a option that forces denial of what he worked to achieve.. in one sector.

he has already shown himself worthy, and there is nothing that said he needs to do this in some record time.. it's his life.. give him what he earned and let him manage how he will engage it..

but again. the media did not pose this question, as with the media people in many situation, they don't ask the question that can open up and let the people think .. they are busy making comments trying to influence life.. If you listen to the morning new.. it's more about OPINIONS" Than it is about reporting fact.. and they are the madhouse which has this country living like a schitzo !!! they made hoopla of the fuel spikes and then try and make people feel good by gloating about a penny drop, as if to make it acceptable.. and they never became aware of the mess they make.. The Pioneers of this field, use to report the fact.. and they kept their opinions to themselves, because they understood the power of wrong words influences people to accept what they should not, or to send their mind in the wrong direction. now.. all they look for is faces.. even with some of the black news casters.. if they are not very light brown.. they can't get a slot on the screen.. CNN has two guys that have as much the closeness to matching a tanned white person.. than the general nature of black people as a whole in image.. many of the women they choose are from mixed race background.. not a full black heritage background.. they can't even get out of the mail room. let along get on the front desk.. as a result, in many jobs.. the light skinned black get more of the opportunity because their image is pushed in the front line media... so they become more acceptable because they are closer to white than the general nature of black people with a full black heritage..
but people don't see it, and no one acknowledge it.. so if we want true unbiased presentations.. we have to have full spectrum of visibility.. otherwise we as a nation of people.. will not meet nor reach the full spectrum acceptance of people.. and surely not the full spectrum acceptable of black people in the expanse of the skin tone of black people, nor the hair texture of black people...

too often we still have to be comedic.. to get a slot.. I'm glad to see DL, have his spot on CNN.. but does it have a matching white comedian new spot.. "NO"... so let's also match each thing that's presented.. Where is the Black version of Larry King... ?? so, the question is .. why the respectful depiction of how Larry King is presented, and the comedic presentation of how DL is presented...

so when we honor this young man.. to give his achievements the full spectrum, then we need to do so.. across the board.. and it can make his achievements denote and project much more in the expanse.. Once he goes off to Oxford.. then what.. what will be his visible legacy which continue to inspire the young.. will the media follow him, and report regular.. or will they treat it like a flash in the pan.. and fade out... ???

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