Sunday, December 07, 2008

What does it take to "support Obama"

expect him as a man in a position to perform, to meet the goals he set, and follow the agenda that he has create to pursue those goals..
give him the same latitude that anyone gets, for unforeseen irregularities, which are certain to come, Hurricanes, tornadoes, earth quakes and other disasters, both domestically and international, which will tax resources and mandate budget modifications

for a nation that pushes its claim that education is the pathway, then he is choosing people who meet that framework.. and in the midst of it all is still the congress, if any are unaware of the Basis conservative agenda which showed it's oppositional stance during the campaign, don't assume it's going to vanish.. they lost the big race, and surely they will seek with dire devotion to win as many battles as they can, whether the battles plan is good for the nation as a whole or not, they are going to fight like hell, to regain the ability to rebuild their party...

so don't think there is some smooth ride to anyplace... just hope his team has good shock absorbers...

any case anyone did not see the race in Georgia, it was all about "conservative agenda, and they put all their forces into winning that race, for the sake of point to push the party.. and it's agenda..

What people have to realize, is Obama said.. it's not about him, it's about Us, the people of a nation, now how many will support what they voted for with proactive efforts.. will have a profound impact on the success rate of any program..

He never stepped up to be a great savior, but a man with a different plan, and an agenda to go along with the plan.. but .. what matters is that everyones part count..

IN Georgia, people already showed their lack of follow thru, they did not come out to vote and let the Republican candidate make a landslide victory, and that only tell and conveys, that people have become passive after on big step, they have not follow thru to help support the program on the lower levels of the process..

He stomped the trail for nearly 2 years, and the people of Georgia showed they would not come out, beyond the big game.. and they let fall to the side the regional campaigns...

it's this kind of attitude and lack of continuity that will undermine what he tried to accomplish.. but again.. we are in a nation where so many are unaware of so much, because so many have no heart for thinking beyond their surface level knee jerk.... and that is what can derail his program quicker than anything.

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