Thursday, February 26, 2009

"grand natural resource"

When the quest for Iraq oil was undertaken, it was to deal with gain of dominance of who had primary accessibility to that "grand natural resource".. The fight to claim to take it from unstable hands, but also the pursuit to take it to support the position of dominance.. and the result is .. global nations feed and fund and fuel the war in Iraq, because no nation, absolutely no nations on this globe is willing to sit back and see America gain controlling accessibility of that oil.. they ( the world powers) will break Iraq up into little pieces -because they allow it to be taken over as a whole nation by any Nation.. so that war has no end, as long as there is oil under the ground of its landscape.

GBush I saw the change coming, and GBush II tried his best to assure that the US, capture the prize fuel, to support the continual dominance of the US, by securing this fuel resource.. people don't get it.. "ENERGY IS KING".. and as long as any nation tries to gain dominance of that oil, they will fight.. the matter is so deep, that now, other nations have bought their influential piece of accessibility thru their favor given for funding the fight. and it won't be until nations reach an accord of how that oil will be managed, and dispensed, before the fighting stops.
on an everyday level, this is so much bigger than people conceptualize, because we are busy bickering about if our neighbor will be helped in our small community of cities.. across the entirity of the nation.. when the big picture program is far greater in scope of concern..
This nation, understand "NOW", There will be no quick grasp of that oil resource and control of the accessibility to it.. so the nature of now forging ahead with investment in new energy resources, and new means of how energy is used, and new means of how a nation can fuel itself, by its own renewable energy is paramount, but it can't work until you fund and support all the collateral program that it takes to change the dynamic of how the nations uses fuel, and find higher efficiency in how it functions on an over-all scale. We bicker in petty day to day terms, which on a International scale, the nations of Nations governments deal with it on a much bigger scale,.. and it is always about Natural resources...and accessibility. If this nation does not FORCE the forge of change, within its own borders, by funding and supporting the change, then it dooms itself to resort to the later bullets and bombs.. but someone has to lead nations to think on a different paradigm, of the need to make conversion to other sources of energy creation.. People don't care to see the big picture, they care about their person conveniences, and their ego of outdoing the Jones, the Nation could care less about such stuff. it knows its future is tied to its accessibility and acquisition, and usage of energy.

the minuscule dollars that have people in an uproar.. equates to nothing on the longevity scale of what is money..
where we failed, and all other nations failed is, we did not adopt a process of change.. and we rode on simply cycling credit and borrowing from each other nations to nations.. trying to maintain a standard of living. and elevate others.. rather than to use all that capital to invest in energy modification. but Oil and the king of Oil companies, lobbied those programs into demise, because Oil does not want to be dethroned.. and the funding to support the denial of research and the denial of alternative changes resulted in the pursuit by war, to try and capture more oil.
Now the world has a leader who is say.. enough is enough !!! let's turn the page and invest in rebuilding based on different energy paradigms, and sources to fuel those paradigm shifts..

many world leaders understand it.. the establishment that supports big oil, does not. and the apparatus that is built and supported by the " Oil is King mindset" does not want to see the change. In this nation we can see it vividly in the Republican Agenda, they want the war, because they want the oil, they want the tax breaks so they can do business as usual and keep the power to themselves.. they know -energy change - takes that power and distributes it far differently and creates more independence not just of individuals but of nations... and that kind of equilibrium is not ever desired by power brokers.. what power broker have you ever seen that wants to relinquish their power for equality on any level and in any category of the human being life format.

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