Saturday, February 07, 2009

Vitter already shows the Thieves are Lining up.

The Bill will pass, but they hang up process like silly things such as Senator Vitter- with his amendment proposal to try and block ACORN from receiving any contracts, Thank goodness another Senator spoke up and let him know of his ungrateful disrespect of the fact that ACORN helped renovate 3000 Home in New Orleans.. Vitter has not renovated any, and can't even put a proposal that would get money released to create jobs in the area of New Orleans. all this shows is Vitter is trying to insure the "good ole boy club" gets the contracts. all they want to do is delay the bill, until they get their good ole boys in postion, to get the prized contracts. but people are still asleep and not paying attention.

Republicans are a very vile and vicious bunch, I'm so pleased the world is getting to see they are more anti-American - when it comes to anything for the people.

Why would anyone want to cut anything out of the bill if it all puts money into the economy and society. Every program that was proposed puts money in society or it would not be something that requires funding.

I do wish President Obama and the Democrats would have stated, this is Bill Installment #1 - because 700 billion cannot fix a 7 Trillion loss, it's only a down payment of Installment #1 one
but Republicans are so Anti-People- they would have all had cardiac attacks to try and expand their minds to even remotely wrap around that concept.

This is the same group who ripped America's pockets for 8 years, and still all they want is tax cuts while the working poor support the nations tax contributions.
I can't wait for the day, the Independent Party Rises to power, and take and relegated Republicans to the unmentioned party.. and that day is certainly coming. And all these Jim Crow groomed Republicans become replaced with people who embrace 21st Century American life.

American can no longer support a Republican Agenda - In simple terms President Obama summed up their level of ignorance, when he said:
"Stimulus means Spend to Stimulate"

some Republicans simply want to stall the bill, until they get their cronies lined up, for contract bids, they have scanned the bill, and they have made their phone calls to tell their buddies how to position themselves for the theft they plan of rip off contracts.

people simply need to look deeply at what we are dealing with, these people have practiced this kind of theft for generations, and they will be opting to but in criteria for contract awards which favor their cronies and good ole boy networks, so... people need to be very much aware of what is taking place.

Anything they think they can't dominate as to having their people in line to get contracts, they want it taken out of the package.. You, and Me and everyone need to pay attention, and talk about this stuff, and get it exposed before it become another robbery of the decade.

Far too much of the reporting follows convention, thinking it will gain favor of these corporate people and lead to a offer of some sort, and they don't open the can, and see all the worms they fails to report about. Hoodwinked mentality- and the result is 'reporting as usual'.. which feeds into the same games of the old.
If you have a platform- you may want to think change - and that change may need to be about how your report and what you report- because many question that need to be asked are not, and many of the inquiring question are not considered, and many of the investigative question don't even come in the arena of thought.

Republicans run for cover when the Reporters began to ask the right question, and when they see questions that lead to investigation, they cower for cover, but our reporting people don't have a clue of this nature of approach, and until they get the clue.. they can't be effective, all they can do is write to create drama impact.. and it serves no purpose other than make America look like its foolish.

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