Wednesday, June 02, 2010

"Learning "Trust" and How to engage it

May 17, 2010 11:13 am

If... in your relationships.. you have doubts about " Trust" and what may be possible within relationship...
in part you may be right, because no-one, can fully know anyone, but we also have to give people the benefit of their capabilities, therefore, to allow the option for them- to have potential in their ability to trust.

As to life- people harm and hurt each other everyday, temptation is ever present in living, and the human reality of wants desires, and pursuits, as well as sexuality, : 'NO ONE" is above or beyond being tempted. so reality is, Trust should never be blind, but reasonable. and being reasonable, is to acknowledge that things happen, and the potential of it happening is a reality - therefore we have the gift of communication, to work with reasoning and understanding. tolerance and acceptance, and knowing when to walk away..
so anyone expecting some "Replications of Impenetrable Purity in anyone, is going to be disappointed from the start.

Now on a religious note: If, an I say If.. people Put God before one another, then God become the "filter" within their love, but when they try to put each other before God... they will find problems a plenty.. because they are trying to make each other Usurp God..therefore - they try and find their salvation in each other, rather than in God, when what they should seek, is to 'share the salvation they find through God Graces with each other. which means simply, Try and do what they feel is right in Gods light, not each others.. and they may have a better chance to understand of what to trust in and of each other, and how to trust each other

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