Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Learning - part II


Mandates in the educational system- a call to educators to be more expansive in their approach- a call to principals to consider modification, and a call to the School board to open unto change, and a call unto the superintendents to become more creative in their approach, and a call unto the State, to give them room to do so.

There are certain to come modification in how education is managed- because as the President said in his address - there is too much of pushing classes that have nothing to do with the career choice people aim to aspire unto once they enter college level education. A great change, to provide the young people and old alike, with a course structure that keeps them inspired and motivated about their field of interest and progress them along with expedient structure and cirriculum.

I think that is long over-due.. its like some colleges just put a curriculum together to manage the flow of students through the system, more than they pay attention to give them a class structure that focus on their particular field of study. and they neglect things that should be taught. Some go through school and never have a class of basic logic, or other critical thinking material study. What specifically and directional does college Algebra have to do with English Literature, or Art History. Equally so, why can a Tech school get a student qualified to perform in a field, but yet, two year colleges, only do re-cap work, that requires an additional two years to get to the course the student is aiming to gain competency ?

We have to take the corporation mindset out of educational institution and re- cast them as institutions of learning- not of the institution being a model itself of being a business that has global investments - but student tuitions continues to rise, while the universities hold billions of dollars worth of income producing assets.

How can Professional Sports make billions, with the same attendance that college sports gain, and make a great deal of money from not only advertising but attendance ticket prices, and yet the prices continue to escalate, and the tuitions continue to escalate and the viewer pool continue to increase. "this is a profit model" that does not go to support the university keeping its cost low, they still raise the tuition fees and then assess charges for anything and everything that students need. and many of these universities year upon year, gain additional million upon millions of endowments from its alumni. Universities make money year around, on every sport program it engages. it makes money from every department on it's campus that puts on a program of any type. Yet the students still have to pay a varying array of fee's.

Stanford had so much money a year or so ago, it finally used a minor portion to provide additional scholarship for a change.

Yes, it's true maintenance cost are expensive, but many of the universities grounds have no mortgage, they have been around for over 100 or more years, so the land is paid for, some new building are paid for by the endowment's from people and organizations, and they hold vast trust left to them by countless people over the years.

Nobody questions any of this massive money grasps that universities do.. because, people worship them, rather than apply the scrutiny that is should have placed upon it's financial standing. Every kind of research grant that exist if afforded to many schools, yet all the earned income goes to do what ? I'm yet to see a televised college sports games with a empty stadium- When LSU had its winning season, the first thing it did was hike up ticket prices for the next season.

Unfortunately, in our society because of moneys power to create corrupt and other things that relate to money and how people become about money.. almost always result to show collusive habits, when its finally explored. Universities operate like private cities, and maybe they need better oversight boards. and specific auditing that addresses it the same as cities have to continually audit and modify their process of operations.

If we have seen corruption in every institution in this country, from stock market, SEC negligence, political figures, corporate institutions, church organizations, then why would we assume that universities are exempt. anything that involves mass amounts of money, and man is involved, we can be sure it needs oversight and it needs regulations and it needs audits and it needs disclosure.

there is no reason within the logic of the financial structure of our society, that justifies why a student has to pay, more for one year of college at any university, that the poverty wage standard of the nation. It result to be like "selling jobs".. if you go to particular universities, then particular jobs are set aside for those from such universities. It comes down to "pay at the toll gate to a life of comfort and luxury, sanction by the universities standard of which levels of industry they dominate". and the 'grooming thru a cast system" becomes far too often, much of the process. systematic process of thought process is what becomes the separating factors.

Because life itself continue to function based on the common sense principle- supply and demand in any and all public consumables. far too many times, marketing matters distinguish the distribution flow, more than the true distinction of product quality.

We simply have to be a more discerning society of people, to get the reality perspective in check, and we become less susceptible to cost increase that have no justifiable foundation to support it.

Currently we have a mass of corporate executive who are hailed as the cream of the crop from the same elitist universities, and yet, they crashed the nation, with their contrived grasp for money and power- at the expense of a nation, it's people and its economy. their sense of 'bought entitlement" brings them to expect and to take from corporations and investors, the sum worth not just a king, but multiple kings paid to them yearly. to be an employee that has a job to do. They fail at the job, and pay themselves still. and we sit and say nothing, and fork over hard earned money.. and they send people checks for a few dollars a share.. when they make more than that, trading them, for the sake of profits gains of trade fee's until the value is depleted and the stock suffers loss, then people pay a fee, simply to rid themselves of the drain.

Somewhere our system took a wrong turn, when status of individuals became more important than the state of the union and condition and progress of the nation or the stability of its economic engine. and yet we remain unaware, and caught into worship mode of man.. being asked over and over to .. "overlook their fallacy, and give them another run around the track, and each time they carry a bigger collection plate.. with hand servants to tuck away the money, they drain off. They gather in and as a collective, and ask the public to give them another tax break so they can keep more of their ill gotten gains. and we as a people continue to fall for it, all being unaware.

so yes... Learn.. but take the time to Learn how to Learn.. and then one can learn how to look that they may be able to actually see.

We need to give validity to learning.. for the sake of of education as, "application competency" to make use of gained knowledge- and how to use it to explore

For the betterment of mankind as a whole and the improved conditions of life as human beings.

Our models have become all about, how to get wealthy without trying, and to fleece the people because they don't know any better, and declare oneself king, based on the money they rake from the system

and again,

We fall prey to title worship


Not educational excellence for the application competency - to make use of gained knowledge- and how to use it to explore to better life and make it functional on a level of equilibrium for human progress.

Now to be a doctor is so often driven as live luxuriously, not how great a contribution people can make to the health of individuals and countless parents speak and push their offsprings to be doctors and lawyers, not because of the value of the Oath and the what it purports, but for the sake of living a wealthy life. Daughters are pushed to seek out and pursue those in these fields, not to be a wife, but to live a luxurious life.

Our value systems perspective is skewed - to value money, more than life and the contribution we can make unto life.

By all means compensate people for their work... but in such fields compensation is always about more than personal gain, it is about the contribution one can make to society.

The value of a Fair and Caring world is far more of value to not only the living, but those who are to come within the future.

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