Friday, September 14, 2007

be of care with your footprints

Life is an interesting adventure in what is the basis of time..

some of the people who visit the forum.. have very fixed views on many things.. and it probably gives them their sense of stability...

but for those of us who know that stability can become instability as we have no control over the quaking of the earth.. which affects all life..and the revolving of it.. will continually bring the waves to crash to the shore and the vibrations with move even if un-noticed.. and that effects and affects change..

but we know in a site as such many people are in pursuit of their concept of love and like to see it in a generic format.. but that crashes immediately upon interacting and thus the individual differences present themselvs of what is a person.. and they quickly find deluding frames that fade in and fade out about what is love and what is within loving..

and that's where the selfishness of individual.. set and place.. particulars and some have very limited flexibility in such placements and even more rigidity in their particulars... and they are not willing to see within such.. to distinguish what is " selfishness...

so.. as with much .. some like to beat things into submission... only to find they have destroyed it's integrity with each blow.. and they have as a result a blob of something that is un-recogonizable to even themselves.,.. and too.. they will deny their own tyrannical realism of themselves... and just go seeking another that will accept their blows

and they leave footprints.. that.. lead back into a circle that really never had a destination from the start.. beyond .. selfish satisfaction... of simply being in motion.

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