Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the trips of the """ bargaining"" - "Life"

women know... and they always know.. they can use the allure factor.. to their advantage and they will alway do so when the opportunity presents itself..

you don't think all these girls pose with their but in the air, sitting with their leg's slightly apart, or some butt high skrit, while she stand on her tip toes with her back facing the camera..and the one's who do all they can to get a picture of the breast in the clip..

and the minute you say something she don't like or she don't get her way.. " they pull the "I'm female card "" on you..

there is not a woman in this site.. that does not have buried in her mind.. that no matter what a guy says.. as long as she has the control over her panties coming off... she could care less of what you say or think... becase she has it ingrained that if you want her out of her panties.. then she is going to get her way..

that's why they are so afraid of someone lying to them... because they know just as they play that game.. that since she plays it... then a guy can and some do play that game with them and give them the lie they are looking for to match with her game of manipulations of expecting to get her way and her conditions met..
" they both get what they deserve" !!!

she gets the illusion that she has manipulated things to her advantage by bargaining the panties by conditions and expectations.. and he gets manipulated while he will lie to get to it since he knows how selfish her conditions and expectations really are in the truth of the matter and reality of the situation...

women will forever be with that bargain mentality.. and that expectation mentality and they will forever have that directly connected to her panties.. tha's what the whole of the economics and the advertising media bases their promotions upon... and that's exactly what they use..

so everything tells her.. that her panties are the issue.. and that she can bargain to her whims desire for them..

men run around talking about he's this and he's that.. and pushing images that he know damn well when temptation strikes he don't believe that anymore than she does.. and some women only see it as a challenge to see how quick they can break down that pretense of wall of image that he presents.. and she knows that .. if she can create enough desire in him to want her.. he will make any and every concession that she implies will get her out of her panties..

so they play the game..

people are people the world over...and no one is as devoted to anyone as they claim... maybe they may think that it's some undying love.. but that has found out more in reality to be .. true.. as long as people get what they want.

and the world has a stage of divorces to prove that fact.

we are the greatest bullshiters that have ever walked..

and man and woman will use sex and what ever they can to get sex, manipulate, bargain and cajole another .. as long as they can.. and when the game does not work they argue at the other.. becase their game did not work... until they figure out another angle of approach, assault, or attack.. and when they got all they want.. or the game gets too intense.. they go and find another game object... and start the cycle again.. and it's all fueled by INFATUATIONS" as to whom they choose to play and enact this cycle with or upon.

love is just the cycle of fantasy that is built up around infactuation..

and people only care about others.. as long as those other give and do to meet what they have desired..

now beyond that.. there is the basic humanity reality of care.. but it has it's limits.. until one is required to give what they don't want to give... or that their giving is not getting them the return they expect..

and it comes down to the business of life.. and the business of relating in life..

so it's a matter of simply appreciate what you appreciate .. becase when you don't.. the only thing you want is for that person to get away from you, or you go thru your trips to get away from them..

and no matter how much pleasure sex gave or how much that claim of love is purported to be or have been.. the wall of discord comes up.. based on any and everything that .. a person surmises to be .. failed bargains.. and undelivered expectations..

and people find a way to dis-associate themselves with each other.

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