Friday, May 23, 2008

now.. how free are you to love.. ??

people talk about all this cultural idenity.. and most of it is generalized summation... half the people don't even deal with their next door neighbor, and here in america, and in any other country on this globe,.. people move about so much, some every 5 years they are in a different neighborhood, and know far less of the people in the neighborhood each time..
there are people living in multi plex apartments, that don't even speak or talk to each other... and then there are some of the same people, who go to work and don't talk to certain people at work, either by, income earning seperation, or job description..

people walk down the street and many people won't even make eye contact with each other, and surely a greater % don't even speak to each other.. and people get in their personal transportation bubble, and ride about making mental summaries by what they view from and external distance, as they drive by at 35mph, and other sit in public transportation, looking at the floor..or looking right past everyone else on there; or they sit there, making mental judgments about the other passengers.. but never really knowing the depth or the realism of the persons they view.

so all this trip about.. who knows this culture and that culture.. is BS..

is self defeatist stuff... as if each person is trying to be more group oriented than they are... half the people in here can count their associates on one hand, and we have in so many places of the world , a Television culture, that watches certain shows, and identify with the world by those means..
and in the privacy of peoples homes, they have more varied things they do, that none but them know what it is...
what you become use to, is nothing but relevant to how long you are some place and how interactive you are in being there... and we being adaptable being... can adapt to where ever we find our lives in place... on any continent that we may venture to engage habitat.... and we adapt accordingly....
so, people need to relax.. and engage whom you like and let life be the living of two sharing what is.

all this sounds more like a "I'm more special than the next one"... or " my group is more special, than your group".. it's pure "BS" .. there is nothing but people.. and we are all creature of habit, and our habits can change and adapt as we desire to do so.

many people don't even know the names of the families in their neighborhood, and if they do, they only know of them by heare-say rhetoric...

why not just stop tripping, and if you like someone, like them, and share what you can... because there is none, ABSOLUTELY.. none who is an authority on any culture.. and you can take that authority, door to door and find their theories busted and shattered into a million pieces.. by the differences that exist within each household an even further by each member within that household.. and many people, who get trapped in some traditional cycle, or either trying to break out of it, or stressing to compress themselves to fit within it..

so .. the simpliest thing, is do what you do, like whom you like and share what you can of INDIVIDUAL understanding of each other..

but if it makes it better for you to claim all this stuff as your leaning post, as to why you don't have anyone.. then claim it. but it does not make your premise fit the landscape of life..

everybody who has 5 sense, can and does perceive the variable elements within their enviornment and if they have interest in a particular aspect they will seek out info on it..

people need to cut this delusion prop making trip out.. all you are doing is letting some good passions go to waste, hinging them on any kind of excuse that passifies.

you look, you see, you like, you hook up, and do what life presents within the sharing... why complicate simplicity...

this stuff sounds like everyone is trying to aspire to some stuffy BS Royal protocol... when it's just a matter of people, meeting, sharing and relating... and learning to regard the individual realism of one unto the other.

now if you can't do that without all the trips.. then you.. surely should understand why you are alone.. and why you may end up staying alone.

it's simple.. are you enough of a person to approach who you like, and to like them because you like them.. ??

and, many people can't even do that. they got to test and see if their small circle of friends approve, because they can even accept what they like and what they want..

when you can choose you love inspire of all this crap... you might then have come to the point .. to be able to love freely and openly.. without some biased endorsement being required.

BS, yourself if you want to... But this is not a testing ground.. this is the only life you will get..and you can't push a rewind button.. so you probably had best actualize your loving and increase your living experiences. within doing so.

some are walking around with some crazed mindset as if they are "saving it" for some dream fantasy, and days slip on by... and their love remains a internal illusion.. and they go about claiming everything else is a delusion.. because they fear choosing.

you will get no guarantee... so hold out for it if you choose.. and your life experiences and time, of passion expression and interchange.. is what you loose. and that.. my dear friends.. is what is your life.. that you.. choose to loose.. the opportunity to engage it for sharing..

you will not be the most beautiful in the world, and you will not find the most perfect anything in the world..

the world has more things of beauty, that such vain self acclaim.. may never acknowledge, being lost in self consumption. Age don't stop anything, nor where you are from will stop anything, if you see what you want, and you like it.

now.. how free are you to love.. ??

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