Friday, May 23, 2008

Why Some Succeed

Why some succeed

Some thoughts on "why People do/don't succeed

DOUBT !!!!!!!!!!

the unwillingness to devise an idea and move forth with it, the unwillingness to put in the investigative time, the research efforts, the trial and error steps and the rework and rework, and learning more step by step. And taking what ever resources they can gather and investing in components that are necessary parts... attend the free seminars that offer information and seek out information of various aspects of what is desired.. thirst to learn, to know and to discover.. And enjoin the vast pool of information that exist all around you.

There is always avenues that may lead more to information than a clear cut pathway, but it may even lead to a tool shed, that you can gather the tools needed to cut the pathway.. But it's always step by step... and fighting doubt back, and letting the inspiration and vision continue to lead..
Fatigue, yes, it will come, frustrations, they too will come, and the compound of confounding variables will come.. but it's step by step, and within all this stepping, it's prayer, pray for the understanding, the guidance, the will the clarity and all the things that you feel are of a challenge, give them in to prayer..
You will have the sleepless moments, and those moments that seem things are standing still and there's no way to get it moving, but .. let not doubt.. be your stopping point.

you will meet people along the way, that fade in and fade out, people who care to be a part, but don't care to do a part... these things will come..
there will be people whom things are discussed, whom some have no idea about it, and some have not time to hear it.. and some will imply, and some may brazenly say, it's futile.. but .. that is where you have to be stronger than the doubt of others, and far stronger than the doubts within self.. this is the strength that God gives, this is were God carry you forth over the pathway, to the next phase and you may even wonder how did you arrive at that step.. but this is within the power of belief..

It is always he/she, whom hold fast to the movement of a dream, to learn and discover it's details, and know it's tribulations.. and when it's triumph present your dream into tangible realism... you will know.. The journey.. Will never have been some random draw of luck, but the luck of processes the luck of a determined will to find the luck within what works..

And when it's set and read to go.. there comes then another phase of the dream.. Which requires more work.. of a different form.. but it's the work of growth and continuing development..

if you have not the fortitude to entreat upon such an endeavor, then don't torment yourself about eh daily job that you do, just do it.. For there is nothing... that comes without the sweat of the brow, and the work that goes on within the self. Which has many many points that challenge the self... but.. What greater thing is there to have and hold beyond the continual challenge to self to find the better of self..

Be this in love, work or just simply daily existence.

Shall you.. Care to probe deeper.. Why people do/or don't succeed..

And you shall know.. Which path you take..

Some will stumble into Success that someone else has already laid out for them, and some will be given opportunity in things that have built in successes, but such a person will have to at some point engage self to take it further or even to maintain it in a progressive format on a progressive path.

The world has known many, who've had the golden spoon, only to choke on what they dish up with it…. And the wise few, have taken nothing for granted, and used that spoon, to feed others.. And find even greater success in the undertaking.

There will be people who can help you but won't, and there will be people who will impede your path and fill it with boulders unrealistic in the point fact and motive of such,
But if you are with the will of believing in self, staying honest and truthful in you engagment and interactions, with a single blow, those boulders will turn to dust, and simply become fodder for you to smooth the path you travel, that others may follow without the many perils of the same impediments.

God is a giving those who hold a heart to move forth, and bright with them thru their efforts something that serves the people… and if the will is within such a dream..
It will unfold and manifest itself thru your labors.. And you will know, what is a blessing and how blessed you are.. to honor the task within what is a dream..

Gods gifts are boundless.. When this is the steps driven from the spirit within the heart.
May any who Dream and Believe in the Dream find within it, Gods presence, gently stepping in a sure cadence

As so is the belief, then so too, unfolds the Dream.

Hope this helps whom it helps..

Wishing you success in and within your Dream

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