Wednesday, August 12, 2009

" The Neat Child "

The Greatest Treasure - The Surest Jewels of The Most Precious Part of Our Society -
Our Future


You don't need fortune, nor does fame or opulence of any material matters become necessary - To Groom


Give your child their graceful position in life, given them the ability to feel proud within themselves to be a person who exemplifies Good Nature - Teach them to Smile, and Show them the Neatness of Person, and the considerations to hold within the depth of their character - and what comes forth - is a child that appreciate what they have to bring to the world.
They will search they will find and they will bring forth - a continuing presentations of the best they can manage in all the things they do.
Acknowledge them with support, and support them with encouragement, and give them always the care, which helps them believe in themselves.

Take the time, to dress your child for school, to be neat, to be well groomed, and start always very early, to insure that you teach them the best of dental hygiene in the process - It is such a valued part of their smile that glows to share themselves with the world.

Teach them to speak clearly, and to hold their head up, and speak with confidence- and maintain the humility to be always open to learn, and they will develop within themselves and undying respect for their elders.

Teach them to mange their clothes, to iron their shirts, to press their pants, and to keep their shoes clean - The things will stay with them for a lifetime. They need not be the fashion star, nor do they need to be the peacock, and truly they need not be covered in designer name tags, only neat and clean clothing, which represents them well.

Give them the time it takes to make their hair neat, don't just throw it back and let it go without the time to groom it properly, you as an adult would not want your hair to be unkept and not representing your well.

For the young black child, teach them to appreciate their natural hair, they need not cover their heads with weaves, and other things which does not allow them the ease of appreciating thel look and feel of their natural hair, they need not start from a young age, disliking their own natural appeal. Nature did not make us all to be the same, and there is no such things as "good hair and bad hair", God made each person with the hair that suits their natural self. We must not teach children such displeasure with their natural self, by adorning them with artificial things. They have not fixed model of what is their make up as a natural person, they are as they are, and whom they are, and each child is distinct and a unique gift of Gods creation.

What becomes their crown of true beauty, glows in their smile, and shines bright in their eyes. We need to give them many reasons within the many days, to seek and find reasons and want to smile, and have the excitement about life in their eyes.

THE NEAT CHILD - is far more than just a shirt pressed, and clean shoes, it is the quality of their character - to be a good person. Being a good person entails their whole self. If you fail to take the time, to give your child the best of option, you deny your child the best chance to succeed. Give your child the best of chance to succeed in a challenging world. Then you will shy not from giving to the work that builds their character day by day.

When they speak to you, take time to listen, and learn to truly have a conversation with them, it helps them learn how to conduct a conversations and have confidence in self of their ability to communicate.

You need not a mass of money to give your child the understanding of their civic environment, nor the cultural elements of the city in which they live. Take them to a park, take them to see the natural wonders of nature, we have lakes, we have rivers, and we have structures made by man, we have the cityscape and the museums and a variety of gardens. These are things you as an adult may take for granted, but to the child, it is a new experience and a true adventure. It build memories in their lives, of time shared with parents who simply share time, showing love and care, in sharing the appreciation of the simple things in life.


it is a job, that is yours to undertake..

To Make CertainYour Child - Becomes and Be -


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