Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Year 2012 ...

2009-2012 - A time of Rebuilding- Restructuring and Reordering the systems of a Nation and The Ways the World Relates

2012 --"the new modeling, Begins an Era in a new pathway, under a new light - that moves not just American, but The World of Nations- ahead.. in amazing ways.

President Barrack Obama
Was a choice with the hands of God - Making and Showing its Presence Masterful

President George Bush's Job
In the Providence of Gods ways of Change for the World, was to break it down, to crash its economies, and break the economic hold which was created and was born by acts of slavery, to give one man economic survival at the expense of other man.
That chain has been broken, President George Bush's Job, was an unthinkable realization, to expose the greed, the misdeeds,and they were allowed to loot all things, and crash every institution of money's devise, and now, it is to never, take root nor hold of the lives of people in such ways again. His task was many, as was it his, to disrupt the Middle East in Ways that Force it to Change, and Force Voice within a People who have been misled by the many pursuits of power by many nations influence - and drive them to learn of What is Gods Truth, and How to respect and honor the sanctity of life, and the lives of the women of the world.

No Accidents have taken place... Only actions of Gods Plans, that are far greater than man's.
but they are masterfully, worked through the works of man- guided by the hands of God.

THE YEAR - 2012

With the 21st century version of " Coming to America"... the nature of human and social relating will change dramatically, and people will be enfranchised in ways that were never imagined it could be.
but this also helps usher in the continual dismantling of a system that functioned with racist divide, and the remnants of economic imbalances, which is much was rooted in over 400 years of history, because that was truly all about, creating a system that thrived on insuring there was an economic divide remained firm and in place,and a draw bride to keep it so. that bride will be made wide and open - for free passage.

A new era will emerge, and that era is.. the old system of keeping minorities as low as possible in the economic structure, will fade away, and We will create new things, and find news ways to use energy and create energy.. and people will be people.

On the humor side, the world will move toward the balance of a Star Trek's Bridge.. We should be thankful, to live at a time of such transformation.

The new revelations about sex - and the realities within sexuality... will come in, with a manner to openness the minds of a nation, an understanding of man and woman's sexual nature will reach a level beyond the mystery of which ignorance has tired to contain it, and the beauty of it's simplicity will be easily spoken in the exhchanges of people communicating..

President Obama will be re-elected, but this time, with an every greater landslide popularity and support than the first time. A woman will be chosen as the VP for his second term. an Asian person will be added to the Supreme Court, I would think that will be someone of Chinese Heritages, because they were here, during the building of the railroads, that connected this country, and there will be a bill passed to build a Monumental Memorial to the American Indians.

This nation will Transform, but that will impact the world in how it Transforms, China will have a woman some place in it's top governance who has a public voice, there will be a person of Color moved to a High Post in the British Governance. Japan, will be forced by the change in the cultural revolution of the world, to speak more about diversity and the respect of it, in their culture, as they awaken to see they can't go forth without doing so.
Africa, will become a nation that is on the pathway to doing what China has done over the past 30 years.
We already see the rifts in the Muslim World, with the actions in Iran, and when the shake up reverberates it will be fueled in a big part by a new role and a new way of treating women.
I also think as Gay marriage spread, also will the spread of the many religions who have multiple wives be more widely accepted in nations around the globe, as a true embrace of freedoms of religious rights and a broader understanding of the ways man and woman relates around the world.

Barrier that constrict medical advancements will be lessened, and many will find ways of treating the body without the immediate and first choice need of doing invasive surgery. Invasive surgery will be of the last resorts that man will need to engage.

Robotics in 25 years, will be an integral part of the daily lives.
The use of quantum theories will be enhanced. and show us a new ways of conservation.

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