Sunday, September 30, 2007
what do you think about the trade deficit? do you consider it a problem? If so how do we fix it?
America gained it's rep by making the best products and they cost more than the rest of the world products becase we had the best labor and the best materials.. to make them..
We must fight our congress people.. when they want to allow companies to go off shore and do nothing but turn us into a retail market for foreign manufacturered products.. How... we insist on buying quality products.. not this cheap fancy painted plastic that we get from China... we save for what we want and stop accepting these products that end up on the curb waiting for the trash man in 3 months.. and you can't use the warranty becase it cost more to send it back and wait than it does to re buy the same garbage..
We fight our congress people to stup pushing legislation that allows companies to move off shore at a whim.. and the only people making money are the executive level while they want to pay pennies to the ground floor workers who package and sell this stuff to the public... and there has been no time in history has a ""HIRED"" CEO's ever made 10-30-100 million dollars a year... while the public is cut in services offered and sold substandard products..and these people do nothing but occupy a seat and agree to sell off american.. for their own 'QUICK" gains.. America was built based on long term value.. but they have turn it into a fast buch .. quick change arena.. and nothing that functions as such will every have stability.. not longevity or managed progress and remain a community within a nation.. supporting entity... they are on a fast track of demise... and then they sell of and outsource and then dismantle...
who suffers .. is the American people.
We need corporate legislation that limits what a CEO can earn... he is many times not the owner of the compnay but HIRED HELP... and that does not make him a god .. and he should not be paid to ""sell out "" the labor pools which keep america functioning.. But we let these politicians get in office who are bought by fancy talk and opulent dinners and resort meeting and then treat them as kings... They are only PUBLIC SERVANTS.. we need to know what that means.. and they should stop bowing to these CEO and the CEO's should be hired based on Integrity and long term stability.. not about how quick they turn a buck.. they should have dignity that supports what is a nation.. not driven to make the fastest buck at the greatest expense to the american people.. for the sake of corporate ego matches.. but build for the stability of a nation...
our value is gone.. and sold out by the gluttons.. and this country is foolish enough to glorify them when they are the cause of our demise in a great part thru their ignorance , arrogance and their lack of integrity and regard for and of America.. they worship the dollar and have no awareness of the rule nor law of God... and that is the service to humanity.. not to .. the greed of misdeed.. and the greed of bleed and destroy .. and constructive demise of a nation.
We need better import and export controls... not the mass circumventing that exist.. where china can sent things thru our customs at the quota level.. but """turn around and send twice as much via NAFT routes.. """ and thus flood our markets with products. by having them assembled in mexico where they do nothing but snap on a tag... and put a few pegs together..
We have allowed the world to see us as a dumping ground... and we suck it up.. with out limited dollars and then think we are getting a deal.. while at the same time we sell out ourself. thru our purchases of this crap.
EACH % POINT in our deficit denotes the diminishing of the american labor pool and the demise of the american products on our shelves.. Each % point shows the imbalance of capital that moves across our borders, and then it also represents the loss of capital it takes to get that money back into the country... but all the while we become weaker and forced to buy the cheaper products.. making us function like a giant.. Nation of not difference than a NATIONWIDE WAL MART... filled with dollar stores that market Foreign products.. you go to your corner market and there's mass products that are foreign made.. you go to your average dept store and eerything up to 70% or greater of the products are made in China..
and we wonder why we have to work for min. wage.. and the factory jobs are not secure.. and the nature of what is benefits is nearly non existant..
We are not as people paying attention... we not only allow foreign makers to build cars here.. then we let them import them too... so at some point.. how do we think our industry can survive.. we are being flooded within and from without.. and the nature of the standard of living and the expense that it takes to meet that standard do not match.... so we have a mass of society that is living at the poverty level and those above it are living in debt to maintain a level that appears above poverty.. but they can't and don't save and they have not got "THREE months of saving to bail themselves out if an unplanned emergency happens.. it's maybe they are one to two pay checks ahead of being bankrupt..
and now they say... OH... you have a 401K.. well if you can't contribute to it.. then you have " 0 " toward your retirement
We as people must become more aware and not think we can cost any longer on assumption and false presentation of america being and doing well.. just pay attention to your life, your enviornment and the conditions that are in progressive demise... all around you...
there are closed signs all over the place.. and abandon business and shipped away factories..
because our government set the tone for the jobs to be shipped away.. and these fresh out of college kids.. trying to make a name for themselves can only think.. outsource.. to get their pat on the back and line their pockets.. and who sufferers ... is the american citizen. some of these kids never held a job in their life... other than at daddy's friends firm.. and yet they are allowed to run business in this country... it's truly very sad.. they don't even go thru apprentice ship.. they go to executive leadership and the more of them get there the more this country falls and it's values erode.. and we are run by fast talking say nothing.. political correct ambiguity .. in then cover my tushy mode.. of process.. and american
is lost and confused and pulling straws.. and coming up short.
the people who make the most off of turning our nation into a retail shop for foreign products.. they don't buy that crap.. you don't see any high level executives in Wal mart.. or any dollar store.. they want quality.. they search out and find.. quality American products that last and only deal with foreign products that are not flooding the general market..
they don't and won't let their hired help even shop at these places and bring this stuff in their home..
Truly the Nation should boycott ... Wal mart.. until they began to sell ""50% AMERICAN PRODUCTS MADE IN AMERICA""".. in their stores..
you go in there and you almost can't find a product made in America.. but they want to push the illusion they are Americas greatest friend..
they run our american farmers who supply our Brookshires and our Krogers out of Business with their SOUTH AMERICAN vegetable section...
AND THEN BID OUR FARMERS DOWN TO THE LOWEST .. NO PROFIT MARGIN".... which causes our farmers to be strapped and then require government subsiding to remain in business.. by getting our tax money.. just to say they exist..
Saturday, September 29, 2007
how do we fix it..
becase of lack of jobs.. and the nature of simply low paying jobs... that's a reality to anyone no matter what their color is..
look around.. Shreveport is not brimming over with jobs.. and the jobs that are here are either in the hospitals or at the GM plant and a few others.. and many of the retirement age people are not going to leave their jobs and open that up to the next generation of people..
so the job sector is not functional.. for the city.. regardless what color it's people are.
some people fail to grasp.. not just blacks but whites as well do not prosper when their job scene is just enough to pay rent and eat and maybe provide transportation...
I see many whites in stores with WIC coupons.. and driving broken down auto's and living in various broken communities or trailers either in a park or in a rural area... ins various states of maintenance..
and it's not like they can modify and even improve their home .. when the home is falling down and they can't get a loan to fix it.
and none of these people "NONE" of them black nor white.. want to live and have no opportunities.. and what does that equate to.. in real life..
it means people who are struggling to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.. rarely have the time nor the mindset of hope to even envision school.. as an avenue.. they face daily a struggle just to maintain.. " that's reality"... they may silently dream.. of such but they dare not face that dream for the fear of the obstacles they see real or imagined... but they don't see the avenue of hope.
we as people.. when we get something or accomplish something we get stupid.. and our self inflated self.. does not allow the mental awareness of how deep compassion must exist and go to understand... we just assume..
well I did it ... so can the next.. but what many of us fail to look at .. is the help... and most don't acknowledge the natures of help they get.. they are too busy trying to assume they did it on their own... but no one get's or does anything without help.... but the non gratitude of mind of some will not allow them to give nor acknowledge what of help they have received along their ways of life.. and all the time that help is not in the form of money.. it's in other forms of support... but .. not many can move forth with stigmatizations and condemnations.. we all survive and prosper.. thru .. encouragement... and various realms of support...
but, people rarely know what is compassion and how is compassion and what of depth that it .. exist... and how much of it... is involved in their success...
we are blind to so much.... in our urgency to assess ... and rate and judge those less fortunate..and less of success and those who are in more dire situations.
we have people of all races spend money to look and have things that make them feel they are progressive.... or they have something.. so they connect their self worth to something.. so what sometimes may look like flash and bling to someone else.. may just be what another did or acquired to give themselves some feeling of progress..
we have to look beyond what we look at and learn how to see that we may know how to see that we might actually have the ability of seeing..
learning change
some black areas don't get a street sweeper service.. some don't get the curbs painted.. some don't get a whole host of public service.. and they should no more have to beg for it than any other community... but if they don't scream and beg.. then they don't get it.. why??/ becase the community is ignored and left in such a state of diminished maintenance concerns..
the past Mayor.. cared only about the River front, Youree drive and Ellerby area. when Broadmore became more integrated .. the host of services diminished.. it's very evident and highly visible.. the same is true of Highland.. and many other areas.... including Queensborough..
now the mayor we have is saying .. nope ... no more of that BS.. we are going to fix all our areas and not just the river front and Youree and the Ellerby... and the sad thing is he is strapped with trying to clean up years of a biased mess.. that was created by the pre segregationist mindset that of how the city was managed and maintained..
but that is how racism has affected the city.. but it takes thinking to see it for what it is..
when the whites started to build suburbia's ... all the city managment and resources left the city for the suburbs... and when the suburbs became intergrated .. the resources left that section.. prime example is southern hills... there was not need to close the mall.. but the fact is .. the usage of it had become very much minority.. and they claimed any and every reason to close it.. so the focus could move to Youree.. but they did not put in the resources to fix nor stabilize the problems in southern hills.. it was left to fester and give more reason to declare it in demise.. becase the demographic's has shifted...
it does not take a genuis to see this... it's been repeated since the late 1940's.. and .. as the demographic change.. they will build.. on the back side of Ellerby.. if there was an administration in office that .. was all white and with the same mindset... they'd try to move everything further to areas that are predominantly white. and then they'd attach any and every negativism on the previous area.. to claim that blacks are the cause.. when the real cause is shifting usage of public funds, and diminished maintenance.. and a conscience effort to move... investments and funding and policing away from the area.
but now we have a change in administration.. the matter is.. it's a great deal of work to rebuild what other's have put in place to be declared demolition worthy.... and put much to cover that nature of motive... to undo that thaks a great deal of work.. and it may take three terms of mayorial service to change this..
whites cannot choose who is a black leader..
the only thing they can tell you.. is what they think of who will make the black community meet the standards that white think it should meet to assimilate itself into a format that whites desire it to be.. which has nothing to do with respect of black people and the nature of black people.. but more with how whites would like to see blacks model them..
but what they fail to see .. is that whites are not a designated model for black communities, and not even for all white communities...
but these are people who care to try to mold the world to their expectations, and disrespect anything and anyone and any awareness to the fact.. they are not a shining example that other's are craving to follow..
but sad to say.. that is not unlike the Jim crow concept.. of designing and setting a parameter for the conduct and nature of how blacks live.. and then imposing laws, attitudes and assumptions and attaching their stigma of dictated judgments upon and about the black community.. and insulting and assaulting any leader in the black community that stand for self determination, and self realization and thru acts of collective assimilation to stand for their cause of such and to stand against any and all acts that show unfair and biased nature of enactments upon and or against blacks.
but if you think back .. to the grooming that was instituted during the Jim crow mentality.. blacks were not suppose to think, they were not suppose to question whites and they were suppose to assume that white statements of determination was suppose to be rule, fact and declaration..
most of these people don't even think deep enough into how they became to have such a twisted concept of life and people and reality... to assume the position that they are living in a world where they can continue with their " white is right " concept.. and they are of many.. afraid to look into it for fear they have to face the fact that the " white is right" is ACTUALLY a fallacy... based on a supremacy concept that is a left over remnant of post slavery.. mentality.. where they did not want to face, accept nor relinquish the assumption they were the better people.. and so it just has it mutations of sorts.. that many still want in every way imaginable to continue to covertly and sub-consciencely... assume they are the " white is right" models..
if you will note.. no matter at every turn.. when they can force that down the throats of other.. their next act is to .. demean, discredit, and deny and degrade.. but that is and was the tools of slaver's to keep people down and keep them diminished.. and these elements are still trying to be employed by as you can see .. many many within this site.. and even more in the walking presence of everyday living.
but, they refuse to look at themselves.. and their refusal is with the same obstinacy as they refused to accept the laws which had to be imposed to curtail their obsessive actions of try and seeking to be and making efforts to be superior and dominant and dominating.. and neglecting the right and privileged of others.... and they ( many) still refuse to look at themselves.. so the laws have to be continually enforced upon and against them... and they continually have to be called on their BS.. and when they are called.. they go into a rage to try and attack, assualt, demean , deny and degrade.. and any act they can imagine .. to try and debilitate and even obliterate... those who call them on their BS..
one of the rules that jim crow tried to impose .. was that a black, was to never imply, state or act in any way to signify that a white was lying or wrong.. and they think this rule is functional today... and it's not and never ever will be... but that does not stop many whites from .. taking actions of warfare like motivations.. when they are presented with the realization their are seen to lie, cheat, be wrong, and malicious and even of ignorance in their stand or stance on things. but they can't see the root of that.. is so heavily connected to the supremacy concept.. more than it's connected to what is an individual.
it's actually very sad ... that people can be so blind unto and of themselves.
Friday, September 28, 2007
EAsy Living

[B]Easy Living...[/B]
an interesting question...
The easiest way to live is to appreciate..
but the hard thing is to learn how to appreciate...
many think they do .. but there's a distinction in appreciation and taking something for granted and selfishly using something and assuming something will yeild to your satisfactions.
appreciation takes everything that a person is.. in order to be able to do it.. but it also means accepting one's own faults, short-coming and all else that is within that arena.
it takes compassion.. that must stand along with passion.. it take knowing lies that stand along with learning truth..
it takes everything.. and most of certain it takes "ATTENTION".. but then one has to be of awareness of how to utilize attention..
and in that utility it takes hope to understand how.. it takes faith to know why.....
are you sure you can handle easy living ???
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
the trips of the """ bargaining"" - "Life"
you don't think all these girls pose with their but in the air, sitting with their leg's slightly apart, or some butt high skrit, while she stand on her tip toes with her back facing the camera..and the one's who do all they can to get a picture of the breast in the clip..
and the minute you say something she don't like or she don't get her way.. " they pull the "I'm female card "" on you..
there is not a woman in this site.. that does not have buried in her mind.. that no matter what a guy says.. as long as she has the control over her panties coming off... she could care less of what you say or think... becase she has it ingrained that if you want her out of her panties.. then she is going to get her way..
that's why they are so afraid of someone lying to them... because they know just as they play that game.. that since she plays it... then a guy can and some do play that game with them and give them the lie they are looking for to match with her game of manipulations of expecting to get her way and her conditions met..
" they both get what they deserve" !!!
she gets the illusion that she has manipulated things to her advantage by bargaining the panties by conditions and expectations.. and he gets manipulated while he will lie to get to it since he knows how selfish her conditions and expectations really are in the truth of the matter and reality of the situation...
women will forever be with that bargain mentality.. and that expectation mentality and they will forever have that directly connected to her panties.. tha's what the whole of the economics and the advertising media bases their promotions upon... and that's exactly what they use..
so everything tells her.. that her panties are the issue.. and that she can bargain to her whims desire for them..
men run around talking about he's this and he's that.. and pushing images that he know damn well when temptation strikes he don't believe that anymore than she does.. and some women only see it as a challenge to see how quick they can break down that pretense of wall of image that he presents.. and she knows that .. if she can create enough desire in him to want her.. he will make any and every concession that she implies will get her out of her panties..
so they play the game..
people are people the world over...and no one is as devoted to anyone as they claim... maybe they may think that it's some undying love.. but that has found out more in reality to be .. true.. as long as people get what they want.
and the world has a stage of divorces to prove that fact.
we are the greatest bullshiters that have ever walked..
and man and woman will use sex and what ever they can to get sex, manipulate, bargain and cajole another .. as long as they can.. and when the game does not work they argue at the other.. becase their game did not work... until they figure out another angle of approach, assault, or attack.. and when they got all they want.. or the game gets too intense.. they go and find another game object... and start the cycle again.. and it's all fueled by INFATUATIONS" as to whom they choose to play and enact this cycle with or upon.
love is just the cycle of fantasy that is built up around infactuation..
and people only care about others.. as long as those other give and do to meet what they have desired..
now beyond that.. there is the basic humanity reality of care.. but it has it's limits.. until one is required to give what they don't want to give... or that their giving is not getting them the return they expect..
and it comes down to the business of life.. and the business of relating in life..
so it's a matter of simply appreciate what you appreciate .. becase when you don't.. the only thing you want is for that person to get away from you, or you go thru your trips to get away from them..
and no matter how much pleasure sex gave or how much that claim of love is purported to be or have been.. the wall of discord comes up.. based on any and everything that .. a person surmises to be .. failed bargains.. and undelivered expectations..
and people find a way to dis-associate themselves with each other.
what do you see
I see "whites just like black" ... stressed at the cost of things.. I see the older people on fixed income .. "whites and black".. having a hard choice between food and medicine.. and trying to buy the least expensive items to insure they can eat... ( and getting as a result the worst nutritional stuff on the market).. because they can't afford anything different. )
I see whites just like blacks.. that are not with a ready smile on their faces.. becase they deal with the challenges of life.. everyday... many seniors, their choices are limited.. do I buy gas for the car... or have my grass cut.. do I buy canned food, or can I have meat one day a week. do I save 10 dollars for an emergency of can I at least rent a movie... do I try to paint my house cause the paint is peeling, or do I try to keep liability insurance on my car so I have transportation. so many many things..
and things are not getting any better... it's getting worst.. many people who had once looked forward to retirement, only to find that the 700$ they were once getting, does not pay for the expense of living today..
there is no thought of vacation or recreation... it's nothing but.. I can get cable,, but I have to settle for basic cable.. to at least watch something more than 3 channel of news. because local reception is no good , unless it comes thru cable.
these are everyday choices that let people know how despaired they are.. and so many just sit home and go to church and in the middle pray about much.
these things are real... this situation is the same for blacks and whites..
jobs don't want to hire anyone over 50.. becase they can get kids who know nothing about benefits and retirement funds. Jobs with people who have over 20 years trying to figure out how to get rid of them.. becase they know as people age they cost more medically.
all these things are part of what's real.. and people don't stop to think,, it's all these things within the mind that make the racial issue just become something to divert their attention to .. to find something to blame..
white blame blacks for what they don't have or the not having a means to get it.... black blame white thinking they put up roadblocks..
and we as people... are all in a desparity of what is life in the nation of america.... and then we hear on the news.. how much money this country gives away, spend on a pointless war.. that has caused the price of everything to increase...
and we don't know what to make of it all between the one sided lies that the government tells..
they know if they show the true pictures of what happens in Iraq.. the people will be outraged and demand an IMMEDIATE end to the silliness of this war.. so they pay prod, and intimidate the media to not show the real images of the horror of this war... so we get a "all's well water-down version of it"... and then a lot of flab telling us it's a good thing. We live in a nation that lies to it's people.. and give us half truths, and paint the rest of the world as evil.. when we are a nation that is engaging and spending to promote the ongoing of this evil..
and as a result the whole of our nations has lost it's integrity, it has lost respect around the globe, and we are viewed as a nation of arrogance.. thinking it is the world police.. and it's falling apart at the seams..
open your eyes II
consider this:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates will ask Congress on
####Wednesday to approve nearly $190 billion#####
for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2008, increasing initial projections by more than a third.
In remarks prepared for a Senate hearing, Gates says the extra money is necessary to buy vehicles that can protect troops against roadside bombs, refurbish equipment worn down by combat and consolidate U.S. bases in Iraq. A copy of the remarks was obtained by The Associated Press.
####In February, Bush requested $141.7 billion for the wars ####
Gates says another $42 billion is needed to cover additional requirements. The extra money includes:
* $11 billion to field another 7,000 MRAP vehicles in addition to the 8,000 already planned;
* $9 billion to reconstitute equipment and technology;
* $6 billion for training and equipment of troops;
* $1 billion to improve U.S. facilities in the region and consolidate bases in Iraq;
* $1 billion to train and equip Iraqi security forces
; officials said at the time the figure was only **a rough estimate and could climb*** . In July, the Defense Department asked Congress for
####another $5.3 billion #####
to buy 1,500 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.
this DUMB president... is breaking this country.. and people seem not to have one inkling of concern..
over 23,000 people have been damaged with missing limbs and any other kind of ailment..
over 3,000 have been killed..
and the whole country of IRAQ is destroyed, and there will be countless Billions to rebuild it..
and we are worried about someone making a few dollars here.. it's pure madness..
people don't want to pay attention.. to the fact we have the DUMBEST PRESIDENT THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER KNOWN.. and he has destroyed everything that he could tough.. and made AMERICA the biggest terrorist organization in the world..
ANYONE THAT DOES NOT DO WHAT HE WANTS HE "" threatens them with sanction" now if that is not terrorism at his highest level.. then they need to develop a new word for what is a terrorist..
this man has made America a hell hole.. and since that time the racial problem has increased becase everyone is strapped for money, the issue has become something that no one tripped about until this IDIOT of a president came into to office and got us in a war..
blacks and whites are dying together over there, but his Stupid ASS could not say anything more about JENA other than it's sad...
people are not paying attention.. and to think we have another WHOLE year of this fool.. by the time he leaves office..there may not even be an America.
open your eyes.
we are strapped with high fuel cost, and low wages, and shipped away industry, and they are continue to make pledges that give away money that Americans have yet to earn.. they have pledged the money that your yet unborn grandchildren will earn... and we sit back while the most foolish man ever to sit in the office of presidency continues to destroy this country..
don't be under any illusion.. AMERICA will never regain what has been lost.. NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!! the world at large is continuing to advance and develop.. and we are at a process of REGRESSION in every element of what is America..
there is not turn around.. ABSOLUTELY NONE.. that may be frightening to think or acknowledge.. but it is EVIDENT.
no country has even regain it's dominance once it has been lost.. and this is the reality of what is America
Every system in this country is broken... and in decline.. from education to employment, from street social programs... and we have a fool in office that lied to try and get the money from social security and medicare to pump into his war machine..
Haliburton ripped off the nation, and now wants to move to a non extradition country.. so when the tally is done .. they cannot be called on the carpet...
people I'd really think even though it may be a bore to some to do so.. but you had best start paying attention to the national crisis that this country is in.. This is not something that will fade away... Other nations just bide their time.. becase they know within time our weakness will cause and implosion within this country and it's building in every arena..
THEN THEY CREATED THE FALSE EQUITY IN HOME .. TO GIVE THE ILLUSION THAT THE ECONOMY WAS STRONG, AND now.. all those things have shown to be FAKE.... and as a result we have a country that the lending institution's are crippled and the truth of fact is real.. that was a smoke screen of delusional imagery of a prospering economy..
We have the real ""anti Christ"" ... sitting in the highest office in this country...
$9 trillion gross national debt is owed by the "General Fund." That's the part funded by our income taxes. Half of that goes for the military and to pay interest on the debt. Fortunately two huge parts of the budget, Social Security and Medicare, are running huge surpluses.
he has lied... about social security.. and if people are not paying attention.. he will BORROW AGAIST IT AND MEDICARE FOR 'his " war.. it's not our war.. it's HIS WAR..
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BUSH WATCH...BUSH LIES...............
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In the Bush administration "the negation of truth is so systematic. Dishonest accounting, willful scientific illiteracy, bowdlerized federal fact sheets, payola paid to putative journalists, 'news' networks run by right-wing apparatchiks, think tanks devoted to propaganda rather than thought, the purging of intelligence gatherers and experts throughout the bureaucracy whose findings might refute the party line -- this is the machinery of mendacity...The point here is not the hypocrisy involved, though that is egregious. The point is the downgrading of truth and honesty from principles with universal meaning to partisan weapons to be sheathed or drawn as necessary. No wonder the Bush administration feels no compunction to honor the truth or seek it; it conceives truth as a tactic, valuable only insofar as it is useful against one's enemies." Russ Rymer
Bush Lies In State Of The Union Speech
Bush: "By the year 2042, the entire [social security] system would be exhausted and bankrupt."
In what the BBC calls "highly unusual," a State of the Union Speech was interrupted by a chorus of "No's," booing, and heckles from some of the members of Congress in attendance. This happened immediately after the above Bush lie. As Shields mentioned on the PBS wrap-up, and as Brooks concurred, if adjustments are not made, by 2042, as they have been made before, 3/4 of the funds promised would still be available. The entire system would neither be exhausted nor bankrupt. -- Politex, 02.03.05
don't believe what you news commentators tell you about people of the foreign lands.. they are trying to defend themselves against someone who has set out to destroy their way of life and think that he can change them to be like America.. and that will never happen in this lifetime... and the man just does not get it..
he could have simply made out immigration and our borders safe with the ""multi""" TRILLIONs of dollars he has spent on this war.
but .. he and his buddies knew they could make money off of creating war... that was the only option he could see.. when he messed up the country... he resorted to war... as the biggest business of the world...
and we have been blindsided.. by our lack of awareness and our willingness to believer Bull-nuts..
Sunday, September 23, 2007
"what: ??????
then how a woman can grow life within herself..
then how women could indulge sex without stop if she choose where a man would find his limits quick and short on the ability to indulge relative to time span.
man looks at his organ and cannot see nor know the scope and depth and expanse of the womans organ.. and by no means can he physically " fill up" the sexual opening of woman... and he is baffled..
so by any and every mental method he has tried to dominate her mentally for every aspect that he cannot meet with dominance of her physically.
so man has tried every method to contain woman to compensate for his own insecurities..
rather than simply appreciate the natural difference which make what is woman and which make him what is man.
inquiring about Love.
if and as love being everything, then it is composed of that which is sweet to the taste of one's being as well bitter to the taste of one's being..
we fancy situation and mental images of depictions that the mind can draw into associations.. then confound it with moralistic segmentations, and religious formulations.. and then they pit one in measurment against another... then when they encounter something that fits neither they are then in contest or contempt .. and so much effort is spent into the drive to re-assimilate others.. that attitudes are formed and motivations are skewed into all manners of espionage and covert activities.. and this is just in the realm of the individual... which them become mob driven by communities and societies..
and that who's way is better .. take more time and space.. and people result to have the mental little neat boxes of what is love, and what love is.. and how is loving and how loving is conducted..
it's pure madness.. the drive of man to want to know what is right .. and claim himself to be more right than the nature of life and the expanse of what makes up living.. which becomes .. what life is..
people are chasing a romantic fantasy.. and remains delusioned and disillusioned and dis-satisfied with themselves.. by the constrictions .. IMPLIED.. by disposition of others, and community and the over view of what is civil..
and that has a basis of what philosophical MODEL it aspires to conform unto, and morph itself into.
WHEN simplicity is .. you deal with what is before you as it's before you and whom you are with.. and you two find out what works for you and what it is that is satisfying in your engagements.. that does not harm physically another being.... "you have not control" over what other's let affect their mental disposition.
all that is in and of creation has it's elements of beauty and peril.. it matters how one cares to respect what exist for and of it's natural properties..
simple example.. Water will not drown you" but it will allow you to drown yourself if you disrespect it's properties and not know what are you limits of capability, and the failure to make adjustments to support your limitations of natural ability by the creations the mind can devise of how to meet the needed adjustments... if one cares to stay within the water. otherwise.. you get in do what you do within your capabilities and with respect unto wht is water.. and you get out.
as it's said... a pleasure is no longer a pleasure when one does not know how or when to leave it.. that it may remain a pleasure.
so comes the realization of what is moderation.
and man.. must by the forces of lifes truth of it's principals manage his moderations of indulgence in and of "all things"...
then so is love... yielding what is loving.. that it may be enjoyed.. and it's bitter parts may be encompassed and various levels of tolerance will govern how it's ingested or enteracted with, upon and thru.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
can you ask yourself this question... ??
things we think are nothing mean so much more to some whom, when they can return home and give their family something.. they showed some girls who returned to their home and they were so proud they could take things to their family.. and they family was very joyful and proud... of what ever they got.. and to see what these people go thru to get what they get is very stressful.. even to look at , and they have to deal with it day after day..
they are very Humble people.. and very gracious.. and their will to work is very strong, and yet many can't lift themselves from their situation.. I would not have a problem helping a girl that I like who is honest and truly trying to make it in life..
do we see that .. these items we go and pay 40 dollars for.. a worker may have made a $1.00 to produce it.. maybe even in some cases less, maybe in some cases a little bit more..
so when we think... Oh she's pretty and such.. then think too of the thousands who may be not as pretty who is too working very hard but is unseen.. and un thought of... and may too be pretty... if she could just get seen... to be where other's could appreciate here..
I think the world profiting off the hardship of people is very very sad.. and no one goes back to give to these people... why does a company like Nike and such.. go back give a yearly bonus to the people.. why not any company go back and do something.. you've by then made your money... go back and improve the work conditions and the life style of the employees..
why don't the companies set up internet for the many people in these factories that supply them so much... but there are many people living in domitory style life systems.. just to insure they can maintain a job..
We as a world may need to look... and find ways to help this problem.. not prepare to go and re-create it in Cambodia and then Africa, India and etc..
Are we doing nothing more than enslaving people and yet .. it is true it helped them in the over all.. but must we pay them so close to nothing, for the things we attach so much value unto...
we may care to look at ourselves and if we look deeply we can see each worker.. is within our heart if we acknowledge they are too us.. and we must come to know how to respect that part of us... and demand they get value for what we value..
or we define ourselves as mere systematical users of others.
what does the thought arouse..and if so .. what can you think of that may help the situation... on a small or large scale.. and are you willing to do what you think will help..
that's about all the nature of the post is asking..
whom are you and what are you willing to do for others.. who provide what makes your life .. the thing of many elements and stuff that you value. ??
an interesting question[/B] >>>
can you ask yourself this question... ??
if so what does it make you think ??
will it make you simply appreciate other's more, even of that which you don't know of their hardships and their challenges ??
A better tommorrow
speak gently to those whom you pass and be of care in your thoughts about those whom you've passed along the paths of life..
we each make our journey and find our steps take us thru many things..
but with the spirt of hope.. those steps can find a great future ... in what is and will be
tomorrow.. but it must be appreciated... Today.
Friday, September 21, 2007
learning from the past.. is a wise thing for a better future

to understand much of the reality of the landscape of the social climate..
you may look at this element .. and it will enlighten you to some of the ideas that are
present in the society of today..
and it will show the wise and intelligent .. what are the challenges.
Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-Black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. Jim Crow represented the legitimization of anti-Black racism. Many Christian ministers and theologians taught that Whites were the Chosen people, Blacks were cursed to be servants, and God supported racial segregation. Craniologists, eugenicists, phrenologists, and Social Darwinists, at every educational level, buttressed the belief that Blacks were innately intellectually and culturally inferior to Whites. Pro-segregation politicians gave eloquent speeches on the great danger of integration: the mongrelization of the White race. Newspaper and magazine writers routinely referred to Blacks as niggers, coons, and darkies; and worse, their articles reinforced anti-Black stereotypes. Even children's games portrayed Blacks as inferior beings . All major societal institutions reflected and supported the oppression of Blacks.
The Jim Crow system was undergirded by the following beliefs or rationalizations: Whites were superior to Blacks in all important ways, including but not limited to intelligence, morality, and civilized behavior; sexual relations between Blacks and Whites would produce a mongrel race which would destroy America; treating Blacks as equals would encourage interracial sexual unions; any activity which suggested social equality encouraged interracial sexual relations; if necessary, violence must be used to keep Blacks at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. The following Jim Crow etiquette norms show how inclusive and pervasive these norms were:
- A Black male could not offer his hand (to shake hands) with a White male because it implied being socially equal. Obviously, a Black male could not offer his hand or any other part of his body to a White woman, because he risked being accused of rape.
- Blacks and Whites were not supposed to eat together. If they did eat together, Whites were to be served first, and some sort of partition was to be placed between them.
- Under no circumstance was a Black male to offer to light the cigarette of a White female -- that gesture implied intimacy.
- Blacks were not allowed to show public affection toward one another in public, especially kissing, because it offended Whites.
- Jim Crow etiquette prescribed that Blacks were introduced to Whites, never Whites to Blacks. For example: "Mr. Peters (the White person), this is Charlie (the Black person), that I spoke to you about."
- Whites did not use courtesy titles of respect when referring to Blacks, for example, Mr., Mrs., Miss., Sir, or Ma'am. Instead, Blacks were called by their first names. Blacks had to use courtesy titles when referring to Whites, and were not allowed to call them by their first names.
- If a Black person rode in a car driven by a White person, the Black person sat in the back seat, or the back of a truck.
- White motorists had the right-of-way at all intersections.
Stetson Kennedy, the author of Jim Crow Guide, offered these simple rules that Blacks were supposed to observe in conversing with Whites:
- Never assert or even intimate that a White person is lying.
- Never impute dishonorable intentions to a White person.
- Never suggest that a White person is from an inferior class.
- Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.
- Never curse a White person.
- Never laugh derisively at a White person.
- Never comment upon the appearance of a White female.1
In 1890, Louisiana passed the "Separate Car Law," which purported to aid passenger comfort by creating "equal but separate" cars for Blacks and Whites. This was a ruse. No public accommodations, including railway travel, provided Blacks with equal facilities. The Louisiana law made it illegal for Blacks to sit in coach seats reserved for Whites, and Whites could not sit in seats reserved for Blacks. In 1891, a group of Blacks decided to test the Jim Crow law. They had Homer A. Plessy, who was seven-eights White and one-eighth Black (therefore, Black), sit in the White-only railroad coach. He was arrested. Plessy's lawyer argued that Louisiana did not have the right to label one citizen as White and another Black for the purposes of restricting their rights and privileges. In Plessy, the Supreme Court stated that so long as state governments provided legal process and legal freedoms for Blacks, equal to those of Whites, they could maintain separate institutions to facilitate these rights. The Court, by a 7-2 vote, upheld the Louisiana law, declaring that racial separation did not necessarily mean an abrogation of equality. In practice, Plessy represented the legitimization of two societies: one White, and advantaged; the other, Black, disadvantaged and despised.
Blacks were denied the right to vote by grandfather clauses (laws that restricted the right to vote to people whose ancestors had voted before the Civil War), poll taxes (fees charged to poor Blacks), white primaries (only Democrats could vote, only Whites could be Democrats), and literacy tests ("Name all the Vice Presidents and Supreme Court Justices throughout America's history"). Plessy sent this message to southern and border states: Discrimination against Blacks is acceptable.
Jim Crow states passed statutes severely regulating social interactions between the races. Jim Crow signs were placed above water fountains, door entrances and exits, and in front of public facilities. There were separate hospitals for Blacks and Whites, separate prisons, separate public and private schools, separate churches, separate cemeteries, separate public restrooms, and separate public accommodations. In most instances, the Black facilities were grossly inferior -- generally, older, less-well-kept. In other cases, there were no Black facilities -- no Colored public restroom, no public beach, no place to sit or eat. Plessy gave Jim Crow states a legal way to ignore their constitutional obligations to their Black citizens.
Jim Crow laws touched every aspect of everyday life. For example, in 1935, Oklahoma prohibited Blacks and Whites from boating together. Boating implied social equality. In 1905, Georgia established separate parks for Blacks and Whites. In 1930, Birmingham, Alabama, made it illegal for Blacks and Whites to play checkers or dominoes together. Here are some of the typical Jim Crow laws, as compiled by the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site Interpretive Staff:
- Barbers. No colored barber shall serve as a barber (to) white girls or women (Georgia).
- Blind Wards. The board of trustees shall...maintain a separate building...on separate ground for the admission, care, instruction, and support of all blind persons of the colored or black race (Louisiana).
- Burial. The officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored persons upon ground set apart or used for the burial of white persons (Georgia).
- Buses. All passenger stations in this state operated by any motor transportation company shall have separate waiting rooms or space and separate ticket windows for the white and colored races (Alabama).
- Child Custody. It shall be unlawful for any parent, relative, or other white person in this State, having the control or custody of any white child, by right of guardianship, natural or acquired, or otherwise, to dispose of, give or surrender such white child permanently into the custody, control, maintenance, or support, of a negro (South Carolina).
- Education. The schools for white children and the schools for negro children shall be conducted separately (Florida).
- Libraries. The state librarian is directed to fit up and maintain a separate place for the use of the colored people who may come to the library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals (North Carolina).
- Mental Hospitals. The Board of Control shall see that proper and distinct apartments are arranged for said patients, so that in no case shall Negroes and white persons be together (Georgia).
- Militia. The white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, and shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization. No organization of colored troops shall be permitted where white troops are available and where whites are permitted to be organized, colored troops shall be under the command of white officers (North Carolina).
- Nurses. No person or corporation shall require any White female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which negro men are placed (Alabama).
- Prisons. The warden shall see that the white convicts shall have separate apartments for both eating and sleeping from the negro convicts (Mississippi).
- Reform Schools. The children of white and colored races committed to the houses of reform shall be kept entirely separate from each other (Kentucky).
- Teaching. Any instructor who shall teach in any school, college or institution where members of the white and colored race are received and enrolled as pupils for instruction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined... (Oklahoma).
- Wine and Beer. All persons licensed to conduct the business of selling beer or wine...shall serve either white people exclusively or colored people exclusively and shall not sell to the two races within the same room at any time (Georgia).2
Lynchings were public, often sadistic, murders carried out by mobs. Between 1882, when the first reliable data were collected, and 1968, when lynchings had become rare, there were 4,730 known lynchings, including 3,440 Black men and women. Most of the victims of Lynch-Law were hanged or shot, but some were burned at the stake, castrated, beaten with clubs, or dismembered. In the mid-1800s, Whites constituted the majority of victims (and perpetrators); however, by the period of Radical Reconstruction, Blacks became the most frequent lynching victims. This is an early indication that lynching was used as an intimidation tool to keep Blacks, in this case the newly-freedmen, "in their places." The great majority of lynchings occurred in southern and border states, where the resentment against Blacks ran deepest. According to the social economist Gunnar Myrdal: "The southern states account for nine-tenths of the lynchings. More than two thirds of the remaining one-tenth occurred in the six states which immediately border the South."3
Many Whites claimed that although lynchings were distasteful, they were necessary supplements to the criminal justice system because Blacks were prone to violent crimes, especially the rapes of White women. Arthur Raper investigated nearly a century of lynchings and concluded that approximately one-third of all the victims were falsely accused.4
Under Jim Crow any and all sexual interactions between Black men and White women was illegal, illicit, socially repugnant, and within the Jim Crow definition of rape. Although only 19.2 percent of the lynching victims between 1882 to 1951 were even accused of rape, Lynch law was often supported on the popular belief that lynchings were necessary to protect White women from Black rapists. Myrdal refutes this belief in this way: "There is much reason to believe that this figure (19.2) has been inflated by the fact that a mob which makes the accusation of rape is secure from any further investigation; by the broad Southern definition of rape to include all sexual relations between Negro men and white women; and by the psychopathic fears of white women in their contacts with Negro men."5 Most Blacks were lynched for demanding civil rights, violating Jim Crow etiquette or laws, or in the aftermath of race riots.
Lynchings were most common in small and middle-sized towns where Blacks often were economic competitors to the local Whites. These Whites resented any economic and political gains made by Blacks. Lynchers were seldomly arrested, and if arrested, rarely convicted. Raper estimated that "at least one-half of the lynchings are carried out with police officers participating, and that in nine-tenths of the others the officers either condone or wink at the mob action."6 Lynching served many purposes: it was cheap entertainment; it served as a rallying, uniting point for Whites; it functioned as an ego-massage for low-income, low-status Whites; it was a method of defending White domination and helped stop or retard the fledgling social equality movement.
Lynch mobs directed their hatred against one (sometimes several) victims. The victim was an example of what happened to a Black man who tried to vote, or who looked at a White woman, or who tried to get a White man's job. Unfortunately for Blacks, sometimes the mob was not satisfied to murder a single or several victims. Instead, in the spirit of pogroms, the mobs went into Black communities and destroyed additional lives and property. Their immediate goal was to drive out -- through death or expulsion -- all Blacks; the larger goal was to maintain, at all costs, White supremacy. These pogrom-like actions are often referred to as riots; however, Gunnar Myrdal was right when he described these "riots" as "a terrorization or massacre...a mass lynching."7 Interestingly, these mass lynchings were primarily urban phenomena, whereas the lynching of single victims was primarily a rural phenomena.
James Weldon Johnson, the famous Black writer, labeled 1919 as "The Red Summer." It was red from racial tension; it was red from bloodletting. During the summer of 1919, there were race riots in Chicago, Illinois; Knoxville and Nashville, Tennessee; Charleston, South Carolina; Omaha, Nebraska; and two dozen other cities. W.E.B. DuBois, the Black social scientist and civil rights activist, wrote: "During that year seventy-seven Negroes were lynched, of whom one was a woman and eleven were soldiers; of these, fourteen were publicly burned, eleven of them being burned alive. That year there were race riots large and small in twenty-six American cities including thirty-eight killed in a Chicago riot of August; from twenty-five to fifty in Phillips County, Arkansas; and six killed in Washington."8
The riots of 1919 were not the first or last "mass lynchings" of Blacks, as evidenced by the race riots in Wilmington, North Carolina (1898); Atlanta, Georgia (1906); Springfield, Illinois (1908); East St. Louis, Illinois (1917); Tulsa, Oklahoma (1921); and Detroit, Michigan (1943). Joseph Boskin, author of Urban Racial Violence, claimed that the riots of the 1900s had the following traits:
- In each of the race riots, with few exceptions, it was White people that sparked the incident by attacking Black people.
- In the majority of the riots, some extraordinary social condition prevailed at the time of the riot: prewar social changes, wartime mobility, post-war adjustment, or economic depression.
- The majority of the riots occurred during the hot summer months.
- Rumor played an extremely important role in causing many riots. Rumors of some criminal activity by Blacks against Whites perpetuated the actions of the White mobs.
- The police force, more than any other institution, was invariably involved as a precipitating cause or perpetuating factor in the riots. In almost every one of the riots, the police sided with the attackers, either by actually participating in, or by failing to quell the attack.
- In almost every instance, the fighting occurred within the Black community.9
Boskin omitted the following: the mass media, especially newspapers often published inflammatory articles about "Black criminals" immediately before the riots; Blacks were not only killed, but their homes and businesses were looted, and many who did not flee were left homeless; and, the goal of the White rioters, as was true of White lynchers of single victims, was to instill fear and terror into Blacks, thereby buttressing White domination. The Jim Crow hierarchy could not work without violence being used against those on the bottom rung. George Fredrickson, a historian, stated it this way: "Lynching represented...a way of using fear and terror to check 'dangerous' tendencies in a black community considered to be ineffectively regimented or supervised. As such it constituted a confession that the regular institutions of a segregated society provided an inadequate measure of day-to-day control."10
Many Blacks resisted the indignities of Jim Crow, and, far too often, they paid for their bravery with their lives.© Dr. David Pilgrim, Professor of Sociology
Ferris State University
Sept., 2000
Friday, September 14, 2007
be of care with your footprints
some of the people who visit the forum.. have very fixed views on many things.. and it probably gives them their sense of stability...
but for those of us who know that stability can become instability as we have no control over the quaking of the earth.. which affects all life..and the revolving of it.. will continually bring the waves to crash to the shore and the vibrations with move even if un-noticed.. and that effects and affects change..
but we know in a site as such many people are in pursuit of their concept of love and like to see it in a generic format.. but that crashes immediately upon interacting and thus the individual differences present themselvs of what is a person.. and they quickly find deluding frames that fade in and fade out about what is love and what is within loving..
and that's where the selfishness of individual.. set and place.. particulars and some have very limited flexibility in such placements and even more rigidity in their particulars... and they are not willing to see within such.. to distinguish what is " selfishness...
so.. as with much .. some like to beat things into submission... only to find they have destroyed it's integrity with each blow.. and they have as a result a blob of something that is un-recogonizable to even themselves.,.. and too.. they will deny their own tyrannical realism of themselves... and just go seeking another that will accept their blows
and they leave footprints.. that.. lead back into a circle that really never had a destination from the start.. beyond .. selfish satisfaction... of simply being in motion.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
comments about the discussion on "Jena" #1
Office of the Governor
Attn: Constituent Services
P.O. Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9004
Facsimile: 225-342-7099
Candidate B. Alexandrenko
Candidate Walter J. Boasso
Candidate Foster L. Campbell
Candidate Vincent Mark Castillo
Candidate Sheldon Forest
Candidate Anthony "Tony G" Gentile
Candidate John Georges
Candidate T. Lee Horne, III
Candidate Piyush "Bobby" Jindal
Candidate M. V. "Vinny" Mendoza
Candidate Arthur D. "Jim" Nichols
Candidate Hardy Parkerson
Candidate Mary Volentine Smith
this is quite a few people that want to Lead this state.. and none of them are even remotely addressing this issue... and the sad reality is... there is a lot of talk about this and that in this site.. but none seem to be with a concern that people who want to Lead this state .. have the slightest bit of concern about this issue..
so we get what we represent.. and we .. are about to get some people who we don't hold accountable to be proactive and address real and in the community issues..
so what does that really tell us about ourselves... do we just like to do a lot of talk and name calling in anonymity of a web site.. or do we actually have a real concern about this State , it's people and its issues..
and ... It's probably sadly to say... than many are no more than "inciter typist" .. who's greatest thrill comes from slandering each other and name calling and venting their deep-seated racism mentality ... that simmer within the confines of their mind as hatred.. looking for an outlet to show itself.. and have not the least remote concept .. that htis matter.. has revealed.. not just racism.. but a Leaderless State.. and a State with Leaders that are not connected to it's people nor the issues that divide it's people..
we exemplify no more than a mob mentality of loudmouths.. that after a day of screaming... fall behind the TV screen waiting on some more tidbits for excitement and mental agitations...
none have proposed any remedy nor method to seek remedy.. only a lot of blame slings and aspirations to secure entitlements ... that only further a racial divide.. and some type so proudly to demonstrate their level of investment in insuring that racism continues..
comments about the discussion on "Jena" #5
are you satisfied just to come on here and claim the problems is blacks, or claim the problem is whites??
is that what you whole concept of living is all about.. ???
do you see a broader problem here than that..??
have you ever stopped to think how much more fueled racism becomes when the economy get's worst.??
is it simply because .. everyone is struggling to find out how to pay their bills.. and the jobs are gone, the industry is cutting back, and the services that are offered as insufficient to meet the needs of service requested..// becase labor has been cut.. and the CEO and managment has had their salary increased, and their retirement insured.. but you... you are having your retirement. converted to 401K and if you pay nothing you get nothing.. so do you buy enough groceries to last till pay day.. or do you contribute 10% to 401K.. Opps... now .. what about church.. there's just not enough income left to make that contribution and suddenly.. they church sends a note saying you are subject to be dropped as a member for lack of dues payment..
yep.. these things do happen..
So this issue is bigger than just the kids. fighting.. it's the things that anger and agitate the families in their homes .. of which the kids hear.. while the family is talking and talking... seeking someone to blame... and then they get down to blaming it on racial elements..
but the same element is true in the black home as the white home... they want to pay their bills , to eat and have some of the same options of life and recreations and substance's of sorts... as in the white homes..
and the disparity.. is in both sectors.. and the stresses that come along with it..
so where in this is this not an item for State leadership to address.. when it can be as it is.. a deterrent to any income creation industry to come to our areas.. or even our state.. becase our strife has boiled over in the streets and exhibited thru our youth.. into the racist element of conflict..
and lives hang in the balance.. and no one wants to see that the responsibility of this event resides with the parents.. who are the legal voters and representer of the family.. that .. by way of.. allow the leadership in this state to remain absent in performance..
now young lives are torn.. while people call each other everything short of flat out using the "n" word.. and the "h word..
it's pathetic.. and we are the adults... now we must certainly ask ourselves how adult is that.. ??
comments about the discussion on "Jena" #4
"Stop the buck" ... for the next couple weeks.. stop any and all campaign contributions.. Period.. not one penny..!!!! I'll bet the politicians will stop coming out "TELLING you what the issue are.. they will start ASKING you what are the issue..
and the you contribute based on the satisfaction you get.. but ..yes BUT.. require them to demonstrate something.. Take a stand .. a firm and solid stand on something..." and the field will narrow dramatically.. then you can get a few canidate to select from.. this mass of 'wanna be's" are nothing but a circus of confusion..
when these already existing politicians want a higher office.. then .. they need to show .. current FACTUAL STANCE, current FACTUAL proactiction.. that has a positive result that is currently functioning with visible elements that are not just on paper but .. the common people can see.
We've had far too many.. that get bigger than the people they represent.. so much so that you .. the common citizen cannot talk to them.. and if you don't have your name on a list as a BIG DOLLAR contributor to their campaign.. then you don't count... and what amount you do count.. is basically just wispered about.. but not in open chambers..
If we want people who are for the people.. they will show themselves NOW... and if none show.. then you can be assured of what you will get.
some people choose their votes based on what industry they have financial investments within... but the greatest thing you have an investment in is the community of the city, region and state as a place called "homeland of your fellow Americans.".... so ... people it's highly time to think... and do so carefully... and you will find that.. the present canidates.. to date have not shown you very much to think about... except how .. much they avoid the community problems..
so that tells you .. they are out of touch with the people.. and if they are out of touch with the people.. then why are you giving them your hard earned money.. to come up and talk about stuff they've done nothing about.. and have nothing is place that shows they will do anything about anything ...except talk and try and invoke fears and arouse your mental agitations.... and next week ... they are some place smiling at a fund raiser telling jokes.. and if your issue came up as a point of discussion... it would be pushed to the side and played off with laughter. and the news. run sound bits that are meant simply for the entertainment value that current news is.. to secure sponsorship... that pay big dollars by the viewers they can attract... and you as a result get .. as much cycles of .. non informations.. as they can manage to do while still keeping their lips moving.
We as people.. must demand representation as people.. that is of things that concern the people... and then we will know who will and who won't support the bills and legalities that are of concern to the people. some people know one thing.. that a political office will assure them a 'guaranteed retirement"... that's their aim.. and they insure they take no stand on anything that will risk their being short termed and loosing their retirement.. and access to their campaign residuals.. which continues to earn money... while they pad it at every turn.. they have turned it into a busness.. it's no longer public servants.. and what are the concerns of the public are not their main agenda.. they are first and foremost concerned about image, social stature, how prominent are they among their peers..and what and where ... do they stand to avoid being... denoted for taking a firm stand on anything... they can't talk to you.. they have someone to write it out as a scripted line.. or they would not know what to say... and could not stand behind anything that was said.. they may spend a week... to prepare to give you a 3 minute speech about nothing..
so any clown can be and do that.. if chimps had vocal ability.. could they not read a prepared script.. ??? so .. what do we choose to listen to and what do we choose to hear... I care to hear what the person has to say.. not what the speech write has crafted becase it sounds good, and has pauses placed.. where they "wait" for applause...
people we need to get back to what is real government and what is a real public servant... not the hollywood polished actors.. who .. are doing a public performance... at set intervals to keep name recognition alive..
it's time for a new day and a new way.... if you look about your area and see or don't see the dilapidation of the city scape.. the moved away business.. and the struggling business that you don't know if you will have a job next week... but you see.. your city... buying foreign made city equipment.. but that company in your state makes the same equipment, and it's bought with your tax dollar... but your states company is going out of business becase of lack of sales... then .. how much of community service do you think you recieved.
nope .. it's not protectionism.. it's realism... the state should utilize it's industry to service it's cities.. and then utilize the united states as it's next source and then let the federal government.. deal with the mass foreign market... but.. if that logic does not find the minds that can work on that complex issue.. then you are just another region that will be basically outsourced.. and the subject of why is so and so not working.. will continue to be a divisive element of blame slanging..
you had best look, think and ask question... and be of very much care what you buy from those whom slam the media talking about stuff that does absolutely nothing for you.
Insurance reform should be and remain a federal issue.. not a state issue.. becase they don't just work in one state.. they work across the United States.. so that's a very weak platform for a candidate to take and think they are actually saying something. but they can't get the insurer's in the state to pay the claims they collected premiums for and said they would cover...
now that is not the type of governing that I feel is going to do any good for us as people.. and the avoidance of the issue that is about to tear a community town apart.. IS IGNORED LIKE IT'S A PLAGUE THAT IS CONTAGIOUS.. AND MAY BRING HARM TO A CANDIDATE... IF THEY EVEN SPEND TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT..
What's important to you..... ????????????????????????????
comments about the discussion on "Jena" #3
people... please .. pay attention to New Orleans.. that was an event that bared the reality to the nations.. and embarrassed the Administration in every way... and if we live in a place that will not fix what was and is and ongoing embarrassment...
then what do you think they feel.. about .. the racial divide among the people..
they show you what they feel.. " scr*w em"... and they go on about their business.. and .. ignore they have a black eye.. and put on some make up and pretend nothing happened.
the world see us.. and the world get's a broad message from the state of affairs in New Orleans.. and this event in Jena.. not just made the press in this state... It made WORLD WIDE HEADLINES>>>>
and yet.. no State Leaders can nor will say or do anything..
truthfully they can't figure out how to use the billions of $$ they sit on to fix New Orleans.. and they can't even get the simplicity of the insurance companies that people paid premiums to .. to rectify and settle their debts.
they have proven themselves ineffective.. and surely they don't want to touch this issue.. becase it may just seal it without the remotes concept of doubt .. as to how ineffective they are and how they lack the basic elements of leadership..
so we remain a state for the Sake of the Union being 50 state.. but as a unified piece of the landscape of america.. we are the step child.. attached only because they can't figure out how to fully detach us..
comments about the discussion on "Jena" #2
and no business is going to come and invest in the middle of that... and if you were a big business owner .. you would not even consider to come to Louisiana... when you see this mess in the headlines..
it's easier to take the Business to China or give it to Latin America... than to bring it to a state where people can't even get along becase one's skin is different from the other's..
and their Political leaders.. as Absent in the whole of it all... Arrogances and ignorance has no bounds.. and will by the act and fact of it's existence.. omit itself .. from any and all opportunity..
and what we will get is more of the same.. " dried up hick towns with people acting like hicks.. that have not embraced the civil nature that people are people and not lesser nor greater based on their skin color.. and not one more entitled than the other based on skin color..
We don't have political leaders that even have the dignity to get up , stand up and call press conferences to make this statement loud and clear.. to go to the Schools and talk to the youth.. to put on public address special media segments to address this point ...
we live in an age of information and technology.. and they have not even the guts nor the stature to .. collectively pull this together and makes a nations wide or a State wide address.
they can REQUEST TIME ON THE NETWORKS." but to them.. the issues of the people is rally not important.. their focus is on campaign clout, and making the people the suckers who follow the delusion they support.. that are so remotely distant from the things that affect the society, the community and the State..
that's why they are ignorged by the Federal Government and the congress just push this state to the back burner.. bease the State leaders don't know how to keep it on the front burner.. and they address nothing but what they think will give the popular appeal and make them look like a spring rose.. when it's time to spread the manure that it make be like fertilizer and we may be able to grow some beautiful rose during their term as wanting to be the next Governor..
We are living in a democracy.. but we don't act like democrats.. we act like mini tyrants.... and such is always closely considered to be a fool.. that's why they give us foolish driven and foolishly led campaigns.. while real problems are glossed over, ignored , not addressed, and practically they are in their new tennis shoes running as fast as possible from anyone who might even consider suggesting they come and address it..
We accept this weakness in our leaders.. and they consider to give us many examples of just how weak they are over and over and over... and we swallow it.. as if it's a sugar coated plumb.. but find out .. it's really a prune.. and all we get is the "sh*ts"... so we run and wipe our butts.. on our hands... and come back.. wiping our nose and wonder why the smell of sh*t is continually all that we smell. they make that sort of fools out of us.. and we.. just run about happily... griping and name slinging and thinkiing our skin is giving us this and that right.. while they keep us with that infighting.. and plunder the state and any things they can for their gain, ego and greed and feed more discord... and tell us.. Oh by the way...
I supported this bill.... when they know by the time the bill is enacted it's nothing remotely close to what it orginally was.. becase special interest has ripped it and left the delusion of a shell...
kinda like that company that many people work for that has a name.. but everything under it's roof is outsourced, and contracted to sub contractors.. and we say... there is no pride in workmanship... well hnow could there be .. when the stake holders.. have layed off the people who had pride in employment for a national company.. but not it's just a shell that makes it vividly factual.. that you get no benefits from the company itself..
and that's about par for the leadership that we have... simply being a shell of a symbol of and for the people.... and the people are left to name calling and infighting and racist rhetoric...
the sham is exposed.. and what will the viewers actually do.. to redress.. the non accountability and the nature of the State as being leaderless.
shall the fight move back to the streets???? will hooded mauraders ride again.. will there be brutality in the masses... or .. simply a unity to get leaders that can and actually will Lead.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
it's not just about sex.. but drugs, guns and violence and much else that is in this society.
and daily parents are telling their kids from an early age to keep their pants on.. but we see over and over they go to the internet and any other method they can find to enact their urges... I would not even begin to know where the element is that can curb or change this.. we can blame this and blame that and no matter how many places we place or see to blame... it continues.. and the reality is its a two party function... legal and nonlegal.. and it continues.. so what do you people presume to be the fix for it, or do you think it can be fixed..
these are real questions.. and surely they are not question that are liked or desired to confront or face.. but they are there daily and the frequency of it continues to increase...
I doubt that anger and name calling and passing judgments in this site is going to fix the problem or the situation...
so it may be functional to work on what can be done individually to deal with your off springs in knowledge, information and education.. and actually talk to them .. not when they get puberty age.. but you maybe may care to start long before that and make such education a part of their growing lives..
people like to get emotional about stuff and get wound up in the emotions to the point they want to kick some butt... but sadly in our society.. " butt kicking has never been sanctioned".. and it's unlikely that it will. ..
and once something is done .. it can't be undone... so logic would indicate that you impart knowledge and information .. and hope that it sinks in.. becase no matter how it's tried no one.. absolutely no one can make people or kids do things.. you may instill fear to a degree till they reason it into non fear... but you can simply try to give them knowledge and information...
people really don't like the truth.. and they really will fight it.. as if they can raise a perfect child.. but many of these who are priest, teachers and business people.. came from families who evidentially steered them to higher education... but that did not stop them from developing their urges and enacting their desires... so you have to do what you can.. via info and knowledge and try and arouse awareness.. and then you have no alternative other than to trust they will do the right thing and if they don't .. what are you going to do..." disown them"".. riducle them the rest of their lives, or label them something negative the rest of their lives and throw it in their face the rest of their lives..
and that has resulted to just what we have today.. many... youth and young adults and even old adults that don't want to talk to their parents and some don't want to have anything to do with them..
now that's a reality that many care not to comprehend... but sadly it's a reality that is all and far too common in the landscape of life..
prepare your mind for what it is unprepared for and fears to prepare itself for.. becase you never know what life will present as a reality in the life of a person, a parent and a child....
and this fantasy assumption that you are raising and angel.. is merely an illusion.. that you may find shattered.. by the simple act of your off-spiring making a choice that does not meet your expectations... and that is the reality that life continues to present..
there are people who hate their kids becase they did not want to go and be a doctor, or an auto mechanic like pop's and or an attorney like the family legacy has had for years.. or they don't want to be a soldier becase great grand-dad was a veteran.. and people break ties every day behind what they expected for their child to the point they are of many who put condition of their inheritance based on the kid doing what the parent assumes they want them to do or be..
"every household has their set concepts of what raising a child is and how it should be done... and every household face their challenges in what is raising a child... and there is no one.. absolutely no one.. who is gifted with some preformatted method... some have as we discussed the young mother's and they face the same challenges as the so called professional person .. who is raising a child.. and it comes down to the same reality.. each child is an individual.. and each child becomes to be a thinking and decision making individual.. and no two have ever been alike.. and no two ever develops at the same level and rate... nor do they have the same disposition and or character.... people seem to forget that so often... and try and raise them as "generics"... and they tell you in a million ways .. they are individuals and they are continually ignored... maybe people may one day care to see each and every one as an individual and they just might listen... as they grow... or you can try as man do.. to beat them into submission and send them off to camp and boarding schools and even lock them in the house... but what you can't do is control their minds...and trying to do som can build more wrath toward you than anything..
there are kids who plot and kill up the classroom, the teacher and other's.. including they will kill their mother and father and sisters and brothers.. and those acts are increasing by the days.. they are killing themselves at an alarming rate as youth suicide is increased over the past few years... and these are the same age one's that people are more concerned if they are sexually functioning... so you might want to figure out there is a whole person involved in what you term as a "kid".. some of them may even tell you that sex is not in their thoughts or whatever.. just to keep you from judging them.. and will lie and manipulate and do what ever and if they are caught and or exposed.. will take any course that relieves them of the guilt.. and the assessments by any means that is available.. and it still does not mean they did not act by choice, desire and motivation... some of them indulge homosexuality activity right in the home becase that's their choice and option of outlet becase they can do their desire and at the same time do it and remain non suspect and engage all they want .. with the parents unknowing approval.. by bringing their choice of partner home.. and if that what it takes for them to have sex.. and not have to face being judged they will as many do.. make that choice.. and walk right in front of you and put on that innocent face becase they know that's the only way you will accept them and not ridicule them and lay a life long tag on them... kids are people... and people may learn to learn that fact.. and they might learn how to be a parent to a offspring who is actually a individual person... that has a functioning mind.. and "not just " a figurine in the dream sequence that the parent holds in their mind...
and you won't know becase you can't and maybe have not developed enough communication levels to even be privy to their minds concepts or their care to express them with you.. and your fantasy concept of what is a kid is just that.. a fantasy concept born from you many days of thinking that they remain that little baby in your arms years ago... now that is definately a bubble shattering reality for any parent to face.. some can't even face when their kids are ready to go off to college and try and make them attend one close to home .. when the kids probably in some cases can't wait to get as far from home as possible.. they will gravitate back.. when they want to.. when they feel they have established their own identity without the parent trying to impose their without considering what are the thoughts within their offspring..
you people see these video's of girls gone wild.. all those kids come from someone family.. and they came from someone's dictates.. and the world of many variations of indulgences.. they all come thru as someone's kid... and they become to be what they deem they want to be.. and everyone in this life.. looks back as hindsight is more satisfying that forsight.. and think of what maybe they should/could nor maybe not, or should have done differently... and most of those that survive thru it are the one's that are not ridiculed and having it throw in their face at every turn for the rest of their lives.. many of you who claim you got the perfect kids.. may not even know your kid... as they know how to show you what ever face that will make you shut up and leave them alone .. since you don't listen to them. and many of you don't care to listen to them becase you only want to dictate.. your dream sequence.. and some only want to dictate what will make their social image in the community look sparkling.. and kids see this and kids know this and they look at some of you as the biggest hiproctits that ever walked...
so I say that .. simply to say.. think.. and think of more than yourself and more than you dream..when you care to think about your kids.. becase they will not play the script as you've written it for you life.. their life is part of the equation..
these so called image perfect kids that shot up columbine.. were suburban so called from good families.. and we continue to see kids plotting to blow up, bomb and kill and destroy other's by more means that some adults can even dream up... and some will wipe their parents off the map of life... and have that .. I'm innocent look still plastered on their face...
and society runs up.. Oh my little johnny was always so sweet and innocent.. or my little suzie was the perfect little darling.. people are image junkies.. and can't see beyond the image they will go broke for and get in massive debt to project.. and never know the substance of their own off-springs.. but.. all they care is .. they look good to the neighbors.. and the neighbors boast about how good of a parent they are..
how good of a parent are you when your kids don't respect you, don't trust anything you say, consider you a lying person who is filled with hiprocracy, and watch you got thru the many inabilities to deal with complex emotional problems.. and you result is generally.. F it, and I'm not dealing with this... and any other summation that .. shows them that you have a blockage of some sort.. so ... learning is a two way street.. and adjustments in understanding is always a factor.. becase people are so very different and every situation is it's own distinction.. relative to the individual... which .. again brings the point of .. what is communication ..?
and how is it best conducted and how is it achieved.. and how does it function.. in the relationship..
one fact in life.. people develop... puberty is a very intricate element in the life of a human being.. and it remains so until people reach that change of life known as the menopausal state.. and then it takes on a different element of impact.. and once it sets upon and with the life of an individual .. it has it's own natural elements that take affect and effect ...
people try and ignore and deny that.. trying to make their offsprings remain as some sexless being... and nature and the acts and events of life continually tell you that's not a valid assumptions.. but people still have the compulsion to beat it into the submission of such ... and as a result we have a world of people with dysfunctional concepts of sexuality and life and life and the impacting reality of sexuality.. and we have in the adult world.. the continual crumbling of relationships... that 90% of them or maybe even more can be traced back to some wrong way.. concepts about sex and sexuality.. that bring couples to bicker and fight and they don't even know what they are fighting about.. becase their mind will not allow them to even remotely connect the dots.
the world has more things in it that any of can know... and more things than any of will ever know.. and some of it is connected to the motivations within people... and the best we can do .. is .. not put barriers to communication..
but to each his own method ... and pray for the better of outcome.
again.. I will say... bear in mind... that is is just "as relative" to Drug use as it is to Sexual activity... as well as many many other things that are part of the nature of life.. which youth do indulge... so don't make this just a element of sex.. in your perceptions.. consider there are many other things that are a part of the whole of things. as you ponder points
kids know more ways to get more drugs than you even know of types of drugs that exist.. they know it soon as the drug hits the street.. what it is and where to get it.. they even now days know how to make their own.. as well as they know how to make bombs and get guns.. and anything that it strikes them to seek to acquire..