What I'd like to stress even to the parents who read in this forum:
that reading is the Key... it unlocks all doors.. and the investigation and learning of words and the continual learning of words.. reveal a world of things without limits..
I was not the greatest of English student, I did not really like it very much.. but I always liked words and I like their meanings... I will read anything I get even remotely close to.. even in high school my teachers suggest law as a direction for me.. but coming from a family that parents did not really know how to get me in higher education and running into grant delays... I had to gain knowledge by many many many means..and some schooling beyond.. and for ten years or more I took classes and I read anything and everything that the job presented and attended any kind of class offering which they put up... and the interesting thing... is, it's only the tip of the iceberg..
there are various skills that can be missed .. and it's an acquired development to get the mental patience to read.. and it's not always what one would hope it to be.. there are times that the mind just don't want to focus and then there are time that all it wants to do is focus.. but that's life... but there are many who grasp it fully and can read for hours on end... and even think about reading when they are not reading.. I thirst to write... I've stopped on the side of the road just to write and I've rushed home just to write.. and been doing it for 30 yrs...and no matter how much I write, there is always more to write..
I do wish our schools would add in some methods that stage programs for the kids .. in reading and writing.. with the ""same"" spirit that they do for sports. I think it would spark a great spirit in the kids.. we have digital cameras now that could easily for almost no cost.. video they kids even in class room while they read.. and let them collectively review and review and comment on what they can improve, they can study their feelings as they read .. see how, what they read impacts their body language and how they convey feeling and meaning when they read.. and I just think these things will help them ..far and beyond the current model .. they also get to hear themselves read... self awareness and self correction and self performance I think is a logical progression that reading may need to take in schools.. this not only helps their reading, it helps their speaking, their presentation confidence, when they speak and they develop their own style in speaking which conveys their understanding and their inspired feelings within and about what they read..
As it's very evident that we don't just have a problem with reading in this country.. but understanding and comprehension... it's time to take it far past a grouping of words.. and saying them as they are written in varied sequences.. but understanding their connection and how they naturally develop a flow to project and display a concept, a meaning, a summation and the expression of thoughts and feeling that are limitless..
if we look about at the youth.. there are so many with shattered confidence.. who find any and every way including disruption and violence to act out their anguish.. becase they know within the things they are challenged by and find challenge within and they have no answers as to how to fix and overcome the challenge... so they just rebel by doing what they do.. to get acknowledgment.. and many of them just hope that someone will take a few minutes and may just simply listen.... and they develop so much anguish about so many things..till they think people just don't care. they want to interact and be seen as a human being and a person... not some .. object as if they are "not yet", a person.. if you talk to them.. they will come around you.. like metal being drawn to a magnet.. and they may come up and ask you question.. just to get to speak and even sometimes to hear themselves speaking.. but subliminally.. they are learning. if only we could see that.. and know all learning is not done by.. "stern instruction" but.. life interacting... how we forget and over look that is some of our greatest problems as adults.. and then we become the problem that creates a problem.. We are far too quick to call anything they think and say.. "nonsense".. then we wonder why they don't have confidence about anything... they don't have inspiration about anything.. we need to learn to relax..and maybe it may be a magical thing if we as adults learn simply to listen... we might learn how to hear.. that we can truly know how to listen..and then we will understand how to hear. we'd become so much better at communicating that we might actually learn something too.
How how do we ever stop.. and think about the times we are caught.. saying.. Oh' I misunderstood, or Oh I thought you meant this or that.. Oh' I'm sorry >. I didn't hear you.. all that just might indicate that we don't hear and have not really learned to listen.. therefore we have not learned how to actually hear..
becase it's not just words.. it's the feeling tones that are the reverberations within the words... and most time we miss that completely..
Just yesterday.. they talked about the teen suicides.. and the rate of increase.. now if this does not tell us that we have a growing group that feels misunderstood and maybe many that feel that there is no hope becase they can't sort the pieces and complete the puzzle or even get the puzzle to take on the shape of a recognizable picture..
Home... people you got to fill up your home with learning tools now the internet has so much info..that you can go and read how to do things at home that make it an institution of learning for your kids as well as it's home.. We have long past the days.. when parents can tell their kids " go sit down", go in your room and play"
Honestly what does that mean?? if someone told any of us to go play... we'd know they actually mean.. " F/U"... get out of my face.!!!
and that's how so many people treat their kids.. it's just a cycle of negative instructions.. that all mean... """ I don't have time for you !!! """
now what kind of person do you think that will develop... a person who spend their life chasing and doing anything for attention .. it does not even matter to them about right and wrong.. it matter they get attention.. and then they will compensate in any and every way...to get that even if it's negative attention.. they will settle for that.. rather than to be plain and simply ignored and pushed back and made to feel as if they are a burden just for the fact they live.
if you kid wants to watch you cook.. what's the problem with that.. ??? if they want to come around you and ask you a few questions, what really the problem with that...?? why are we as adults so impatient and so agitated with what are our chores that we can't interact with the young people who are in the house while we do them..??
you are not a good parent just because you kid runs to the other room and stays hidden from view.. until you want them to come and get you a glass of water.. or you call them and yell at them because they used two pieces of paper towel rather than one.. believe it or not.. " they are a complete person.. with thoughts, feeling and esteem... they are not an inanimate object that become animate only when you want them to..
so you might want to talk to them.. they just may teach you something that you need to learn.. about life.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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