when I go in the store.. you know what I see..
I see "whites just like black" ... stressed at the cost of things.. I see the older people on fixed income .. "whites and black".. having a hard choice between food and medicine.. and trying to buy the least expensive items to insure they can eat... ( and getting as a result the worst nutritional stuff on the market).. because they can't afford anything different. )
I see whites just like blacks.. that are not with a ready smile on their faces.. becase they deal with the challenges of life.. everyday... many seniors, their choices are limited.. do I buy gas for the car... or have my grass cut.. do I buy canned food, or can I have meat one day a week. do I save 10 dollars for an emergency of can I at least rent a movie... do I try to paint my house cause the paint is peeling, or do I try to keep liability insurance on my car so I have transportation. so many many things..
and things are not getting any better... it's getting worst.. many people who had once looked forward to retirement, only to find that the 700$ they were once getting, does not pay for the expense of living today..
there is no thought of vacation or recreation... it's nothing but.. I can get cable,, but I have to settle for basic cable.. to at least watch something more than 3 channel of news. because local reception is no good , unless it comes thru cable.
these are everyday choices that let people know how despaired they are.. and so many just sit home and go to church and in the middle pray about much.
these things are real... this situation is the same for blacks and whites..
jobs don't want to hire anyone over 50.. becase they can get kids who know nothing about benefits and retirement funds. Jobs with people who have over 20 years trying to figure out how to get rid of them.. becase they know as people age they cost more medically.
all these things are part of what's real.. and people don't stop to think,, it's all these things within the mind that make the racial issue just become something to divert their attention to .. to find something to blame..
white blame blacks for what they don't have or the not having a means to get it.... black blame white thinking they put up roadblocks..
and we as people... are all in a desparity of what is life in the nation of america.... and then we hear on the news.. how much money this country gives away, spend on a pointless war.. that has caused the price of everything to increase...
and we don't know what to make of it all between the one sided lies that the government tells..
they know if they show the true pictures of what happens in Iraq.. the people will be outraged and demand an IMMEDIATE end to the silliness of this war.. so they pay prod, and intimidate the media to not show the real images of the horror of this war... so we get a "all's well water-down version of it"... and then a lot of flab telling us it's a good thing. We live in a nation that lies to it's people.. and give us half truths, and paint the rest of the world as evil.. when we are a nation that is engaging and spending to promote the ongoing of this evil..
and as a result the whole of our nations has lost it's integrity, it has lost respect around the globe, and we are viewed as a nation of arrogance.. thinking it is the world police.. and it's falling apart at the seams..
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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