I think if any and all these schools had mandated .. Saturday reading programs" all these schools would began to excel..
I'm at such a loss to understand how they don't consider what is the root problem.. and the root problem is connected to the item that is the "common denominator" which is part of every class.. "READING"
Saturday... for 3 hrs.. simply reading.. develop program around reading just like they do around sports.. reading games, tournaments, programs and projects and there are limitless things that can be done to make it interactive.. and kids now are a generation that is interactive..
if they don't want Saturday.. then from 2:30 until 4pm.. make that standard reading across the parish... performance reading... with weekly program that feature readers.. they have gymnasiums and auditoriums that half the time is used for nothing.. then what the hell would it take to get some video camera and set up some .. reading visual programs..
if the public business won't support this then we as citizens can.. we can get a lot of video cameras from stores, pawn shops and donations..
we have simple fixes but we look at it as if we have to move a mountain.. but have you ever known a mountain to be moved by another other than a scoop at a time...
we see all over this city they can come and and cut down a forest and make a level lot... but it's done a step at a time..
We are looking for a magical fix.. and overlook the simple progresses within society.. of technology and how to blend that into education.. all we can think is .. computer.. but what abut the video .. and what about performance on the many used auditoriums at every school .. many already have all the audio visual equipment... but we just don't have the idea to put it together.. we have art directors, drama coaches and everything needed to make a performance based "reading program" a part of our schools.
our scores would shoot off the chart .. if we grasp the importance of reading.. and stop letting kids go home at 2:30 to play video games and eat..
mandatory reading... we can start them from a "chapter a week in the book of their choice and have a elevated program that deals with students that read a book a week..
and as a result we improve their reading and their writing skills, their comprehension and information gathering skill and we improve their voice and diction and eveything that advance a society.. with plain and simple "READING".. Saturday schools... early morning .. 9-12..
we can afford for our buses to run and pick up these students.. if we can spend our tax money to build up other countries then we can most certainly spend a few dollars for the bus to run and the school to open..
this can be done by college students.. and give them college credit for being volunteers in this program.. and teachers can be allocated on a volunteer basis or rotating cycle to over-see this...
it does not have to be a hard line regimented program..
but the students sign a letter of agreement they will honor their commitment to the program.. give them a mission statement and build this program.. we got enough local business that can stage through funding support.. to have them a once a month award presentation... a 25$ certificate.. a 50 dollar to a scholar ship fund...
We need to stop bitching and start thinking... and then take the motivated stance to not just ask for this but "demand this"..
our schools already have the list of which students are at the schools.. and the parents.. simply give their authorization .. and mandate their kids attend.. and we are then on our way to a well read and well informed and a society that embraces the prime thing that makes our society function... " communication skills".. and READING IS the core element that all else is built around..
I'll be glad to pay $5 a month to a READING program to the school system .. to help support this program..
with and with 250,000 residents in this city,... that is.. $1,250,00 a year.. just for this program alone.. NOW ANYONE CAN SELL THE OLD BEER CANS AND SODA CANS AND COME UP WITH $5.00 A MONTH.. what is that .. just drinking three beers less a month, maybe three soda's less a month if you want to look at it that way..
Churches.. which there are so many .. surely can each give a minimum of 50$ a month to this program.. ( it may help people learn to read better to read the bible better).. Jobs.. can contribute.. ( it helps them have employess who can read better)..
let's do something... We can take this simple act and this simple program..
and make Shreveport the hub of this new advent in learning..
this is not an optional program it is part of their school basics.. and is given a credit.. in their school completion..
the college students would be happy to have the extra credit for being a part of this program.. it's worth 3 units to have them motivated and willing and bringing their advanced learning into the fold of the community.. we have grant writers who can get us funds from the State .. and with this .. we can easily have a near to 2 million dollars a year for this program..
that will buy the software, and we work in unison with the library and any other element that we can mange to contact... we can get computers both by the one's people discard and business donate and the ones that can be bought.. they don't need to have a zoom processor.. they simply need to display material..
let's think people .. and these are just a few ideas.. now if other's think and come up with their idea.. this can work..
This reading program can be managed and supported by Parents.. and they can coordinate with the school superintendent.. for guidance and format.. but this is a parent and student based program.. that is in assocciation and connection with Caddo Parish schools.. The parents will have a committee that manages the funds... so there is no complain about wasted money or rip off of money or any of such stuff.
and there in no one in AMERICA who can say it can't be done. and I doubt that anyone in this country can mount enough support to stop it..
I will donate a Video camera, computer , and $1,000 dollars to any school that wants to start it.. and anything else that I can muster to donate.. and I will work with anyone who wants to lay out the ground work to get it going.. I'm sure the city can give us the convention center or we can use the fair ground to get people together and put this program together.. it's more simple than not... we are simply adding the extension of school hrs and adding the Saturday program... and making it interactive and creative.. it's not about trying to remake the wheel.. we are just figuring out how to utilize it better... and apply it to a different expansion of usage.. we can have any kind of fund raiser that we can imagine that can help with this program..
all of us spend so much money on cell phone, and getting nails done, getting hair done and auto stereo's and just a host of things..
We can all go to the fair grounds and much of the stuff in our garages can be sold.. and either give all or 50% of the proceeds to this fund.. not only do we help the program.. we get rid of clutter and we make items available to other's that we no longer use..
it's a million ways to fund this.
right now .. we have school auditorium that are so rarely used that it's pathetic.. but we don't have academic program that rival our sports programs.. and we push sports program but we don't even have active Physical education programs... you drive past schools now.. and you hardly ever see kids out doing Physical education.. but they have a lot of land that is just not used.
we can have program that kids participate in the school landscaping.. instead of these massive lots that don't even have a flower any place in sight. but the school students would support these programs and develop their groups to maintain them...
And we wonder why they have no interest in schools.. becase our system is behind the times.. we live in a interactive world and we have forgot that when it comes to school.. and think schools are just hard line instruction.. Nope.. learning is a broad thing.. and it has many ways to facilitate itself..
If we had a student committee .. I bet they could do more to get various art exhibits in our museums in the city better than the current administration is doing.. if we give them support.. they will solicit and GET, MORE PROGRAM SHOWS TO COME TO THIS CITY THAN WE CAN IMAGINE...
but we have to set the framework.. we have to initiate the model and we have to open the platform for them to engage this stuff..
instead of just criticizing them and thinking they are do nothing people.. they are magical people if we help them to be so..
I'm so tired of people talking about what can't be done.. I faced so much of that in the work place that it was very depressing.. until I got to a point that I took action and started to create programs and started to have interactive things and change the enviornment... we can do this in our schools...
how many of our schools have even invited book author's to come to our schools.. how many programs have you seen in schools that bring industry leaders to speak at our schools.. we don't do any of that... it's just a drab situation that quickly bores the students and they loose interest.. they are not an integrated function within our society.. they are giant baby sitting venues.. and they function more as a day care to keep the kids off the street... let's make it exciting.. for them .. let's make it a place they thrist to go to..
First thing.. is ALL schools need to develop a uniform.. and stick to it and make it mandatory.. black pants and black skirts for seniors with white shirts.. and blue pans and blue skirts with white shirts for middle school..
and the plaid wear for the grade school with white shirts..
let's start from such simple unity... and each school can find monogrammers that put the name of the school on the uniform.. or have pins made and issued to each student for the school they attend..
Let's REVAMP OUR SYSTEM... it's the adults that make that happen not the kids.. now are we willing... we can solicit business and people and any organization or person in this city for contribution to aid any who can't afford their uniform...
I tried to get in LA.. the local barbers.. to come to schools on Mondays.. for 2-3 hrs.. and give $5 haircuts... and some were very interested in such a program.. use the gymnasium .. for that short period.. and the kids make their note on Friday that they want a haircut on monday.. and a print out list is placed at the door...
We have the ability to do any and all this stuff and it's so simple that it just takes actually doing it.. and there are so many skilled people in the city that know how to build this and how to manage it.. we have data base program that can list and track all this stuff... and we have students that can volunteer and college people who can volunteer to manage the data base ... it's so simple that it's pathetic that we don't do it...
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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