I'm not alone in seeing many needs for improvements.. there are things all places can learn from all places... there are things that function in some places where I see roadblocks to those things is some places..
If we can grasp something from a region then do so.. if they can grasp something from our region then do so.. that is my point in complaints..
all about the world various places are at different level in our manner of living life... and some places have faced some challenges that other's have not faced.. some are yet to face.. but if we can grasp something from places that have faced things.. then let's do so.. there are places around the world with 1000's of years of civil process.. and we are a country with 500... and only 143 years ago we were still living like barbic people with slavers.. and only 43 years.. did we even reach a point to set our amendments to the constitution becase people ignored the amendments made 100 years earlier.. and then 20 years after that it had to be additional amendments.. so .. it's not likely that we are at some point of being fully without remnants that make our sector .. with many challenges in the mental disposition of people as well as the social nature of what will over future times become to show it's progressive attainments. We still have many many pockets that feel they have selective entitlements.. which are many times exercised in attitude , disposition and actions.. as well as influence their interpretations of things..
so it's probably very likely that we have some work to do.. and much of it..
when I mention CA.. we know that there were advances in people unity that were developed in the 40's-and 50's there, that are yet to reach what they attained over 40+ years .. back then.. and they still have much work to do.. even considering what they previously attained.
We all know there are many advancements on the West Coast.. and we also know this region for many reason have difficulty keeping it's youth and re-attracting them after they are educated.. that's not my doing.. but I do as well as many other people on and off this forum recognize such..
LA has some screwed up elements in it that make some of the screw up here look like child's play... and that's a true given fact.. and ignorance is every place.. but ignorance can be rectified.. with communication.. but stupidity is when things have gone beyond the point to want to be rectified..Now you can't tell me that there are not pockets of stupidity in this city and region that keeps it behind. on all sides and among all races. in attitude, actions disposition and interpretations.. we are in one point talking about school and the stupidity that has in many ways played a part in why the education is so bad.. we are now with a government system that can encompass the city beyond the Casino's and Youree drive... and may well lead us to have a city that has multiple area prosperity.. not move it from one place to the next.. Yes..there are things that are bad in some foreign countries and there are things that are exceptionally well progressed... we know that in how they kick our butt in industry and marketing.. as a result we have a nation that is with so many broken down towns .. we are stretched to the limit.. the saving rate of many nations is exceeding our's to the point that our credit now is financed by the fact of their savings.
here.. we know what dissension has brought and that's decay and dilapidation to many of the city areas that once were business and commercial regions... but we don't push harder for integrated shopping in all areas.. and there is the mindset in this city that people in one section will not.. go to other sections.. for a host of reasons, but the reason I point to is there's nothing to go there for... the shopping is not there, the specialty shops are not there and thus the areas become as.. unincorporated areas.. that remain..none entities in city unity and progress. I don't have an answer for the fix.. but I have ideas and thoughts... there are many on here that talk about.. the black element and how it's destroying the city.. but they are still here.. and likewise so I see things that could be better and I'm still here...
when I first come on this site.. most of what I saw was .. ethnic slurs about any subject that was posted.. some of those talk about more now that they use to talk about.. I don't know why, they expanded their concepts but it's good to see that many have .. and they actually say something more than just two line frustrations.. and blaming it purely on race..
as to the case at hand... I never said they were right or wrong in what the DA chose to do.. I said and if you read in the posting.. that the law has many many considerations .. that we don't always know and they don't always print.. and all of us began to surmise and express our viewpoints.. and then it went into a moral issue and I continued to say.. and I'lll say again .. what people's morals are does not dictate the law...
there are as we see public opinion based on people's morals try to influence and some even try to conduct the trial int he media; by their expounding on morals and then get pissed off when the ruling comes down and it does not reflect their morals..
Everybody here was raised in different homes and morality is infused with so much folklore.. that's why the law does not rely on what people think.. and how they morally feel about stuff. its about facts.. principals and how they two interlink and over lap.. and they really could care less what people feel morally.. except .. it just may get a person kicked off of a jury selection list.
now if people want to feel thir stong held feeling about stuff can control and regulate society then they are welcome to do so.. but it does not hold up when they go past the point that the laws take over.. and even when the laws take over.. then and only then does it become a matter of situation, circumstance and conditions and outcome, based on intent motivation and even mental state.. those are not my policies that is how it is.. and why there are attorney's that see things very different..
Let's go back in time.. when morality and what people thought did make the laws on the bench and jury pools.. that was during the pre segergation era and most of those incarcerations and hanging and killings.. were proven to be done with a biased jury and by the wrong turn of the laws not upholding the laws.. fortunately we don't live in that time now .. and people don't have the entitlement of expectation that they can interject their morals and their belief system and influence the law to their satisfaction.. and that is a lot of what seems to be the under current of drive here and frustrations of some.. there was a time in this country nations and state and city.. that public opinion would have hung this guy a week ago...and everyone would be smiling becase their morals controlled stuff.. but now they find digesting the process of law.. very difficult to swallow... to the point they'd like the fire the DA..
none were calling form the removal of the DA when the teacher had his thing with the girl.. nor did they want to go beyond the decision of the law.. but some don't even see the element of that nor do they ask themselves why?? regardless of what people think.. we may not like the act nor condone the habits.. but..
"the man still gets his rights..
it's such a element of .. things.. as I posted in one post that Fredrick Douglas said.. " and we may ponder it and see how and if it plays on people's mind..
The right of one man to himself is the right of every man to himself. How do you establish your rights? Not by the color of your skin, not by the texture of your hands, not by the cast of your features. Your rights to yourselves are self-evident, and to strike down those rights is to strike down the fundamental right—the right to which all other rights are attached
and we see that becomes the due process of the law ""in this matter.. ""
and we can't change that by what we like and don't like.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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