society has always prosecuted the seller and not the buyer of sex.. and it was not based on age or the employment position of the buyer.. it was based on the seller.. selling sex and not paying tax. as it is a trade they have not figured out how to tax.
Vegas has figured out how to tax it.. so it's allowable. !!! now that's not to complex to see .. if it's taxable and people enjoy it.. then it's ok.. if people enjoy it and it's not yet taxable then it's not ok.. didn't we learn that about alcohol 101 in America..
drugs are legal thru the taxable system of the prescription medication program.. and they have more legal addicts who are prescribed drugs.. thru the system and the doctors are paid their perks by the volume of these drugs that are dispensed..
there are places that don't bother to consider to tax sex.. it provides more income by being a conduit for tourism and the attraction of tourism.. most of these places function with the title of " resort"..
we are so blind.. to the fact this life of social community.. is rooted around an economic system.. as much as it's rooted around people in close proximity.. money, sex and power.. they cannot be extracted and the community continue to exist.. it's either sternly regulated of free flow to a degree.. but it still has the MSP program firmly in place.
morality is a flexible thing.. and it's such across this nation...
you can go into a bar and get sloppy drunk.. but the religious philosophy is that .. a man should not succumb to the intoxicants of drink.. but if his money in long enough .. that liquor that is federally taxed can be dispensed to him at the bartender's discretion and if the bar tender does not sell it to him then the liquor store will... and either way .. the gov. get's it's tax... and thus he can indulge... till he's at his point of fullness.
so we can anguish ourselves with our moral concepts.. but unless you control money.. and have the power to do so... you may run out of ink... writing letters.
but by all means if it makes you feel better.. it's reasonable for you to do so.
"don't take it personal.. I just like to get an outside view on some stuff ... " kinda decreases the frustration about the public decision that are made on some things. we live in a world of many contradictions.. and it will always be so..
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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