I wonder.. how many of the Jobs in the city.. do the people who work there ever take time to organize a "work place cook out, or "a soup and salad day"..
and I'd bet half the people would find some reason not to participate..
for over 20 + years I did this at a Job.. during winter month's I'd set up a few crock pots and have " soup.. they could contribute donation if they wanted or if they did not want to it was not a problem.. anything collected just went toward the next .. event..
I made certificates for various categories and we set up an award and recognition program..
how many places of employment have that as a common workplace function..
and they wonder why they are dysfunctional.. and that same mindset carries forth..
do you think our companies in the area could get together and stage various events at school on a rotating cycle .. and award the kids certificates for various things.. maybe get Wal mart and other retailers to donate a few gifts to give as prizes.. just for the sake of make events and things to bring children together..
We got football games for some schools.. would it hurt to take 15 minutes at Half time.. to award Student of the week certificates and maybe a 10$ coupon book to a book store or to McDonalds or something..
but the Human resources departments of these jobs can't see that far.. it never enters their mind that Human resources has extended capabilities that can reach out into the community.. and it can show that the company actually .. ACTIVELY cares about the community.. and as a result the people may just come to work with a different mindset of respect about the company and their job..
We are not machines.. we are human beings.. and we somehow seem to over look that aspect.. the average company waste 200$ of whatever such would cost just in the things they throw away.. but maybe there would be less waste if the people actually respected the job and the job found out that this is both beneficial in a full circle spectrum..
but people are too concerned about their "eliteness of their job title" to have any humanitarian concerns..
we are small enough city to be a warm city.. and big enough to become a growing city.. and we none but us.. are the elements that change the city..
in your home .. ask yourself how often do you talk to and with your children as opposed to yelling and sarcastically and half speaking to them.. some people their only conversing with their child is..
" I told you to get up and put that thing over there" " why did you do that, you stupid idiot",
" you will never amount to anything" , see there your ass go doing the same stuff again"
has it ever occoured that if your employer talked to you like that you'd be upset and you would find a way to screw up or half do something .. or if someone in the family talked to you like that you'd be in a fit or rage and not want to hear anything they say..
Well guess what.. you kid is no different.. and whether you know it or not.. they have the same set of emotions that you have.. regardless if you think they should be developed to a point .. that the same nature of stuff show you continually yours are not any more developed.. you just act out differently.
much of the change begins within.. but you first got to give yourself an honstly look .. not what you imagine your ego to have you propped up to be .. what who and whom you actually are .. by the things you actually do.. and how you do it..
we may use the word grown.. but what we may well need to use is that we are continuing in our growing.. because the usage of the word grown implies that something has reached it point of fullness.. and if that's the case you just as well lay down becase you are just a walking dead person.. becase when you cease to grow.. you basically die..
and those who feel they are so grown they can't learn.. they may really just be the walking dead too stupid to fall down and roll over in their six foot plot.
so you can't teach your kids if you are not willing yourself to learn.. and kids have a way of making us re learn what we think we know and then we find in the long term we actually have learned more.. and we are then able to act with a greater expanse of wisdom..
and we might just learn that is the road to learning what is tolerance... and then we might just be on the path to become all we can be..