the mindset of people contributed to them being failures in part.. they have always been looked down upon, talked about in the neighborhood, and treated as less than.. and it's really hard for anyone to be good at anything when the tables are turned and people stack cards against them and have mostly bad stuff to say about them.. we are beings who function in life based on our esteem.. that may not sound comforting to many .. but when the esteem is constantly damaged there is always rebellion and many of the bad mother could not focus on being a mother for fighting trying to be respected as a person and some never get thru that fight to even began to fight to be a good mother..
this is not an excuse.. it's psychological reality.. we may care to think that we are like iron made people.. but we are not .. we are emotional beings, who are greatly affected by how the community treats us.. psychologist and sociiologist are finding that this is more of a fact of reality than at any time before in history of human studies.. but that one percent.. surely had a great support system and a communicable enviornment..
women as a whole need support, and surely a woman who is young and has a baby.. they need people to be there for them , help them talk to them and most of all regard the same understanding they know which is real.. and that's the fact that raising a child is a task that becomes as much a part of the enviornment as well as the individuals effort..
we all have seen people who treat their young mother daughter as total outcast.. the parents have so much rage they don't talk they yell, and they say everything with an edge of contempt in their voice and then many even resent doing anything for the mother or the child.. the parents in many situation are more concerned about being community embarrassed and resenting the fact they feel embarrassed and all this plays out as negative upon the young mother..
why we as a society vilify motherhood.. in such ways is something we may all care to deal with.. Now even older women want kids and they don't always want to be married..
there is no perfect birth.. and even some of the people who have careeas.. they may be able to pay the bills but many of them have no time for their kids.. it's two weeks off from work and then the hunt for a baby sitter and then this cycle just continues where the careea become more important than the children even when the people make more money than they can spend.. but it appears that nothing will make us see that we value the material stuff and money more than we value people, life and the birth of babies and mothers who give them birth.. how we got this way is very sad.. how we can move away from being this way is a mystery.. but the only way is to start as individuals.. treat the fact as reality.. she is a mother and the baby is alive.. we went thru the period of time when more babies were dumped in bins behind abortion clinics .. and girls carrying the horror of abandond babies in their minds for a lifetime..
I feel God knows more than we do.. and if God saw the time and moment to bring forth a new life.. maybe we might care to respect the nature of what god created and allowed to become the creation of life in this world..
We just wrote about young girls and sex.. and in that discussion.. there was much discussed .. but the element that we miss is that .. God made their bodies able to bring forth life.. and the reality that is hard for many to digest is that it equipped her with the emotions to invite copulation and the capability to become impregnated..
We also look at the world we live in is all commercial and it's so commercial that we as people have forgot what is of value and that's people.. everything now is about achievments on a corporate and dollar level..and as a result we have lack of regard for family within families and the even lack of regard for life.. in the way the quest for stuff drives people to kill people without a second thought..
so at what point does life become of importance for the sake of life itself.. I'm going to pay taxes no matter what.. and I'd definately care to see my taxes tgo to help these children and young mothers.. than to buy some missiles and place them on other countries soil and buy guns and spread them to one nations and then arm their rivals so that it creates a cycle of need to make and sell more weapons.. then the government decides it has a policy shift and then choose which side they will arm the most.. and in the balance it's just a mass of lives being destroyed by and thru the use of our tax dollars.. and they tell us it's not our business. it's foreign policy..
it's our business when they neglect the concerns that we have here in this country and budget cut everything that helps anyone.. and all we get is the sad song that there is no money..
does anyone have the remote concept of how much money a 100 billion dollars is.. and our government request this over and over like it's pennies .. just to fight a war in Iraq that no one believes in and it can't be won..
but for the President it gives the illusion that our enconomy is moving when the truth is .. he has destroyed every sector of our economy and our world respect.. with his mis-use of our tax dollars.. and now we live off of the Chinese buying our bonds, and Canad being our largest trading partner.. but we are blind to the fact that our cities and town have just dried up of industry, shops and mom and pop business. so they can issue credit to the American citizens and we get in debt.. and then get criticized for having debt. but we'd not have it if there were a government that kept the jobs in the country.. wqe can't even make toothpaste anymore.. and it never took a genuis to work in any factory in the world.. and we sit aback and allow this and belive the crap the government spill about the burden of young mother.. they are not a burden they are a blessing.. thank god they still have hope that life is worth being born.. when they could have used that money to aid and support our industry and create and maintain jobs so people can work they can have a future.. but the only result we get is not knowing when the next mass lay off is coming.. but still our government give3s our tax money away to other countries in the tune of billions .. and people complain about a few dollars going to help mother and children..
we need to see the big picture and see .. that our complains ar very much off target.. we need to complain about our money being sent out of the country at a rate higher than we even have industry to resupply the money.. which leaves nothing to take care of the problems and reality that we have at home.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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