Wal mart disclaimer
be not dismayed, we've bought up the national chains in China too, and we dominate the contracts of their production industries, so don't be afraid that we are only assimilating your respective country, and if by chance we've not yet arrived there.. we will be sending out a delegation very soon..
the message of dominance..: to residents.
Well.. Wal- Mart has successfully surrounded the city..
Wal mart arrived. they maybe should have handed out.. " welcome to china mart product emporium".. gift bags.. that include a "go china pin, and tee shirt, with a China Flag on the front of it"
saying.. I'm happy to be bought out by China, and will be enrolling in a Chinese speech class.. provided at a discount by "Wal of China Mart University "..
the only thing they don't sell is "living space" . ... but that may be coming soon. Furnished, stocked and closet filled by Wal Mart via computerized touch screen replacement providers... with automated delivery... you can have your car tuned and set to run on no other than WAL Gas, At ANY PARTICIPATING LOCATION, OF WHICH WE HAVE MANY. and if you need bulk supplies, the Sams Club link is provided for your convenience..
A certificate as a Wal marts citizen.. as a Province of China, formerly know as the USA..
you must make the pledge of allegiance, that you will buy no product made in the former USA, and you shall shop at no venue that was a former USA company.. and your employer must have outsourced manufacturing previously to China, or you will be required to sign a document that states, w you will request no wage higher than what is comparable to the average Chinese citizen of mainland China.
thank you...
Your nationalized... Wal of China Mart Federation of Provinces of China.
Welcomes you.. to the new assimilation..
pls stay tune for the next great blend as we.. devise our new drive thru medical treatment, to support and enhance our generic medication dispensing facility.. we fixt it or amputate it.. same low cost service regardless of your choice.. we strongly recommed amputation as the premier service.. as a reminder, we have a billion replacement laborer's for any job you can't do immediately after amputation procedures.. and during and after recovery, we will gladly put your name in the program to be dispensed at a steep discount our out date materials and products.. for your consumption and usage..
the new age .. is yours to embrace.. compliments of Wal mart.
pls. note .. if at any time you find an American made product in any of our stores, pls be sure and notify management, and we will have it removed immediately and the person responsible for this violation reprimanded and or terminated immediately.. if any competitor has a product that you know is a wal mart product. .. let us know we can sanction the manufacturer, becase we paid them not to sell stuff to others and surely not to do so for anything near the cost we pay for it.. as our rule has always been to kill competition.. in the interest of us.. Wal Mart being your everything..
for those who are of various religions.. pls be patient, we will have our video taped sermons of multi religious services for sale shortly ALL ON YOUR CHOICE OF MEDIA DEVICE ..VHS, DVD AND POD CAST, AND INTERNET DOWNLOADS.... as we work on our sponsorship programs.. IN THE FUTURE can provide you a limited amount of commercials between your Sunday viewing of your favorite TV ministries.. to insure that you know our latest promotional product lines.
Be advised, when we can get cheaper labor from Africa, we may without notice, change our name to.. Wal of Africa Confederated Mart".. and in the comming future .. as we've caputred all markets.. we will then revert without notice back to simply " Wal mart" and you will be all a united citizen of the "World of Wal Mart"
brought to you by...
your world dominator Wal Mart Look for the smiley face to capture you..
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