we are worried about "sagging pants " while the president put us in deeper trouble and waste even more money..
take note: of the latest news"
"President Bush plans to ask Congress next month for up to $50 billion in ***additional funding*** for the war in Iraq, a White House official said yesterday, a move that appears to reflect increasing administration confidence that it can fend off congressional calls for a rapid drawdown of U.S. forces.
The request -- which would come ***on top of about $460 billion in the fiscal 2008 defense budget and $147 billion in a pending supplemental bill *** to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- is expected to be announced after congressional hearings scheduled for mid-September
that's over 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS " are we paying attention"
but they can't even fix New Orleans.. and we can't get anything that helps our city... from the Federal government in the concept of funds.. they give us pennies and tell us to go to hell.
and stay the number 3 or 4 or 5th POOREST STATE IN THE UNION !!
but, no one even seem to notice this and the Shreveport times does not even have the perspective foresight to report on such things.
can any one of you even imagine what 50 billion dollars can do.. we have a silly city debt near or around 1 billion... and they just want to up and give this money to a lost cause.. to save face for a President who made the biggest mistake of the last 200 years. and this 50 billion is on top of money that is already slated.. that is yet un-used..
Are we just plain fools that are unaware as they take us to be...
America is falling apart the mortgae industry is near collapse and much else around this country.. and we owe China more money than we can ever repay.. and this fool wants to dump more money into his world blunder..
when the President can't fess up to being stupid and callous and foolish.. then how can we expect anyone else to in this country..
people just don't get the picture.. this is over a half trillion more.. on top of the trillion or more that has already been wasted and more Americans are dying everyday.. and not a thing is any different than the day they first bombed Iraq.. Now the man just don't want to Admit that as evil as Saddam was.. now they see why he had to be with such a brutal manner to hold that country together.. We've killed and made homeless more people than Saddam ever killed. and killed lots of american behind this wrong way choice.. and we wonder about " sagging pants"..
maybe if some of that money had been used to keep our bases open and keep a draft in our system.. these same "sagging pants kids" would have been in the military learning about civil servititude and gaining some respect in and of our nation..
We are being led as a nation by a fool.. and how can we not expect much else of foolishness to take place.. in and around the confines of this country..
now aht's really important in this day and age of madness.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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