those who are this way.. toward women and other ethnicities.. are the core reason the south is behind in the nations progress..
when one carries a hold back, push down .. demean mindset.. it reverberated and depress everything within that enviornment..
I see many women .. white .. whom you can look at an know their beauty once glowed bright, but they get depressed, and repressed .. and they start to look even older than their actual age and gain weight and much else..that is not conducive to her having a positive life..
Now don't get me wrong I see this in the black community as well.. but what I do see in other ethnic communities is the men will give credence to a womans intellect, and not many blacks that will curtail a conversation where they may become enlightened to something new or even something different..
people how do you think the productivity of the slave area made it.. it was not just black labor, but black thinking that helped that survive... if you note.. the south fell quickly after slavery.. why?? the labor was still there, and the burden of taking care of all the expenses of owning a slave were removed.. so the south should have flourished.. but that rebellious attitude by whites who lost the power of dominance and controlling other in subserviences.. would not allow him to open his mind and further communicate with the blacks.. he wanted then to simply talk down and call them "boy" and do all he could to insure they would earn as less as possible.. and in the process killed his own business , destroyed his own plantations.. and depressed the economy.. then blame it on the blacks.. but the problem is he wanted the labor to still be free, and had no respect that now the blacks had to pay for housing, food and other life items.. so he did not want to pay them.. and they did not have to work for free nor give their ideas for free.. so people moved north.. where they could work, be respected and be paid for their labor and their ideas be listened to.. so then the North began to flourish and became the beacon of american industry and the south has been lagging every since.. and people still don't get it.. and won't let go of that mindset that is further and further destroying the South.
It's a great deal of realism in the details but people don't want to face the depth of realism.. until the time that such comes to be the normalcy in this region and this city it will be backwards and depressed.. women.. many may need to realize have always been an integral part to progress.. not many businesses would have functioned without the administrative know how of women and their ability to network.. they have been many elements of the gate keeping for many business and the ones who manage and maintain many of the companies interrelations with other companies. but they are looked at in a down trend.. but in many places it's the women who can make good strides with minorities within companies.. becase they understand oppression and repression and the attacks at insignifying efforts of others.. they are mostly constrained by the males who are in charge of them.. who won't allow them the free latitude to support other's whom they know the boss will not support..
but our problems in the south are many and they are deeply rooted in many natures of insecurities.. and false concepts of superiority and dominance and the want and desire to dominate.. or they seek to demean and or destroy... and yet they can't see they are the catalysis to the destructive element in this country..
As I said before.. it's not the blacks that control the corporations that send the jobs off shore.. it's done by white males.. they'd rather see another country make and have employed people who make a living wage than to see women and ethnic people of color make and have a earning capacity or to bring and blend ideas that can keep and make a business prosperous.. It took Unions to get equal pay and then it took many years before some of those union jobs opened up to minorties and women, and soon as the minorities and women began to make money.. that was a fully unacceptable concept to the white male controlled industry... they did not care that it would destroy american industry.. but they were not going to let minor ties and women have the same earning capacity.. becase it was a threat to their position of feeling dominant and superior..
the world knew our products cost more.. but they would buy it because they knew it was made better.. but nope.. they ignored that..and the point was to get the jobs out of the country at all cost.. to remove the mental threat they felt.. so now what do we have .. a weakened america that has the same elements of demise that the South had, and the Asian nations are flourishing just as the North did after the abolition of slavery..
people fail to see the full scope of racism, prejudice and the hold back, hold down and exclude mentality.. but there is nothing that says if women had not been integrated and ethnic mixture had been integrated into the board rooms of america.. we'd still be the number one producer of products and have the most sought after products the world over.
Attack me for writing out the truisms.. but one thing you will find .. is that you are fighting yourself because deep down .. you know the points have merit... and they are within the core of many... and until they can rid themselves of this.. we will all be in a depressed enviornment and so too will their future offspring.. and this induced impoverishments and it's ills will continue to be the element that makes our social landscape look like a battle zone.. of contempt, chaos and mayhem.. and madness..
now that's more than a mind full to ponder.. and I can assure you it will fill your mind.. to ponder it.. the point is can you have the temperament to indulge in the self discovery ... that just may produce better people in a better enviornment and a great deal of understanding about how .. the whole reality of slavery was an enslaver of all.. and it's reverberations are present today.. so we as a people must rectify that.. by rectifying ourselves to not just sideline think of what is equality but we have to live it and learn how to live it in a natural flow of our being.. so it requires some core adjustments.. that will shake you ass to the soul.. but if you can stand it you might find out how to be free.
that's why and how the truth .. "set's you free."
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