these items discussed are the items that irk us all in the undercurrent of our daily lives.. but I'm bringing them to the surface.. because they need to be said.. I can go into emphasis things on both sides of the equation.. which I've listed some to show that I'm not biased against a race of people.. it's the ignorance that is shown by people part on both sides.. we know there are imbalances in the % relative to crime and etc..... we need to first address the main elements, of factual points, then we can deal with % of other things..
I can go into the psychological whys.. but I'll just make a brief statement on that.. "others may care to elaborate.. "
" it's the element of being not acknowledged for so many generations.. that people by nature will talk loud if they feel they have not been heard, and the same with music playing.. it's two fold.. one is the volume is up for attention.. but second it's up so that the vibration of the music can be physically felt.. and such is so dominant that it over-rides thought.. and then the music drowns out the internals thoughts that one may not care to be thinking about.. "
There will probably be people who don't like that I wrote this..and some may even say it's the wrong approach of address. but the point is .. these things exist in the minds of many..
regarding jobs.. there are those of us.. who would like to see anyone .. black or white.. who has a job .. to take pride in having a job.. don't mind what the job is.. if you accepted it... do it well.. have pride in how you present yourself for work.. and have pride in how you do the work..
and learn to smile within your work.. it's your life.. every minute of it.. it's not like you can turn off your life for 8 hrs and then suddenly get happy.. No .. we are people of habit.. and if you practice a habit of being pissed off all day, resenting the work all day.. then you have developed a habit of being pissed off and a habit of resentment.. and it will show up in other areas of your life.. if you go to work and try to figure out how not to do the job.. then in the other parts of your life.. it will reflect itself in being a person who finds ways not to do thing..
that is not color specific .. that is life principal real..
we have to learn to help each other across color barriers.. when new people come on the job.. be one who is willing to help.. not one who is standing back with contempt and resentment..
the more you work together the better the business does and the better the business does.. they stronger your guarantee of continued employment is.. for everybody..
the more we do that .. the more Shreveport looks attractive to national corporations.. and they more they want to come here and establish their cooperations..
We as a city.. need more cross cultural activity.. here we are in a state with a motto of sportsman's paradise.. but we don't have enough interactive sporting between ethnicities.. I passed so many parks over the weekend that are empty.. people sitting home of shopping becase they have nothing else to do.. but we need events that are multi cultural..
do you think its ad.. we have never had a regional Tennis match at the Fair grounds arena.. we don't have large summer concerts at the fair grounds. we have a Madra Gras.. but we don't have ongoing multi venue events during that time of season..
I want to meet people who are entertainment promoters.. I want to meet people who have expertise in event planning.. I want to meet people who have interest in developing investment group programs.. and I want it to be of multi racial people.. pooling talents.. I know my skill set .. I am good at program outlines, business strategy, multi group management and project development. creative development... and etc..
but I know I need to meet people who have specific skill sets and our know how in such elements of what makes these programs work..
such as people who know design, people who know accounting, people who know legal, people who know investment program development, property developers and etc..
this is how we build in a unified cross cultural integration of input and contribution of various sorts.
and thru such we can inspire a city.. build things that help people develop pride.. and give people a wide array of opportunities.. and we in the process become a city of the 21st century.. and we can turn it around just that quick and simple.. and in turn we as a city began to see things to appreciate about each other rather than the things that irritate.. becase people do so many negative things just to fill up the passing of time.
but we can make that time productive and invested in something that people can have pride within. and we put a city to work.. then we don't sit around waiting for big companies to come.. they will come on their own.. as we show them what we have and what we can do.
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