someone spoke of decency and lewdness and such things..
but then I'd ask the question.. if we are such people of impeccable morals.. then how does Porn make more money than GM and other industry...??? and what does that really imply??
porn makes more money in profits than General Motors.. and they rarely have layoffs.. and they don't "EVER COMPLAIN" about lagging sales.. they are the top seller of magazines, pleasure toys , tapes video's and live performance venues, lingerie and any imaginable apparatus you can conceive. .. their cable channels are not suffering cut backs from lack of subscribers.. and they have a steady stream of new talent seeking to get into the business and new customers daily.. they are probably only rivaled by cell phone subscribers..
we can use public terms that look and sound good, such as lewd, but that to some others may just mean creative, we can say many terms but it does nothing for the internal motivations of people... they still like what they like.. we are in the mids of a world that is of exposure to what really is the world.. and not everyone is going to like everything that everyone else does.. and not all things have nor will it ever remain behind closed doors.. and yet we even have laws that want to regulate what is happening behind closed doors.. be it select private clubs or private homes.. : so really how many laws are necessary to make the delusion of a saintly people exist."'.. when we are not .. a saintly people.. we are just people.
now that's the world we live in.. and the expose of our hipocracy faces us at every turn we make.. and still we all want to publicly deny what is us..
sexuality dominate the mass marketing medium of our media.. and it's a part of every thing that is remotely commercial as well as individually relevant..
clothes are sold to enhance sex appeal, make up was orginally designed based on sex appeal.. the blusher was orginally give the cheeks the look of being flushed as when in the throes of eroticisms arousal, the lipstick was to give the lips the look of pouting lips during the height of arousal, eye shadow was designed to give the eyes the sensual look of near hypnotic arousal... we are so unaware of how and why our culture is as it is.. the sagging pants came from prisoners advertising their butt to other male inmates.. which is a direct sexual connotation of our society that has a very predominating homosexual element within it's core.. that is at the core of a sensual and sexual charged nature of life. they use scantily clad or enticingly appealing women to sell everything from car tires to trash can liners.
and we publicly claim that we are moral but reality keeps telling us and showing us just how sexually driven we actually are.. and we have a different take on what is morality in so many varying region of the country as well as the world.. before Homosexuality was considered one way, now it's legislation that pursues to make it univeraslly acceptable and then to go to the next step and make it a element of society concept of what is marriage. We have a Tv media who once would not let Tv entertainment sleep in the same bed, to now it lets same sex people sleep in the same bed and simulate erotic indulgence, sit coms now make sexual joks astheir main punch line for laughs as well as to de-sensitize the community about sexual relevancy.. an pierce the walls of conservatism and exclusionism of sexual relevancy.. schools now ant to teach homosexuality but yet can't own up to teaching human sexuality as a biological functions as well as a pleasure motivation as it naturally exist within people. we have household and even couples who are married can't say the word 'sex" with a straight face.. and lo and behold the sky will fall if they graphically tell the other stuff they like or desire to try and engage.. and surely we still got couples that undress in the dark even after years of being together..
but reality tells us that people just as the recent senator got busted for solicitation in a public bathroom and has many former allegations following him, for the sake of public appeal he is now claiming he has no homosexual inclinations when his reality is coming to enter the real world his wife is a part of.. so the double life scenario is about to collide in his life. this world hides so many bi sexual and closet homosexuals that.. if the light shined bright enough 24/7 the world would be amazed to see what's actually the reality. there are women that can't wait till the husband goes to work so the girlfriend neighbor can come over.. and this stuff is the reality all across the world not just america.. there are couples that swing and couples that yearn to swing.. and if the power was to go off around the world at 8-10pm nightly there would be millions of people upset becase their electronic toys won't work.. and the stores would see a massive sale of various sized batteries and business men would rush out to buy stock in the next up coming battery company.. trying to make a buck off of what desire had driven to be the hot marketable item..
and it remains as it will remain, that money sex and power will dominate, and it will do nothing more than variate between sex money and power, power money and sex, money power and sex..
that is the life of life.. beyond luxury and convinces.. we have the simplicity of .. we as people relate and procreate, we procreate and relate.. and gain education in such a great part to acquire money power and sex.. our greatest aim is that we simply respect others in the process. and such is the dilemma.. we as a world of many nations find ourselves..
some fight it thru religious doctrines of attacking each other based on religious philosophical morals and other fight it by money and power standards..
it just goes from generations to generations taking on different shapes but it's composing elements are all the same.
our religions institutional want power, they grasp for money and they seek to regulate sex.. and yet.. the biblical principal.. is quite simple.. " do unto other's as you would have other do unto you"
which in principal comes back to the same point I just mentioned...
trying to have a civil enviornment that people simply treat each other with respect.. all our basic elements are the same.. food , water shelter and mating.. we interject economics into that makes .. money, power and sex the dominating mechanicisms. money and power to regulate what is our food and what is our shelter.. and when that's acquired .. then we can as people attract and entertain and engage sex.. basically in the enviornment that our money and power allow us to create.. that fits our fantasy..
it's crude and sounds overly simplified.. but life is simple.. we make it complex with our perspective that we can tame it..
we will never have a world where everyone respects everyone.. and people will like stuff and some won't.. how we find a medium in that.. is to approach the element of violence and try and contain violence.. as in the ultimate sense people will be people.. and they will show, share, flaunt and display what they feels enhances their chances of sexual reality.. while they seek to acquire more money so they can exert more power..
and we've been in this cycle long as man has recorded history..
and yet we have not found out how to simply respect each other.
so we try this and try that.. ... and we find ourselves at a point of trying thru and by way of a new law and a new ordinance..
and we make criminals and villians out of people becase the element of nature and sexuality drives people thru the acts of expressed desire.. to do what is a natural function within people.. and that's atone themselves to attract sexuality inspiration to engage and relate in and thru many a creative avenues... and none who is between puberty and change of life .. is any different..in the principal.. they are sexually charged.. it happens even in prepubescence.. they have found that even babies find a way to masturbate.. and they are well aware of their genitalia long before people as adults would like to be aware of .. but denial does not make it change.
we are a society that has for years .. taught to ignore our natural arousal.. in the 50's women were taught to " define it as " feeling uncomfortable" while men were taught to follow and pursue the release of his desire thru aggression and dominance of pursuit.. and such stupidity, then turned and wanted to label women negatively if and as the time came around that she did no longer choose to ignore her desire and compress herself into psychological distress.. the 1960's found more women in sanatoriums from trying to find every way imaginable to suppress and deny her desire and urges.. doctors were giving out Valium in the late 60's and 70's by the truck load to sedate women from the agitation of their struggle to suppress desire.. and then give her bennies, to help pull her out as if she could just up then and function as if it was a duty 3 times a week.. this life process of supress and deny has not led to a new drug, that is trying to give pill form stimulation and body function back to people.. when it's quite simple.. stop persecuting yourself because you have natural sexual inclinations as a human being who is born with procreatory motivations and instinctive drives.. you know who you like and whom you don't.. and you know what spectrum of indulgence that your life can manage and still remain the person whom you are.. and the trip thing is.. other peoples opinions .. no matter how much they try does not control your life.. lest you find yourself in a nut house as a result of such .. respect what you do and do what you respect doing.. that does not .. infringe upon the liberties of another.. and bring violence to yourself or an act of such upon another..
look at simplicity.. priest take the vow that are un-natural.. and what is the result that nature has displayed over and over.. is they have been discovered to have in their ranks .. multitudes of encroachments upon the non suspecting .. in the effort to exercise their sexual reality of desire to release and engage.. so there is no such a some saintly model.. there is the reality of the individual to be of manner, discretion and self respect in how they express themselves and whom and how they enjoin that expression.. and such becomes the business of the two people involved in doing such.
surely this challenges many peoples moral concepts.. but be that as it may.. let it make you think.. and you can adjust yourself thru thinking.. and not suppression thru the fear of thought about even yourself and whom and how you are as a person..
people may just find they have less want and need to lie.. to themselves and then no need to lie to other's.. and they just may live with discretion in how they do what they do.
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