how much do we know , or don't know..??
and how much are we with inhibitions of mind frames.. that won't let us ponder much.. and investigate the expanse of what is .. about and of the naturality of what and whom and how we are in a life that is.. with unknown elements that.. are more intricate than our minds may have or even want to perceive.. ??
no matter how we twist and turn our minds to want.. then to deny by reason and conditions..
the thirst for passion continues to invade us.. and the denial of it continues to destabilize us.. in a million different ways as we try and justify our lives in how we deny it .. but yet the want of it.. just finds other things to attach itself unto.. and many times just send us off on tangents of a many assorted variations.. and when it's all said and done.. then, there we are facing the passions and their want and need to be engaged and expressed, shared and enjoyed, explored and investigated , creative and hungry.. "STILL FACING US" and then, we .. by some means try and passify it.. we see such being done by women with toys, some chasing girlfriends and etc.. and then using artificial apparatus, but the element of life even those passisfying toys are in the shapes of the what a passion yearns for naturally.. and some loose themselves in the plastic models and the rubber molded toys.. and straining their creativity to assume it feels real.. and some even indulge them with a underlying contempt of purposefully seeking to engage themselves with manufactured toys.. and their ego is anesticized.. by the simply thought of being of some nature of delight.. just to intentionally deny it for share with the natural essence of Males... all..because she can't get the concession and control angles that she wants by the bargain and barter and the mis-use of it to temp and tease and cajole and contain to a manipulative motivational objective.. by use and misuse of it for such reasons.... so she relegates herself to any contrivances that she can imagine.. and she elates herself to .. the fact that she tries to convince herself she does not need a man.. which is a natural denial of whom and what she is as a female in the nature of the life of how God made male and both female.. with a distinct interest in how they connect. and that they can and must connect to facilitate the on going of life..
and to deny that is to deny what is the essence of the life model of what is man and what is woman.
yet people can't even see that .. by such acts and fact. .. of trying to substitute and manipulate and use for contrived motivation.. is the crux of what is the destructive element both in self and of relation.. as the male and female beings.
but nature.. is nature.. and no matter how the delusion nor what encapsulated concept of illusion.. the fact remains that.. the natural element of the male organ and the female organ .. has and will always have a magical vibration that cannot be manufactured nor simulated anywhere near what the natural vibrancy of male and female connectivity can create, inspire and interject thru the realness of what our organs was designed to do for each other..
We were made to do it... plain and simple..
and over time of life the many philosophies that have been put forth.. have distorted people and the confounded by religions taboo attachments.. of every imaginable sort.. and the raw essence of fact remains.. our passions yearn.. and we fail to learn that.. we are by nature sexual beings and the procreational motivation to engage the act dominate more of our lives than we want to accept or even give regard unto...
so we get lost in the look, the want to look various ways and it's all relative to the principal of attraction and how we try and manage and manipulate it.. but that drive is it's own nature of drive.. that no matter how you mask it.. it remains what it is.. the natural drive of the human being.. we even tr5y and attach emotional matter unto it.. to subjugated it, to compress it, to repress it and in a million ways to attack and redress it.. but then it just pops right back up and we vilify ourselves becase of it.. by trying to contain it into moral spectrum's.. and yet our instincts .. just invade us with arousals of many sorts.. and we become baffled as to whom we are.. in our quest of denials.. of this pure nature phenomon of passions and the desires it creates..
till we kill ourselves with .. the manifestation of the physical abnormalities that such self repressive conceptualization create within us.. till our bodies cease to even function and we find what we know as Death.. becase a repressed spirit.. cannot continue to live in a body that by then has become infested with.. the deteriorating effects of repressed passions that has lost itself in diversionary contrivances of sorts..... we know better in the terms of .. sickness. of any and every sort...
We are so unaware of what is the nature of us.. and our dire need to deny it's reality..
Love.. if we try and make it more than it is.. and not let it be all that it is and all that it can be.. we find the more we try and measure it, contain it, and freeze it into some mold or model.. the more we force it to flee from our lives.. becase in essence it's a flow that cannot be contained.. and will break free and in some cases it will die out.. if it's corralled.. into compressive demeanor.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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