but I'm not really worried about anyone calling me and Uncle tom or any of that..
I've been addressing these elements for many years.. among many people I know.. and there are many people who identify with the points of problems that exist in society..
some just sit silent and some are afraid to speak.. but what I do know is that change needs to happen..
I had a conversations with some men in the Barber shop yesterday.. and a young guy who said he use to be into that negative dangerous and self disrespecting life style.. his girl just had a baby.. and he wants to be with her and raise his son.. he was 18.. I told him that Its a proud moment to hear him speak with such dignity of focus.. and care to do good.. he immediately began to speak of his disdain for the young kids in his neighborhood who break into people s homes and do that street banging stuff.. ( I will print some material and leave it with the Barbershops.. )...
but conversely we need some of the older white men to also speak to the younger white men.. and even each other about changes and growth in attitudes and disposition.. change must flow full circle.. so that contempt leave the eyes of individuals when they meet and pass other individuals on the street..
positive seeds for all our minds.. can grow beautiful spirits within all of us.. and marvelous branch of blossoms on the spirit that has and is within many of us..
many of the young black just need people to talk to them , acknowledge them in a positive light and speak to them in terms they can identify and slowly it's a process to help them change.. to help them change from even the street lingo to know how to speak in a business situation and how to understand the impact of the difference..
I engage them... many of them look at me.. when I'm places.. but I've learned over th years.. they give me an eye of respect and what they want from me is respectful acknowledgment..but I lead them first into conversation .. address a few points hear their points and make the conversational adjustment.. and when we hit a point of accord then I give them their due regard.. and it generally has ended even in a brief encounter on a very positive note.. sometimes even a tid bit of some positive reference suffices to give them a planted seed..
many young black youth the problem is people don't talk to them and then some people endorse false bravado.. this is equally true in the white sector as well.. the street white guys and the hard head and banging ones and the ones who get sucked into the superamist mode.. it's becase of those they are around teach and endorse this false bravado.. As adults people need to know better.. you don't have to preach to them but talk to them..talk with them.. I can speak their lingo.. if that's what I want but that is not my choice.. but I do know when various key words are needed to keep an attention flow that they may be the sponges they are..
if people talk to some of these kids.. they will find that they are much different.. when you talk to them where they can let down their defenses.. and their image props.. but these are things (some) whites "don't readily think of" when they encounter some young blacks.. and even some white when they encounter some young whites..
I meet ..young, and old white men and woman.. all the time..and just in a few minutes of greeting we find a moment to share light hearted banter.. if it's just up beat comments in passing.. equally so of young and old blacks, both male and female.
I met a young white guy at a class I was taking .. no matter what the conversation he made sarcastic remarks.. but within him I saw he was not common around black people, not was he comfortable so he put up his defense mechanism.. he even made some comments relative to dominating and dictating to women.. he tried to ignore me.. but I made it my business to speak to him each night.. and when we'd have conversation at break.. I'd address his comments in group and direct nature.. and add reason and logic for seeing things differently.. during the course I could see a change in him... most people too often just write such situation off and say.. oh they are racist or they are an as_hole.. but you can't always stop there .. you got to feel the situation and work within the flow of that feeling.. but you also enlist the logic of others when in a group situation.. and the person will come to identify with a principal of right logic of regard nature .. for and of others.. and they will began to change what they say...
but as with all people we thrust for knowledge.. and we year for understanding becase people ant to be better people.. but each person has to reach for the strength of change and growth..
some of us in life have fixed variable in our mids.. but me.. I never think anything is suppose to be any way.. it's the way it is and it's subject to the potential of change.. it's rather difficult to insult me becase I choose not to be insulted... therefore it's very hard for anyone to insult me.. where I allow it to destroy me.. there are people however that are rude.. but to throw malice at my personality is something that can be dealt with and reasoned.. to a no conflict point.. the greatest insult that people can do is lie to you and deceive you.. but even in that.. who has to live with such is them.. not you... or I or who it is directed at.. now there are point and perspective that one will not have their integrity insulted and that is usually done thru a cycle of deceptive and manipulative intentions of act effort and devise.. but you call people on it before it gets too far..
people just have to take time.. with people.. and actually think of what feeling tones they give off even at times when they don't know they are giving them off.. but that is something I'll talk about later.. as I love to write about men and women relations, sexuality and reality and that whole spectrum.. that seems to be that " black spot in society".. that people are apprehensive to discuss.. if they allow it I will start a thread on it.. and I will say.. it does get into some of that moral ground that make people well up inside.. but .. it's nothing that's not real life.
.. but ""it's as raw as reality is... true""""
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