In the above mentioned discussion of the loss of corporate America .. just as that is not the doing of all whites, only some .. who are at the heads of is the same with the crime and the neighborhood violence.. it's too.. is not all blacks.. who are involved.
so we both suffer damages from the acts of a few..
the saying about.. what does it profit a man if he gains the world and loose his soul..
this is true of the corporate heads who sell out this country a piece at a time.. and this is the same of the criminals and gangs and other of violences that think their plundering will gain them the world..
and each looses their soul.
many of the people at the heads of corporation... have lost their soul and live in a world of profit margins.. that think short term, by the quarter.. and for the short term acclaim they sel of any business as soon as it is sown to be profitable..
they have no regard that America needs to work.. $20 million, $100 million.. going to waste paying CEO's..when they trn and cut thousands of workers and then the product quality goes down and the services offers fall t near nothing... and the only gloater is the over inflated CEO.. who become no more than a common criminal.. robbing the people and the country and the future generations.. so he can stake claim to more money than he will ever effecively utilize.. We know there is a problem when oil companies profit 20 billion dollar in only 3 months... and the media lies to us and tell us there is a need to pay higher cost for fuel.. NO the only need is greed..
But until people stop being hung up in who's the next American Idol, what Paris Hilton is doing, and which congressman lied.. they use the diversion tactic to keep the public off balance... no issue remains an issue longer than two weeks and they over shadow it with something else.. and in the prcess we the people get more and more destroyed and assumed to be blind, ignorant and without concern... and these greed master plunder the nations.. and bring despair to all of us ..
young people frsh out of college who knows nothing about the world, the nation and the brokedn down delapadated cities.. are placed in job after job.. and they are doing nothing but chasisg ego acclaim and a race to see who's pocket can hold the most.. at the expense of American and America's future..
THIS IS THE NATURE OF IGNORANCE AS A NATION WE LIVE WITHIN... it is people who can put a halt to this..
we don't need to be shopping addicts.. buyig nothing but Cheap china goods.. NO... take your time buy quality products.. shop for products that are made by factories that have not sold out our national interest.. companies that sill support what is America..
LEARN TO STUDY .. study the financials and what corporations are doing... look at the investors and corporations and see who are the majority stake holders.. if not... we will all be working at what resembles a dollar store selling Cheap china good and cheap goods from every place.. but you find less and less american goods and products on the market..
It's an insult to our country for Wal Mart.. to be the biggest retailer in the world and yet.. if on close inspection one can see .. it is no more than a dispenser of China goods, that destroy the employmen agenda of American business.
No city should allow them to come in and buld CITY DESTROYING MEGA STORES" now they have set their sites on the American grocerier... and we see the fall of American spermarkets..
We need to be smart as some city.. who imposed restriction on store size and some will not allow the destroyer of communty business come into their region..
and those are the regions that keep good competetive mom and pos shops and small business boomin in their ranks..
We must awaken before we are too weak to awaken..
What do we have...NOTHING.. the steel mislls are gone the foundaries of many sorts is one gets real pottery anymore.. it's a plastic product made in a foreign land, even something as simple as lawn furnityre.. it's made in China.. and non of it last, it looks cheap and it does not last.. so it cost us more in the long run.. in lost jobs, and the cost to replace it.. and our land fills are full of this grabage.
We the automobile capital one of the world.. is not building vehicles that are 80% foreign products.. China will take over the after market parts for cars and that too will strip away another layer of American industry.
We can't even recycle out own cardboard, it's imported out of the country.. you go to buy a leather belt, it states leather but in a few month you find you have pressed cardboards wth something that resembles leather coating poured over it.. you buy tennis shoes that say "leather" but 90% of it is rubber and some synthetic material that is more some plastic coated wometing that aftter a few weeks the strands strat to show along the seams.
We are a nation that was not build on delusion but hard work and quality products.. but we are daily being turned into a nation of simulation loving people.. who will buy anything based on the cheap price and sacrifice quality.. and in the end result it cost us twice as much becase it continually needs to be replaced.. and we end up broke with no saving and the products that we purchased ... we can't get it out of the house fast enough to meet with the garbage man's schedule..
We allow this and all it does is feed the racial disharmony and take away the jobs that were the base of what and hw american gained it'[s integrity and made the overtures in the racial divide progress during the late 60's and 70's ...
but now that they jobs are sold to foreign entities and shipped off shore it has us battling at each other baout who does not have what... when how can we have anything .. when there is no work..
We make our crime high, we make our youth lost and confused and our elderly despaired.. with their pensions cut, their insurance premimums skyrocketing.. and then they tell them buy generic drugs.. well the truth is... if you can make the generic drug so cheap.. why can't you sell the orginal just as cheap.. STOP LYING TO THE PUBLIC.. as if the generic is as good as the orginal.. if it is then seel us the orginal for the same price as the generic..
but we as people must stand up... these companies rip off the medical program with their name brand prices, and the poor and average have to use generic.. when the hospitals and medical prescription coverage is ripped off.. in the name of patents and copyrights... but the same company allows their name brand drugs to be produced in every other country at a low cost..
that is why people go to Canada and mexico to buy the product that can be bught cheaper than the counry whee it was created .. America...
We have breed a nation of corporate criminals.. and then we listen to tem as if they are Gods.. and near kiss their butt mentality just becase they hae a lot of stolen money as their claim to fame... and they continue to treat us as if we are second class people. they want to lay off people in the numbers of 10,000 at a time but expect their products to still be bough by the few remaining workers and what ever rip off they can take or make off of those who recieve governmental assistance...
Before in history.. the CEO had a vested interest in companies they were part of the creators of Industy...but the todays CEO's are nothing more than college educated drones... who have no vested interest in the cmpany, and they function with an over inflated ego.. and rip off mentality that has no regard nor concern nor thought of what is america and what is an American worker... and they sit above their glass ceiling... o the rest of the world and dictate not only commerce, but buy the politicians, and undermine our social fabric.. and gloat on having a title of CEO and the network they create... they give nothing... and their only contribution are done to avoid taxes...the dignity of america is gone... and that is the core of our downfall on the world stage.
they control the media.. as now Television new is nothing more than a corporate advertismen and a corporate diversion machine.. that is designed to keep our eyes from the truth.. the news is now the biggest marketing machine in the Western world.. it is no longer news..
The word NEWS.. orginally meant... NORTH - EAST - WEST - SOUTH
now it's only meaning is NEGLECT, ENRAGE, WILLFULl STUPIDITY.
AND it's now... FEED IT TO THE PEOPLE 24/7 365.. with catch phrase headlines.. so they won't grasp the signifigance of what's going on.. and sprinkle it with robbery mayhem and follow it up with crime shows that teach more people how to get lost in criminal misdeeds, and thus destroy their sense of far play, their feeling of safety and instill terror and contempt... add in a few tv shrinks that can give them waterdown rheotric, that will increase the sale of prescription meds.. and show judge show.. that make a mockery of justic and it's system..
We are destoryed by a box.. that was designed for entertainment that has become the vehicle of destruction of a people, a country and nation...
people don't think anymoe.. they nly react.. people don't care to understand and seek understanding they want to be told what a media has sad is the way to interpert things..
we have a war being coveed with one sided depiction that are meant to make fools of us.. then drama shows made about a war still in process, to keep us enraged..and agitated with rally cries to keep it going.. we are not show the other side and their views.. we are told they are things with labels meant to enrage.. such as INSURGENTS, TERRORIST, RADICALS AND we never see them as people.. only the villoified concepts that the media puts forth.. so there is no peace dialogue.. WE AE LIKE SHEEP RAN THRU THE MILL AND SHAVED OF OUR CAOTS, AND AFTER A FEW SEASON .. SENT TO SLAGUTER AND SERVED UP AS DINNER ON THE PLATES OF THE POWERBROKERS.. AS LAMB CHOPS...
America needs to wake up... not all this..
WE HAVE GIVEN UP AND BECOME puppets in a game of demise of a people.. break the spirit , destroy the hope and confused those who think and presenting the thinkers to appear as fools..
and we contine to be less of a factor.. other than money changers for the system and consummers fo the gluttons of cheap product dispensers..
and in the mix.. they draw a line between our skin colors.. so we won't share the knowlede, and make each other aware.. and so they divide and conquer...
and we once proud americans are now a DEFEATED PEOPLE
living in squalor.. delighted by broken down cheap products and tanited foods and shabby homes.. that look like something but had no quality integrity in construction...
if you doubt this.. drive on the other parts of the city, drive to the lessor advantaged areas and take some of the various roads ot of town... it all looks like you have arrived in the middle of a third world country..
this is the erosion that corporate America ran by fresh out of college un exposed to the world idiots.. who havenot been seasons to understand world politics and social dynamics of life.. they are only taught to chase th nubmers.. ignor the people follow the numbers..
and fat rich gluttons that use them as fall guys...
Wake up people... wake up.. stop being afraid to think.. stop being afraid to pay attention.. and be not consmmed by shiny things, colorful plastics with bright lings shining on them.. and facade's of pretentious stuff.
you may care to come back to know that th most important thing on this eath is people.. and when we again respt that.. we will agin rise and rmove from out midist the things that have sought to destroy us..
Are we awaken yet.. to simply pay attention..
are we learing how to look , that we may learn how to see.. and then we can know what we are looking at..
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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