this just happens to be one of those days when I'm just at wits end with people in general..
this writing hopefully may be some things to think about for people who continually find they ae encountering some very odd reality in dealing with people in general.. not everyone lives with honorable motive and intentions.. and it's a wise thing to be well aware of such.. the world is of many many things.. we think wars are tragic, but sometimes just the stresses and trips of everyday people can be something of a whole different reality...
everyone wants something !!!!!! ( that's not the problem..).. it's how people go about doing things to get it , that becomes the biggest issue ..
so if this rubs you the wrong way... it's probably better that words writted rub you than for you to get into conflicts with people.. when it's a smart thing to be fore warned about the trips that people do... so you can be prepared to be less agitated when you encounter such trips... and, it's certain .. you will encounter much, and you may just be the creator of some of it..
so, hopefully .. you can also have some thought to reflect on to.. check yourself before you wreck yourself..
and people got too many songs and dances about stuff that is nothing .. but they are willing and eager to compromise their integrity with lies and malicious attempts to manipulate something.. all about acquiring bullshit.. that ultimately means nothing.
it's crazy... life is so simple.. it takes just a thought to plan and a mind that is willing to think... and most things can be resolved without bullshit... money is one of the biggest trips imaginable when it comes to people... and I truly detest with a passion the way women like to make games about even relating, this is far and beyond the aspects of sexual stuff.. I hear these women bitching all the time about what someone did not give them or do for them or how someone did not fall for their crap...they don't even hear themselves... if they did they'd probably shut up.. but they are so use to getting their way and using the tempt and lure of sex as the tool but they won't admit it... not even to themselves..
and for other people in general.. they are so quick to sell out themselves for a few dollars to cover right now.. and dig a hole for themselves in the future.. I've endured the dumbness of a woman costing me a great deal on the work scene as well... with her stupidity because I did not want her.. and dumb kiss but guys who played into her malicious tactics all because they were blinded by the spot between her legs and delusional facial image but they knew nor took the time to know anything about her mind and the malice that it breed and breeds..
I can tell you straight out.. be careful how much confidence you put into people who consider themselves professionals.. because generally you will find it's far less than what you'd hope the ideal would be..
and when it comes to meeting people.. men be aware that these women whom you meet on here and in real life.. many are out looking for a romantic consumption. ( because that what life dictates for people to search for ). ( the sad thing is>. it has got so that romance search becomes more important than engaging the person in realism over-all ) . until now.. many people ( both men and women) don't give a shit about who you are nor what your life is.. they only care how much you stroke their ego and how you flatter them... by acting like you can't think straight for going after her panties or some consumption about his money or status and etc.... if you want to catch one.. just act like you are consumed and totally foolish to get in her panties and she will swoon all over you,and there are parallels for the men too.. as long as you sprinkle it with flattery.. some women may talk all that crap.. but all they want is a drama scene they can make a story about to run and tell her girlfriends how her ego is elated.. and make herself feel like she is queen sheba or something.. if she can't get that delusion she is without time to even remember your name.. now that's just how simple it really is.. when you go on a date, all she cares is that you spend money and the more money you spend the more eager and elated she becomes to actually pretend to enjoy herself while she schemes and sit there building fantasies in her mind that you are suppose to perform on cue.. but she is bit too consummed, that she does not realize that she never told you what they were but she expects you to act like you can read her mind and put the right words in the right scene, she don't give a damn about the words you have naturally, she only cares about the one's she's conjured in her mind to expect.
as long as she can dictate stuff and hold her panties like a carrot on a stick and you act like a dumb rabbit chasing it.. then she's happy.. when you tell her to hell with the carrot.. she goes straight into rage.. and you wonder why relationships don't work.. she don't give a damn about it working or not... as long as she can get what she wants without having to do anything or even be honest to get it..
[ have you noticed in relationships, things don[t just come to point of discussion of opinions, but generally become summations of judgments one upon the other.. they totally forget they are people who can and should at time have differences of opinions about things.. becase they are individual and two distinctly different people. ]
just as they paint their faces and some draw stuff on it that does not even exist and they consider that looking good.. that's about how delusion chasing and how much she will believe her own delusions..
people should have figured this stuff out by now..
most relationship.. the bitching and griping usually starts within the women, about what she expects and what she demands and how she cares to control the man and have him report his every thought and action to her for her approval.. she wants to tell you how to do everything and expects you to submit.. if not she will quickly say.. "things are not working out"..
because she's really foolish enough to think that she can dictate how you are suppose to live.. but she don't even know how she is to live because each whim that hits her mind it changes like the could... and then she can't even stand herself.. but she wants you to then tell her things that she really don'[t believe in.. but she will swallow it anyway because there's nothing else to swallow "at the moment"..
you don't think that nasty attitude just pops up out of the blue during divorce and break ups... it's always been there and she has added to it daily... and then guys are baffled saying he did not know she was that way..
he should have payed attention instead of thinking that being pretty in visual .. was suppose to imply truth and honesty... well surprise a pretty face has never meant a true and honest person is behind the face it's just a matter of how nature made her face to look..
as for what is suppose to be friends.. you better think twice before you claim it's everything ... you may need to listen and learn what goes into people claiming they are your undying friend... of the conditions that go into what prompts people to suddenly and quick come to saying such.
a real friend is built over time... and nothing but time will solidify what is a friend.. life makes friends.. not situations..
many of you hate to discuss the reality of sex.. because you can't face your own reality about it..
it has an impact on all that you do... directly and indirectly... and if you are unaware of that.. then you are a fool unto yourself.. nobody give a damn... if you screw all day or not...that's your business and choice.. and what you lie to yourself about regarding sex... as well as how you judge yourself based on what you do or don't do.. in public realization of your sexual self.. nor what you do in your private moments of such..
all these vibrator burning girls .. who got the nerves to turn and fixed their mouth to even say anything about the frequency of a mans desire when she'd go stone crazy if her battery did not work or the power was turned off.. it's just an alternative.. but her desire is probably higher than a man may even imagine his could ever be.. she was just taught to lie about it, she will almost lie that she has a sex organ if she thought someone was foolish enough to believe it.. and most of them talking about size.. they are lying.. most will try to find the biggest thing they can to try and fill up that space..at some point in their lives.. because most of them are so desensitized they can't feel anything because their mind is too busy scheming and expecting and judging what she is going to get or what she has gotten, and the average woman resents a man having pleasure.. unless it is that she has got paid, had her expectations paid for or she is given some unlimited wishes and options... the older they get, the less their bodies naturally will lubricate from touch.. because their mind is too full of crap.. that's why they want hours of rubbing and anything else.. but if you wanted over 5 minutes of anything... she claims it's a chore.. but most men never pay attenton to that fact .. becase he;'s just happy she touched him.. but if you ever pay attention to how she rushes you if she is using her hands and or her mouth.. and will get pissed off and claim you don't like her cause you don't immediately blow your top.. so she can do what she wants to which is quite.. but she wants you to work like a coal miner because she is not interested in blowing her top.. but enjoying the ride up the mountain... her stupidity does not allow her to think that she should have that same mindset when she is giving.. in relation with a man... but when she gets with a woman.. she has that same mindset.. because she know that other women know her same mind games about it.. so then she will give like she expect to recieve.. and since both of them know they are basically bargain machine when it come to men.. they don't bargain with each other because they know they are both schemers..
So you may want to pay attention.... to a lot of stuff..
and figure out whom you are and what you want in life and ... know what's real and what's not in your spectrum of what is life.
stop being in awe of a woman.. and you might be able to see thru their bullshit..
on the up side.. both men and women.. don't do anything .. unless it is with a motivation of appreciation and the act of sharing appreciation.. that does not require a life long promise, or some undying life long list of obligations... it takes plain and simple appreciations of person, individual and situation... anything other than that.. and acting with some nature of responsibility to own up to what you do and be willing to accept the results of what it may create... if you do that it's fine..you might be a good person. anything other it's probably bullshitting..
women stop trying to buy love with sex... love is nothing but the sum of loving... and loving is nothing but the simplicity of appreciating and respecting the nature of individual as a human being who should be treated with consideration as a person..
stop trying to add in .. making all your whims and wants be the elements of considerations.. that's just a manipulative method of trying to get stuff.
if you can't appreciate and share.. for the SOLE SAKE of appreciating and sharing.. then go screw your toy... and sit home alone... and for guys go pay for it and then go about your business.
why everyone wants to be a pimp .. is insanity...but too many women are pimping themselves and too many guys are pimping themselves.. and trying to call their tricks.. their love... that's why people can't stand each other.. soon as they get thru playing the other.
life will get more complex.. as the example of such that the US has maybe 3-4,5 cities with a million people.. China has 174 cities with well over a million, and man of them with multi-millions.. the economic of the world are becoming more complex and the stresses and quest of people even more so.. so there is much to be aware of in life..
In 10 years .. this will not be the same world.. and China will be a power that influence much of the world.. they will be the dominant power.. regardless of the non believers..
and in some places maybe all places.. the trips of people will compound drastically.. it's a grab the dollar world now and a get some sex where you can.. and that will only multiply.. because that's what people do.. it's money, sex and power.. and it will always be about money sex and power..
so the best a person can do is try and be aware of when they encounter situation that are driven by either, and maybe all.. and you can adjust yourself to be a survivor with your sanity in tact.
Don't ..!!
don't take women for granted.. regardless if the ratio is 20:1
now I point out some things.. in the previous posting.. which show that women can be tough, they can be conniving.. but ..If she is not taken for granted, and when she is not made use of and played upon..
you will find nothing in this world more graciously beautiful in the life of a mans.. you will find nothing that is more inspirational and more filled with ways to create beauty in this world..
and when you make her feel secure, you will find nothing more trusting and devotional to your life than a woman..
it's when she is in the defensive mode and has to have her defenses up as a constant guard.. you need to know.. you cannot out wit her.. nor can you out smart her.. becase she is wise in the ways of survival instincts.. and it will always result in your peril and demise if you mistreat her when she feels that she has to protect herself..
time in life must give her the equal regard she deserves in work, social interaction and in the structure of the family.. she is equal in all respects..
if she works with you or for you.. pay her no less than you pay the man for the same work and the same responsibility..
that does not mean you refrain from the graces of courtesy.. do that as the compassions of your nature so inspires..
and the beauty of woman will be a glorious part of your life..
this is what is real when people are positive with each other.. it becomes something magical..
making relationship that last is work.. and it takes continual work on self as much as the relationship itself..
and if you're not up to the work of it.. then you need to think twice before you invade someones life and make a mess of two lives and maybe even some childrens's in the process.
people are not disposable toys..
"There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know."
— Harry S Truman
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